Hyze Shader - Ultra Graphics For MCBE (Android, iOS & Windows)

Thumbnail: Hyze Shader - Ultra Graphics For MCBE (Android, iOS & Windows) Go to files

Hyze Shader for MCPE, this shader is the next generation of Hyra Shader and Zero Shader.


Hyze Shader: Screenshot 1

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 2

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 3

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 4

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 5

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 6

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 7

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 8

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 9

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 10

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 11

Hyze Shader: Screenshot 12


  • New Style Realistic Sky
  • 3 Layer Cloud
  • Fake Reflection on Water & Rain
  • Realistic Water
  • Dynamic Exposure Torch Lighting


Download links
Download Hyze Shader V1.0 for Android, iOS, & Windows
Supported versions
1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0
30 197
  1. No avatar image Johan
    Para cuándo sale la 1.21.w
  2. No avatar image Elianny
    Cómo lo puedo descargar?
  3. Cómo es esto
  4. No avatar image Josue
    Cuando lo actualizan a la 1.21?
    1. No avatar image Guest Alex
      Yo también quiero saber
      1. No avatar image Si yo tambien
  5. Como se hace para descargarlo
  6. No avatar image Alex Pérez
    Cómo se descarga 😩
    1. No avatar image Penecito51
  7. No avatar image Noob_man24
    Is it for forge, optifine or ray tracing?
  8. for some reason i see purple and blue sky instead. Also i got 1.20.81 with no beta/preview minecraft on iOS
    1. No avatar image Louis
      I'm getting the same issue
      1. No avatar image Guest Luis
        same here