Deadman 1001 profile avatarDeadman 1001
what experimental settings do you need to activate in order to use the addon cause when I activate it in my world nothing happens

Initially, I was going to delete the world when you die, but I thought that he might want to wander around his world one last time, so I scrapped the idea.
MetalManeMc profile avatarMetalManeMc
Thanks you for making this, that bugfix was so annoying !
MetalManeMc profile avatarMetalManeMc
How do you stop the player from respawning ? You just lock him in spectator ?
Mhafy1016 profile avatarMhafy1016
Thankyou for the response!
I'll try fixing it as soon as possible
PrincePandaman profile avatarPrincePandaman
I absolutely love this mod! I only wish, if it's possible, to one day to have the ability for a pet to ride with you, like a parrot, or your friendly good boy! A pet seat would be awesome. I have this addon in my realm and it's working great! Our port is now full of player-made ships!

The biggest issue I've found is that chest inventories sometimes disappear, haven't fully been able to reproduce it in a consistent way, but it's something we've noted. been sticking to ender chests as an alternative for now, which is working.
DouarMC profile avatarDouarMC
Ohhhh great idea !
admirbekir profile avataradmirbekir
Hey!Can i ask something so i really wanna add everything to my minecraft world and as i was reading i didn’t understand much its kinda confusing to me because im new to this mod and all the mods so can you tell how to put everything in my world with jumpscares,scary noise,possessed animals/mobs and herobrine to always hunt me in my server without leaving!
2out profile avatar2out
يزنجي مودات
ShadowGem100k profile avatarShadowGem100k
Its work in 1.20.1x and 1.20.2x too soo its okey :)
MetalManeMc profile avatarMetalManeMc
Ooh, nice. This can be expanded into a proximity challenge, where if you're over 10 blocks away you take damage.
No avatar imageElBotitos
Why don't I have backpacks?
Frozen Sulfur  profile avatarFrozen Sulfur
This is kinda useless. Mojang added /gamerule playersleepingpercentage that lets you set the max/min amount of players needed to skip the night. Sorry to pop your bubble.
Tá faltando os itens de star platinum, como ingot, barra de minério e ferramentas de trabalho. Tirando isso, o addon está muito bom.