Hams22 profile avatarHams22
Hey, the comments are full of people who just want more animals in the update. Don’t you guys have any issues, bugs, or anything that needs fixing in the update?
Reborn RPG profile avatarReborn RPG
That "Machine" is Old, The addon has been stable & automated since last year .....
perhaps read it all, the actual post .... before commenting :)
it is literally at the top explaining. Aha ..

No avatar imageKipli
Hi dolphin please make in addon dread horror to minecraft bedrock
No avatar imageFearMasterLH
Will be fixed in v3
No avatar imageFearMasterLH
Will be fixed in v3
No avatar imageFearMasterLH
A few of those suggestions aren’t possible, others aren’t the style of haunted, and the rest are gonna be stuff in ANTI-PIRACY
No avatar imageFearMasterLH
Fun fact, v3 will release soon! It’s like a better version of from the fog!
No avatar imageMarvel
No avatar imageRetroking1089
You should look at some forest.because they are more common in forest
stevecraft profile avatarstevecraft
Hello dolphinmaster, could you add new dwellers to fearcraft please?
Sanidhya_Not profile avatarSanidhya_Not
I don't know about this problem
No avatar imageNone
My friend, there's something called function if you're not good at script.. that long ass machine doesn't fit well with the world.
kennaralfredomdby profile avatarkennaralfredomdby
Se las recomiendo es una textura magnífica 💯/💯
Wither Storm profile avatarWither Storm
ou você se esqueceu de ativar todos os experimentos para o addon funcionar