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Raid Battle Classic

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- This map was made in 2019 and does not reflect my abilities today, but don't let that stop you from playing! -

- Description -

Raid Battle Classic is a 2-5 player KitPvP map made in Minecraft. Thereโ€™s 13 kits: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, lime, cyan, light blue, light gray, and more and 36 maps. Some of them are Garden, Town, Forest, Hills, Towers, and Big Hills. Each character and map are different so play them all and find out which one you like most.

*Raid Battle Classic used to be called "Raid Battle", but in about in April of 2024 I thought it would be fun to update the map. This update, however, turned into a completely new map entirely, which I decided to still call "Raid Battle" and rename the orginal map (this one) to "Raid Battle Classic".

How to play:

  1. Choose a kit.
  2. Pick a map and press the โ€œstartโ€ button.
  3. Fight!
  4. After fighting press the โ€œendโ€ button inside the arena.
  5. Press the โ€œresetโ€ and โ€œclearโ€ button near the characters.
  6. Repeat!


About the kits:

Red: iron armor, iron sword, power bow

Red Kit: Screenshot

Blue: iron armor, stone sword, 40hp

Blue Kit: Screenshot

Yellow: leather armor, iron sword, bow, quick charge crossbow, speed and jump boost effect

Yellow Kit: Screenshot

Orange: iron armor, iron sword, crossbow, shield

Orange Kit: Screenshot

Green: chain armor, iron sword, 3 crossbows

Green Kit: Screenshot

Lime: leather armor, fire aspect gold sword, power bow, jump boost, speed

Lime Kit: Screenshot

Cyan: leather armor, diamond sword, power bow

Cyan Kit: Screenshot

Purple: iron armor, sharpness wooden sword, power bow

Purple Kit: Screenshot

Gray: has 4 variations

Gray Kit: Screenshot

Light Gray: iron armor, iron sword, crossbows, iron sword, bow, shield

Light Gray Kit: Screenshot

Light Blue: leather armor, iron sword, power bow, speed effect

Light Blue Kit: Screenshot


White Kit: Screenshot


Black Kit: Screenshot

All Kits: Screenshot


All Maps: Screenshot

Download links
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Supported versions