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Raid Royale 2 (2019)

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- This map was made in 2019 and does not reflect my abilities today, but don’t let that stop you from playing! -

- Description -

Raid Royale 2 is a 2-6 player battle royale map. Unlike Raid Royale 1, this map has randomized chest and a much bigger map! There are 5 locations on the map and they are forest, nether, mushroom, jungle, and mountain. Each location has its own set of chests that it can use, meaning that different locations will have different loot.

- How to play -

  1. Press the ready up button
  2. When everyone is ready press start
  3. Loot up and fight
  4. When there is only one person left on the map press the end game button
  5. Repeat

- Pictures -

Raid Royale 2: Screenshot 1

Raid Royale 2: Screenshot 2

Raid Royale 2: Screenshot 3

Download links
Download World
Supported versions
1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0