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Better on Bedrock v1.0 -- Stable

Thumbnail: Better on Bedrock v1.0 -- Stable Go to files

This add-on works for any Minecraft Bedrock version above 1.21.40!

Better on Bedrock Banner

Better on Bedrock is a Minecraft Bedrock add-on that aims to improve the overall gameplay of the base vanilla game. It aims to improve a lot of aspects by improving and adding new bosses, blocks, items, mobs, structures, biomes and systems.

End Update!


New End Biomes: Screenshot 1

New End Biomes: Screenshot 2

New End Biomes: Screenshot 3

New End Biomes: Screenshot 4

New End Biomes: Screenshot 5


Forest: Screenshot


Roofed: Screenshot


Plains: Screenshot


Birch: Screenshot


Savanna: Screenshot


Taiga: Screenshot


Swamp: Screenshot


Jungle: Screenshot


Meadow: Screenshot


New End Items: Page 1

New End Items: Page 2

List of Items: Page 1

List of Items: Page 2


List of Mobs: Page 1

List of Mobs: Page 2


Trader Outpost:

Found all over the overworld. Home of the Wandering Trader.

Trader Outpost

Waystone Tower:

Home of the Overworld Waystone. Climb to the top to obtain a Waystone and some loot!

Waystone Tower

Adventurer Campsite:

Starter home to the lost traveler.

Adventurer Campsite

Adventurer House:

Home base of the lost traveler.

Adventurer House

Flender Outpost:

Flender Outpost

Abandoned Hut:

"He used to rest here."

Abandoned Hut

River's Base:

"Where his music echoes the overworld."

River's Base

Vindicator's Hideout 1:

Vindicator's Hideout 1

Vindicator's Hideout 2:

Vindicator's Hideout 2


Blocks: Screenshot



Forger Recipe


Waystone Recipe

Miner Bench:

Miner Bench Recipe


Scrolls Recipes


Backpacks Recipes


Corstinite Recipes


Stardust Recipes


Dagger Recipe

Stronger String:

Stronger String Recipe

Waystone Key:

Waystone Key Recipe

Bubble Blower:

Bubble Blower Recipe

Fixed Necklace:

Fixed Necklace Recipe


Fungus Stew Recipe

Lava Salad Recipe

Smeared Pearl:

Smeared Pearl Recipe

Fiery Ingot:

Fiery Ingot Recipe

Stardust Recipes: The template is found inside of Bastion structures.

Stardust Upgrade Recipe

Stardust Helmet Recipe

Stardust Chestplate Recipe

Stardust Leggings Recipe

Stardust Boots Recipe

Stardust Sword Recipe


Join the Discord: https://discord.com/invite/AxTZ7727AR

You do not require any experimental toggles to play this Add-On!

This add-on works for any Minecraft Bedrock version above 1.21.40!

Updated on February 25

New Content:

  • Updated the Pale Garden:
    • This includes new blocks and ambience.
    • New Resin Blocks.
    • New flowers.
  • Added thin logs for Cherry, Mangrove and Pale logs.
  • Added Crafting Tables for Cherry, Mangrove, Pale Oak, Vacant, Voiding, and Chorus.


  • Made the wawla UI slightly smaller.
  • Changed the enchanted golden apple rarity to be epic, again.
  • Removed players sleeping percentage from the Addon config.
  • Wawla now shows both the dimension and the location of the destination.
  • Completely reworked bosses.
  • Reworked magic staffs.
  • Added new sounds for magic staffs.
  • Updated designs for the following mobs: Ram, Enchantaegis, Samurai, Frostaeris and Lonely Wizard.
  • Renamed the Iceologer to Frostaeris.
  • Updated Better on Bedrock's world generation to allow placement for vanilla features.
  • Updated the design of Taiga trees.
  • Updated forest trees to a new design.
  • Updated the dark oak forest to a new design.
  • Updated sounds of all the end mobs, including the Enchantaegis, Inferior, Samurai, Goblin and Pigeon.
  • Added new ambient sounds, which uses the new client biomes system.
  • Updated the designs of the pop-up toasts.
  • Updated UI contents for Quests, Bounties, Waystone, Info Scroll, and Bought Quests.
  • Updated every string used in Better on Bedrock to use translations.
  • Updated the main menu panorama.
  • Reduced the rate at which Stardust Ore can generate.
  • Removed the Better on Bedrock versions of Vanilla Tools!
  • Updated ambient sounds for the Forest, Plains, Birch Forest, and snow biomes.
  • Added support for Fortune on Better on Bedrock ores and crops.
  • Added new sounds for stardust ore.
  • Updated the UI of Goals, Quests and Bounties.
  • Renamed "Advancements" to "Goals".
  • Converted most sounds from .wav to .ogg, to save on file size.
  • Made numerous tweaks to Better on Bedrock's world generation.
    • All vanilla features, like grass, sugar cane, etc. now generate properly.
    • Custom flowers now have equal distribution during world generation.
  • Added missing recipes for Better on Bedrocks' end wood types.
  • Added support where end logs can be stripped.
  • Added support where end logs can be turned into wood.
  • Removed the pillager ship due to a bug.
  • Removed Gilded Netherite Armor.
  • Removed the Helmet of the lost Guardian.

UI Changes:

  • Updated the UI of BoB to now work with /title:
    • Title and actionbar now works with BoB.
  • Updated the Goal, Quest and Bounty toasts to be able to stack:
    • They no longer use /title.
  • Updated the UI of BoB to work with other UI add-ons.

Breaking Changes:

  • Rewrote the entire quest and bounty system.
    • This change forces everyone to play this update on new worlds.
  • Updated many blocks' and block items identifiers to match their real name.
    • This change forces everyone to play this update on new worlds.
    • This causes old worlds to have a ton of "?" blocks.
  • Updated the end generation. New worlds are required for this change.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where most end blocks had incorrect placing sounds.
  • Fixed a bug where only the top part of waystones broke faster with Pickaxes.
  • Fixed a bug where some quests had old item IDs.
  • Fixed some cases of Z-fighting.
  • Fixed a bug where mobs didn't spawn in the End.
  • Fixed a bug where the seeker boss structure had "?"
  • Fixed a bug where the dough recipe consumed buckets.
  • Fixed some blocks having lighting issues.
  • Fixed some blocks having incorrect breaking/placing sounds.
  • Fixed the Small Acacia log having incorrect texture.
  • Some blocks and entities should no longer have Z-fighting textures.
  • Fixed a bug where wawla would display really high max health values.
  • Fixed issues with some loot tables sometimes having incorrect items or no items.
  • Fixed the issue where tall flowers added by Better on Bedrock would refuse to generate.
  • Fixed all cases of wrong item, entity or block names.
  • Fixed an issue where player's console would be spammed by old/outdated item or block item descriptors.
  • Fixed a bug where some crops would only drop seeds.
  • Fixed the Enchanted Golden Carrot having the wrong rarity.
  • Fixed cases where most blocks had the wrong sounds.
  • Fixed every spelling mistake.
  • Fixed a bug where custom slabs didn't break faster with axes.
  • Fixed a bug where onions failed to grow.
  • Fixed the issue where some items had extra pixels in their texture.
  • Fixed an issue where survival music would play in other dimensions.
  • Fixed an issue where some advancements had no UI popup.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Stardust Music Disc to play like regular music.
  • Fixed the issue where the Bubble Blower used the wrong assets.
  • Fixed the cases of random content errors.
  • Fixed the bug where book and quills would spam the error console.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Trader Outpost to always pawn inside terrain.
  • Fixed the issue where Waystone particles were inverted.
  • Fixed a bug where vaults were in an "inactive" state in both the Battle Tower and the Well Dungeon.
  • Fixed a bug where the Inferior Shield from the gauntlet had the wrong rotation.
  • Fixed issues where trophies didn't connect to blocks.
  • Fixed an issue where some structures were missing structure voids.
  • Fixed issues where some blocks and items, regardless of being shown on WAWLA, didn't have proper names.
  • Fixed an issue where some had inconsistent names and textures.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the end dimension to spam the user's debug console.
  • Fixed a bug where some items had buggy visuals.
  • Fixed the breaking speeds of Better on Bedrock's ores.
  • Fixed a bug where records had the wrong sound category.
  • Fixed a bug where some records were not "3D audio".
  • Fixed spears having the wrong durability for each tier.
  • Fixed rotation for the inferior shield when shot by the amulet.
  • Fixed a bug where some chests would prompt a console error.
Download links
Better on Bedrock v1.0.mcaddon
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Join the Discord!
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50
219 176
  1. Bagus
  2. No avatar image Julia Guest
    I have a problem when I get the achievement when I get diamonds it multiplies the achievement on the screen nonstop and generates a huge lag until I remove the diamonds from my inventory, but I can't get diamonds because it does the same thing every time I get diamonds. (I don't know if it's because I have more mods installed or maybe it's not as compatible with other mods)
  3. No avatar image Angee Guest
    Hey, are Quetzacaws supposed to just bite you from 50 feet away? I can be very far, yet they stand in one space and bite the air and it damages me. It's pretty annoying.
  4. No avatar image Deeznuts Guest
    Where can i find a lonely wizard
  5. No avatar image Guest Dylan Guest
    Moi j'ai même pas compris comment il faut faire
  6. How do you get this add-on in your world cause I searched the Minecraft marketplace and couldn't find it?
    1. No avatar image Guest guy Guest
      not on marketplace.
  7. No avatar image Lily Guest
    Como eu removo esse "wawla" da minha tela? Incomoda demais. Ele ocupa a tela toda
  8. Its says pack.name im on 1.21.40 why man
  9. What about the pale garden next?
  10. No avatar image Рыбонька Guest
    Прошу прощения, а кто-то может мне помочь, как достать лист капусты??((((
  11. I mean 1.21.20
  12. At least make a version for 1.21.1
  13. Can you make direct download
  14. No avatar image Taylen Guest
    How do you complete the trader time to mine quest
  15. No avatar image Guest Angel Guest
    Can you get stardust template in bastion you already visited?