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Kingcreeperblue's Blocks Addon (V2: THE CHAIR UPDATE)

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Yes! Hi! Hello! Are you a builder in Minecraft who wants to build things with CUSTOM BLOCKS? Well, this is the addon for you! Introducing the Kingcreeperblue's Blocks Addon!

With this addon, you get a ton of cool and amazing custom blocks to choose from! With so much building potential, it will satisfy your building needs!

As of V2 of this addon, you still get facility-focused blocks as well as some pizzeria blocks! This can be used for facility-based builds or factory, or whatever fits you!

You'll enjoy working around with these blocks! You can make a cool building with this addon!


Here's some builds you can make with the facility blocks and pizzeria blocks!

Kingcreeperblue's Blocks: Screenshot 1

Kingcreeperblue's Blocks: Screenshot 2

Kingcreeperblue's Blocks: Screenshot 3

Kingcreeperblue's Blocks: Screenshot 4

Kingcreeperblue's Blocks: Screenshot 5

Kingcreeperblue's Blocks: Screenshot 6

Isn't it exciting?

You can also creft the blocks in survival! Just need a cobblestone generator to make unlimited cobblestone to use in the stone cutter for the custom blocks.

That's my easiest way of getting the blocks while it being renewable.

Kingcreeperblue's Blocks Recipes

Note: this screenshot was taken on mobile with a controller. This addon cannot be downloaded to consoles unfortunately.

And the best part of V2 is that no experiments are needed! It adds 100% stable blocks!

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and download this addon! You'll love it!

What's new in V2?

  • A lot of blocks were retextured and remodeled.
  • Added new blocks (sloped railing, boxes, etc..)
  • New chairs added (though I had some help getting it to work). Credits to the people who helped, btw.
  • And some others... idk.


There are some things to take note of before doing anything with this addon.

  • You can get these in survival mode!
  • When using both versions of the shelves. Always place the empty ones on top and then place the small box on top. This is for the hitbox collision of the boxes ontop btw.
  • If you use my addon for your Minecraft maps or when making a video, please link the addon in the description of your videos and/or credit me in both map and video.
  • Pls do not publish this outside of ModBay, as this is the only official place to get it. It took me about a few weeks to make this, btw.
  • Pls don't edit or steal the code (or literally anything) of my addon. You have no permission for that.
  • And please don't ask me to add anything to this addon. I'll add what I'd like to add to this addon. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'll neglect it as time goes on.
  • And one more thing. If, for some reason, the addon breaks, I'll probably fix it if necessary.
V1.4 / September 15 / Old Update
  • Added more blocks. Pizzeria blocks too! But two textures I used were inspired by a texture in a FNAF map from a YouTube video. So I don't take credit for the wall version of the checkered tiles.
  • Redid some textures of existing blocks (again).
  • This is the real last update I'll do for now, until I feel like updating it again.
V1.3 / July 02 / Old Update
  • Added three new blocks (again).
  • Redid some textures of existing blocks.
  • This is the last update I'll do for now, until I feel like updating it again.
V1.2 / April 28 / Old Update
  • Added new blocks to the addon.
  • Replaced all facility quartz related blocks with light blocks and quartz tiles with facility tiles.
  • Addon is now survival friendly! Just get a block of cobblestone and put it in a stonecutter.
V1.1 / April 26 / Old Update
  • Added checker tiles
  • Added office walls
  • Added ceiling block
  • Added railings (three versions)
  • Added hanger blocks (two versions) for the catwalks.
  • Added wall structure block
  • Added a slab version of the catwalk (because I can, lol)
  • Added metal shelf block
  • Fixed hitbox and collision for the catwalk block
  • Made all blocks blast-resistant
Download links
Kingcreeperblue's blocks V2[mcaddon, 188.94 Kb] / Downloads: 8
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.70 1.20.60
1 997
  1. No avatar image Guest sigma Guest
    I Love this mod I used it in my hirxs fnaf map I created it was FNaF 1
  2. Kingcreeperblue profile avatar Kingcreeperblue Author
    Just a heads up! I'll probably not work on this addon anymore due to me not having motivation for it.
    If i do update it again. It'll just be personal use only for till i decided to post it here again.
    Unfortunately no tools to break these easily and quickly. So any build projects you have featuring this addon. You'll need the max level of haste or some other addon to help speed up the process in terms of builds. That's all for now.
    1. No avatar image Hi im kay Guest
      Hi i notice your addon so cool u can add some sliding door and maybe some villager like working on some buildings its mixed and fine🔥
      1. Kingcreeperblue profile avatar Kingcreeperblue Author
        Unfortunately i cannot add stuff like that as i do not have enough knowledge on making stuff like sliding doors and such at this time.

        Plus i only update the addon whenever i want to update in terms of adding some new blocks or updating textures and such. You'd have to relay on a separate addon for stuff like sliding doors and such.
  3. No avatar image naus Guest
    Do you have some sort of twitter or youtube that showcases the addon?
  4. Pancake profile avatar Pancake
    This blocks will be good for building a lethal company map nice dude!
  5. Kingcreeperblue profile avatar Kingcreeperblue Author
    Hope y'all like the addon i made! More block will be planned to be added in the near future!
    No guarantee on it though.