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Kitty Shizz

Kitty's Universal GUI! V5.0.0

Kitty's Universal GUI Menu! Warp setup, shop management, player money transfers, and more in a single, user-friendly interface. Features a built-in admin menu for easy command access.

Kitty Shizz profile avatar
Kitty Shizz

Kitty's Instant Scoreboard! V2.1.0

Kitty's universal scoreboard is customizable! Set up different options for different game variations, like bedwars, skygens, factions, and more! Easily customizable within Minecraft's world.

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Kitty Shizz profile avatar
Kitty Shizz

Kitty's SkyGen Map V3.3!

Fully working skygen, with auto gens, a bank, kits shop, potions shop, items shop, crates shop, custom sounds, custom UIs custom holograms, and way more!!!