The One Who Watches Reborn for Bedrock by MBLH Studios

Imagine you are living in a cabin in a spooky Minecraft forest. Then out of the sudden, you hear something scratching. You take out your torch. Then into the darkness you go. You hear whispers. Noooo!
Recommended for Halloween! 🎃👻
The One Who Watches Reborn for Bedrock by MBLH Studios:
Thanks to PixelCoder for making the original The one who watches mod on Java! You can find his Java mod masterpiece here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-one-who-watches
Thanks to FearMasterLH aka Playereo3! He's the community manager and helped me shape this addon as accurately as possible! He also made the trailer and some art! You can find our studio channel here: https://youtube.com/@mblhstudios
Thanks to Spacedummy for making the resources and entity design for the addon!
Thanks to Simple Pufferfish for refining some animations!
Me (DolphinMasterMB) did the coding and stuff! Visit my Youtube channel for showcases and epic previews of our addons:
Trailer by FearMasterLH:
About the addon:
This addon adds a super scary entity: The One Who Watches Reborn! When you enable this addon, your world will be haunted with this terrifying creature! He evolves over time and eventually starts to hunt you down! But first it takes around 9 full Minecraft days before his final chase/hunt phase! This could take around 3 hours on default! If you don't like to wait or want to speed up a bit, you could use the subpacks! You could find those in the behavior pack world settings by the cog symbol! The Toww entity has many scary random behaviors! He is unpredictable and taunts you into thinking he isn't! There are many creepy signs you can find about him roaming your world!
It might be fun if you just start a new world and experience this for yourself!
Please don't blame me if you get scared lol! It's nightmare fuel!
I recommend just playing this on default and letting it get you by surprise!
Some testers already quit the game lmao!
You might be able to find their journals!
Tip for if you really can't wait to find him:
Click the cog symbol in the world behavior pack settings! Then pick the option all the way to the left with the red text! So you lock him into his final phase 9! Now he's definitely gonna hunt you down! This option is especially made for those people who just don't like suspense and stuff! Also really handy for testing tho lol!
Tip for scaring your friends:
Just add this addon to your multiplayer world with default settings without your friends knowing! The suspense will slowly making them shit their pants! They might leave the server being completely white out of fear! Just like the survivors that came before lmao!
Some scary screenshots:
Installation process:
Make sure to delete all older versions of the addon first! Then redownload and reinstall the addon after! Don't leave any older versions behind! Check both your Minecraft storage cache and older world resources and behaviors for older versions to delete before attempting a new install! Also, always toggle all experiments on in your world for the addon to function correctly! Happy playing!
Terms of use:
- Please don't copy from the code used in this addon without permission from the coder! You could ask for permission and tips, but I couldn't guarantee help being as busy as I am lol!
- When showcasing or featuring this addon, please use the legit link to this ModBay page!
- Be kind to the developers lol! ; )
Development note:
Thank you very much for playing our addon content!
If you have any issues with our addons, please report those in the comments section!
We will do our best to make you enjoy Minecraft in a interesting way never before possible on Bedrock edition! We are dedicated to making familiar minecraft mod content accessible for Mobile and possibly Console users too!
You are definitely in for some chills with this experience!
Enjoy some Multiplayer with your imagination!
Happy early Halloween! ; D
Cheers! ; )
Updated on March 24
- Improved the sounds to feel more immersive in a way!
- Added new download links,
- Added compatibility for later Minecraft versions including 1.21.60,
- Did some nice refinements to adapt to the new Minecraft version,
- Added a scary surprise...
- I fixed a game breaking bug in last version!
- Sorry for the inconvenience!
- Happy Halloween and enjoy this spooky experience!
Yet another surprising update:
- I rebalanced the sneak up chase behavior!
- I added some new surprising events to make the experience even more diverse and interesting!
- Also nice improvements!
- A scary surprise update including a chase scenario inspired from the Java mod I forgot to add on release! Just in time for Halloween! I call it the suspense chase! It's super unpredictable!
- I found a small but annoying bug in the addon and fixed it!