Cave Dweller Experience
An addon that recreates the cavenoise.jar mod for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Adding a real threat to Minecraft caves.

An addon that recreates the cavenoise.jar mod for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Adding a real threat to Minecraft caves.
This fully furnished fantasy house features a living and dining area, a kitchen, a bathroom, two bedrooms, and an attic. Additionally, it includes an attached stable.
Makes item frames invisible including: default & glowing frames.
Minecraft Skyblock Buy and Sell Map is a cool Minecraft map where you play on a little island floating in the sky.
Imagine starting with just one block in the middle of a vast, burning lava world. No land, no water—just an endless sea of molten lava waiting to swallow you whole!
Half timbered house, built in creative for Bedrock edition, version 1.21.50 and up.
This resource pack adds a feature that displays players health above their heads, allowing you to see their heart levels in real-time. It’s especially helpful for PvP enthusiasts.
The texture pack changes the texture of blocks; the top texture of the block will be applied to the four sides of the block, making it a full grass texture block.
This addon adds the item "Piston Arm", which can be equipped on the offhand (left hand). It is a solution to Minecraft's standard build distance limitation, increasing the distance limit
Well, this year was the first Minecraft Live without a mob vote since 2017 and to be honest, I kinda miss the mob vote, especially since this Minecraft Live was only 30 minutes long.