Vanilla PBR - Deferred Lighting Graphics Pack

Introducing Vanilla PBR 2.0: Redefining Minecraft's visuals, inspired by both the iconic look of vanilla Minecraft and the breathtaking visuals of Minecraft with RTX, this pack is a blurred line between the two. With full PBR support for every block, mob, and particle, immersive fog for all biomes, enhanced colors & point light data for blocks for added depth and vibrancy to your worlds, a revamped sky reminiscent of Minecraft with RTX, and even water waves in deferred lighting graphics mode!
Vanilla PBR is a deferred lighting graphics pack for Minecraft Bedrock Edition Preview & Betas that seamlessly integrates new deferred lighting graphics features into the classic Minecraft world while preserving a balanced lighting suited for both gameplay and beautiful scenery.
Vanilla PBR Overview:
- Full PBR Support for all blocks:
Rich Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials for every block. (Derived from Vanilla RTX, the pack that has been in the making for years with perfectly built materials for every block!)
Garden Awakens support has been added.
Support for Minecraft's 1.21, Tricky Trials update has been added.
- Subsurface scattering has been enabled where appropriate:
- Unique biome-dependent fog:
- Point Light data for all blocks:
All emissive blocks now come with point lights with proper colors that'll allow them to interact with the surrounding materials and blocks.
- New sky that resembles a mix of Minecraft RTX and the default vanilla sky!
- Improved colors through tone mapping and color grading configurations.
- Full PBR texture sets for all entities, particles and player armor.
Source: GitHub/Vanilla-PBR
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As of now the following devices are supported by the deferred lighting rendering pipeline:
- Windows PC
- Xbox
- Android (GLES 3 devices running Android OS 9 and above)
- iOS (iPhone 9, iPad 9th gen, or iPad Mini 6th gen and higher)
- Download the latest Vanilla PBR release from this page.
- Make sure you are using the latest Minecraft Preview/Beta for your device.
- Before joining a world, head to Experimental Options in the world settings menu.
- Enable "Render Dragon Features for Creators" experimental option.
- Activate Vanilla PBR in your world or global resource packs.
- Join any world, check your video settings, scroll down and look for "Graphics Mode"
- Set Graphics Mode to "Deferred Technical Preview" from the menu and go back to your world, have fun!
For best visuals, use a brightness setting close to 50%
If you are using a low-end mobile device or experiencing performance issues, you can use Vanilla PBR Lite instead:
The lite variant is a heavily cut-down version of Vanilla PBR that lacks several features such as wavy water, removed heightmaps, point lights for blocks that can generate in bulk, textures for non-blocks, etc., which could help it run better on some devices.
Comment your issues & suggestions below, you can also find help over at the Vanilla RTX Discord server
Updated on March 19
• Added water caustics.
Note: This is a heavily modified version of default RTX caustics, replacing deferred lighting's pixelated caustics.
• Various adjustments for the latest previews:
- Moonlight now gets brighter towards midnight, instead of darker, updated nighttime sky colors.
• Removed metadata from manifest.json to potentially address issues with importing on Xbox.
Note: I don't have access to an Xbox console to test, it remains uncertain if this is a working fix.
• Minimum engine version is now 1.21.80, update to the latest Minecraft Preview.
• With his version and moving forward Lite variant of Vanilla PBR will no longer receive updates alongside regular Vanilla PBR.
Yesterday’s Minecraft Preview ( completely broke everything—this update puts things back in order and improves upon previous configurations.
• Overhauled all pack configurations for Preview.
- Fixed invalid lighting JSON and improved overall lighting.
- Adjusted textures to adapt to emissivity changes in Preview, this also comes with minor improvements to some textures, pale hanging roots now have subsurface scattering.
- Restored water wave in 1.21.70+ Previews.
- Updated color grading.
- Reworked fog settings to match the latest preview changes.
• Removed outdated egg textures.
• Updated client biomes with missing data from the vanilla game.
Looks like the previous update made things a little too pale and reintroduced the blue-tint on the terrain, a new update is here to alleviate some issues and makes glass compatible with Deferred Lighting.
Below you'll find a list of changes in Vanilla PBR's 2.11 Update:
• Rederived block textures from Vanilla RTX using an updated formula to help reduce blue tinting on sky-exposed terrain.
• Glass textures are now compatible with Deferred Lighting's requirements, although colored-lighting is absent, they now appear visually similar to vanilla Minecraft.
In other words, glass no longer appears discolored and hollow!
• Added PBR textures for the updated Bat appearance (v2).
• Improved PBR textures for several entities, such as the witch, villager, and more.
• Various other adjustments, partially reverted saturation values to v2.9.
A Vanilla PBR new update is now available, this update brings support for all new Garden Awakens blocks and entities, revamps fog, alongside numerous quality adjustments.
Below you will find a comprehensive list of changes:
• Rederived PBR textures from the latest Vanilla RTX release, as a result this Vanilla PBR update comes with all applicable texture improvements that came with and after Vanilla RTX v1.21.60, as well as support for newer blocks.
• Added support for the Creaking mob with wooden, moss and resin parts remaining consistent with their respective materials.
• Revamped all boat and chestboat materials, new refined heightmaps and wood materials that stay consistent with chests, bamboo, and other wooden planks.
- Added PBR support for pale oak chest boat and other entity textures introduced in Minecraft's Garden Awakens update.
• Each biome now has its own unique fog instance similar to vanilla game and Vanilla RTX.
- Introduced unique fog for the pale garden.
• Decreased overall saturation via color-grading and rebalanced colors.
• Reduced nighttime brightness.
• Updated Magmacube PBR textures based recent changes in Minecraft.
• Removed large unused normal maps, removed nether portal visual effect.
A new quality update for Vanilla PBR is now available, ironing out several issues, vastly improving the day/night cycle, and more!
Here's a list of changes in this update:
• Greatly reduced blue tint on terrain and leaves.
• Improved ambient lighting to more closely match vanilla Minecraft.
• Adjusted fog, toned down to varying degrees across the board.
• Updated banner pattern item textures with full PBR support.
• Fixed atmospheric sky colors:
- Adjusted atmosphere, corrected sunrise transitions, and improved overall colors, now more faithful to vanilla Minecraft.
• Fixed sunlight fading prematurely during sunset, and sunrise transitions appearing sudden and jarring.
• Adjusted color grading for more balanced colors alongside the new configurations.
• Fixed the remaining content log errors.
Minecraft Preview was released yesterday, introducing several changes that break Vanilla PBR. This update ensures the pack is once again compatible with the latest Minecraft preview.
Here’s the full list of changes since update 2.5:
• Updated formatting for Minecraft Preview.
• Fixed missing redstone ore texture issue.
• Fixed overly bright glow berry plants and adjusted point light configs for various blocks.
• Resolved the majority of content log errors.
• Revamped ravager textures and adjusted villager MERs.
• Added a new ambient parameter from the latest preview to control ambient lighting.
• Halved moon brightness, this is to a degree balanced out with the new ambient lighting.
• Removed the temporary workaround for the warden texture issue (to be addressed differently later).
Known issue: Atmospheric configurations are not working.
Minecraft Preview came with new Deferred Lighting features and caused various issues with current configurations in Vanilla PBR.
This update addresses some issues and the pack is once again fully compatible with & makes use of the latest Minecraft Preview features such as Subsurface scattering.
Here's a list of everything new in v2.4:
• Updated PBR textures, now derived from Vanilla RTX v1.21.50, as a result this update comes with a variety of applicable texture improvements from Vanilla RTX.
• Added a temporary workaround for Warden's black texture issues with Deferred Lighting
• Added full subsurface scattering support to applicable blocks, such as leaves, wool, all foliage and other blocks where subsurface scattering was appropriate.
In Vanilla PBR, lighter pixels are generally considered thinner thus more subsurface scattering than dark pixels. Edges generally show more scattering, but this may change in future updates.
• Added full PBR support for all Tricky Trials-related items
• Reduced emissivity desaturation
• Updated sun properties to account for the removal of keyframe offset in latest preview (i.e this addresses broken sunlight intensity and color with the latest previews)
• Updated naming scheme of item and armor PBR textures to be in-line with the rest of the package
• Improved sky colors
• Improved sky becoming inappropriately bright for a long duration after sundown or before sunrise, sunlight strength will now fade in a more similar way to vanilla game.
Note: this in turn makes the transitions more sudden, this will be further improved with a future update.
- The pack now only supports 1.21.30 Previews and higher, you should continue to use an older version of Vanilla PBR for older previews.
The 2.3 update reconditions Vanilla PBR to the new state of Previews of Minecraft.
Here's a list of all of the changes in Vanilla PBR v2.3:
• New Color Grading configurations with improved contrast, vibrancy and overall more Minecrafty colors compared to 2.2 on older previews.
This also fixes bright washed out colors with medium brightness settings or extremely dark screen with lower brightness settings.
The brightness adjustment settings of Deferred Lighting is in a strange spot at the moment, for this reason and because of new color grading settings, you must now manually adjust the brightness of Deferred Lighting to range of 0% to 5% depending on your monitor's settings and avoid high brightness settings.
• Brought sunlight intensity closer to the real world, allowing auto-exposure do to its work more effectively.
Some examples of how this affects the scene would be when you are in a cave entrance looking outside appears much brighter, or when you stare at the sun, other objects should become darker.
• Adjusted all fog configurations across the board
• Updated water normal maps to improve their appearance with SSR (Screen Space Reflections)
• Added Updated Images
A new update for 1.21.30.X Preview of Minecraft is in the works to utilize its features, keep an eye out!
This version is built for newest Minecraft Previews, make sure you updated to the latest Minecraft Preview/Beta!
Another Vanilla PBR update for Deferred Lighting is now out!
Here's a list of all of the changes in Vanilla PBR v2.2:
• Block PBR textures are now based on Vanilla RTX v1.21.30, as a result, this update comes with greater support for Minecraft's 1.21 tricky trials update.
• Updated water animations! the water waves animations now feel less linear and more chaotic!
• Scaled down texture emissivity intensity of all PBR textures that previously had emissivity
This results in significantly better color vibrancy and avoids overbloom and/or cases where pixels' color Values become too high, however the way deferred lighting handles this may change.
• Updated water surface color to more closely match vanilla Minecraft
• Reduced pack size by downscaling larger normals.
• Entity Texture Improvements:
- Revamped Ender Chests, materials are now closer to obsidian, end eye now matches end eye on portals, new heightmaps
- Revamped regular and trapped chests to stay consistent with other wood, improved heightmaps
- Added support for double chests
- Improved allay and axolotl heightmaps
- Hanging signs chains materials now match chains block material from Vanilla RTX
- Updated trident materials to better match prismarine
- Revamped armor stand
- Updated snow golem to match snow materials with revamped heightmap
- Improved iron golem materials, better heightmaps, plant parts are no longer metallic
- Revamped Bee heightmaps
• Added PBR support for all potions (Note: Item PBR is not yet fully supported by deferred lighting, this was done for future when PBR for items is available)
• Slightly decreased night time brightness.
• Updated images section and gif of new water waves.
This version is built for preview v1.21.10.20 and above, make sure you've updated to the latest Minecraft Preview/Beta!
This update fixes various issues and comes with a batch of new features and improvements, making Vanilla PBR the largest, most complete & feature-rich deferred lighting resource pack to-date!
Vanilla PBR v2.1 Changelogs:
• Fixed desaturated sky issue in latest Minecraft Previews (+
• Added a brand new visual effect for Nether Portals.
• Water waves animation now appear smoother than before.
• Added pointlights for all 1.21 blocks (all copper bulbs as well as trial spawners), added missing point lights for glow berries.
• Adjusted sun and moonlight, both directional lights are now stronger.
• Decreased Nether and End dimension fog densities, decreased overall fog density across all biomes.
• Added fog definitions for rainy and snowy weather in applicable biomes.
- Notes: During a weather event, fog is less world height dependent and appears slightly denser.
• Improved spyglass in-world model PBR textures.
• Added basic PBR support for all items. (Generated by RTX Reactor)
- Notes: Currently they do not work, this is still undocumented but it seems like Mojang is experimenting with adding support for it, so one of the future betas should allow this to work properly
• Resolved a few content errors.
• Updated Vanilla PBR Lite - A Cut-Down version of Vanilla PBR 2.1 for weaker devices.
This version is built for preview v1.21.0.24 and above, make sure you've updated to the latest Minecraft Preview/Beta!
With the 2.0 update, Vanilla PBR has undergone a comprehensive overhaul, setting a completely new direction for the pack. With this renewed focus, this update aims to align Deferred Lighting with the color palette and atmospheric feel of both vanilla Minecraft and Minecraft with RTX. Everything from the sky and water to fog and colors has been carefully reworked to achieve this cohesive vision to a great extent.
Vanilla PBR v2.0 Changelogs:
• Added water waves!
Note: This one isn't another nonsensical water normal you've seen beforehand, it is a proper water normal map, inspired by Minecraft RTX.
• Revamped sky, the sky now closely resembles a mix of vanilla Minecraft and Minecraft RTX.
• Added 20 more fog configurations for various biomes, including the nether, end and dynamic fog depending on overworld biome.
• Added point lights for more blocks.
• Added color grading and tone mapping configurations that more closely resemble a mix of Minecraft RTX and vanilla Minecraft.
• This update brings over most of material-related improvements from Vanilla RTX 1.21, 1.21.10 and 1.21.20 alongside the support for the vast majority of upcoming tricky trials update up to Vanilla RTX 1.21.20.
• Updated directional light offset to a constant for a smoother sun path.
• Added support for Armor. (For instance, Iron and Gold armor are now metallic)
• Added materials and full texture sets for all particles.
• Decreased heightmap intensity of all entities. (Note: PBR textures for majority of entities are still work in progress and most are due to slowly receive reworks with future updates, however this improves their appearance for the time being)
• New Icon!
• Revamped the page to reflect the latest changes to the pack and the new direction of Vanilla PBR.
• Updated Vanilla PBR Lite - A Cut-Down version of Vanilla PBR 2.0 for weaker devices.
This version is meant for preview v1.20.60.21 and above, so make sure to update your Minecraft Preview installation first to use all of the new features!
This version of Vanilla PBR might also have broken emissive textures on versions older than
Vanilla PBR v1.3.0 Changelogs:
• Added pointlights for applicable blocks and items, now emitting proper light and interacting with the PBR materials around them.
More than 70 blocks were added in this update, each with a fitting color of light that best matches the block and accurately represents the overall color of light it would emit.
If more vanilla blocks are found that should emit light they will be added in a future update. (If you found one, feel free to let me know!)
• Updated textures based on Vanilla RTX 1.20.5, as a result this update comes with some of the applicable improvements that were included in Vanilla RTX 1.20.5 Autumn Quality Update. (Summary: revamped mushroom and prismarine materials, improved observer and various other materials were tweaked and improved)
• Fixed various materials and textures appearing glossy.
- Increased all Hardened Clay roughness.
• Inverted back all heightmaps. (previously inverted to counter a bug, however now it is no longer necessary)
• Fixed Spiders, Enderman and Ender Dragon bodies glowing.
• Adjusted and balanced emissivity of various blocks, added emissivity to enchanting table (alongside its pointlight), weeping vines no longer appear too bright, emissivity on many items that previously had emissivity was also greatly reduced as a result of recent changes in deferred technical preview.
• Fixed some sculk items incorrectly emitting light.
• Minecarts now appear metallic, consistent with Iron.
• Redesigned Icon as a part of the upcoming Vanilla RTX Reform.
• Added a default volumetric fog configuration for all biomes. (This will be expanded upon to cover more biomes with a future update)
• Added support for the following entities:
- All colors of bed
- Bees
- All types of boats
- All 60 NPC characters (Education Edition)
- All types of Parrots
- Pig and Zombie Pig
- All 3 Piglin types
- Piston Arms
- All rabbit types (white, gold, brown, etc...)
- All shields
- All shulkers
- Mob skulls all
- Tadpole
- Villagers (All types and professions, and levels)
- The Warden (currently bugged)
- Wither boss
- Wolf (all types)
- Zoglin
- Zombies (all types, except drowned which was added earlier)
- Zombie villagers