Raid Royale 3

- This map was made in 2020 and does not reflect my abilities today -
Raid Royale 3 is a Battle Royale map that only needs 2-6 players to play! The map was inspired by games like Apex Legends and Fortnite, along with other things like the Xbox 360 Minecraft glide mini-game. Play with a variety of kits and loot up on a 128x128 map.
Map pictures! (Yay)
- Red: Bow (with Infinity), Strength I
- Green: Leather Armor (with Thorns III and Protection III)
- Cyan: Bow (with Flame), slowly gains levels, effects they have depends on their level, arrows make them lose levels.
- Black: Stone Sword (with Fire Aspect I), Leather Armor (with Protection II), gains effects in lava, Fire Resistance I, Jump Boost I, is slowed and blinded by snowballs.
- Yellow: Speed II, Jump Boost I
- Lime: Jump Boost III
- Light Blue: Speed II, slow falling, gains effects in water.
- Purple: Speed I, ender pearls give effects.
- Light Grey: Extra inventory slots, iron chestplate and helmet.
- Brown: Cannot shoot arrows or be shot at, (when around players) Speed I, players near will be slowed, Stone Sword (Sharpness I), wooden sword (Knockback II)
- Orange: Iron Chestplate and Helmet, Shield, Weakness I, Regeneration I.
- Blue: Stone Axe, Slowness II, Resistance II.