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Raft Survival

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An old concept but a new style that is fun to play and adventure on a raft where we have to survive.

Map Introduce!

This map is created from the game that is available for download on PC. Now I have created it in Minecraft style but keeping the concept of the original game.

Raft on Steam - Original Game

How To Play?

You have to survive by collecting floating items to expand the raft and build blocks for survival. including finding food.

In this map, exhaustion will decrease faster than normal, such as when running or swimming.

Blocks/Items Guide

Builder Hammer - Use with 2 Planks, 2 Plastic to create a Raft.

Destroy Hammer - Use to break.


Basic Table - Craft basic items

Basic Net - Catch floating items

Plastic Chest - Store items

Fishcatcher - Catch

Simple Grill - Cooking (Cod Fish, Salmon Fish = 5 min) (Potato = 8 min)

Mini Pot - Plant crops (Potato, Carrot)

This is BETA, you can comment your ideas!

Download links
πŸ“₯ | Download [BETA!]
πŸŽ₯ | Raft Survival [BETA!]
Supported versions
  1. No avatar image boneless Guest
    This is a pretty good world! I'd love to help you with it man. Do you have a discord or something?
    1. PlusFreeze profile avatar PlusFreeze Author
      Hi sorry for didn't read your comment. Thanks for love this map I have discord now I'm making new update!