Expansive Biomes

Expansive Biomes adds 18 new biomes to the game for you to seek out and explore, aiming for a semi-vanilla feel. Expansive Biomes also includes some new mobs, items, and blocks!
V1.7.0 Trailer
May not work well on older/slower devices.
May not work well with other biome addons.
Known Bugs/Problems:
Custom block destroy speeds aren't affected using vanilla tools.
Wider custom trees will sometime hang over the side of the terrain.
Custom leaves may render incorrectly from a distance.
You can view the addon wiki here.
Scorpions are hostile mobs that spawn during the night in the desert, but can survive in the daylight. They can be found in 3 different sizes, each size having slightly different speed and attack values corresponding with their size. They inflict fatal poison for 5 seconds to whatever they attack making them more dangerous in a pack, and have a 20% chance of dropping their stinger when killed which can be crafted into a Stinger Knife using 3 stingers and a stick.
A cave dwelling monster of, as of now, unknown origin.
They lurk deep in caves, spawning between levels -63 through 8. While their eyesight isn't the best, they make up for it by using smell and sound. They will seek players periodically within a 24 block radius, then will attack when within 6 blocks of a player. Unless hit, running outside of the 6 block radius will cause them to temporarily lose sight of the player. They despise fire, so using torches, standing torches, campfires, and lanterns are a good repellent against them. However, they can and will break torches around them but are unable to break standing torches, campfires, and lanterns.
They can be found in Jungles, they are neutral animals and will only attack when provoked. They will pickup and eat dropped food and will even pickup majority of items. When picking up any tools and armor, they will equip and use them, so be careful not to lose your gear near them because they will not give it back willingly.
Outlaws are a new pillager/illager type found in Badlands biomes, they can ride horses and wield crossbows. Some will even use a new weapon called the Bola. Players and mobs hit by a bola will suffer slowness 5 and take damage. When encountering Outlaws, it is wise to bring a ranged weapon, as they can throw bolas pretty quickly, making you too slow to escape. When paired with other Outlaws wielding crossbows, it can get pretty dangerous.
Passive mobs that will avoid players, villagers, and pillagers. They will drop venison, deer antlers, leather and a rare chance to drop a deer trophy when killed.
Warthogs are neutral animals that spawn in the Savanna biome, and will only attack the player if provoked. Players can equip a saddle on a Warthog and can ride them using a carrot on a stick, similar to pigs. Warthogs will periodically start searching for a nearby block and then will start digging in hopes to find food. During this process, there is a chance they can dig up other items other than food. If a desired food item is successfully dug up, they will eat the food. They have a striking resemblance to the Nether's Hoglins, and will convert to Hoglins if they are in the Nether for too long.
Adorable neutral mobs that will attack players if angered. They will avoid players, and are nocturnal and will sleep during the day similar to foxes. They will eat crops, and pickup most food items and eat them. They are afraid of carved pumpkins, so they are a good way to prevent raccoons from eating crops. To tame raccoons, sneak and feed them bread.
Spawns primarily in water, where it is fastest, and will attack most mobs. Drops Crocodile meat when killed.
Acts the same as a normal cow, but is yellow, and covered with Buttercup flowers.
Neutral mob that will attack monsters (excluding creepers). Will attack players if angered. Spawns in Mystic Forest biomes. Can be traded with.
Mossy Skeleton & Zombie
Currently just reskinned skeletons and zombies that spawn in the Bog biome.
Trapper Pillager
Neutral towards players unless angered. You can trade with them for pelts, leather, and hide, but their trades will not replenish. They will attack villagers, iron golems, and bears on sight. Skilled archers that can shoot 2 arrows at once in a short amount of time and have 45 points of health. Can be found in Hunter Cabin structures.
Black Bear
Neutral mob that will run from players, will only attack if hit or a bear cub is near.
Grizzly Bear
Aggressive mob that will attack players, pillagers, and monsters (excluding creepers).
Small passive mobs that will fly around randomly. Spawns at night in most biomes. Can be caught with a glass jar.
Aggressive mob that does 7 hearts of damage per hit, will attack most mobs on sight, and will throw balls of packed ice that deal 3 and 1/2 hearts when their target gets too far away. Spawns rarely in any Frozen biome, but spawns more commonly in the Frost Forest biome.
Tools & Armor:
Grizzly Pelt Armor - Made from Grizzly Bear Pelts, and iron armor, it is a little stronger in protection, and durability than iron, and has a working cloak! (Remove cape from player to avoid them from glitching through each other.)
Vibranium Armor - Made from vibranium ingots, and is stronger than Netherite, more knockback resistance, and has slightly better durability. Some parts will glow in the dark, unless enchanted.
- Vibranium Sword - deals 9 damage, and has 2000 durability, 1 durability point per use.
- Vibranium Pickaxe - deals 7 damage, and has 2000 durability, 1 durability point per use.
- Vibranium Axe - deals 8 damage, and has 2000 durability, 1 durability point per use.
- Vibranium Shovel - deals 6 damage, and has 2000 durability, 1 durability point per use.
- Vibranium Hoe - deals 7 damage, and has 2000 durability, 1 durability point per use.
- Stinger Knife - deals 4 damage, and has 60 durability. Causes fatal poison for 4 seconds on hit.
Vibranium can be found in Savanna biomes between levels 16 though-64, it has similar distribution as diamonds, but much rarer.
Credit to Nargoth, Skycubb73 and ytpo for ongoing Hungarian, French, and Polish language support.
Credit to Kaioga for their block templates.
Credit to Poggy for their Leaf Decay script template.
Credit to alienedds for their petal flower script template.
These Experimental Settings must be enabled!
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Updated on February 06
- Shelf mushrooms can be placed on more types of logs
- Updated texture of Jungfern (credit to CooperCan)
- Updated texture of Didymoch (credit to CooperCan)
- Updated texture of Violets
- Reverted falling leaf particle change due to conflicts with animation packs
- Added Forsaken Depths
- Improved Autumn Forest with new tree shapes
- Added dense fog to Pale Garden
- Increased tree density in maple forest
- Added Hanging Lichen
- Added Lichen Carpet
- Added Whispering Willows
- Renamed Tinder Mushrooms to Shelf Mushrooms (the internal id will remain unchanged)
- Improved mining times for custom blocks when using vanilla tools
- Certain blocks will now be destroyed by flowing water (e.g. custom plants and flowers)
- Custom saplings, doors, trapdoors, fences, and fence gates can now be waterlogged (fences and fence gates don't waterlog perfectly)
- Cattails, deadferns, jungferns, and standing torches can now be waterlogged (will be destroyed if fully submerged)
- Maple leaves will drop saplings more frequently
- Flowers now spread when bonemealed
- Updated texture of redwood log
- Slightly updated cattail texture
- Added Lurker
- Added Spectre
- Dwellers now spawn within the Forsaken Depths
- Dwellers no longer attack baby turtles
- Decreased wander range of fireflies
- Fireflies now despawn when in water or rain
- Increased damage of dweller (5 -> 8)
- Slightly increased health of dweller (20 -> 25)
- Slightly edited deer texture
- Pumpkin zombies and skeletons can spawn in Autumn Forests
- Removed ghost
- Added Lurker Foot
- Added Coconut Tree Sapling
- Updated texture of dweller flesh
- Updated texture of crocodile meat
- Updated texture of venison
- Removed ectoplasm
- Added Swiftrunner Boots (crafted using 2 dweller flesh, 2 bones, and 2 lurker feet)
- Falling leaf particles are now client-side (shoutout to Poggy)
- Cattails can spawn waterlogged
- Added goblin village (this feature is an experimental WIP, requires the data driven jigsaw toggle)
- Fixed biome fog in certain biomes
- Fence gates show in the correct creative menu group
- Leaves drop themselves when sheared
- Vibranium tools destroy additional blocks
- Sulfur and vibranium ore support fortune (credit to JangoBritt)
- Syrup bottles give back a glass bottle when consumed (credit to JangoBritt)
- Updated for 1.21.50
- Updated for 1.21.40
- Vibranium ingots are now crafted using netherite scraps instead of netherite ingots
- Campfires can now be crafted using baobab, redwood, and jacaranda
- Sulfur and vibranium ore will no longer give xp when mined with silk touch
- Updated for 1.21.30
- Deadferns can now be placed on dirt and podzol
- Disabled the recipe to craft custom stairs
- Removed hanging icicle blocks from the creative menu (use the item instead to place the block)
- Increased durability of vibranium armor
- Slightly edited goblin texture
- Updated for 1.21.20
- Increased durability of vibranium tools
- Lowered spawn rate of mossy skeleton
- Mossy skeletons no longer spawn underground
- Fixed a bug causing scriptevent messages to be sent in chat
- Tedwood forest bushes will now be made of spruce leaves
- Increased the amount of trees in jacaranda forests
- Added redwood leaf sprouts
- Removed vibrant stone
- Remove vibrant dripstone
- Deer trophy is now correctly oriented in the hotbar
- Updated deer trophy geometry
- Increased collision and selection box of deer trophy
- Vibranium ore can be mined with diamond pickaxes
- Sulfur ore can only be mined using iron pickaxes or better
- Adjusted tinder mushrooms geometry to prevent z-fighting when placed on a block with an exposed top
- Added particles to aspen, jacaranda, redwood, and autumn leaves
- Redwood leaves are slightly brighter
- Updated all blocks to the latest format version and components
- Custom wood and stone types can be mined faster with vanilla tools
- Unbreaking now works correctly when applied to stinger knife
- Vibranium armor now applies absorption every 15 seconds when the full set is worn (only applies to players)
- Updated all items to the latest format versions and components
- Updated deer antler geometry
- Updated deer spawn egg color
- Lowered tinder mushroom spawn rate
- Lowered goblin hut spawn rate
- Custom leaves now drop the correct loot
- Firefly jar emits the correct light level
- Changed pack icon
- Added some custom in-game achievements
- Addon no longer requires the "Holiday Creator Features" toggle
- Fixed a bug preventing blocks from being placed under other blocks
- Lowered spawn rate of yeti
- Fixed yeti log errors related to animations
- Readded Autumn Forest
- Readded Volcanic Peaks
- Added Autumn Sapling
- Baobab, jacaranda, and aspen saplings will no longer leave an empty air block when a tree is grown
- Aspen saplings will now drop themselves when mined
- Baobab, jacaranda, and redwood fences can now be crafted
- Baobab leaves now have the correct sound
- Updated Savanna biome
- Added Strata
- Added Wild Wheat
- Added Dead Fern
- Added Baobab Blocks
- Removed oak trees from Savanna biome
- Added Baobab Trees
- Added Warthog
- Raccoons can only hold 1 item at a time
- Chimps can only hold 1 item at a time
- Aspen leaves now drop the correct loot when mined by players
- Aspen leaves can now be found in the creative category
- Aspen sapling can now be found under the nature category in the sapling group
- Fixed some blocks having a border shadow
- Added compatibility for Minecraft version 1.20.60
NOTICE: The listed biomes will not work currently.
- Volcanic Peaks
- Canyon
- Autumn Forest
- Added Daisy Petals
- Bees now are tempted by custom flowers
- Bees can be bred and grown with custom flowers
- Added daisy petals to Pendula and Flower Forests
- Added Aspen Forest
- Removed dirt from deserts
- Added Aspen Leaves
- Added Aspen Leaf Pile
- Readded custom doors
- Updated redwood plank texture
- Updated redwood door texture
- Updated redwood trapdoor texture
- Updated jacaranda trapdoor texture
- Custom doors now use the new door sounds
- Custom trapdoors now use the new trapdoor sounds
- Updated geometry of tinder mushrooms
- Updated texture of tinder mushrooms
- Updated texture for raccoon
- Updated geometry for goblins
- Lowered spawn rate of fireflies
- Deer will only follow players when holding carrots
- Baby deer can be fed carrots to grow up
- Chimps can be bred with apples
- Disabled pumpkin zombies and skeletons from spawning
- Armor trims can be applied to vibranium armor
- Vibranium armor can be repaired using the same armor piece or with vibranium ingots
- Grizzly armor can be repaired using the same armor piece or with iron ingots
- Vibranium tools and weapons can be repaired using the same item or with vibranium ingots
- Added aspen sapling
- Fixed jacaranda saplings growing into trees when the block below them was broken
- Fixed custom saplings not being able to grow naturally
- Added redwood fence
- Added jacaranda fence
- Slightly adjusted brightness of maple leaves texture
- Redwood sapling can now be used as fuel
- Jacaranda saplings can now be used as fuel
- Maple saplings can now be used as fuel
- Sulfur moved to the items category
- Fixed several foliage features that were affected by 1.20.30
- Chance for Pumpkin Zombies to spawn (time limited)
- Chance for Pumpkin Skeletons to spawn (time limited)