
Better Mob Animations Resource Pack v2.4.5 | 27 Mobs with New Realistic Vanilla-style Animations!

Thumbnail: Better Mob Animations Resource Pack v2.4.5 | 27 Mobs with New Realistic Vanilla-style Animations! Go to files

Are you tired of the default, boring vanilla mob animations? This add-on will enhance your experience with new and improved Minecraft vanilla mob animations! Additionally, you can enjoy achievements using this resource pack without requiring any experimental toggles!


Better Mob Animations pack logo

Is a Minecraft Bedrock resource pack that enhances the vanilla mob animations in the game. With this pack, players can expect to see more realistic and smoother animations. These improved animations help to add more immersion to the gameplay experience, making the mobs feel more lifelike and responsive.

One of the standout features of this resource pack is the attention to detail that has been put into the animations. Each mob has been carefully animated to move and behave in a more natural and believable way.

This Resource Pack currently has selected mobs with new animations, as time goes by, this Resource Pack will be updated to all mobs getting a brand new set of animations!

You can also select between the old animation style (jointed limbs) and new animation style (no jointed limbs)

Better Mob Animations pack with default style

Better Mob Animations pack with vanilla style

Here is the list of mobs with new animations:

Old Animation Style (Jointed Limbs) - Currently Unoptimized, Unfixable Texture Glitches due to Jointed Limbs
  • Hands are now dynamic when walking
  • New panic animation
  • New bobbing animation when idling
  • New blinking animation


New Villager walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New blinking animation
  • New walking animation


New Creeper walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New running animation (only for baby zombies)
  • New swimming animation
  • New death animation
  • New attack animation


New Zombie walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New running animation (only for baby zombies)
  • New swimming animation
  • New death animation
  • New attack animation


New Husk walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New running animation (only for baby zombies)
  • New swimming animation
  • New death animation
  • New attack animation


New Drowned walk animation

  • New walking animation
  • New idle animation
  • New death animation
  • New running animation
  • New blinking animation


New Cow walk animation

  • New walking animation
  • New idle animation
  • New death animation
  • New running animation
  • New blinking animation


New Mooshroom walk animation

  • Newwalking animation
  • New idle animation
  • New blinking animation


New Chicken walk animation

  • New walking animation
  • New idle animation
  • New death animation
  • New blinking animation


New Pig walk animation

  • New walking animation
  • New angry animation
  • New idle animation
  • New shaking animation
  • New excited animation
  • New sitting animation
  • New blinking animation


New Wolf walk animation

  • New swimming animation


Squid animation

Glow Squid
  • New swimming animation

Glow Squid

Glow Squid animation

  • New walking animation
  • New running animation(when angry)


Enderman walk animation

Zombie Villager
  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New running animation (only for baby zombies)
  • New swimming animation
  • New death animation
  • New attack animation

Zombie Villager

Zombie Villager walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New death animation


Sheep walk animation

  • New walking animation
  • New idle animation
  • New bow holding animation


Skeleton walk animation

  • New walking animation
  • New idle animation
  • New bow holding animation


Stray walk animation

Wandering Trader
  • Hands are now dynamic when walking
  • New panic animation
  • New bobbing animation when idling
  • New blinking animation

Wandering Trader

Wandering Trader walk animation

  • New realistic walking animation
  • New attack animation
  • 3D animated fangs
  • New dynamic orientation


Spider walk animation

Cave Spider
  • New realistic walking animation
  • New attack animation
  • 3D animated fangs
  • New dynamic orientation

Cave Spider

Cave Spider walk animation

Iron Golem
  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New giving flower animation
  • New chasing target animation
  • New attack animation
  • New death animation

Iron Golem

Iron Golem walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New sprint animation
  • New lie down animation
  • New sit animation
  • New death animation
  • New blinking animation
  • Includes all variants


Cat run animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New sprint animation
  • New lie down animation
  • New sit animation
  • New death animation
  • New blinking animation
  • Includes all variants


Ocelot run animation

  • New shake tail animation
  • New walking animation
  • New running animation
  • New idle animation
  • New realistic tail physics
  • New blinking animation


Horse run animation

Skeleton Horse
  • New walking animation
  • New running animation

Skeleton Horse

Skeleton Horse run animation

Zombie Horse
  • New shake tail animation
  • New walking animation
  • New running animation
  • New idle animation
  • New realistic tail physics
  • New blinking animation

Zombie Horse

Zombie Horse run animation

  • New shake tail animation
  • New walking animation
  • New running animation
  • New idle animation
  • New realistic tail physics
  • New blinking animation


Donkey run animation

  • New shake tail animation
  • New walking animation
  • New running animation
  • New idle animation
  • New realistic tail physics
  • New blinking animation


Mule run animation

  • New blinking animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New crouching animation
  • New pouncing animation (slightly glitched)
  • New wiggle animation
  • New sitting animation
  • New sleeping animation


Fox animation

  • New walking animation
  • New blinking animation
  • New idle animation
  • New death animation


Goat animation

  • New blinking animation
  • New flying animation
  • New dancing animation (added back flip!)


Allay animation

  • New emerge animation
  • New dig animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New sonic boom animation
  • New roar animation
  • New sniff animation


Warden walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New blink animation
  • New spell casting animation
  • New death animation


Evoker walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New blink animation
  • New attack animation
  • New death animation


Vindicator walk animation

  • New llama idle animation
  • New llama attack animation


Llama walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New blink animation
  • New roar animation


Ravager walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New blink animation


Panda walk animation

Polar Bear
  • New ear animaiton
  • New blink animation
  • New walk animation
  • New stomp animation

Polar Bear

Polar Bear walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walking animation
  • New death animation


Witch walk animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New blink animation
  • New crossbow loading animation
  • New shoot animation
  • New death animation


Pillager walk animation

New Animation Style (No Jointed Limbs) - More Realistic, Dynamic, and no Texture Glitches
  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New fly animation
  • New dance animation

Allay fly animation

Allay dance animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New crouch animation
  • New run animation
  • New sit animation
  • New lie down animation
  • New death animation

New cat walk animation

New cat run animation

Cave Spider
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New dynamic body orientation
  • New 3D fangs
  • New death animation

New cave spider walk animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New fly animation
  • New death animation

New chicken walk animation

New chicken fly animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation

New cow walk animation

New cow run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New death animation

Creeper idle animation

New creeper walk animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation
  • Improved standing animation
  • Improved graze animation
  • New death animation

New donkey walk animation

New donkey run animation

  • 2 new idle animations
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation (only for the baby zombie)
  • 3 new attack animations
  • 2 new death animations

New drowned idle animation (variant 1)

New drowned idle animation (variant 2)

New drowned walk animation

New drowned attack animation (variant 1)

New drowned attack animation (variant 2)

New drowned die animation (variant 1)

New drowned die animation (variant 2)

  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New attack animation
  • New death animation

New enderman walk animation

  • New blink animation
  • New walk animation
  • New spell cast animation
  • New celebrate animation
  • New death animation

New evoker walk animation

New evoker spell cast animation

New evoker celebrate animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New crouch animation
  • New run animation
  • New attack animation
  • New sit animation
  • New sleep animation
  • New stuck animation
  • New death animation

New fox idle animation

New fox walk animation

New fox run animation

New fox attack animation

New fox sit animation

New fox sleep animation

Glow Squid
  • New swim animation

New glow squid swim animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New attack animation
  • 2 New death animation

New goat blind and idle animation

New goat walk animation

New goat run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation
  • Improved standing animation
  • Improved graze animation
  • New death animation

New horse walk animation

New horse run animation

Skeleton Horse
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation
  • Improved standing animation
  • Improved graze animation
  • New death animation

New skeleton horse walk animation

New skeleton horse run  animation

Zombie Horse
  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation
  • Improved standing animation
  • Improved graze animation
  • New death animation

New zombie horse walk animation

New zombie horse run animation

  • 2 new idle animations
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation (only for the baby zombie)
  • 3 new attack animations
  • 2 new death animations

New husk idle animation (variant 1)

New husk idle animation (variant 2)

New husk walk animation

New husk attack animation (variant 1)

New husk attack animation (variant 2)

New husk death animation (variant 1)

New husk death animation (variant 2)

Iron Golem
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New target chase animation
  • New attack animation
  • 2 new death animations

New iron golem idle animation

New iron golem walk animation

New iron golem death animation (variant 1)

New iron golem death animation (variant 2)

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation

New llama idle animation

New llama walk animation

New llama run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation

New mooshroom walk animation

New mooshroom run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation
  • Improved standing animation
  • Improved graze animation
  • New death animation

New mule walk animation

New mule run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New crouch animation
  • New run animation
  • New sit animation
  • New lie down animation
  • New death animation

New ocelot walk animation

New ocelot run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation

New panda idle animation

New panda walk animation

New panda run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation

New pig idle and blink animation

New pig walk animation

New pig run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New dynamic idle animations
  • New dynamic walk animations
  • New crossbow loading animation
  • New aim animation
  • New celebrate animation
  • New death animation

New pillager blink animation

New pillager idle animation

New pillager walk animation

New pillager run animation

New pillager crossbow loading animation

New pillager celebrate animation

Polar Bear
  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New stomp animation
  • New death animation

New polar bear blink animation

New polar walk animation

New polar run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New attack animation
  • New stunned animation
  • New roar animation
  • New death animation

New ravager idle and blink animation

New ravager walk animation

New ravager run animation

New ravager roar animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New graze animation
  • New death animation

New sheep idle animation

New sheep walk animation

New sheep run animation

  • Improved flying animation
  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New attack animation
  • New death animation

New vindicator idle animation

New vindicator walk animation

New vindicator attack animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New bow charging animation
  • New death animation

New skeleton walk animation

New skeleton bow charging animation

New skeleton death animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New dynamic body orientation
  • New 3D fangs
  • New death animation

New spider walk animation

  • New swim animation

New squid swim animation

  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New bow charging animation
  • New death animation

New stray walk animation

New stray bow charging animation

New stray death animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New sleep animation
  • New death animation

New villager idle and blink animation

New villager walk animation

New villager run animation

Wandering Trader
  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation

New wandering trader idle animation

New wandering trader walk animation

New wandering trader run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New death animation

New witch idle and blink animation

New witch walk animation

New witch run animation

  • New blink animation
  • New idle animation
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation
  • New shaking animation
  • New sitting animation
  • New tail wag animation
  • New death animation

New wolf idle and blink animation

New wolf walk animation

New wolf run animation

New wolf sit animation

New wolf tail wag animation

New wolf shaking animation

Zombie Villager
  • 2 new idle animations
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation (only for the baby zombie)
  • 3 new attack animations
  • 2 new death animations

New zombie villager idle animation (variant 1)

New zombie villager idle animation (variant 2)

New zombie villager walk animation

New zombie villager attack animation (variant 1)

New zombie villager attack animation (variant 2)

New zombie villager death animation (variant 1)

New zombie villager death animation (variant 2)

  • 2 new idle animations
  • New walk animation
  • New run animation (only for the baby zombie)
  • 3 new attack animations
  • 2 new death animations

New zombie idle animation (variant 1)

New zombie idle animation (variant 2)

New zombie walk animation

New zombie attack animation

New zombie death animation (variant 1)

New zombie death animation (variant 2)


Copyright [2023] [Raboy13]

This resource pack was created by non other than Raboy13 and all rights are reserved. The following terms of use apply to the addon:

  • You may not modify the files and upload them publicly. Modifications are only permitted for personal use. You are responsible for any leaks that may occur.
  • You may not re-upload the addon on external pages without my authorization. This includes addon or mod pages, marketplaces, MINECRAFT CHINA, and other related sites. Publishing the direct download link is considered re-uploading the addon.
  • You may not re-upload or publish the files of the addon or any of its contents (such as code).
  • You may not claim the addon as your own.
  • If you want to use this addon in your videos, you must give proper credits.
  • If you want to reupload this addon, ask permission on discord.
  • It is reiterated that all rights belong to their respective creators, and these terms are accepted upon obtaining and/or using this Minecraft Addon.
  • If I you violate any of these terms, I will find and take legal actions on you.

If you like my work, you can check out my YouTube channel for more amazing content: https://youtube.com/@Raboy13

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Support me

Support me on my Minecraft endeavors and get a custom discord rank to stand out from the crowd and gain access to a private channel on my discord server! With Mojang's new EULA changes this August, 2023, I will now regrettably discontinue uploading exclusive Minecraft content on Patreon for patron-only access to comply with the new UELA changes. I will now instead upload them on my discord server for everyone to download for free! Supporting me on Patreon now generally means you appreciate my works as a creator. Cheers! โฎ3 โ˜•

For more information, check out my Patreon page now: Raboy13

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๐Ÿค–Discord: Raboy13's Paradise

Updated on September 9


[Bug Fixes]

  • fixed the skeleton's bow not rendering
  • fixed the stray's bow not rendering


  • new vanilla-style stray animations
  • new vanilla-style cat animations
  • new vanilla-style ocelot animations
  • new vanilla-style wolf animations
  • new vanilla-style chicken animations
  • new vanilla-style spider animations
  • new vanilla-style cave spider animations
  • new vanilla-style cow animations
  • new vanilla-style mooshroom animations
  • new vanilla-style horse animations
  • new vanilla-style skeleton horse animations
  • new vanilla-style zombie horse animations
  • new vanilla-style donkey animations
  • new vanilla-style mule animations
  • new vanilla-style enderman animations
  • new vanilla-style evoker animations
  • new vanilla-style fox animations
  • new vanilla-style squid animations
  • new vanilla-style glow squid animations
  • new vanilla-style goat animations
  • new vanilla-style llama animations
  • new vanilla-style panda animations
  • new vanilla-style pig animations
  • new vanilla-style ravager animations
  • new vanilla-style sheep animations
  • new vanilla-style vex animations
  • new vanilla-style vindicator animations


  • changed hit color for the allay from red to white
Download links
Download Better Mob Animations 2.4.5
Download Better Mob Animations 2.4.5 ad-free (Patreon)
Supported versions
1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0
6 773
  1. Amazing pack!
    1. Raboy13 profile avatar Raboy13
      Thank you!