Tokidoki One-Shot Manga in Minecraft with Map Arts! (Not a Resource Pack)
What I can read manga's in Minecraft? You betcha! With the use of map arts, you can read the one-shot manga Tokidoki in Minecraft bedrock edition!

What I can read manga's in Minecraft? You betcha! With the use of map arts, you can read the one-shot manga Tokidoki in Minecraft bedrock edition!
Boxy Boo first appeared in Project: Playtime and is one of the main antagonists of the game. Now he has come to Minecraft!
This function pack adds a zeppelin in your world which can move in all directions. You can drive the zeppelin in both survival and creative mode!
Do you not want to hear that air "woosh" sound when punching in air? Well, I got the resource pack for you, this resource pack removes the air punch sound.
This texture pack updates the look of Normal, Husk and Drowned Zombies by adding many new different textures to them! All textures are unique and were designed by the creepermax123.
Better Illagers pack improves the appearance of Illagers mobs (like Pillager, Witch, and others). The Wandering Trader and Iron Golem will also be improved.
The Desert in Minecraft is one of the most empty biomes. Do you think so too? Well then this addon is for you because it updates the Desert!
XP Storage Addon is made to store the XP level inside a block with realistic, glowing liquid that is used to determine the XP level available in real-time inside the block.
A minigame where you are being chased by a zombie and you must find the right button