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Open World Survival Map

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Welcome to The Open World Survival Map! This is an island that spreads across 2048x2048 blocks! This survival map adds new items, loot, weapons, 2 new armor sets, multiple new enemies, friends, structures, and more! Explore the many dungeons and structures and upgrade your gear as you attempt to conquer the final boss, The Holy Guardian!


This is still under development! I have many more ideas that I would like to add to this world, but I wanted to see what people thought of the concept. If you play this map, and have a few ideas that you believe would improve the experience, please let me know! I always welcome new ideas and concepts. While I can’t guarantee that your idea will be used, I will ALWAYS credit you if I use your idea. Some of my current ideas are:

  • Fire Dungeon
  • Nether resources
  • Dangerous Lava Boss
  • More customizable weapons and armor
  • More structures
  • More lower level enemies

I have done all of this by myself. I have had my friends do some testing, but all the developments, designs, the map, and enemy behaviors were all done by me and me alone. Therefore, sometimes, I miss some things in the testing processes. If you come across any bugs/inconsistencies, please let me know immediately, so I can try to fix the problem.

Thank you to anyone who plays my map!


Cave with crystal mushrooms

New armor

The Cave Troll

The Cave Monster

Forest House

Ant Cave

New items

Boss in the dungeon

Updated on July 7

Change Log:

  • Fix behavior bugs
  • Increased Tyram Sentry Pet health to 150 (was 50)
  • Fixed Tyram Sentry Pet Swimming behaviors
  • Add Tyram Sentry Mix and recipe
  • Lowered Cave Dweller damage to 6 (was 15)
Download links
The map[mcworld, 55.69 Mb] / Downloads: 9
The Resource Pack[zip, 2.48 Mb] / Downloads: 1
The Behavior Pack[zip, 95.3 Kb] / Downloads: 1
Supported versions
1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50
1 466
  1. No avatar image hello:d Guest
    Sick, now I don't have to make my own builds for my friends! Thanks for this map bro πŸ«‚
  2. TheMysticTrout profile avatar TheMysticTrout Author
    Feel free to change the settings of the world as well, such as difficulty and keepinventory.