Better on Bedrock v1.0 -- Stable

This add-on works for any Minecraft Bedrock version above 1.21.40!
Better on Bedrock is a Minecraft Bedrock add-on that aims to improve the overall gameplay of the base vanilla game. It aims to improve a lot of aspects by improving and adding new bosses, blocks, items, mobs, structures, biomes and systems.
End Update!
Trader Outpost:
Found all over the overworld. Home of the Wandering Trader.
Waystone Tower:
Home of the Overworld Waystone. Climb to the top to obtain a Waystone and some loot!
Adventurer Campsite:
Starter home to the lost traveler.
Adventurer House:
Home base of the lost traveler.
Flender Outpost:
Abandoned Hut:
"He used to rest here."
River's Base:
"Where his music echoes the overworld."
Vindicator's Hideout 1:
Vindicator's Hideout 2:
Miner Bench:
Stronger String:
Waystone Key:
Bubble Blower:
Fixed Necklace:
Smeared Pearl:
Fiery Ingot:
Stardust Recipes: The template is found inside of Bastion structures.
Join the Discord: https://discord.com/invite/AxTZ7727AR
You do not require any experimental toggles to play this Add-On!
This add-on works for any Minecraft Bedrock version above 1.21.40!
Updated on February 25
New Content:
- Updated the Pale Garden:
- This includes new blocks and ambience.
- New Resin Blocks.
- New flowers.
- Added thin logs for Cherry, Mangrove and Pale logs.
- Added Crafting Tables for Cherry, Mangrove, Pale Oak, Vacant, Voiding, and Chorus.
- Made the wawla UI slightly smaller.
- Changed the enchanted golden apple rarity to be epic, again.
- Removed players sleeping percentage from the Addon config.
- Wawla now shows both the dimension and the location of the destination.
- Completely reworked bosses.
- Reworked magic staffs.
- Added new sounds for magic staffs.
- Updated designs for the following mobs: Ram, Enchantaegis, Samurai, Frostaeris and Lonely Wizard.
- Renamed the Iceologer to Frostaeris.
- Updated Better on Bedrock's world generation to allow placement for vanilla features.
- Updated the design of Taiga trees.
- Updated forest trees to a new design.
- Updated the dark oak forest to a new design.
- Updated sounds of all the end mobs, including the Enchantaegis, Inferior, Samurai, Goblin and Pigeon.
- Added new ambient sounds, which uses the new client biomes system.
- Updated the designs of the pop-up toasts.
- Updated UI contents for Quests, Bounties, Waystone, Info Scroll, and Bought Quests.
- Updated every string used in Better on Bedrock to use translations.
- Updated the main menu panorama.
- Reduced the rate at which Stardust Ore can generate.
- Removed the Better on Bedrock versions of Vanilla Tools!
- Updated ambient sounds for the Forest, Plains, Birch Forest, and snow biomes.
- Added support for Fortune on Better on Bedrock ores and crops.
- Added new sounds for stardust ore.
- Updated the UI of Goals, Quests and Bounties.
- Renamed "Advancements" to "Goals".
- Converted most sounds from .wav to .ogg, to save on file size.
- Made numerous tweaks to Better on Bedrock's world generation.
- All vanilla features, like grass, sugar cane, etc. now generate properly.
- Custom flowers now have equal distribution during world generation.
- Added missing recipes for Better on Bedrocks' end wood types.
- Added support where end logs can be stripped.
- Added support where end logs can be turned into wood.
- Removed the pillager ship due to a bug.
- Removed Gilded Netherite Armor.
- Removed the Helmet of the lost Guardian.
UI Changes:
- Updated the UI of BoB to now work with /title:
- Title and actionbar now works with BoB.
- Updated the Goal, Quest and Bounty toasts to be able to stack:
- They no longer use /title.
- Updated the UI of BoB to work with other UI add-ons.
Breaking Changes:
- Rewrote the entire quest and bounty system.
- This change forces everyone to play this update on new worlds.
- Updated many blocks' and block items identifiers to match their real name.
- This change forces everyone to play this update on new worlds.
- This causes old worlds to have a ton of "?" blocks.
- Updated the end generation. New worlds are required for this change.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where most end blocks had incorrect placing sounds.
- Fixed a bug where only the top part of waystones broke faster with Pickaxes.
- Fixed a bug where some quests had old item IDs.
- Fixed some cases of Z-fighting.
- Fixed a bug where mobs didn't spawn in the End.
- Fixed a bug where the seeker boss structure had "?"
- Fixed a bug where the dough recipe consumed buckets.
- Fixed some blocks having lighting issues.
- Fixed some blocks having incorrect breaking/placing sounds.
- Fixed the Small Acacia log having incorrect texture.
- Some blocks and entities should no longer have Z-fighting textures.
- Fixed a bug where wawla would display really high max health values.
- Fixed issues with some loot tables sometimes having incorrect items or no items.
- Fixed the issue where tall flowers added by Better on Bedrock would refuse to generate.
- Fixed all cases of wrong item, entity or block names.
- Fixed an issue where player's console would be spammed by old/outdated item or block item descriptors.
- Fixed a bug where some crops would only drop seeds.
- Fixed the Enchanted Golden Carrot having the wrong rarity.
- Fixed cases where most blocks had the wrong sounds.
- Fixed every spelling mistake.
- Fixed a bug where custom slabs didn't break faster with axes.
- Fixed a bug where onions failed to grow.
- Fixed the issue where some items had extra pixels in their texture.
- Fixed an issue where survival music would play in other dimensions.
- Fixed an issue where some advancements had no UI popup.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Stardust Music Disc to play like regular music.
- Fixed the issue where the Bubble Blower used the wrong assets.
- Fixed the cases of random content errors.
- Fixed the bug where book and quills would spam the error console.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Trader Outpost to always pawn inside terrain.
- Fixed the issue where Waystone particles were inverted.
- Fixed a bug where vaults were in an "inactive" state in both the Battle Tower and the Well Dungeon.
- Fixed a bug where the Inferior Shield from the gauntlet had the wrong rotation.
- Fixed issues where trophies didn't connect to blocks.
- Fixed an issue where some structures were missing structure voids.
- Fixed issues where some blocks and items, regardless of being shown on WAWLA, didn't have proper names.
- Fixed an issue where some had inconsistent names and textures.
- Fixed a bug that caused the end dimension to spam the user's debug console.
- Fixed a bug where some items had buggy visuals.
- Fixed the breaking speeds of Better on Bedrock's ores.
- Fixed a bug where records had the wrong sound category.
- Fixed a bug where some records were not "3D audio".
- Fixed spears having the wrong durability for each tier.
- Fixed rotation for the inferior shield when shot by the amulet.
- Fixed a bug where some chests would prompt a console error.