Kitty's DIY Sidebar Scoreboard V1.5

DIY Sidebar Scoreboard! Set up custom images for different game variations like Bedwars, SkyGens, Factions, and more! Easily customizable! The pack is only 100KB!
Kittys DIY Scoreboard Addon!!!
Set Sidebar Score Images: 🖼
You can edit the logo image from the pack itself, just change logo1.png to any image you like. :)
Save the pack, and you're ready to go!
The pack allows Actionbar, Titleraw, and Sidebar Score to all be on screen.
Let me know if you have any issues in my Discord: Kitty's Builds!
Want builds? Check out my Discord, I have over 500 builds for Bedrock!
And I made a Build Bot that works in Realms!
Command Used In Image:
execute as @a run titleraw @s title {"rawtext":[ {"text": "§7§o ===================="}, {"text": "§7\n •Time Played:\n§2 "}, {"score": {"name": "*","objective": "Days"}}, {"text": "D "}, {"score": {"name": "*","objective": "Hours"}}, {"text": "H "}, {"score": {"name": "*","objective": "Minutes"}}, {"text": "M "}, {"score": {"name": "*","objective": "Seconds"}}, {"text": "S "}, {"text": "§7\n  •Money: §6$"}, {"score": {"name": "*","objective": "Money"}}, {"text": "§7\n •Deaths: §4"}, {"score": {"name": "*","objective": "deaths"}}, {"text": "§7\n •Rank: §fMember"}, {"text": "§7\n •Warnings: §4"}, {"score": {"name": "*","objective": "Warning"}}, {"text": "§7\n •Player: §6"}, {"selector": "@s"}, {"text": "§7\n •Entites: §4"}, {"score": {"name": "*","objective": "Entites"}}, {"text": "\n§7§o ===================="}, {"text": "§e\n Realms.gg/====="}, {"text": "§e\n Discord.gg/====="} ]}
Updated on February 05
- Fixed image transparency on DIY image scoreboard!
- Recompressed images.
- Fixed text UI issues.
- Recompressed images.
- Removed logo 2 from addon.