Reborn RPG profile avatarReborn RPG
New enchanting and books activation mechanism. hold crafting table to activate books to be used on equipment. leave books out of your inventory when holding an enchanting table to leave books you dont want to use yet un-enchanted.
Reborn RPG profile avatarReborn RPG
Yes. books can be found in vanilla structures and do not change anything vanilla, ONLY adds :) you can now craft some of the major enchantments now, too! hold an enchanting table in your hand to activate books to be used on armor, PUT ASIDE books you do NOT want enchanted out of your inventory when holding an enchanting table, because you will need plain books (UN ENCHANTED VERSIONS) to use for crafting!
Neiko 389 profile avatarNeiko 389
Pencet sama terus pence tulisan skip di bagian kanan atas tunggu terus pencet get Ramadan pack lalu tunggu 10 detik habis itu pencet get instant acces atau apa lah udah deh tinggal download terus pasang ok?
No avatar imageRizki septrian
Aku suka mod ini
PointyFour profile avatarPointyFour
I don’t know why it’s in .zip. It’s replacing the .mcpack.
Luning39 profile avatarLuning39
not for beta yet, but it works on formal version that over 1.21.40
No avatar imageSunsetrex
Awesome mod!
LilRaven8 profile avatarLilRaven8
when I go to the pahge it says 404 not found
No avatar imageGuess
Can it obtain in survival mode ?
No avatar imageEndermonster5576
can you change the recipe for the golem hammer
az199 profile avataraz199
it gave me a virus it is bad
No avatar imageMalik Armstrong
when are they gonna fix my blocked download?