Newb X Dragon Shader | Support RenderDragon (Compatible With 1.21+ Apk Patch)

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This is a new variant of the new shader created by Deven. This variant is intended to be similar to the Java shaders. The most notable thing is that it has two versions, one for performance and the other for quality.

Official Release:

Check out the official trailer to learn more about this shader. Also by watching this video you are helping me.


  • Complementary and Reimagined versions.
  • Gray night skies with northern lights.
  • Portal of the end illuminated purple.
  • Java-like lighting.
  • Multiple shiny blocks.
  • Water with realistic waves.
  • Warm lighting.
  • Beautiful sunrises, sunsets and night sky.
  • Movement in plants.
  • Beautiful sunrises, sunsets and night sky.
  • Realistic shadows.
  • Wet effect when it rains.
  • Sun rays.
  • Bright minerals.
  • Luminous background.
  • Shooting Stars.
  • Nether illuminated and bright.
  • End similar to those of the complementary shader.

Newb X Dragon Complementary:

  • Sunset:

(Complementary) Sunset: Screenshot

  • Sunrise:

(Complementary) Sunrise: Screenshot

  • Day:

(Complementary) Day: Screenshot

  • Water:

(Complementary) Water: Screenshot

  • Underwater:

(Complementary) Underwater: Screenshot

  • Night:

(Complementary) Night: Screenshot

  • Lighting similar to Java:

(Complementary) Lighting similar to Java: Screenshot

  • Shiny Blocks:

(Complementary) Shiny Blocks: Screenshot

  • End Portal:

(Complementary) End Portal: Screenshot

  • End:

(Complementary) End: Screenshot

Newb X Dragon Reimagined:

  • Sunset:

(Reimagined) Sunset: Screenshot

  • Sunrise:

(Reimagined) Sunrise: Screenshot

  • Day:

(Reimagined) Day: Screenshot

  • Water:

(Reimagined) Water: Screenshot

  • Night:

(Reimagined) Night: Screenshot

  • End:

(Reimagined) End: Screenshot


  • To avoid bad comments, it doesn't work... Write to my Discord and I will give you tutorials on how to install the shader in the version you want.
  • This shader has a Lite version for those with low-end devices.
  • Patched Minecraft apk 1.21 or 1.20.80 - 1.20.81 is needed to support RenderDragon shaders.
  • This shader has a beta version for Minecraft Patched 1.20.80+ fully functional, but the only apk of that version has many errors, so please, if the shader does not work for you, avoid comments like "It doesn't work", because if it works, it's just the apk of that version that has errors.
  • This shader is only compatible with Android and Windows, if this shader has good support, I will make it compatible with iOS.
  • You need BetterRenderDragon v1.4.3 for Windows.
  • Use this ModBay link if you want to share this shader.
  • Please do not create another link for this shader.
  • This shader may not be supported on some devices, if so, tell me about the error on my Discord.
  • As I mentioned in the description, this is a custom variant based on the Newb shader codes.
  • Please avoid comments like "It does not work" or "It does not load" because if it works, it has been tested on multiple devices; if it does not work, you are making a mistake. Read the notes well; there are all the requirements needed to run the shader.
  • Newb Shader Repository


Download links
Newb X Dragon Complementary - Android v1.21
Newb X Dragon Reimagined - Android v1.21
Newb X Dragon Complementary - Windows v1.21
Newb X Dragon Reimagined - Windows v1.21
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80