📦Lootr Bedrock (Unofficial Port)📦

Unique loot for each player, so you won't have to travel thousands of blocks in search of undiscovered loot...
This is an unofficial port of the mod "Lootr" made by Noobanidus
Addon is under development, your opinion is appreciated
Mod License/Port Permission:
The mod is under the MIT license & contains the following:
"Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software..."
What allows me to make this port
And that means, this Add-on is also under the MIT license.
What does the addon do? Each container with a loot table (such as chests, barrels, and even shulkers) provides unique loot for each player. For example, one player might open a chest and find a diamond shovel, while another player opening the same chest would receive different loot.
This way, you won't have to be the first to loot a structure, as the chests will have a Loot generated just for you.
◆ Each chest comes with a unique Loot for each player.
◆ Do you want to use my code to make your own addon? Go ahead!
I'd be very grateful if you give credits :)
◆ Activate the 'Beta APIs' experimental feature, and make sure you are on the latest version (1.21.0, not Previews).
◆ Something is not working correctly but you think you have done everything right?
Fill out this form and submit the bug report: Submit Bug Report - PUPY200MINE´S ADD-ONS (weebly.com)
This is an early version, there may be bugs, please report them, it would help me a lot.
Updated on February 20
- Compatibility with Minecraft 1.21.60.
- Compatibility with Minecraft 1.21.50.
- Updated to make it compatible with 1.21.41.
- Updated to make it compatible with 1.21.30.
- Now compatible with Minecraft 1.21.20.
- More security measures to avoid exploits.
- Dynamic properties are now used to know if a chest was placed by a player (this solves several problems).
- Now you can get custom loot from Shulkers.
- Placing chests in water now does not cause any problems.
- Removed the unique loot from Shulkers, as it causes several issues.