Raid Battle

Raid Battle is a simple and fun PvP map with fast paced action and up close fights.
Play with one of five unique kits on four different arenas, each with their own feel and playstyle.
What makes Raid Battle different from other PvP maps is that each player gets three stocks. Instead of dying and being sent to some spectator area, players will simply lose a stock and pick up fighting right where they died!
Additionally, each kit comes with a unique melee weapon and passive and active abilities to fight with! So whether you like rushing in with a sword, zipping around the map with effects, or launching opponents into the air with knockback, there are a variety of different ways to fight.
Overall, while small in scale, Raid Battle is a quick, simple, and unique PvP map thatโs bound to have something for everyone to enjoy!
The Kits:
Currently, there are five kits to play, but there will be more in the future.
- Every Kit -
>Starts with a full armor bar but loses one every time they're hit.
>Can hold up to two arrows and gets one every time they hit an opponent with a melee attack. Arrows on the ground disappear after two seconds.
>Has three stocks and loses one every time they die. Losing a stock causes the player to go invisible, become invulnerable, and get a massive speed boost in order to reposition.
>Gets some health back if a player is killed near them (this is disabled in 1v1 matches).
- Red -
Gear: Iron Sword and Bow
Passive: Get Strength after hitting an opponent three times in a row
Active: You and everyone around you gets Strength II for 2 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds
-Blue -
Gear: Battleaxe and Crossbow
(Battleaxe stats:
>Damage: 7
>Get weakness VI (0:02) every time you hit
>Right click for a sweeping attack
>Sweeping attack damage: 9
>Sweeping attack range: 2.5 (ignores shields and cover)
>Sweeping attack cooldown: 10 seconds)
Passive: Armor has more durability.
(Most kits take 10 hits to completely destroy their armor, but it takes 15 for Blue)
Active: Become invulnerable for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds
- Yellow -
Gear: Katana, Bow [Power I], and Crossbow
(Katana stats:
>Damage: 4
>Right click to instantly dash forwards
>Dash range: 6 blocks
>Dash Cooldown: 5 seconds)
Passive: Get Speed and Jump Boost I after hitting the opponent
Active: Get Speed and Jump Boost III for 2 seconds
- Green -
Gear: Staff [Knockback I] and two crossbows
(Staff stats:
>Damage: 5
>Right click to perform a ranged attack
>Ranged Attack damage: 8
>Ranged Attack range: 8 blocks
>Ranged Attack cooldown: 3 seconds)
Passive: Get slowness arrows instead of regular ones
Active: Get a one time use crossbow and one of your arrows is replaced with a regular one
(Cooldown: 10 seconds)
- Orange -
Gear: Axe, Crossbow, and Shield
(Axe stats:
>Damage: 4
>Takes away two armor each hit instead of one)
(Shield stats:
>Hits before destroyed: 1
>Bow and Crossbow shots go through
>Orange regains shield if they kill an opponent)
Passive: Reduce your active cooldown each time you hit an opponent
Active: Get a Golden Apple (Cooldown: 35 seconds and starts when you eat the Apple)
- Tan -
Gear: Mace and 2 Dynamites
(Mace stats:
>Damage: 5
>Gets Wind Burst enchantment, but only on the first hit)
Passive: Get a dunamite to throw while respawning
Active: Launch yourself into the sky while grounded or float in the air for 2 seconds while in the air (Coolodwn: 10 seconds each)
Known Bugs:
>Yellow can glitch through walls with the Katana sometimes. (Important)
>Orange's axe doesn't give weakness to the holder when attacking (Important)
>The Ruins map spawns players one block into the ground. (Moderate)
>Sometimes item boxes give more items than intended. (Moderate)
>Yellow and Green's weapons make the wrong sound when used (Small)
Updated on September 20
- Buffed Tan.
- Bug fixes.
- >Overhauled the menus to be in one big lobby.
- >Tan's active ability is now able to be used while respawning.
- >Hitting opponents with arrows no longer counts for replinishing them.
- >Cactus Spikes now automatically deploy after 2 seconds.
- >Cloud Blocks now also give resistance.