profile avatarhoanghong08 profile avatarhoanghong08
I'm also trying to separate night dweller, one who watch and cave dweller into a separate addon but it keeps crashing.
 profile avatarhoanghong08 profile avatarhoanghong08
You are right. I also found it had an error with the cave dweller's sound. I think the creator should reduce their appearance rate. Sometimes, too much is not good (I used Google Translate to translate this article from Vietnamese to English, so the grammar and vocabulary will not be 100% correct)
 profile avatarhoanghong08 profile avatarhoanghong08
How to separate the night dweller addon into a separate addon?
 profile avatarhoanghong08 profile avatarhoanghong08
Làm sao để tách Night dweller,One who watch, Cavenoise ra làm a addon riêng vậy? Tôi chỉ cần 3 mod đó thôi, hãy vui lòng chỉ tôi🥹