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The Knocker Addon for Bedrock {Unofficial Port from a Java Mod by M_Productions}

Thumbnail: The Knocker Addon for Bedrock {Unofficial Port from a Java Mod by M_Productions} Go to files

Imagine you live in a cozy cabin in the forest. Then at night, someone knocks on your doors and windows. When you go outside to see, you see an ominous figure watching you from behind a tree... The Knocker!


Thanks to M_Productions on Java for being the original creator of the Knocker! You can find his mod masterpiece here:


Thanks to {Snark}, Yael_27, Ramses and MopeygaDino for making the Bedrock resources for this addon!

Thanks to PlAyErEo3 (FearMasterLH) for testing and helping me know how to make the addon as accurate as possible and for helping me with making a nice trailer and thumbnail banner!

Thanks to the people that came to the Aternos server playtest party to celebrate the development!

Me (DolphinMasterMB) did the coding and AI stuff! Also refined the textures! Those were broken previously, lol!

Trailer by PlAyErEo3:

The Knocker:

When you just start playing in your Minecraft world, night falls. A creepy, ominous stalker might be watching you!

He might appear when you sleep!

This stalker is called the Knocker. He's a gentle and smart, but also creepy, entity that is interested in the player and mostly the house he lives in.

He can stalk you from a distance!

He can appear by your windows and knock on them!

He can knock on your door!

He keeps you awake, knocking!

He might eventually break into your house!

He might even be already in your house when you get home!

He does scary stuff when you get too close! If you don't like him attacking you, you can use "/tag @a add peace" to prevent him from doing so!

His AI isn't linear, so he's quite unpredictable!

He does things you might not expect and appears in places you don't like him to be!

Are you in for any surprises?

He learned even more scary tricks in recent updates and has got a murderous alter ego!

Tip: He starts appearing after 3 Minecraft days!

You could skip those days manually (/time add 100000) if you can't wait to see him!

You can also use: (/scoreboard players add @a stealx 4444) to manually skip the cooldown when the Knocker has despawned!

Development spoilers:


The Knocker Addon: Screenshot 1

The Knocker Addon: Screenshot 2

The Knocker Addon: Screenshot 3


Make sure to delete all older versions of the addon first! Then redownload and reinstall the addon after! Don't leave any older versions behind! Check both your Minecraft storage cache and older world resources and behaviors for older versions to delete before attempting a new install! Also, always toggle all experiments on in your world for the addon to function correctly! Happy playing!

Updated on February 23

A small but important update:

  • Adding compatibility for Minecraft version 1.21.60 onwards and nice improvements!
  • The addon might work or feel a bit different! I had to adapt! New Remake WIP!
Changelog for December 22 / Old Update
  • A small but convenient bug fix update tested to work with Minecraft versions: 1.21.50, 1.21.51, etc.!
Changelog for November 18 / Old Update
  • Added small but important behavior tweaks!
  • Make him more interesting and fun in a scary way!
  • Added the missing crouch behavior back!
  • Added some tips to the page!
  • Improvements to the AI!
Changelog for November 11 / Old Update

I massively improved the Knocker for later Minecraft versions:

  • Adding a cooldown to make him spawn smoother.
  • Separated some performance heavy functions in subpacks for you to use optionally.
Changelog for September 20 / Old Update
  • I updated the thumbnail banner! The previous one showed a kinda ugly texture glitch that I actually already fixed in a later update! As well as some convenient behind the scenes improvements!
Changelog for August 23 / Old Update
  • I updated the addon for Minecraft version 1.21.21 and later versions!

Cheers! ; )

Download links
The Knocker Addon Download [Mediafire]
The Knocker Addon Download [Dropbox]
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30
249 593
381 comment
  1. No avatar image I like scary Guest
    @DolphinMasterMB what is the spawn rate for the knocker? i feel like he never spawns.
    1. ele aparece, mas só depois de três dias.
  2. DolphinMasterMB would you like to update this addon into official as Panascais' Dwellers Addon?
    1. Dirtman profile avatar Dirtman
      That wouldn't be possible
  3. No avatar image dolphinmastermb Fan Guest
    @dolphinmastermb please help,why doesn't the spawn egg apear in the creative menu,and the knocker doesn't spawn
    1. isso não é um bug, o Knocker não tem ovo de spawn porque ele já aparece naturalmente no modo sobrevivência.
  4. No avatar image Unknown_MC Guest
    The knocker mod from java got updated, can u update the face and his knife in this addon?
  5. No avatar image PHMWindow Guest
    Olha eu baixei o addon e quando eu coloquei o Knocker fica invisível, e eu tou na versão 1.21.50
    Como que resolver isso??
  6. No avatar image Pud Guest
    can I get the old link
  7. No avatar image MinimalDig Guest
    Imma make a corny joke because I’m bored.
    “I Am The One Who Knocks.”
    1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
      Is it really that corny tho lol? Also, don't you like the knocker?👀👻😅🤔😂🤗👍😆😉
  8. Whats new?
    1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
      A minor update! You could find it in the Changelog! Cheers!👀👻🤔😊😁🤗👍😆😉
  9. Can you check dms in discord
  10. need spawn egg...
    1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
      Nope! The Knocker doesn't need one!😅😜😆🤗😂
  11. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
    This addon is getting quite old, considering it still uses older execute commands and player.json lol! It might get a remake later in the future! Cheers!👀👻😅🧐👨‍💻😆👍😉
    1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
      It does work in Minecraft version 1.21.60 within the latest addon update tho!👀
  12. No avatar image KazuyaMC Guest
    Broo update it to 1.21.51 to 1.21.60
    1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
      Working on it!😆🤗👍😉
  13. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
    A small but important improvements/compatibility update upcoming! Cheers!👀👻😎🤩😊🤗😆👍😉
  14. No avatar image Murphixer Guest
    Hi what wdym by subpack where do i find it i cant seem to find it at this "You can use a subpack option in the behavior pack settings to enable the Knocker to do stuff like opening fence gates and trapdoors and the Cake Easter egg! This is completely optional! (This could cause lag or delays on some devices.)" I cant seem to find the subpack
  15. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
    The Knocker is an ambient but dangerous entity that "Naturally" spawns after around 3 ingame days at random! Please stop asking for a spawn egg! It's not necessary lol! Cheers!👀👻😅🤔😆😜👍🤗😉
    1. i did a whole world with him with my friends! really fun and terrifying

      uhh i've been looking for some sort of mimicer port and there currently are no smart ones. when you aren't doing any other huge projects could you put this into some consideration?

      rlly awesome mod tho
    2. No avatar image im to lazy to make a name Guest
      this is a very nice addon keep up the good work!!!