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DolphinMasterMB's Haunted by Herobrine Remake {V2}

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This scary experience is made for those people, That could remember how scary Minecraft felt back then. The feeling you weren't playing alone, even in Singleplayer worlds. A ghostly presence and strange occurrences or just someone watching you play. Sightings of a player, Herobrine!

{V2} Trailer by FearMasterLH:

Trailer by FearMasterLH:


Thanks to FearmasterLH (PlAyErEo3), he is the Community manager and made the Trailer, pictures and basic plan! He is also the main tester who helped with the conception of the addon!

He also made the Studio channel!

Thanks to BlueOceanBeats, he made the music OST! Adding even more chills to the experience!

You could find his Epic music here:


I (DolphinMasterMB) programmed the addon and arranged the publication!

Go follow our new MBLH Studio channel on YouTube for Epic Trailers, OST and Releases:


And me for Amazing Addon showcases and sneak peeks into the Development:


A Scary Nostalgic Experience:

When you are playing using this addon and are preparing for just another fun world!

After 3 in-game days, spooky things will start happening! Strange occurrences, a ghostly presence, sightings of a player! You aren't alone "anymore"! Someone is stalking you! Doing stuff in "your" world! If worse, this ominous figure will show. He stares deeply into your soul with his glowing white eyes and intimidates you with his nostalgic presence, giving you the chills! This ghostly player will always be watching you play in your world! This curious but creepy ghost might even be popping up just to say hi! He's one of Minecraft's most popular creepypasta legends, Herobrine!

Herobrine behavior in brief:

  • He acts like a Minecraft player, but being a ghost,
  • You can find traces of his presence,
  • He stalks you literally from anywhere in your world,
  • He's unpredictable and has a personality, making him somewhat intimidating,
  • He does stuff totally at random to surprise you,
  • He taunts and interacts with the player, even though I didn't implement that on purpose,
  • If you don't see him, he might be plotting something for you,
  • If you build his favorite structure for him (a shrine), he might be somewhat "interested",
  • Are you in for any more scary surprises?
  • If it's too quiet, don't think the addon is broken! He could surprise you with every breath you take!
  • He interacts with toggle able blocks!(Redstone mechanics be warned lmao)

A Shrine?

There are 2 different variants:

  • A big Shrine that massively increases his presence,
  • Another smaller Shrine that massively increases his curiosity, making him follow you more closely! You couldn't hide from him anymore! He follows you in caves and even your house more likely! But you never know when!

I recommend you try figuring those out yourself! It couldn't be too difficult considering there are many people who tried before! You will know it works when lighting it with a flint and steel feels strange!

Introducing Subpacks:

There are some extra optional features hidden behind various subpacks added to the behavior pack.

When you add the addon to your world, you can find a settings button (called settings) while you click the behavior pack. Here you could find the variety of subpacks. You could choose various combinations, with the compatibility version being the default:

  • Optional structures (Those are on by default),
  • Optional Cursed mobs (Those are off by default),
  • Optional Music OST by BlueOceanBeats (Off by default)

These features could be combined on or off. There are around 8 Subpacks you could select with a slider!

This benefits the player being able to play on preference!

Subpacks Settings Button

This screenshot includes an older development version of the addon! From the Fog isn't the used name for this addon due to copyright reasons! The screenshot was taken in a older Minecraft version too! The cog button changed to a button called Settings now!

Some Bonus features:

You can optionally add a cool light flickering (visage) effect to the game with the command:

"/tag @a add flash"

I won't recommend this for people with epilepsy or anything related! It could be harmful for some!

Use at your own risk!

You can do the command: "/tag @a add maze" to make Herobrine spawn a crazy cool liminal maze of tunnels underground! This is optional and greatly amplifies his structures underground!

You can disable this function by removing the tag from all players! The flash tag can also be applied to players individually on preference!

Theres a new: "/tag @a add gaze" option to make Herobrine have even glowier eyes! Maybe give this epic effect a try it's optional!

Game images by FearMasterLH:

DolphinMasterMB's Haunted by Herobrine Remake: Screenshot 1

DolphinMasterMB's Haunted by Herobrine Remake: Screenshot 2

DolphinMasterMB's Haunted by Herobrine Remake: Screenshot 3

DolphinMasterMB's Haunted by Herobrine Remake: Screenshot 4

Installation process:

Make sure to delete all older versions of the addon first! Then redownload and reinstall the addon after! Don't leave any older versions behind! Check both your Minecraft storage cache and older world resources and behaviors for older versions to delete before attempting a new install! Also, always toggle all experiments on in your world for the addon to function correctly! Happy playing!


You might need to set the worlds simulation distance to 8 specifically! Having a lower simulation distance like 4, multiplies Herobrines rarity quite a lot! Although simulation distance 4 still works, it makes Herobrine extremely rare! I recommend setting it to 8 for the proper experience! This should fix many issues!

Terms of use:

  • Please don't copy from the code used in this addon without permission from the coder! You could ask for permission and tips, but I couldn't guarantee help being as busy as I am lol!
  • When showcasing or featuring this addon, please use the legit link to this Modbay page!
  • Be kind to the developers, lol! ; )

Development note:

Thank you very much for playing our addon content!

If you have any issues with our addons, please report those in the comments section!

We listen to your suggestions!

We were for instance trying to implement alternative skins for V2, but broke them on accident!

Those might still come afterwards lol!

Stay tuned!

We will do our best to make you enjoy Minecraft in an interesting way never before possible on the Bedrock edition! We are dedicated to making familiar Minecraft mod content accessible for Mobile and possibly Console users too!

You are definitely in for some chills with this experience!

Enjoy some Multiplayer with your imagination!

Cheers! ; )

When you really want to know how the stuff works:

This is a older video! Check out DolphinMasterMB showcases on Youtube for more updated features and sneak peaks!

Updated on November 25

  • {V2} Trailer premiere!
  • Added many interesting features you might have seen in my showcase's before and even more!
  • This is a huge update, but let it get you by surprise!
  • Many bug fixes!
Download links
Official Release Download Link[zip, 12.96 Mb] / Downloads: 3730
Official Release Download Link[mcaddon, 12.96 Mb] / Downloads: 5595
Mirror Dropbox
Mirror Mediafire
Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.30
49 375
331 comment
  1. No avatar image Horrormodfan Guest
    Can you update it so that it’s compatible for 1.21.60+? I can get to work;
    Like the spawn eggs aren’t even loaded in nor are the entities! Please update/fix this!
    1. Dirtman profile avatar Dirtman
      They weren't supposed to have spawn eggs dummy
      1. No avatar image Horrormodfan Guest
        Well, even if there wasn’t any spawn eggs in the first place, herobrine or any other mobs in the mod is not spawning.
        1. No avatar image Horrormodfan Guest
          Except for the possessed mobs
          1. No avatar image Horrormodfan Guest
            Oh yeah, the reason why I know it’s not me being impatient is because I once played this and they were working a few months ago
          2. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
            These entities aren't really supposed to be spawned manually! The cursed mobs do have spawn eggs, because those are more basic! But Herobrine is MUCH more advanced lol! He starts randomly appearing naturally after 3 ingame days and learns more things onwards by living in your world! By building and activating a Shrine for him, you will provoke him! This makes him more common and more curious to players! This also bypasses the 3 day wait! This addon works automatically! No spawneggs needed lmao! Cheers! ; )
          3. No avatar image Horrormodfan Guest
            Oh, ok. Thanks for the reply. Sorry for the confusion!
          4. No avatar image Guest Ali Guest
            When will the new version compatible with 1.21.60 be released?
  2. Does the game lag for anyone else?
    1. No avatar image Horrormodfan Guest
      Yes, it does
  3. No avatar image Lynel_MC Guest
    I'm still waiting for v3, I always watch your YouTube every day to see your YouTube posts, videos and shorts.
  4. Flam4ik profile avatar Flam4ik
    in fact, to scare the player it is enough: for Herobrine to appear at some point behind the player. After the player turns around and sees him, he will disappear with a loud sound. In mod packs you can choose the delay before disappearing. Well, here is my idea for you: At some point in the forest, Herobrine's silhouette will flicker, like someone is running from one tree to another
    1. Flam4ik profile avatar Flam4ik
      the addon is not very scary, since Herobrine usually spawns quite far from the player. The Java mod From The Fog made Herobrine's main function to spawn behind the player in a radius of 2-5 blocks from him. And please, I ask you, make a choice of Herobrine's appearance frequency in the mod packs, thank you 😁
    2. é sério que pra você esse addon não é assustador só porque o Herobrine não aparece atrás do jogador? que estúpido
  5. No avatar image LynelMC_2015 Guest
    Hi DolphinMasterMB, all of your addons like hb v2, toww and knocker support beta version
    1. não, ainda não suportam
  6. No avatar image im to lazy to put a name Guest
    i have one question do we have to build herobrian's shrine or does he just spawn normally
    1. He spawns naturally I play the mod daily
      1. No avatar image FearMasterLH Guest
        Fun fact, v3 will release soon! It’s like a better version of from the fog!
        1. caramba, legal!
        2. incrível
  7. você pode torná-lo compatível com a versão 1.21.60 algum dia?
  8. BTW I got my picture from your mod the original design had messed up His left You'r Right eye to make one bigger than the other. so I got a screenshot of it in Minecraft education edition and set it as my profile picture so I'm Drunk Herobrine
  9. What is Test:Geest

    and TEST:HEROBRINE do if I /summon them @DolphinMasterMB?
    1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
      You aren't really supposed to summon those manually! It doesn't have any purpose spawning them like that lol! Cheers!👀👻😅🤔😂👍😆😉
      1. Okay also could you add a future where you can do /function to edit how much usage he uses and things like that and also like let him take controll where he can take over you'r world and there is no going back. and also on the Pack where you can activate it can you make it where you can change the settings and make his appearances rarer or more common and make it to where he can randomeley set things on fire and hit you off cliffs or hit you even when no'ones around? also can you make it to where he breaks leaves and removes all pasive mobs like chickens cows horses donkeys wandering traders villagers iron golems things like that or even make it to where there is fog??? Thanks!!!

        EDIT: Sorry I know that's a lot to read you don't have to read it if you don't want to its just a bit of requests because my sister thinks its kinda not... like creepy? so I want to find an actually mod like the F R O M T H E F O G mod but like for bedrock
        1. tem o from the fog be RP no mcpdel lá você encontra o addon ok eu espero que eu tenha ajudado
          1. I use a school Computer so MCPEDL is b l o c k e d at my school
          2. Eu uso um computador escolar, então o MCPEDL está bloqueado na minha escola
        2. No avatar image FearMasterLH Guest
          A few of those suggestions aren’t possible, others aren’t the style of haunted, and the rest are gonna be stuff in ANTI-PIRACY
  10. No avatar image Lynel_PG3D Guest
    Hi DolfhinMasterMB, can i know if i change hb v2 to 4 chunk, every structure in hb v2 still work?
    1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
      4 chunks makes stuff way more rare tho! But it should work! Cheers!👀👻😅🤔👍😆😁😉
  11. No avatar image Gfj Guest
    The shrine is not working please help.
    1. It's not meant to be spawns naturally
    2. No avatar image FearMasterLH Guest
      Will be fixed in v3
    3. Dirtman profile avatar Dirtman
      You need mossy cobblestone under the netherrack
  12. hello @DolphinmasterMB 😎👊
    1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
  13. você pretende adicionar mais entidades no futuro?
  14. No avatar image Bastien Guest
    Tkt pas je vole pas vos idées je vous donne des idées pour vous puissiez les mettre d'ans l'add-on je sais pas faire de mods désolé si je m'exprime mal ou si le traducteur traduit Mal
  15. No avatar image Anônimo Guest
    Thanks cats are good, I just got confused because they're both great.