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Raiyon's Dynamic Lightning

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Tired of searching for coal and making stacks of torches to light a cave? Well, if so, this addon is for you adding dynamic lighting.

Add-on Overview

Dynamic Lighting: Demonstration

The Dynamic Lightning consists of having an object, either a torch or an object that gives light such as a lava cube, when you have these objects in your hand, it lights up around you.

Torch Offhand Logo

Player with Torch Offhand: Screenshot 1

Player with Torch Offhand: Screenshot 2

This addon makes torches work in the offhand by right-clicking or holding the screen/playing the item in your hand.

You can directly hold the torch in the offhand after crafting it.

Torch Offhand: Showcase 1

Torch Offhand: Showcase 1

Torch Offhand Item

Lightning Items Examples:

Lightning Items Examples

(The level of light will depend on the type of item)

Miner Helmet Logo

All Miner Helmets: Showcase 1

It works like a normal helmet with the particularity that it emits light all around!

Recipe Example:

Miner Helmet Recipe


All Miner Helmets: Showcase 2

You can use any type of torch (Color, Soul, Redstone) to customize the helmet to your liking!

Colored Torch Miner Helmet Recipe

For Decoration Logo

Added 16 new torch variants, one for each dye color.

Colored Torches: Screenshot 1

Colored Torches: Screenshot 2

Colored Torches: Screenshot 3

Colored Torches: Screenshot 4

Torches but now in your favorite color!

Recipe Example:

Colored Torches Recipes

Sea Torch Logo

Dynamic Lighting: Underwater Demonstration

In this addon, dynamic light is not limited to air but can also be used underwater thanks to the new Sea Torch and other types of light-emitting items such as light-emitting blocks, lanterns, etc.

Sea Torches: Screenshot

Sea Torch Recipe

It is the only one that can be placed underwater and like the torch of this addon, it can be equipped in the offhand.

Dynamic Lighting from Glow Squid

Mobs can also emit light when they are about to explode, on fire or even underwater.

Dynamic Lighting from Burning Zombie

Illumination in 1-block space: Screenshot

Items emit light:

Dynamic Lighting from item on the ground

Updated on March 08

  • Optimized the ticks intervals of the light to avoid lag on servers.
Changelog for March 03 / Old Update
  • ⛏️ New Feature: Added a creative group for Miner Helmets and Dyed Torches for easier access!
  • 🔧 Recipe Update: Miner Helmets now have a new crafting recipe.
  • ⚠️ Compatibility: This version only supports Minecraft 1.21.60+.
Changelog for January 31 / Old Update
  • Added brightness and glow effects to torches, with customizable colors.
  • Mining helmet functionality introduced, combining a helmet and a torch; supports all torch types (Redstone, Colored, Soul), with around 140 possible combinations!
  • Fixed bugs related to underwater lighting compatibility.
  • Colored torches now emit particles intermittently.
Changelog for January 12 / Old Update
  • Changed the script version from 14 to 11 to compatibility with older versions.
Changelog for January 09 / Old Update
  • Script Rewrite: Completely rewritten from scratch to improve functionality and performance.
  • Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue where illumination was not possible in areas with many leaves or non-solid blocks in between.
  • Optimization: Optimized the script for better performance.
  • Underwater Compatibility: Almost all solid blocks that emit light can now be used underwater.
  • New Light Sources: Added support for new items introduced in recent updates, such as the glowing flowers in the Pale Garden.
  • Changed Sea Torch Texture a bit.
Changelog for December 13 / Old Update
  • Fixed a critical bug with offhand torches.
  • Compatibility to 1.21.50+
Changelog for November 11 / Old Update
  • Added support for the latest version.
  • Significant performance improvements.
  • Resolved minor bugs.
Changelog for August 21 / Old Update
  • Fixed major bugs about changes in light blocks in 1.21.20+
  • Fixed in 1.21.20+
Changelog for August 06 / Old Update
  • Added light to the magma cubes, breezes and charged creepers.
  • Added light to campfires and glow item frame in the hand.
Changelog for August 04 / Old Update
  • Added light to firework rockets and charged creepers.
  • Added light to the following items: magma, magma cream, glow frame, glow ink, amethyst cluster and some more.
Changelog for July 25 / Old Update
  • Light was added to the items on the ground that in the player's hand can give light under water.
  • Fixed the lit pumpkin recipe.
Changelog for July 06 / Old Update
  • Lanterns and Light Blocks like Shroomlights, Glowstone, etc. can now emit light underwater.
  • Items on the ground, such as torches, now emit light.
  • Fixed some underwater lights.
Download links
Dynamic Lightning V2.8.3 Resource Pack
Dynamic Lightning V2.8.3 Behavior Pack
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50
70 143
  1. The link does not work error 404
  2. rioazof profile avatar rioazof
    is the Torch already fix can stack automatic?
  3. No avatar image 404 not found bruh Guest
    Look my name bruh
  4. 404 message not found.... thats what i get when i click on the files
    1. No avatar image R
      Now it works!
  5. No avatar image pkk Guest
    a bug where if you have both raiyon dynamic lighting addon together with the more vanilla shields addon it will cause the torch to constantly flicker while holding it/throwing it + also same bug with torch shield
    1. No avatar image pkk Guest
      update: found out it actually wasnt caused by having both addons together after more testing

      turns out the bug happens when u pair it with other mods that also have their own dynamic torch
  6. Please make a direct download my freind
  7. No avatar image Idra Guest
    😎gg addon nya
  8. No avatar image AGUS SEDIH Guest
  9. Fix for mobile plzzz
  10. No avatar image pwzw Guest
    {"statusCode":500,"message":"Internal Server Error"}
    1. im also getting that same message.
  11. This is a great addon, thank you so much for making it! I have found two issues as of 1.21.30.
    #1 The torch appears invisible in your normal hand and off-hand, and when you go in to Third-Person Camera Mode the torch is gigantic and floating behind you, moving with your crosshair.

    #2 When you enter your world after deactivating the addon, all of the torches in your inventory and chests will be deleted. I'm pretty sure it's just the torches though.

    Anyways it's an awesome pack, and is there any way you could get the items to glow while in armorstands or item frames?
  12. No avatar image azzam Guest
    Thx for FIX
  13. No avatar image inow Guest
    Plss fix it
  14. No avatar image blulune Guest
    There was an error when trying to download: {"statusCode":404,"message":"Not Found"}

    Please could you fix it? I really like this add-on :(