The 3D Ambience Addon

Ever wanted to have very immersive natural ambience surrounding you in your Minecraft playthrough? Me and my friend cpzlvslpz have selected ultra quality ambient sounds for all your Minecraft biomes!
The 3D Ambience Addon info:
Me and my friend cpzlvslpz started this amazing addon project because cpzlvslpz really likes ambience in games and liked to make some ambience of his own! I helped him realize his idea in Minecraft! Then this beautiful addon came alive! Adding ultra-high-quality sounds everywhere around you in your Minecraft world! Almost all biomes have super detailed sounds surrounding the player from all directions at different distances with depth effects! Sounds also change dynamically depending on the day/night cycle and weather conditions! Truly immersive!
Some more info:
This addon uses both resources and behaviors to operate! The sounds are actually produced by invisible entities that work like speakers all around the player! They spawn just like Minecraft mobs and work on a condition system to add immersion for the player! Please note that your simulation distance setting affects the sound system! You can tweak this to your preference! Also, good to know: The ambient entities spawn at quite a distance from the player! You might notice some delays sometimes, but don't worry, they are made to blend pretty great! The sound system is actually aware of possible inconsistencies and might refresh where needed!
Little Disclaimer:
As you might have noticed, the addon file size is quite huge! I'm sorry for any inconveniences you might have! But, as you might know, I'm interested in sounds! The sounds in this addon are super detailed and high quality, and there are quite a lot for multiple biomes! It's quite obvious that this massively increases the addons file size, lol! Don't worry, it's all worth it when you immerse yourself with the natural ambient sounds! It could be frustrating to join worlds using this, though! So I might divide the themes if needed!
Here are some early video examples:
- Massive thanks to my friend cpzlvslpz the great sound artist for making this addon project possible!
- Please subscribe to my channel for news about new addon content getting announced: https://youtube.com/@DolphinMasterMB
Cheers! ; )
Updated on July 08
- Removed people somehow having permission to edit the download folder and messing it up!
- Adding a new Mediafire download option!
I hope people can finally enjoy the addon now!
Cheers! ; )