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Raiyon's More Vanilla Shields

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Are you bored of the typical vanilla shield? If so, this addon is for you, adding 16 new unique and functional shields!

Add-on Overview

  • Non Experimental Addon.
  • The add-on has been made from scratch. This new version is compatible with any other add-on and does not require experimental features enabled to work.

Known Limitations

  • Compatibility Issues: The add-on may not work correctly with add-ons that modify the player's nametag, such as chat rank add-ons (probably).

New Content

Dragon Shield | New!

Dragon Shield: Screenshot

Dragon Shield: Showcase

Dragon Shield Recipe

Deals damage to nearby mobs using dragon breath and grants fire resistance while blocking.

Breeze Shield

Breeze Shield

Breeze Shield Demonstration 1

Breeze Shield Demonstration 2

Breeze Shield Recipe

Pushes like a breeze when hit and fires wind charges when struck by projectiles.

Wooden Shield

Wooden Shield

A cheap shield with low durability.

Wooden Shield Recipe (Variant 1)

Wooden Shield Recipe (Variant 2)

Can be crafted from any type of wood or log.

Torch Shield

Torch Shield

Torch Shield Demonstration

A normal shield that illuminates the surroundings when held in the hand

Torch Shield Recipe

Iron Shield

Iron Shield

Iron Shield Recipe

75% more durability than the base shield

Diamond Shield

Diamond Shield

Diamond Shield Recipe

When blocking melee, there's a chance to give you regeneration
85% more durability than the base shield

Gold Shield

Gold Shield

Gold Shield Recipe

When blocking melee, there's a chance to give you absorption
Holding this shield, piglins will not attack you

Emerald Shield

Emerald Shield

Emerald Shield Recipe

Blocking melee summons evocation fangs around you (the attack of the evoker)
85% more durability than the base shield

Netherite Shield

Netherite Shield

Netherite Shield Recipe

Withers melee attackers and can't burn
95% more durability than the base shield

Nether Portal Shield (Animated)

Nether Portal Shield

Nether Portal Shield Recipe

Burns the entity that attacks you

Magma Shield (Animated)

Magma Shield

Magma Shield Recipe

Burns the entity that attacks you but only melee

Dripstone Shield

Dripstone Shield

Dripstone Shield Recipe

Damage to melee attackers

Amethyst Shield

Amethyst Shield

Amethyst Shield Recipe

Blocking melee attacks will grant strength and speed for a few seconds, blocking projectiles reflects vibrations

Amethyst Shield Demonstration

Warden Shield

Warden Shield

Warden Shield Recipe

Blocking shoots a sonic boom attack

Warden Shield Demonstration

Goat Shield

Goat Shield

Goat Shield Recipe

Blocking melee attacks ramming attackers

Ender Shield (Animated)

Ender Shield

Ender Shield Recipe

Slows down melee attackers

Shulker Shield

Shulker Shield 1

Shulker Shield 2

Shulker Shield Demonstration

Shulker Shield Recipe

Blocking shoots shulker bullets protecting you

TNT Shield

TNT Shield

TNT Shield Recipe

Deals area damage when blocking hits

Bee Shield (Animated)

Bee Shield

Bee Shield Animation

Bee Shield Recipe

Poisons attackers

Sea Shield (Animated)

Sea Shield

Sea Shield Recipe

When blocking hits, pushes entities far with a bubble

3D Items!

3D Items: Screenshot

Updated on February 18

  • 📌 New Feature: Added a creative group for the new shields, making them easier to find!
  • 🛡️ 🛠️ Bug Fixes: Fixed various issues, including console log errors and an invisible entity spawn egg appearing in the creative menu.
  • ⚠️ Compatibility: This addon is now only compatible with Minecraft version 1.21.60+.

Updated on February 12

  • Fixed bugs related to blocking against explosiones or entity explosions.
Changelog History
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Changelog for January 27 / Old Update
  • The behavior of shields items on the ground under certain situations has been fixed.
Changelog for January 18 / Old Update
  • The durability of the Wooden Shield has been slightly increased.
  • The scripts have been optimized regarding the lighting effects in the Magma Shield and the Torch Shield.
  • A subtle light effect has been added to the Sea Shield when underwater and to the Sculk Shield.
Changelog for January 12 / Old Update
  • The lighting system was upgraded and has been improved overall.
  • The magma shield now emits a medium level of light and will be able to illuminate underwater unlike the torch shield.
Changelog for January 09 / Old Update
  • Fixed logs issues and console errors.
Changelog for November 30 / Old Update
  • Added Dragon Shield.
  • Resolved bugs related to Amethyst and Warden Shield blocking projectiles.
  • Adjusted the recipes for most shields to make them more complex.
Changelog for August 23 / Old Update
  • Fixed major bugs about changes in light blocks (used in the torch shield) in 1.21.20+
  • Fixed in 1.21.20+
Changelog for August 07 / Old Update
  • Added Breeze Shield.
  • Changed attachables a bit.
Changelog for July 22 / Old Update
  • Added Wooden Shield.
  • Most shields, such as Warden, TNT, Amethyst and Netherite, have been rebalanced, now they do less damage to be more in line with the vanilla theme.
Changelog for July 14 / Old Update
  • Added Torch Shield.
  • Shields now can be enchanted.
Changelog for July 07 / Old Update
  • Fixed minor bugs.
Changelog for June 25 / Old Update
  • Fixed a bug regarding the textures of the new shields, this was caused by using textures that modified the vanilla shields.
Download links
Vanilla Shields [V2.4.1] Resource Pack.mcpack
Vanilla Shields [V2.4.1] Behavior Pack.mcpack
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
14 290
  1. No avatar image Guest AHNACH Guest
    Can you make this to texture pack to change the vanilla shield to anmieted ones . Please and thank you
  2. SsTzRn profile avatar SsTzRn
    Yo raiyon can I kiss you cuz you the goat fr
    (No diddy)
    1. tappnix profile avatar tappnix
      Crazy Comment.
  3. This add-on is awesome and works great for the most part.

    My only issue with it is that it interferes with the Banner Shields created by my players and you don't actually crouch when using any shield, vanilla or not.

    Yes, the pack is at the top of my order.
  4. No avatar image th3guard Guest
    it doesn't download as an addon for me
  5. fakkri23 profile avatar fakkri23
    Bro, I have permission to riveuw on my YouTube channel
  6. Hi, I found a compatibility problem with this mod with other mods, but one in particular that I would have needed. could you solve the problem? Sorry for the disturbance