No avatar imageidk_someguy
Hmm interesting, yes you can port my cave dweller reimagined for minecraft bedrock on websites😄
Modonotional profile avatarModonotional
idk_someguy I have a question for you, can I give you permission to make a version of the cave dweller reimagined for minecraft bedrock? I give permission.
No avatar imageidk_someguy
Hello Modonotional, would you like to use cave dweller reimagined for minecraft bedrock? Permission plz.
No avatar imageThe Smiling Cult
Hi Modonotional
No avatar imageBoygamer-g87
Also I like your all your horror mods so much it always scared me xd
No avatar imageBoygamer-g87
Hey dolphinMasterMB when fearcraft 2 finished I you gonna make anti privacy addon?
Yes i need some Savanna Animals, Outback Animals, Jungle Animals, Forest Animals, Mountain Animals, polar regions Animals, Desert Animals and ocean Animals, Vanillanimals are all animals with different species like Alex mobs Animals, Sonorama and koopa kritters example.
Neiko 389 profile avatarNeiko 389

Play and download this exciting game!
No avatar imageBig
Hams22 profile avatarHams22
Hey, the comments are full of people who just want more animals in the update. Don’t you guys have any issues, bugs, or anything that needs fixing in the update?
Reborn RPG profile avatarReborn RPG
That "Machine" is Old, The addon has been stable & automated since last year .....
perhaps read it all, the actual post .... before commenting :)
it is literally at the top explaining. Aha ..

No avatar imageKipli
Hi dolphin please make in addon dread horror to minecraft bedrock
No avatar imageFearMasterLH
Will be fixed in v3
No avatar imageFearMasterLH
Will be fixed in v3