Actual Guns CSO V3.1.44: M9 Bayonet HQ (Slaughter & Tiger Tooth skins)

"Actual Guns" is the first add-on to introduce custom guns into Minecraft Bedrock Edition, and the first to introduce key-features such as first shot accuracy, Recoil recovery, Skins, Different accuracy when (jumping, walking, in air, swimming, ladder, etc), Hit-markers, Announcers, B Modes (Semi, Burst, Change of gun, Silencers), Enhancements, Attachments, Editions, Reserve ammo, Eat to reload, Reload, Automatic reload, Iron sights, Scopes, Perks, Recoil, Real dual-wield, Sniper steadyness/sway, Draw mechanic w/ sounds, Rocket-jumping, Headshots (not yet here, but there's a video!) and much, much more! It was previously made by TheEnderface and Keyyard. I have taken the add-on, expanded it, re-wrote everything, so it's brand new. It contains about 120+ weapon items (this includes grenades, melees, guns, etc). All the weapons in this add-on are unique in terms of their stats (everything will feel different) and their texture - we don't like copy pasta here!
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What is Actual Guns?
From what you have read from the brief introduction, it's the first add-on to bring the first custom guns, hence the name "Actual Guns". It was previously made by Keyyard and TheEnderface, but they ditched the add-on for some time. I was bored and had nothing to do, so I revived the add-on after a year of no sign of hope from updates and worked on the first V2 prototype in April 2020, when lockdown was a thing. Me and Jun worked on the add-on again just to update it a single time, but based on the reactions we got from the community, we decided to stay and continue. This add-on has come a long way since, adding things that no other gun add-on has ever made nor thought of and possibly never surpassing the efforts and we put into this project and how we take it so seriously. The funny thing about this add-on is that it's mainly 2D and yet surpasses any add-on (including our popular spinoff, ActualGuns 3D), and it just shows it's not about being 2D or 3D, it's about how much you actually care and your willingness to do something, and the reason why it surpasses these addons is because people care about looks more than mechanics and gameplay, which is backwards because a good gameplay keeps you attached whilst looks are there to attract you. You'd be actually surprised how many good-looking addons fall short on this one. Our determination and creativity have led us here, and your support has helped us on this everlasting journey. On October 31, 2020, Actual Guns is based on Counter-Strike Online (still is to this day!), and on July 15, 2021, it was softly rebooted to what it is now—a significant overhaul of the addon, marking a turning point in its development.
Why should you choose Actual Guns?
- Your opinion is heard, we listen to it.
- AG is the first addon to introduce custom-made guns, key features that most gun add-ons also inherit, custom scopes and iron sights, burst feature and silencers, weapon skins feature, and also introduce it in gif/animation form, first shot being accurate and later rounds being inaccurate, real dual wield weapons, real attachments that can be combined and have meaningful changes and all of it be inside 1 item instead of 100s, and so much more! We are basically the inventors.
- AG is the first addon to achieve the longest ever changelog on ModBay!
- Our changelogs in major updates are longer compared to other add-ons out there (13-20k characters, previously 8-12k)!
- Our very minor patches can surpass most if not all any add-on update on this site, mainly character-wise but they bring a heck ton of major changes (V3.1.16, V3.1.17, V.3.1.18, V3.1.27).
- Unlike other add-ons, they have "/playsound" for guns, meaning they will sound the same even if you are close or far from the sounds - we don't do that here, it's semi-realistic.
- Although very old now, and thankfully other addons have inherited this by now, AG was the first one to introduce the "draw" feature alongside sounds.
- When you shoot, villagers get scared (or if you hit with a certain melee or hold something scary, they will run).
- First Kill! Double Kill! Triple Kill! We've got those, we've got "Announcers"!
- Want to detect if you really hit that player? Of course you do, we have "Hit Markers"
- Want a gun that harms people when you're reloading? Want a gun that shoots void bullets and makes your foes fly to their death? Want a weapon that kicks people out of your world? We've got you covered!
- The accuracy or recoil of guns are worse if you move or jump. It's very much like Counter-Strike!
- The add-on was first based on DesnoGuns, a very nostalgic and old mod back in the day. Guess what? We have the artist who worked on the mod, and now he works in here! His name is Jun.
- We have the fastest rate of fire in all of Bedrock!
- The gameplay is unique, very fast paced and every decision you make is risky, it's quite competitive too.
- We have automatic reload!
- It gets even better, we have reserve ammo, like first-person shooters!
- The most polished gun add-on, and bugs get patched extremely FAST!
- Our textures are handmade, not ripped out of Google and then re-edited to make it seem like you have made it.
- The fastest changing gun add-on of all time! There's not a single gun addon out there that had nearly the same evolution as this one.
- Do you want to experience the first ever (real) Attachments on Bedrock? Actual Guns has them! (as a test for the AWM as of now)
- Do you want to Enhance your gun stats without giving them abilities or changing their looks? You can also do that!
- We have DLCs that you can download to enhance your AG experience, or download guns or stuff that wouldn't otherwise be added officially into the add-on.
- Unique mobs!
- Survival friendly, including crafting for weapons and items!
- Want to spice your gameplay a little? try Perks!
- If you want an addon that has a grind of getting items in survival mode and opening super rare items to flex, this add-on is for you.
- 3D items and guns that get added periodically!
- Explosion particles reflect explosion power.
- Rocket jumping mechanic! Try it with the RPG-7.
- Incredible animation quality (which are all handmade!) for 3D weapons that mimic the source material from where it came from! Sometimes, you might think that they were straight-up ripped from a game. The add-on is really about passion and care.
- We're the developers of the upcoming DesnoGuns 2 add-on! It is the add-on that will put all competition to rest and unite everyone. It will be the very best.
- 5 years and still counting! Due to the experience, naturally AG has more variety than any gun addon, and best of all, they all have their own unique behaviors and stats!
- Experience the first CS-Styled and even L4D2-Styled melee combat system in Bedrock! They are also FULLY customizable, and you can even add your own melees.
- Try our newest DLC, "Matt's KnifeBox" to experience the first proper CS2 knives in Bedrock! There's more to come, but we need help with donations to make the rest a reality in their own DLC.
- Our animations and models actually take into consideration the slim player skins, which usually clip through your hands in some addons.
- Play with Terrorist & Counter-Terrorist playermodels! (experimental)
- Does the addon have too many contents? You can try Actual Guns+, which is the same addon except that you can choose the content YOU want! It's like a Lite edition but on steroids.
Please read before scrolling down!
- The addon version is called V3.1: 20 Stages of Hell. The add-on is on this version since 15th of July 2021, so basically a year. This is biggest update to ever release, it's so big that even a year later it has not been finished.
- We're now on a period where I call it the "Patches". In this period, every update is called a "patch", they are shaping up V3.1 as a whole slowly so we can get to V3.2: Attachment Update.
- A major update would require the "1" to be changed into "2", so "V3.2". A patch is something like V3.1.(number goes here). I just thought I'd let you know on this. But patches can also be major, don't underestimate them!
When is V3.2 releasing?
By 1 million shares, I hope that V3.1 is finished and that's when I will start working on V3.2, which will be based on attachments just like the AWM, but better, and more complex.
Why is V3.1 taking so long?
V3.1 consists of many things to add, but the main thing is adding guns that are shown in this picture below. They never made it into the first patch of the version because my artist didn't have time. When he finished, the update release date was way too close, and I couldn't add them. Remember, a delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad. I took that mindset and pushed the guns aside until I got the time to work with them and put the envision I want for them.
Speaking of "envision", adding a gun isn't as simple as you think. You see, I experimented with fixing the first shot of the gun so that it actually goes where you are looking, instead of an RNG factor. From there, I developed prototypes experiments called "Counter-Strike adjustment", they weren't called that when they first added of course, it was added for the AK-47 in the very first patch but it was quite simple and had to make separate bullet entities for every accuracy change, which I did not like. Also, the recoil needed to be lowered for this system to work smoothly, which only made it harder for me because I can't just lower the values, that's called lazy developing, I have to re-imagine EVERY single gun in the add-on with different stats. With further experimentation (you can probably tell that I like experimenting with guns a lot), I achieved a few Counter-Strike adjustments! I'll show you every generation:
- 0th Generation = Recoil gets worse the longer you shoot and gets reset instantly the second you stop shooting, accuracy stays the same, multiple files needed, there are no "stages"
- 1st Generation = Recoil gets worse the longer you shoot and gets reset instantly the second you stop shooting, accuracy changes, one file needed only, there are "stages" - every stage, the accuracy and the recoil changes
- 2nd Generation = Recoil gets worse the longer you shoot and gets reset once the gun starts to cool down, accuracy changes, one file needed only, there are "stages" - every stage, the accuracy and the recoil changes and recoil is generally lower than before on this generation
- 2.1 generation = same as 2nd, except your inaccuracy has a pattern (e.g it goes up instead of side to side, the ACR has this)
- 3rd Generation = same as 2nd, except you can move and fire! most guns have this
- 4th Generation = same as 3rd, except your recoil when sneaking and moving will not be penalized as much!
What is a "stage"?
Guns have a rage meter that indicates how harsh the recoil and the accuracy is becoming. Every "square" is a stage, you reach this stage by firing bullets in a short amount of time that is generally shorter than the time it takes for this specific gun to re-charge back, so the bar is completely grey.
This is an example of a gun that is fully cooled down and is ready to fire with precise accuracy.
Please grow and change as a person. Maybe. Anyway, this is an example of a gun that will not fire with precise accuracy, and I seriously recommend that you stop shooting for at least a second.
Now that's out of the way, let me show you the things available in this add-on!
Please read them in order so you understand things! each category is connected to the other.
Slice and Dice.
There's a few mobs added in the add-on, let me show you.
Hostile mobs are monsters that are after you.
Stiff as a pencil.
A mob that goes back, and back. It is known as the "Chinese Ghost", "Stiff Corpse", "Hopping Vampire" or simply "Jiangshi". It has roughly 750 health and deals 7 damage on easy difficulty and 12 on normal/hard difficulty. He hops to players to kill them, sometimes he's very silent.
Drops bingo cards, mileage, decoders and a jiangshi trophy
Spawns on normal or hard difficulty on any biome as long as the area is not lit. Red variant slightly yet noticeable increase in stats and will spawn rarely.
Berserk: Once he's at very low health, or he's chasing you, the jiangshi has a chance of activating the berserk skill - it makes him invincible for a for few seconds and he will be faster. Image above shows it.
Grenade: If the jiangshi spots you, there's a chance of him "cooking" a Zombie Grenade to throw it at you.
Healing: If the jiangshi is not attacked for a couple of seconds, he will start to heal increasingly quickly. Learn a strat to stop him from healing and killing him fast!
Jingy Trophy
Has a chance of being dropped from the Jiangshi upon death, 3D, and you can disassemble it for 64 mileage. Don't know what disassemble means or mileage? Make sure to keep reading the categories below!
Jingy Hat
Has a chance of being dropped from the Jiangshi upon death, wearable, and you can disassemble it for 10 mileage. This was in the game's files since 2020...
normal zombie? reggy? he will return. with some friends.
Essentially, the props.
Supply Box! it can be found naturally in your world and it will re-fill your current ammo to the default amount and heal you. Quite rare.
You got your tools on you?
Medical Table can be brought from the point shop, it's a straightforward "mob" - it heals you when you are standing near it. The catch is that mobs can attack it, so you'll need to repair it using the compatible tools. Also, you need you "build" it when you first buy it.
Stats, info and compatible tools, can be found in-game at the point shop tab.
The currency of Actual Guns.
Mileage Box can be found naturally in your world and it will give you a generous amount of Mileage for you to use in buying stuff from the phone if you right click on it or pressing and holding on it for a few seconds. Quite rare.
Friendly mobs are NPCs that help you in combat.
Angry cuteness.
This thing is called "Ghost Pet". It can be found in the overworld, and you can tame/heal it by feeding it with "Mileage", the currency of Actual Guns. It acts just like a wolf (but can fly!). It helps you fight off mobs, and it's quite strong.
Unbox them all!
Decoders are the "boxes" of AG. They drop the weapon and 1 bingo card after you open one of them. Decoder can be found from big bosses or enemies that are hard to defeat, or in structures. They come in 5 variants, let me show you.
Grades will be talked about here too.
Common Decoder
Drops common graded weapons. Common doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, in fact the AK-47 and the M107 are found here, which is saying something. It's just that, most of the time, common graded weapons are not very... useable?
Rare Decoder
Drops common, rare and advanced weapons! This decoder is technically the best one of the bunch, as you are getting 3 grades instead of 1.
Advanced Decoder
Drops advanced graded weapons. In this grade you will get good weapons.
Unique Decoder
Drops unique and epic/transcendent grade weapons! This decoder is my favourite.
Epic Decoder
Drops epic and transcendent grade weapons! The best of the best, however, very rare.
Test your luck or stupidity, or both!
Bingo is an option to gamble your mileage or bingo cards for rare weapons or items. It can be found in the Laptop.
How to Play
You will randomly get a number between 0-50 in each spin, if you get the 3 numbers required for something (for an example, rare pistols, you'll need 6, 5, and 14), then you'll get a rare pistol!
A spin is 15 mileage or 1 bingo card, bingo cards will be used first.
Be careful on public servers, as people will know if you've obtained something.
How to Play - Golden Bingo
Same rules, but you will randomly get a number between 0-90 in each spin, and you need 5 numbers. Also the fact your coordinates will be leaked in chat when you win.
A spin is 15 mileage or 1 bingo card, bingo cards will be used first.
The essentials.
The laptop is a piece of device where you buy weapons and check their stats, also access bingo, and other goodies. It's located in structures. The phone is no longer the source of buying weapons.
How to Use
Hit the laptop once, and make sure there's no players around it.
Once the UI is up, you can choose between a handful of options and most of them are very "straight to the point", so, in here I'll talk about weapons.
Weapons Tab:
Please read that!
You can cancel and go back to the main menu, or scroll down and select a weapon category (Pistols or Rifles for now)
Pistol category:
Rifle category:
How to Buy
Select the gun you'd like to buy by tapping on it.
Press "buy" as long as you have enough resources.
Failed buy:
Success buy:
You get the idea.
Designed with bitchy admins in mind.
The personal phone (or station) is your personal space! edit things like the Announcer and the sounds of it, and also your hit-markers!
To obtain, type options in chat.
How to Use
Use or Eat the phone to get the UI to popup.
Once the UI is up, you can choose between a handful of options and all of them are very "straight to the point"
If you have any issues or suggestions regarding this, let me know!
Decorate your weapons!
Skins are made by the community (you!) and are added to the add-on. Each have different grades, the higher the grade, the more expensive. They cannot be obtained in survival just yet, but you can get them through commands. Check for each gun to see if they support skins or not.
Skins don't give you any advantage.
How to get skins examples:
You get the idea... or, do you?
Editons are "skins" that DO give advantage. However, they are rare or hard to acquire. Let me introduce you to them!
Gold Edition
Gold. I hope I don't actually need to introduce you to these, you've seen golden guns all over videogames. However, what I do need to introduce you to is what they buff the gun with, and their crafting recipe.
General Buffs
1. 2+ hearts damage
2. Accuracy boost (most affected is the Desert Eagle)
3. Less recoil
How to obtain them?
1. Piglin barter
2. Decoders (based on the gun's grade, which is most likely Unique)
3. Crafting with 8 blocks of gold, with a gun in the middle
Don't use them for piglin distractions! They won't work!
Red Edition
This gaslightoline-filled edition gives you speed and a little damage boost.
General Buffs
1. 0.5+ heart damage
2. Your weight is removed, replaced with Minecraft's normal weight then added a 5% speed boost on top.
How to obtain them?
1. Inject yourself 10 times with an Adrenaline and choose any weapon above that is in vanilla or skin condition
2. Inject yourself ONCE with a Gaslightoline Adrenaline and choose any weapon that is in vanilla or skin condition
3. Decoders (based on the gun's grade, which is most likely Unique)
Battle Edition
Early help before you get the "actual guns" (totally not pun intended)
General Buffs
1. Early help in survival
2. Sometimes, can have a special thing (Glock has full auto mode instead of burst)
General Nerfs
1. Lower damage
2. Higher recoil
3. Lower accuracy
4. Jamming
How to obtain them?
1. From structures that are in the addon, not vanilla
CSO Global Showcase Edition
This edition gives your gun a glow in dark areas and a huge damage boost. Replacement of the Anniversary Edition.
General Buffs
1. 3+ heart damage
2. Your gun glows in dark areas
How to obtain them?
1. Decoders (based on the gun's grade, which is most likely Rare)
2. Crafting using Gold Edition weapons + Glowstone + Damage enhancers
Old Edition
This edition replicates the guns from a given old version of the add-on. Version is specified on the guns in their category tab.
General Buffs
1. Static recoil and accuracy at all times
General Nerfs
1. Everything. These weapons are meant to be a souvenir.
How to obtain them?
1. Not obtainable in survival yet!
2. Download the Old DLC pack
I'm only 4 years too late lol
Structures! Obtain early help in survival, found in the overworld for now.
Soon, you'll be able to submit your own!
| = chest (for an example, if there's THREE of them in the loot section, that means the structure has three chests)
& = and
Spawn location: anywhere in the overworld, y = 120 - 190
Spawn chance: 1 / 1600
Loot: battle guns (mp5, usp, glock) (1 rolls)
Spawn location: jungle, y = 150 - 235
Spawn chance: 1 / 2000
Loot: battle guns (mp5, usp, glock) & decoders (4 rolls) | bingo & mileage (4 rolls) | laptop
Spawn location: plains
Spawn chance: 1 / 566
Loot: apple & medical kit (4 rolls) | ammo (8 rolls) | cooked beef & mileage (4 rolls) | crowbar | tokens (2 rolls)
Spawn location: desert
Spawn chance: 1 / 1135
Loot: medical kit | ammo (8 rolls) | bingo & mileage (4 rolls) | battle guns (mp5, usp, glock) & decoders (3 rolls) | laptop
Spawn location: ice
Spawn chance: 1 / 2640
Loot: diamonds | ammo (8 rolls) | bingo & mileage (5 rolls) | decoders (5 rolls) | cooked chicken & masks & adrenaline
Spawn location: mesa
Spawn chance: 1 / 235
Loot: N/A
Spawn location: savanna
Spawn chance: 1 / 170
Loot: tokens & battle guns (mp5, usp, glock) & huntsman knife (2 rolls)
"bro made a biome instead of a structure" - spook 2021
Downloadable content!
DLCs are optional downloadable content to expand the add-on.
DLC weapons are not craft able using their parts, but they can still be obtained. However, the way to obtain them is not always the same, please make sure to read through.
DLC weapons are not subject to balancing. Meaning, they can be whatever they want to be, including copying stats, being overpowered, underpowered, useless, you name it.
They do not have any grades, but their skins do.
To check their stats or info, head over to the weapons category and look for them. This just gives a brief info on what the DLCs include.
CSO2 DLC adds weapons from Counter-Strike Online 2
These include:
- LR-300
- MK16
- Wrench
- AWM (Attachments available!)
Attachments that are available as of V3.1.35:
- 50. BMG Ammo (5) /scoreboard players set @s awmmag 2
- Subsonic Ammo (7) /scoreboard players set @s awmmag 1
- Hypervelocity Ammo (10) /scoreboard players set @s awmmag 0
- Normal scope /scoreboard players set @s awmscope 0
- Nightvision scope /scoreboard players set @s awmscope 1
- Long scope /scoreboard players set @s awmscope 2
- Sight /scoreboard players set @s awmscope 3
- Normal bipod /scoreboard players set @s awmbipod 0
- Heavy bipod /scoreboard players set @s awmbipod 1
- No bipod /scoreboard players set @s awmbipod 2
- Inverted bipod /scoreboard players set @s awmbipod 3
- Normal muzzle /scoreboard players set @s awmmuzzle 0
- Brake /scoreboard players set @s awmmuzzle 1
- Silencer /scoreboard players set @s awmmuzzle 2
If you accidently combine more than two, run this command to fix it: /function reset_awm
You can get attachments using "/give @p gun:awm 1 10000" - this will give you an AWM with subsonic ammo. (Only numbers from 10001 - 10047 are accepted in this patch!)
You can ALSO get attachments just using /scoreboard commands that are listed above.
NOTE: AWM "Sway" mechanic only works for ID 10001 - 10010, other attachments need their own update
All weapons are craftable (base gun + materials)
L4D DLC adds weapons from the Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2 games
These include:
- P220
- Desert Rifle
- Silenced SMG
- Magnum Pistol
- Nightstick
- Pills
- Pipe Bomb
- Guitar
All craftable
All guns come equipped with flashlights
All weapons can bash attack if eating the item or hitting (depends on the weapon), bashing gives weakness effect and knockback
Hordes spawn in this DLC, morning and night, mobs will increase based on difficulty
TF2 DLC adds weapons from Team Fortress 2
These include:
- Scout Pistol
- Force A Nature
- Widowmaker
All craftable
Force A Nature has good knockback and can make the user jump high places if fired directly below them at a block
SMG DLC adds weapons extra SMGs
These include:
- Evo
- K7
- Skorpion
- PPSh-41
All craftable
Old DLC adds weapons from old versions with their stats and textures as Editions
These include:
- AK-12
- AK-47
- Desert Eagle
- MP7
- Glock
- AK-74u
- ARX-160
- Tempest
- Balisong
- P90
None of them are craftable or obtainable in survival
HQ DLC adds the weapons of this addon in 3D form based on the source material (CSO)
These include:
- AK-47 (& Red Edition)
- AK-60 (& skins)
- M4A1 (& silencer & skins)
- Nata Knife (& skins)
- MR6 (Guest Weapon)
- Seal Knife (& left hand model)
- Desert Eagle (& Red, Gold, CSOGS editons + skins)
- M16A1
- M9 Bayonet (& skins)
- AutoMag
- SVI Infinity
Craftable using diamonds and the original 2D item (MR6 is not craftable)
Generally, the recoil of automatic weapons are lowered by 20% from their original counterpart, and they are lighter
Got a spare item? no problem!
Want to reset skins? no problem!
Disassembling helps you use spare items for good, you can turn them into mileage or get more ammo. You can the disassembly feature to reset skins.
Place item in the Stonecutter, and choose what you want.
NOTE: Empty items are NOT supported, as they get removed from the add-on due to CS adjustments!
Got a tokens? let's craft!
Crafting is a long awaited feature that allows you to craft weapons! you must use tokens in order to craft.
Crafting an AK-47
Where can you find tokens?
1. Mob drops (jiangshi)
2. Custom structures
Okay, but what's that blue thing?
That's a blueprint variant. Blueprints come in different variants, and those variants are just different colours. They do nothing special, they are simply variants to make grinds less boring.
Crafting some blueprints:
And I'll leave the rest to you. Goodluck!
Weapons List
/function getar to obtain them in creative mode. DLCs or Editions cannot be obtained through functions and are needed to be obtained through the creative inventory!
There are 4 grades of assault rifles, ranging from Unique to Common. Some cannot be crafted, some only obtained from Decoders, some have both ways, etc etc etc. They're all different! Please make sure to read through.
Some ARs will require you to reach a certain level to buy it, however, you need to reach that level again if you so want to buy it again (why lol?)
Unique-graded weapons can be obtained mainly from the Unique Decoder, and they cannot be crafted. Unique weapons have special abilities or something special in them.
* Level 70 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Has Tracers
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Hailing from CSO's sequel; the AK-12 has forgiving recoil and great accuracy, with an addition of tracers to know where you're shooting.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:ak12 1 0
Amethyst (Unique)
by Llama
/give @s gun:ak12 1 1
Blood Stone (Transcendent)
by Pulse
/give @s gun:ak12 1 2
Dance of Death (Unique)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak12 1 3
Heavy Metal (Unique)
by Pulse
/give @s gun:ak12 1 4
Painted Lady (Advanced)
by Pmoon
/give @s gun:ak12 1 5
Soma Prime (Rare)
by Llama
/give @s gun:ak12 1 6
Greater Grass (Advanced)
by Llama
/give @s gun:ak12 1 7
- Cannot be obtained yet!
- Bullets are random; your first shot is not accurate
- Bullets are based on difficulty
- Lower damage than usual
- Cannot move and shot
- Static accuracy and recoil at all times
Stats: TBD
The old AK-12, pulled straight out from V3.0. Do you miss it?
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:ak12_old 1 0 (make sure to download the Old DLC)
- Found in Bingo
- Has Tracers
- Accuracy is based on recoil
- Incendiary rounds
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Manufactured to destroy zombies. Sets enemies on fire.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:ethereal 1 0
- Found in Bingo, Decoders & Structures
- Can scope by sneaking
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
This scope-able Kalashnikov variant deals more damage and is more accurate than it's brothers. It also holds more ammo, lower recoil, at the cost of spending hours of your life trying to obtain it.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:ak60 1 0
* Level 40 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Bingo, Decoders & Structures
- Can scope by sneaking
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
This is a bullpup-styled assault rifle holding 30 rounds with 90 in reserve, It boasts high rate of fire and high accuracy. However, its movement speed is slow due to its heavy weight.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:f2000 1 0
SandStalker (Transcendent)
by Pulse
/give @s gun:f2000 1 1
- Found in Bingo, Decoders & Structures
- Has 2 random damage values
- Lower damage whilst sneaking or in air
- Will play a nice melody for you when idling and not shooting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Zombie Xtreme V7. Search it up.
Texture made by Neko Zack
/give @s gun:violin 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Stuns nearby entities and players when user is reloading
- Needs charging
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Originally just a regular K1A submachine gun, it truly showed it's capability to become an assault rifle through rigorous experiments. It has been upgraded with an electronic core that unleashes an electric attack to everyone nearby that stretches during reloading time.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:stun 1 0
Coldest Ratio (Common)
by Llama
/give @s gun:stun 1 1
Pulsar (Advanced)
by hTk
/give @s gun:stun 1 2
Riskrunner (Unique)
by Pulse
/give @s gun:stun 1 3
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- To change gun modes, simply sneak
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The OICW is a next-generation assault rifle that is fed with 30 rounds with 90 in reserve. It has high firepower and good rate of fire. It comes with a grenade launcher that can be used against enemies behind cover.
Texture made by Captainblaziken
/give @s gun:oicw 1 0
Advanced-graded weapons can be obtained from the Advanced & Rare Decoders, can be crafted, obtained from bingo, etc. (some guns will have exceptions with these rules!). Advanced grade weapons tend to have something unusual or quite experimental in them.
* Level 15 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Accuracy is based on recoil
- First shot is not accurate
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The AK-74u is a compact smg-ar hybrid that works effectively for people who like to shoot in small bursts.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:ak74u 1 0
Forest Camo (Common)
by Llama
/give @s gun:ak74u 1 1
Titanium (Advanced)
by Neko Zack
/give @s gun:ak74u 1 2
The Reaper (Advanced)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak74u 1 3
- Cannot be obtained yet!
- Bullets are random; your first shot is not accurate
- Bullets are based on difficulty
- Lower damage than usual
- Cannot move and shot
- Static accuracy and recoil at all times
Stats: TBD
The old AK-74u, pulled straight out from V3.0 with V2.5 sounds. Do you miss it?
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:ak74u_old 1 0 (make sure to download the Old DLC)
* Level 35 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Can scope by sneaking
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The Beretta ARX-160 is an Italian assault rifle. It has a high rate of fire and a short reloading time, making it reliable in close quarters combat. A usable scope is attached to ease long range engagements.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:arx 1 0
- Cannot be obtained yet!
- Bullets are random; your first shot is not accurate
- Bullets are based on difficulty
- Lower damage than usual
- Cannot move and shot
- Static accuracy and recoil at all times, unless scoped
Stats: TBD
The old ARX-160, pulled straight out from V3.0. Do you miss it?
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:arx_old 1 0 (make sure to download the Old DLC)
* Level 50 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Bingo & Decoders
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
A Soviet-designed rifle featuring an integrated suppressor. Doesn't produce smoke.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:val 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
WW2's destructive powerhouse for sometime. For all it's worth, it still holds up pretty well!
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:browning 1 0
* Level 15 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Galil's lost brother.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:fnc 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- To auto/burst, simply hit the ground/air
- Deals more damage in burst
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
HK G11 is an innovative assault rifle developed by German Heckler & Koch company that holds 50 rounds for each magazine. The secondary fire mode activates 3-round burst fire. Generally, this weapon has a very high rate of fire for an assault rifle, more on par with the SMGs.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:g11 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Recoil doesn't increase, but the recoil time does
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
So powerful, it used to produce lightning when moving at a time. Now, it has just wobbly recoil. Shame.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:groza 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- You need to deplete all your ammo to reload
- Accuracy is random
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Semi auto WW2 terror-spreading rifle. Ping!
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:garand 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- To silence/unsilence, place the HK416 in the crafting grid
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Tried to make the m4a1 obsolete but failed lol.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:hk416 1 0
* Level 25 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Vietnamese wet dream of an M16. Quick ROF for a burst weapon, insanely swift reloading time and decent damage. What can you ask for more?
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:m16a4 1 0
* Level 20 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Has teleport recoil
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Also hailing from CSO's sequel, the MK18 is the AK-12's counter-part.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:mk18 1 0
High Tech (Advanced)
by hTk
/give @s gun:mk18 1 1 (doesn't work yet; skin rework update soon)
Asiimov (Advanced)
by Fresh
/give @s gun:mk18 1 2
Evil Daimyo (Unique)
by Paul
/give @s gun:mk18 1 3
Magnesium (Rare)
by Paul & Cramsword420
/give @s gun:mk18 1 4
Nightmare (Rare)
by hTk
/give @s gun:mk18 1 5
Operator (Common)
by Renil
/give @s gun:mk18 1 6
Right Tool for The Job (Advanced)
by Nikto
/give @s gun:mk18 1 7
Zer0 Gravity (Transcendent)
by hTk
/give @s gun:mk18 1 8
Rock N Shoot (Transcendent)
by Skedle
/give @s gun:mk18 1 9
* Level 20 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Has teleport recoil
- Can be enhanced
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
StG 44 is the first German assault rifle invented in history that holds 30 rounds of 7.92mm Kurz, something that does not exist in the add-on. It can be defined as the middle between M4A1 and AK-47.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:stg 1 0
Sealed Fate (not graded yet)
by hTk
/give @s gun:stg 1 1 (doesn't work yet)
Rare-graded weapons can be obtained mainly from the Rare Decoder and they cannot be crafted.
- Found in Bingo, Decoders & Structures
- Has no tracers
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The CT counterpart to the AS Val. You can shoot your shots and no tracers will be seen! unless you're shooting your shot on text, it will forever be on seen. Ouch.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:honeybadger 1 0
Frozen (Advanced)
by Llama
/give @s gun:honeybadger 1 1
Hive Hunter (Rare)
by Pmoon
/give @s gun:honeybadger 1 2
Common-graded weapons can be obtained from the Common & Rare Decoders, can be crafted, obtained from bingo, etc.
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The classic starting rifles for the Terrorists.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:ak47 1 0
Asiimov (Unique)
by Cramsword420
/give @s gun:ak47 1 1 [CS:GO sounds]
Glass (Advanced)
by Neko Zack
/give @s gun:ak47 1 2 [Custom sounds & effects]
Visual Hallucination (Advanced)
by Pmoon
/give @s gun:ak47 1 3
Razer (Rare)
by Llama
/give @s gun:ak47 1 4
Scrapped Up (Common)
by Java
/give @s gun:ak47 1 5
Blue Inferno (Epic)
by Nuke
/give @s gun:ak47 1 6 [Crossfire sounds]
Blood Sport (Rare)
by Cramsword420
/give @s gun:ak47 1 7 [CS:GO sounds]
Neon Rider (Unique)
by Cramsword420
/give @s gun:ak47 1 8 [CS:GO sounds]
Cheeki Breeki (Transcendent)
by Maks
/give @s gun:ak47 1 9 [Old CS:GO sounds]
End Times (Transcendent)
by Renil
/give @s gun:ak47 1 10
Fury (Transcendent)
by Nuke
/give @s gun:ak47 1 11 [Crossfire sounds]
Master's Weapon (Unique)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak47 1 12
Phoenix (Epic)
by Nuke
/give @s gun:ak47 1 13 [CSO2 sounds]
Red Knife Beast Prototype (Epic)
by Skedle
/give @s gun:ak47 1 14 [Crossfire sounds]
Take No Prisoners (Rare)
by Nikto
/give @s gun:ak47 1 15
Vulcan (Epic)
by Skedle
/give @s gun:ak47 1 16 [Old CS:GO sounds]
Swarm (Transcendent)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak47 1 17 [CSO2 sounds]
Red Action (Epic)
by Nuke
/give @s gun:ak47 1 18 [MW2019 sounds]
Prime (Transcendent)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak47 1 19
Laser Line (Rare)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak47 1 20
Nether Magma (Common)
by Neko Zack
/give @s gun:ak47 1 21
Fuel Injector (Unique)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak47 1 22 [CS:GO sounds]
Glitchpop (Epic)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak47 1 23
Amethyst Predator (Transcendent)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak47 1 24
Forest Camo (Common)
by Llama
/give @s gun:ak47 1 25
Arctic Camo (Common)
by Llama
/give @s gun:ak47 1 26
Desert Camo (Common)
by Llama
/give @s gun:ak47 1 27
Elderflame (Epic)
by hTk
/give @s gun:ak47 1 28 [Valorant sounds & custom effects]
- Cannot be obtained yet!
- Bullets are random; your first shot is not accurate
- Bullets are based on difficulty
- Lower damage than usual
- Cannot move and shot
- Static accuracy and recoil at all times
Stats: TBD
The old AK-47, pulled straight out from V3.0 with V2.7 sounds. Do you miss it?
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:ak47_old 1 0 (make sure to download the Old DLC)
- Read about "Editions" category to find how it's obtained
The Red Edition has the same stats, but deals 1 half heart more of damage and your movement speed is the same as the seal knife, which is basically Minecraft's movement but with 10% speed added on top. Go crazy.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:ak47r 1 0 (make sure to download the Old DLC)
- Found in Structures, Decoders & Crafting
- To silence/unsilence, place the M4A1 in the crafting grid
- Deals more damage when silenced
- Range decreases when silenced
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The classic starting rifles for the Counter-Terrorists.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:m4a1 1 0
Red Knife Beast Prototype (Transcendent)
by Skedle
/give @s gun:m4a1 1 1 [Crossfire sounds]
- Read about "Editions" category to find how it's obtained
The Red Edition has the same stats, but deals 1 half heart more of damage and your movement speed is the same as the seal knife, which is basically Minecraft's movement but with 5% speed added on top.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:m4a1r 1 0
* Level 15 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The AKM is a lower damaging AK-47 variant with less recoil and higher accuracy.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:akm 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Bullet offset increases
- Recoil time increases dramatically
- Has damage drop-off at long distances
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Galil can hold up to 35 rounds at a time which is more rounds than most assault rifles. It is an alternative assault rifle to the AK-47 and cheaper than its counter-terrorist counterpart, the FAMAS.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:galil 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Can scope by sneaking
- Recoil increases when scoping
- Decreased rate of fire when scoping
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The Counter-Terrorist's choice for the scoped assault rifle.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:tar 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Can scope by sneaking
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The Counter-Terrorist's choice for the scoped assault rifle.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:aug 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Can scope by sneaking
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The Terrorist's choice for the scoped assault rifle.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:sg552 1 0
* Level 24 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Recoil doesn't increase, but the recoil time does
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
High damaging battle rifle, capable of 2-3 shotting unarmored opponents.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:m14 1 0
* Level 15 is required to buy this weapon!
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- To auto/semi, simply hit the ground/air
- Deals more damage in semi
- Recoil doesn't increase, but the recoil time does
- Bullet offset increases
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The M16A1 is capable of full auto or semi auto, the choice is yours.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:m16a1 1 0
High Voltage (Rare)
by hTk
/give @s gun:m16a1 1 1 [Custom sounds]
War Veteran (Advanced)
by hTk
/give @s gun:m16a1 1 2
Ghillie (Advanced)
by Skedle
/give @s gun:m16a1 1 3
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Kalashnikov burst rifle.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:an94 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- To change gun modes, place the SCAR in the crafting grid
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Modular assault rifle, capable of changing gun modes to Light or Heavy.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:scarl 1 0
/give @s gun:scarh 1 0
- Cannot be obtained yet!
- Bullets are random; your first shot is not accurate
- Bullets are based on difficulty
- Lower damage than usual
- Cannot move and shot
- Static accuracy and recoil at all times
The old SCARs, pulled straight out from V3.0. Do you miss them? btw, the old edition ones are seperate entities, you can't place them in the crafting grid and except to get the other.
Stats: TBD
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:scarl_old 1 0 (make sure to download the Old DLC)
Stats: TBD
Texture made by Pmoon
/give @s gun:scarh_old 1 0 (make sure to download the Old DLC)
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- To auto/burst, simply hit the ground/air
- Deals more damage in burst
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The FAMAS is capable of full auto or burst fire, the choice is yours.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:famas 1 0
They do not have any grades, but their skins do.
- Found in Crafting
- Has a spray pattern
- To silence/unsilence, place the ACR in the crafting grid
Stats: TBD
The ACR has very low recoil at the cost of licking your brain. You'll need to learn it's spray pattern to get consistent shots.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:acr 1 0 (make sure to download the CSO DLC)
- Found in Crafting
Stats: TBD
LR-300 is a re-skinned MK18 with no teleport recoil.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:lr300 1 0 (make sure to download the CSO DLC)
Chernobyl (Advanced)
by Llama
/give @s gun:lr300 1 1
- Found in Crafting
- Can aim down-sights by sneaking
Stats: TBD
The MK16 is a SCAR variant that is able to aim down sights. Stats are good all around.
Texture made by Neko Zack
/give @s gun:mk16 1 0 (make sure to download the CSO2 DLC)
- Found in Crafting
- To bash attack, hit anything that is in front of you (use crosshair)
- Has flashlight
Stats: TBD
Highly accurate burst rifle with high damage. If you see someone holding this, run for your life. Can bash attack, bash attacks deals damage, knockback enemies and inflict the weakness effect.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s gun:desert_rifle 1 0 (make sure to download the CSO DLC)
- Found in Crafting
Stats: TBD
The classic starting rifles for the Terrorists. Animations and models based on CSO.
Made by Daffa
/give @s gun:ak47hq 1 0 (make sure to download the HQ DLC)
- Read about "Editions" category to find how it's obtained.
The Red Edition has the same stats, but deals 1 half heart more of damage and your movement speed is the same as the seal knife, which is basically Minecraft's movement but with 5% speed added on top. Animations and models based on CSO.
Made by Daffa
/give @s gun:ak47rhq 1 0 (make sure to download the HQ DLC)
- To silence/unsilence, place the M4A1 in the crafting grid
- Deals more damage when silenced
- Range decreases when silenced
Stats: TBD
The classic starting rifles for the Counter-Terrorists. Animations and models based on CSO.
Made by Daffa
/give @s gun:m4a1hq 1 0 (make sure to download the HQ DLC)
- Found in Crafting
- Can scope by sneaking
Stats: TBD
This scope-able Kalashnikov variant deals more damage and is more accurate than it's brothers. It also holds more ammo, lower recoil, at the cost of spending hours of your life trying to obtain it. Animations and models based on CSO.
Made by Daffa
/give @s gun:ak60hq 1 0 (make sure to download the HQ DLC)
Weapons - Submachine Guns
Function getsmg
- PP-19 Bizon
- MP-40
- K1A
- UMP-45
- Thompson
- Tempest
- Kriss Vector
- P90
- MP5
- Uzi
- Sterling Bayonet
- MP7A1
- SR-3M
- MAC-10
- Silenced SMG (DLC)
- Dual Kriss Vector
"What's more terrifying, a permanently silenced SMG that has bullet drops in such addon? or the fact it's more accurate than the Honeybadger and the AS Val? or is it the fact that it's made out of... the AK-74U?!"
- Damage: 10 or 13 (random)
- Accuracy and recoil: S-
- Craftable: Yes
"Manufactured with intensity in mind, the Skorpion Evo 3 is a long awaited average-damage SMG that is made from the P99 and the MP5 combined, with a little sprinkle of new things on top. It may not look or sound deadly, but the same cannot be said if it has attachments equipped." - Attachments coming for it in V3.2
- Damage: 13 or 14 (random)
- Accuracy and recoil: C-
- Craftable: Yes
"What happens when you combine the MK18, AK-12 and the glock together, in the same package? - the Škorpion! the Škorpion is a low damaging SMG that can kill enemies on the move with its superior accuracy, but be careful not to empty all of your ammo, it's easy to do so."
- Damage: 11
- Accuracy and recoil: S
- Craftable: Yes
"It has high accuracy and low recoil, but you will run out of ammo incredibly fast. First shot does 20 damage, and is more accurate than anything ever made in this add-on."
- Damage: 9 (or 20 for first shot)
- Accuracy and recoil: S+
- Craftable: Yes
Weapons - Snipers
Function getsniper
- XM2010
- Mosin
- TRG-42
- M95
- Power Falcon
- Savery
- SL8
- G3SG1
- Blaser R93 Tactical
- Scout
- SG-550
- PSG-1
- M200
- M107
Weapons - Pistols
Function getpistol
- SVI Infinity
- Void Avenger
- Makarov
- M79
- P228
- Beretta Gunslinger
- Mauser C96
- FN Five-SeveN
- Glock-18
- AutoMag
- King Cobra
- M1911
- Python Desperado
- Deagle / Desert Eagle
- Dual Beretta
- Anaconda
- Maxim-9
- Bubble Gun
- Luger
- R8 Revolver
- Welrod
- P99
- XD-M Elite
- Dual Desert Eagles
- Scout Pistol (DLC)
- Magnum Pistol (DLC)
- P220 (DLC)
Weapons - Shotguns
Function getshotgun
- M3
- KSG-12
- SPAS-12
- XM1014
- Winchester
- M1897
- Striker
- Jackhammer
- Brecci
- USAS-12
- Double Barrel
- Force-A-Nature (DLC)
- Widowmaker (DLC)
Weapons - Machine Guns
Function getheavy
- Negev
- Ultimax-100
- MG-42
- HArms CQB
- M249
/function getmelee to obtain them in creative mode. DLCs or Editions cannot be obtained through functions and are needed to be obtained through the creative inventory!
There are 5 grades of melees, ranging from Transcendent to Common. Some cannot be crafted, some only obtained from Decoders, some have both ways, etc etc etc. They're all different! Please make sure to read through.
Transcedent-graded weapons can be obtained mainly from the Epic Decoder. Transcendent weapons have special abilities or something special in them, and they are often very powerful.
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Splash damage
- Fire damage
- Damage delay after charging
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
A blade that bears a mysterious, ancient power that provides extreme sharpness and hardness. The blade's power can be charged and it has the ability to emit a powerful force which allows individual slashes to achieve tremendous fire splash damage.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:runebreaker 1 0
- 2x damage
- Faster charging time
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:runebreaker2 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Splash damage (+increases radius when stabbing)
- Attack upon draw
- Great knockback
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
If you can learn its mechanics and combos while drawing the weapon, you will be untouchable. It's not purchaseable for a reason.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:warhammer 1 0
Unique-graded weapons can be obtained mainly from the Unique Decoder. Unique weapons have special abilities or something special in them.
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Stuns Targets
- When present in inventory, Stun Rifle charges 2x faster
- To venom blast, simply eat / use the Taser Knife but don't let go
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
A special knife that is applied with electrical currents from a giant Tesla. Moderate damage and attack speed, and is able to stun things when slashing. You can charge the knife to perform an attack that shoots you in the sky, and when you land, kills everything in a 10-block radius - including you.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:taser 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Faster mining speeds
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
This is a battle hand axe provided for Special Forces members. It has great one hit potential, and it can be used as a pickaxe and axe, and not to mention the excellent range. You can use it to knock away approaching targets by using the stab attack.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:tomahawk 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Serpent Blade is based off the Long Keris, a famous traditional dagger used by the people of the Malay Archipelago. It has an incredibly long range for both slashing and stabbing.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:serpent 1 0
Flame of Helix (Advanced)
by Pmoon
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/serpent/1"
Advanced-graded weapons can be obtained from the Advanced & Rare Decoders and some can be crafted. Advanced grade weapons tend to have something unusual or quite experimental in them.
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
A knife designed for modern tactical uses, the blade is well suited for a range of both combat and utilitarian needs.
Texture made by Neko Zack
/give @s melee:huntsman 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Faster mining speeds
- Damage delay after hitting (stab)
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Part time picking nails, part time picking eyes. Can be used as a low-level pickaxe.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:crowbar 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- To throw knives, use / eat Tactical Knife
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
This is a throwing knife that is made out of titanium alloy. It has an excellent injury ability due to its small and solid edge, therefore, it is suitable for tactical use in battle.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:tactical 1 0
BOO! (Common)
by Pulse
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/tactical/2" [has unique effects]
Firestar (Unique)
by Pulse
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/tactical/1"
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- To pyro attack, use / eat Dragon Knife while sneaking
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Once owned by an ancient Emperor, his soul got eventually trapped within this knife. You can use his soul as fire attacks.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:dragon 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Designed to cut banana trees, re-purposed to cut the heads of those who deserve it most.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:kukri 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Damage delay after hitting
- Attacks in a diagonal line
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Although very slow and could be outclassed, Machete is a cheap & great option when you want to deal splash damage in early game. It is also readily available.
Texture made by Neko Zack
/give @s melee:machete 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
There's an evil scary skeleton in all of us.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:skeleton 1 0
Fade (Rare)
by hTk
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/skeleton/1"
Skullo (Common)
by Pulse
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/skeleton/2"
Olooo (Rare)
by Llama
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/skeleton/3"
- Found in Decoders & Structures
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Don't be afraid, it's in the name.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:combat 1 0
Olooo (Unique)
by Llama
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/combat/1"
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Damage delay after hitting
- To block, simply use / eat
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
A Japanese sword made for quick slash tackle. It has become renowned for its sharpness, compactness and strength. With precise timing, you can block projectiles and punches.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:katana 1 0
Ronin (Advanced)
by Loli
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/1"
Prototype (Advanced)
by hTk
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/2"
Wolf Gravestone (Unique)
by hTk
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/3"
Time Jump (Transcendent)
by hTk
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/4"
Greatersword (Greatersword)
by Pmoon48
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/5"
Murasama (Unique)
by hTk
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/6"
Laser Project (Unique)
by hTk
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/7"
HF Blade (Rare)
by hTk
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/8"
Yamato (Rare)
by Nuke
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/9"
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
This is a cleaver previously owned by the Heavy zombie. It's very simple-looking yet sturdy depiste its worn-out appearance due to the countless of executions carried by the former holder.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:heavy 1 0
Rare-graded weapons can be obtained mainly from the Rare Decoder and they cannot be crafted.
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Splash damage
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
SKULL-9 is a large battle axe made from a type of special alloy material developed by the government and has murderous destruction power, especially towards zombies. It can kill multiple targets in just one slash. However, it has a very low slash rate and a very low range.
Texture made by Jun, Llama & Java
/give @s melee:skull_axe 1 0
Common-graded weapons can be obtained from the Common & Rare Decoders, can be crafted, etc.
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Faster base movement
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Lightweight and somewhat deadly, this iconic knife has sealed countless duels across generations.
Texture made by Java
/give @s melee:seal 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Faster base movement
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
The Cold Steel Knife has the same stats as the Seal knife. It is the default knife for all ladies.
Texture made by Neko Zack
/give @s melee:cold_steel 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
A small knife that is easy to carry. Although its attack range is short, its draw speed is mild to compensate.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:balisong 1 0
Festive (Common)
by hTk
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/balisong/1"
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Uppercut knockback
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Although blunt and doesn't deal much damage, the stopping power it can produce in the right hands can deter danger very well!
Texture made by Carlos (possibly)
/give @s melee:bat 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
One-handed beast, the Bowie knife is designed for heavy use in brutal survival situations.
Texture made by Neko Zack
/give @s melee:bowie 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
- Attacked targets will be disoriented
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Crafted for close-quarters combat, these brass knuckles deliver raw, unrelenting power with every strike AND after.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:brass 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Perhaps, this world's most famous.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:karambit 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Just a cubed reliable blade that's ready to work.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:ursus 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Ergonomic tactical hunting lock-blade knife features composite handle inserts and a broad, sturdy blade, useful for cutting and prying apart material. Range is always the same.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:nomad 1 0
- Found in Decoders, Structures & Crafting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Originally intended to be mounted on a rifle, it is also well suited to close-quarters combat.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:m9 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Attacks in a diagonal line (slash)
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Also known as Strong Knife for a good reason, the Nata Knife is able to dispose of anyone relatively quickly. Use the slash attack if there's multiple threats!
Texture made by Neko Zack
/give @s melee:nata 1 0
- Found in Decoders & Structures
- Great knockback
- Attacked targets will be disoriented
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats are only available to see in the add-on.
Although it is slow and inefficient as a weapon, the smash attack from it can knock back incoming targets away, and increase the disorientation strength.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:hammer 1 0
They do not have any grades, but their skins do.
- Found in Crafting
- To bash attack, hit anything that is in front of you (use crosshair)
- Attacks in a diagonal line
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats: TBD
Ready to shred some infected? This six-string melee weapon will let you make beautiful music on any nearby zombie skulls you happen to connect with.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:guitar 1 0 (make sure to download the L4D DLC)
- Found in Crafting
- To bash attack, hit anything that is in front of you (use crosshair)
- Attacks in a diagonal line
- Damage delay after hitting
Stats: TBD
Police brutality but legal.
Texture made by Jun
/give @s melee:nightstick 1 0 (make sure to download the L4D DLC)
- Found in Crafting
- Attacks in a diagonal line (slash)
Stats: TBD
Also known as Strong Knife for a good reason, the Nata Knife is able to dispose of anyone relatively quickly. Use the slash attack if there's multiple threats! Animations and models based on CSO.
Made by Daffa
/give @s melee:natahq 1 0 (make sure to download the HQ DLC)
- Found in Crafting
Stats: TBD
Lightweight and somewhat deadly, this iconic knife has sealed countless duels across generations. Animations and models based on CSO.
Made by Daffa
/give @s melee:sealhq 1 0 (make sure to download the HQ DLC)
- Found in Crafting
Stats: TBD
Originally intended to be mounted on a rifle, it is also well suited to close-quarters combat. Animations and models based on CS2 / CS:GO.
Made by Daffa
/give @s melee:m9hq 1 0 (make sure to download the HQ DLC)
Autotronic (Advanced) - has random patterns/skins
by Daffa
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/1" ~ /loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/17"
Lore (Unique) - has random patterns/skins
by Daffa
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/18" ~ /loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/26"
Tiger Tooth (Rare)
by Daffa
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/27"
Slaughter (Advanced)
by Daffa
/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/28"
Weapons - Equipment
Function getetc
- Adrenaline
- Medical Kit
- MGLs
- Black Dragon Cannons
- Ray Gun
- RPG-7 (rocket-jump)
- Defuse Kit
- Vest
- Ripper
- Last Stand Chainsaw
- Night Vision
- Salamander
- Poison Launcher
- Parachute
- Gas Mask
- Grappling Hook [Cave Update: Grappling Hook Add-on V2]
Weapons - Grenades
Function getgrenade
- Explosive
- M67
- Molotov
- Flashbang
- Smoke
- Toxic
- Holy
- Electro
- Love
- Ghost
- Trinity
- Chain
- Ice
- Bat
- Tear Gas
- Thermite
- T.A.G
- Coin
- Cake
- Water Balloon
- M24
- M24 OwO
- Peace
- Gravity
- Samsung J7
- Decoy
- Zombie Red
- Zombie Green
- Pumpkin
- Cola
- Pipe Bomb (DLC)
Credits - Creators
Credits - Lead Contributors:
- DaffaTheOne
- JustRomain
- Mecha
- hTk
Credits - Contributors:
- OneShot
- Veidt
- Skedle
- Paul
- Jasinsk
- PMoon48 / stellers1145
- Maks
- Llama
- Nuke
- Moises
- justAsh0005 / jstash
- JuliusScizzor
- XM
- F8
- carlosrene66
- coptaine
- ambient
- ZG15
- Jajastar9
- [matt]
- Java / Waja
- WindLight
- IcyGh0st
- Renil
- Nisky / MICAH
- mikem135
- AvaRing
- Axyt
- LELILOL / Goblin
- Nikto
- MrRoyDragoss
- Floof Ball
- Rex
- Mullins
- Sergeantjone
- TakableBasket97
- xHope
- Panzer VI
- Fadi / ofad
- 404imnotfound / summrsisthegoat
- Dxire
- XylnxX
- PulseBladeBonehead / Prime / Pulse
- qiyunjian
- Nogard
- Captainblaziken
- TheOdds
- Nˬz / Neko Zack
- Creator Crafter321
- SkyGames
- LucasMegaStriker
- mno
- gy_pink
- Fresh
- mnd2247
- jo?
- Tem4ik
- vlliage / villagecool
[ Important Settings ]
The addon has video settings that you must configure to get the best experience:
1. Safe screen area must be set to a really small number in order to get out of Laptop UI, place the watermark correctly and have your ammo bar disturb your experience less.
2. Your FOV must be set to the maximum! the reason for this is that I made the recoil with my settings (I play on 110 FOV), and sadly recoil is dependent on your FOV. So if you play on lower FOV, you're actively putting yourself at a disadvantage that will make even the lowest of recoils in the addon feel like shit. I will not sugarcoat it.
3. To make your ammo counters get out of the way even more, do the following:
4. The most important component of them all, camerashake! it must be enabled for your recoil to appear. If an admin suspects you of having this option turned off (can be easily spotted with specific guns) they have the right to punish you accordingly.
[ Warning ]
Remember, stealing or copying the add-on in any form will get your add-on deleted. Ask for permission, but just don't be surprised if I say "No", because there are parts of the add-on that are only exclusive to AGCSO, and I don't anyone else having them.
Please do not post the mediafire links or make a clickbait out of it. Thank you to everyone who understands and never did any of that, I hope you have a blessed life.
"Base Add-on" means the add-on itself, Actual Guns CSO.
If you have any questions, comment down below. I love replying to all of you. Or argue, as well.
Preferably use Android or PC to play this add-on, iOS is quite a hassle. DO NOT USE BETA MINECRAFT OR EDUCATION EDITION VERSIONS!
[ Known Bugs ]
If the gun is in the air or hidden, simply minimize your game and open it again OR press ESCAPE to bring up the menu, and you can see your gun position fixed.
Enable these experiments.
Happy 5 years!
Dedication to the craft, passion that exceeds love, and the everlasting race to innovate that you've ultimately won.
This is Actual Guns.
After making Matt's KnifeBox DLC and seeing how good it turned out, we're interested in bringing all 21 CS2 knives into Bedrock Edition! (with better models, of course) but we need your help.
It will cost a chunk of money to make, so donations are now open in order to contribute to making this a reality, 3 knives at a time.
Any amount will help! and you will be credited on this page.
Click on any of the text below to donate!
--> PayPal / Ko-fi <--
Full gameplay here. I hope the gameplay and animation convinces you to donate, as this really has gigantic potentional.
Updated on February 12
- Added weapon options in Personal Phone
- Added 1 new tip message
- CSOGS Edition
- Reopened point shop
- Point Weapons: +MP40 +MP5
- Increased rate of fire dramatically
Skins - HQ DLC:
- M9 Bayonet HQ Tiger Tooth (Daffa) [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/27"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Slaughter (Daffa) [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/28"]
- New reload mechanic! it has been given to the SL8 - try it out and let me know what you think
- Hit to reload, but you must hit consecutively to let the game know that you really want to reload and fast enough before the counter removes your "reload points" slowly
- Mining is also a great way to let the game know you want to reload
- F2000 Sand Stalker can now be found in the creative inventory
- Updated pack icon image!
- Added 2 new tip messages
- Updated pages: SVI Infinity Silver (small), M79, King Cobra, Void Avenger, XD-M Elite, Bubble Gun
- Point Weapons: M9 Bayonet, SVI Infinity
- Closed Point Weapons page this update
- Increased rate of fire
[SL8 & Variants]
- Gave them the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been revamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Increased scope range
[SL8 Custom]
- Increased bullet velocity
[SL8 Gold]
- Damage boost from Gold Edition has been fixed and now deals a fixed 25 damage instead of a random 23/24
- SL8 empty items
- TAR-21 tracer position
- Negev ammo counter
- SL8 Custom (silencer behavior)
- Cape position
- AK-60 title for laptop
- Void Bullet not appearing in hand
- SVI Infinity Silver HQ [DLC]
- UMP-45 & MP5 individual skins can now be found in the creative inventory
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic & Lore skins (NEW!) will give you random rare patterns when equipping them for the first time from the creative inventory
- Improved third person animation controllers for Automag HQ [DLC]
- Added sounds for M4A1 HQ [DLC] inspect animation
- Added cooldown bars for HQ & Matt melees [DLC]
- Added slider option for the Base resource pack to disable watermark
- Adjusted the ending of Automag HQ inspect animation
- Tear Gas Grenade
- M9 Bayonet texture has been re-made to match the one in CS2
- Updated pages: SVI Infinity Silver, Ethereal, IMI Galil, M16A1, AK-60, Ray Gun (small), M1 Garand
- Point Weapons: -BAR -TAR-21 +M9 Bayonet +SVI Infinity
[SVI Infinity Silver]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been revamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Can now aim down sights
- HQ DLC pack size
- BAR's rage... bar?
- Automag HQ ammo bar when selecting a skin from another weapon and then equipping it again
- Automag HQ draw sounds
- Point Shop title
Skins - HQ DLC:
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic (Daffa) [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/1"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Blue Tone [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/2"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Bright [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/3"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Contrast [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/4"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Mild Noise 1 [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/5"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Mild Noise 2 [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/6"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Noisy 1 [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/7"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Noisy 2 [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/8"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Orange [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/9"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Purple [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/10"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Red Tone [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/11"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Sepia [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/12"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Slight Bright [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/13"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Slight Dark [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/14"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Slight Sepia [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/15"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Noisiest [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/16"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Autotronic - Minimal Wear [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/17"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Lore (Daffa) [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/18"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Lore - Black Handle [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/19"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Lore - Bright [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/20"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Lore - Contrast [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/21"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Lore - Mild Noise 1 [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/22"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Lore - Mild Noise 2 [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/23"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Lore - Orange [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/24"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Lore - Sepia [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/25"]
- M9 Bayonet HQ Lore - Slight Bright [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/m9hq/26"]
- Changed particles of Cola Grenade
[Browning/M1918 BAR]
- Changed display name from Browning to M1918 BAR
- Point Weapons: +BAR +TAR-21 -M9 Bayonet -K1A
- Updated pages: BAR
[Browning/M1918 BAR]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been revamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Increased damage form 15 to 24
- Increased velocity from 23 to 32
- Increased reserve ammo from 60 to 90
- Adjusted rate of fire to match CSO (faster)
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been revamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Adjusted rate of fire to match CSO (slower)
- Set velocity to 23 for all stances (move, airborne, sneaking) & stages
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3.1 generation, you bullets go up vertically instead of side-to-side horizontally)
- Adjusted rate of fire to match CSO (slower)
- M4A1 Silenced HQ Royal Dragon [DLC]
- Nata Knife HQ Korea [DLC]
- Animation bugs whilst spamming and sneaking for: M9 Bayonet HQ & all Matt Knives [DLC] (thanks AndreyGrygar)
- AKM accuracy whilst airborne in final rage stage
- Automag HQ [DLC]
- When loading into the world, your rage bar will reset
- Glock-18 Fade can now be found in the creative inventory
- Ammo counter has been scaled so it's smaller to not cover your weapon
- Added unique draw sound for the 2nd draw animation of Matt's Butterfly Knife [DLC]
- K1A texture has been re-made to match the one in CSO better
- Added 2 new tip messages
- Point Weapons: +M9 Bayonet +K1A -MAC-10
- Updated pages: M9 Bayonet, Stun Rifle, M14 EBR, AK-12, AKM, Automag, Desert Eagle
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been revamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Removed damage reduction when sneaking
- Adjusted rate of fire
[Glock-18 Battle Edition]
- Adjusted accuracy of first 3 shots (auto mode)
[Power Falcon]
- Made scoping accuracy more accurate
- M4A1 Silenced HQ [DLC] not being able to refil reserve ammo using magazines
- Matt's Butterfly Knife [DLC] inspect sounds playing twice
- M16A1 HQ [DLC] not having a crafting recipe
- Temporary ""fix"" for 2D items not showing up
- HQ weapons with long shooting animations (M16A1 & M4A1) affecting item movements in your hands after deselecting the weapon
- Persona & Marketplace skins will work as intended
- G11 not showing ammo bar if you selected a skin from another weapon
- Matt's Knives friendly message text
- M9 Bayonet HQ [DLC]
[Skins] - HQ DLC
- Seal Knife & Nata Knife individual skins can now be found in the creative inventory
- SCAR texture(s) has been re-made to match the one in CSO better
- Changed some tip messages
- Updated pages: SG552, USP, Mauser C96, Glock, M1911, Maxim-9, Welrod
- Point Weapons: +MAC-10 -SG552 -M16A1
- Changed icons for: USP, MK23, Makarov, Desperados, M4A1, OICW, SCAR, HK416
[Sounds] - Matt's KnifeBox DLC
- Removed "miss" sounds for Matt's Butterfly & Kukri (re-download handler)
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Damage is now flat 10 instead of random 10/11
- Veclocity is now flat 15 instead of constantly changing
- Reduced weight slightly
Fixes - HQ DLC:
- M4A1 HQ Silenced inspect animation
- Seal Knife HQ not working if you select a skin from another weapon then you switch back to it
- MP5 shooting ghost bullets
- Empty SG552 still being present
Skins - HQ DLC:
- M4A1 HQ Decimator (jo?) ["/give @s gun:m4a1hq 1 3"]
- AK-12 & M4A1 HQ [DLC] individual skins can now be found in the creative inventory
- Point Weapon: -M4A1 -AK-47 +M16A1 +SG552
- Added M4A1 Red Edition
- Icons of weapons from HQ DLC have been changed
- HQ DLC manifest has been updated to clearly indicate which guns it adds in 3D
- Matt's KnifeBox DLC has been updated to fix text colour issue in the pack
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (recoil increased for aim)
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Price of SG552 & AUG swapped
Fixes - HQ DLC:
- M4A1 HQ Silenced inspect animation
- Seal Knife HQ not working if you select a skin from another weapon then you switch back to it
- M16A1 HQ
- M4A1 Red Edition
- M4A1 texture(s) has been re-made to match the one in CSO better
[Animations] - HQ DLC
- Adjusted reload animations for: Desert Eagle HQ Gold Edition, AK-47 & AK-60 HQ to resemble CSO better (yes, again)
- Adjusted draw animations for: AK-47 & AK-60 HQ to resemble CSO better (yes, again)
- Animations for AK-47, AK-60 and AKM HQ shall now be the exact same except for draw
- Point Weapon: +AK-47
- AK-47 HQ draw animation looking weird in third person
- Personal Phone not including that M4A1 HQ is compatible for inspection
Skins - HQ DLC:
- M4A1 HQ Royal Dragon (jo?) ["/give @s gun:m4a1hq 1 2"]
- Added inspect animation for M4A1 HQ! type "i" in chat to inspect, or hitting (you can toggle on/off using your personal phone)
- More coming soon
- Updated night ambience music to feature a higher quality version
- Updated pages: M4A1, AK-47, SCAR
[Animations] - HQ DLC
- Adjusted reload animations for: Desert Eagle HQ Gold Edition, AK-47 & AK-60 HQ to resemble CSO better
- Adjusted draw animations for: AK-47 & AK-60 HQ to resemble CSO better
- Changed ammo counter to appropriately indicate when the ammo is actually low for MR6
- M4A1 HQ Silenced weight [HQ DLC]
- AK-47 dealing no damage (oops! we're cooking something)
- AK-60 HQ magazine still visible when you put it down in the reload sequence [HQ DLC]
- AKM & AK-47 HQ not having a smooth blending to the sneak hip animation once the reload finishes and the player is sneaking [HQ DLC]
Skins - HQ DLC:
- M4A1 HQ FBI (Tem4ik) [/give @s gun:m4a1hq 1 1"]
- Updated pages: Katana, Machete, MK23, M79
- Point Weapon: M4A1
- Added even more tip messages regarding skins
- Accuracy charge-up time for both versions are now equal
- Partial fix: weapons will no longer appear to be floating, however there's a chance that they will be invisible (this is an issue with the AK-47 & AK-60 HQ models, and we're currently investigating what's wrong with them) to fix the weapon invisibility issue just tab out as usual
- M4A1 HQ
- Added night ambience music
- Added "heavy" recoil
- Title is now back to its original colors, no more evil
- Added 3 new tips message, replaced Halloween message
- Removed limited time menu music
- Hands will no longer draw themselves when switching to third person
- Updated pages: AUG, AK-74U
- Point Weapon: SCAR
- Changed the quit picture for King Cobra
- Removed empty item for SCAR
- Changed bullet models for XD Elite
- Changed texture of the alternative exit image seen in the personal phone
- Replaced Helicopter with Huey Helicopter
- Decreased spawn chance drastically for helicopters
- Decreased height spawn slightly for helicopters, so you can reach them easier
- Added HArms CQB
- Decreased recoil climb when scoping, and increased recoil time
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Adjusted rate of fire (slower, both L & H)
- Increased weight (H)
- Increased reload time (H)
- Price increase 700 mileage -> 900 mileage
- Decreased Silenced version's accuracy charge-up delay after shooting from 0.40s to 0.15s.
- A handful of reload functions
- Some images including title
- FN Five SeveN shooting ghost bullets
- Left arm disappearing for a few milliseconds after attack for arm animation
- Structure spawn (re-download handler)
- Ammo re-filling on worlds without cheats (hardcore)
- USP Battle Edition Silenced giving you two ammo instead of 1 when disassmbling it using the stonecutter
- MP5 Battle Edition not giving you itself as an option when disassmbling it using the stonecutter
- G11 (auto) bullets losing velocity when moving and shooting
- Beretta Gunslinger item size
- Parachute
- HArms CQB
- M4A1 HQ... somewhere.
- Added inspect animations for Desert Eagle HQ! type "i" in chat to inspect, or hitting (you can toggle on/off)
- 2 inspects for all Desert Eagle HQ variants except Gold, one common one uncommon (CS2 animations)
- 1 inspect for Desert Eagle Gold Edition HQ (MWII animations)
- Inverted title colors to invoke evilness for halloween
- Added 2 new tip messages
- Re-enabled ghost pet spawning
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (recoil increased for aim)
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Adjusted rate of fire
[SVI Infinity]
- Adjusted recoil (just for fun, not a final thing, promise)
- Adjusted recoil (just for fun, not a final thing, promise)
- AK-47 HQ Red Edition (bullet placement not resetting) - fix
- Ghost Pet being invisible
- HQ weapons reload animation not cancelling itself if the player cancelled the reload (re-download the HQ DLC)
- Desert Eagle HQ Red Edition not raging up
- Desert Eagle HQ variants not having a hoverover to indicate they're a DLC
- Throwing the Smoke Grenade whilst sneaking will give it less velocity, making you throw it less further
- Point Weapon: Desert Eagle
- Added in-game tips, more to come!
- Added halloween music to prepare for the update next week!
- Crafting HQ weapons now requires DLC tokens as well
- Changed bullet models for M1897
- Added a halloween music intro when joining the world for a limited time
[Explosive Grenade]
- Decreased explosion fuse by -0.3 seconds
[Smoke Grenade]
- Trajectory is now the same as the Explosive Grenade
[Desert Eagle]
- Decreased airborne accuracy dramatically
[Red Edition]
- Decreased speed by 5%
[Seal Knife HQ] - DLC
- Added speed boost
- AK-47 HQ Red Edition (bullet placement not resetting) - fix
- Desert Eagle having less recoil when moving or whilst airborne
- Desert Eagle Red Edition dealing extra damage
- Desert Eagle Gold Edition having the same recoil as other variants
- Pack warning
- Desert Eagle HQ Dragonize (Mecha) [/give @s gun:deaglehq 1 1"]
- Desert Eagle HQ Budget Blaze (Afandi) [/give @s gun:deaglehq 1 2"]
- Desert Eagle HQ Jungle (DaffaTheOne) [/give @s gun:deaglehq 1 3"]
- Desert Eagle HQ Lunar (DaffaTheOne) [/give @s gun:deaglehq 1 4"]
- Desert Eagle HQ Mud (DaffaTheOne) [/give @s gun:deaglehq 1 5"]
- Desert Eagle HQ Arctic (DaffaTheOne) [/give @s gun:deaglehq 1 6"]
- Desert Eagle HQ Indonesia (DaffaTheOne) [/give @s gun:deaglehq 1 7"]
- Desert Eagle HQ
- Desert Eagle Red Edition HQ
- Desert Eagle Gold Edition HQ
- Desert Eagle CSOGS Edition HQ
- Changed the sound of the SL8 Custom to include a silencer
- Point Weapon: SCAR PDW
- Highlighted point page to indicate new items
- Readded special shooting sounds for: AK-47 Swarm & Phoenix (CSO2)
- Readded special shooting sounds for: AK-47 Asiimov, Blood Sport, Fuel Injector, Neon Rider (CSGO)
- Readded special shooting sounds for: AK-47 Red Action (MW2019)
- Readded special shooting sounds for: AK-47 Red Knife Beast Prototype (Crossfire)
- Added special shooting sounds for: AK-47 Glass (Custom)
- Added "special" muzzle effect for: AK-47 Glass
- All Katana & AK-47 skins now has their own actionbar instead of a popup
- Katana Time Jump & The Greatersword actionbar colours now reflect the skins better
- Downgraded Katana The Greatersword to Common from Rare grade
- Upgraded AK-47 Blue Inferno, Phoenix, Red Knife Beast Prototype, Red Action to Epic from Common grade
- Upgraded AK-47 Cheeki Breeki, Fury, End Times, Swarm, Prime to Transcendent from Common grade
- Upgraded AK-47 Asiimov, Neon Rider, Master's Weapon, Vulcan to Unique from Common grade
- Upgraded AK-47 Razer, Take No Prisoners, Blood Sport, Laser Line to Rare from Common grade
- Upgraded AK-47 Glass, Visual Hallucination to Advanced from Common grade
[Red Edition]
- If you have a skinned AK-47 it will no longer be useable for a mutation, you will need a vanilla one
- Updated pages: AK-47, Ursus Knife, AS Val, Kukri, Weapons, Point Shop, Rifle names (stun rifle)
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (recoil increased for aim, but now the accuracy of aim is based on it's recoil)
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Increased rate of fire slightly
- Added drawing
[Blaser R93 Tactical]
- Decreased weight to match Schmidt Scout
- Adjusted overall accuracy (re-work)
- Moving accuracy is worse
- Scoping accuracy is better
- Hip accuracy is worse in the first few stages, but it doesn't climb higher than before in the later stages
- Removed bullet offset
- Removed muzzle flash
- Some pixels on AK-47 Blood Sport & Neon Rider
- UMP-45 missing muzzle effects when shooting
- AK-47 HQ having texture on arms
- SCAR PDW Golem (hTk) [/give @s gun:scarpdw 1 1]
- SCAR PDW Los Muertos (Prime & Llama) [/give @s gun:scarpdw 1 2]
- Katana Laser Project (hTk) [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/7"]
- Katana HF Blade (hTk) [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/8"]
- Katana Yamato (Nuke) [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/katana/9"]
- Serpent Blade Flame of Helix (Pmoon) [/loot give @s loot "skins/melee/serpent/1"]
- Thompson Infernal Dragon Noble Gold (hTk) [/give @s gun:thompson 1 2"]
- Thompson Secret Weapon (Paul) [/give @s gun:thompson 1 3"]
- Glock-18 Fade (hTk) [/give @s gun:glock 1 1"]
- Mk18 Asiimov (Fresh) [/give @s gun:mk18 1 2"]
- Mk18 Evil Daimyo (Paul) [/give @s gun:mk18 1 3"]
- Mk18 Magnesium (Paul & Cram) [/give @s gun:mk18 1 4"]
- Mk18 Nightmare (hTk) [/give @s gun:mk18 1 5"]
- Mk18 Operator (Renil) [/give @s gun:mk18 1 6"]
- Mk18 Right Tool for The Job (Nikto) [/give @s gun:mk18 1 7"]
- Mk18 Zer0 Gravity (hTk) [/give @s gun:mk18 1 8"]
- Mk18 Rock N Shoot (Skedle) [/give @s gun:mk18 1 9"]
- TRG-42 Xmas (Nuke) [/give @s gun:trg 1 1"]
- TRG-42 Extreme Voltage (hTk) [/give @s gun:trg 1 2"]
- Double Barrel Super Shotgun (Renil) [/give @s gun:db 1 1"]
- M4A1 Red Knife Beast Prototype (Skedle) [/give @s gun:m4a1 1 1"]
- P90 Subzero (hTk) [/give @s gun:p90 1 1"]
- P90 Mechanized (Renil) [/give @s gun:p90 1 2"]
- P90 Elemental (Java) [/give @s gun:p90 1 3"]
- P90 Swarm (hTk) [/give @s gun:p90 1 4"]
- M16A1 High Voltage (hTk) [/give @s gun:m16a1 1 1"]
- M16A1 War Veteran (Pmoon) [/give @s gun:m16a1 1 2"]
- M16A1 Ghillie (Skedle) [/give @s gun:m16a1 1 3"]
- AK-47 Elderflame (hTk) [/give @s gun:ak47 1 28"]
- UMP-45 Halloween (Maks) [/give @s gun:ump45 1 3"]
- M1911 Mountain King (Pmoon) [/give @s gun:m1911 1 4"]
- Winchester Dark Knight (Skedle) [/give @s gun:winchester 1 1"]
- Added Terrorist & Counter-Terrorist playermodels to choose from (morph)
- M95 & Skorpion Vz61 [SMG DLC] ammo counters will change colour depending on how much ammo you have left
- Point Weapon: AK-47 Asiimov
- Enabled profanity whilst outside of chat menu
- Ammo bar (actionbar) removed background
- Resized title to help with R8's charging prompts
- Ammo bar now gets removed after you deselect your weapon
- Bullet model is now smaller
- Removed empty item for M95
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Increased scope range
- Decreased rate of fire slightly
- Added drawing
- Added sound when scoping
- Hecate, M107 (bullet disappearance)
- Scoping is now more consistent with all bolt action snipers (not zooming in again bug)
- Shooting AK-47 whilst running and jumping (why are you doing this from the first place?) not firing bullets
- Negev & Ethereal projectiles blocking your vision when shooting
- Grapple hook script code
- PPSh-41 [SMG DLC] ammo counter
- Particle offset for: Skorpion Vz61
- Tactical Knife missing hits too many times
- Emoting will make your gun reload
- Updated arm animations! (pls provide feedback)
- Added point weapons in the point section, it has randomized weapons every update!
- Point Weapon: G11
- Updated vest model
- G11 no longer requires a separate item for Burst function
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Added scope
- Brought back the burst function
- M1911, for real this time
- Matt's Seal Knife allowing you to slash right after you stab (visual bug only)
- Matt's Knives not having a hoverover to indicate they're a DLC
- Powerfalcon not being able to doublezoom
- Double Barrel & XD Elite ammo counters will change colour depending on how much ammo you have left
- Added a tiny amount of recoil for Scout Pistol [DLC]
- Temporarily disabled the burst function of the G11 to get ready for a re-make in the next update
- Crosshair will be hidden whilst holding snipers or aiming down sights
- 4th Generation of cs adjustments is here
- Added developer weapons to the creative inventory, play nice!
- Melees can now be enchanted
- Added durability
- Seal Knife HQ [DLC]
- Nata Knife HQ [DLC]
- You will find out that all items are now attachables, and all weapons that didn't hide weapon when aiming in has changed to hide the weapon
- You will also find out that guns now all have the bow animation when shooting
- Simplified information because Mojang apparently can't handle more than 50 characters in this update
- Updated Galil description
- Added support for AWM attachment: Night Vision, Heavy Muzzle Brake (ID: 100011) [DLC]
- Nata Knife HQ Idle improvement [DLC]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Damage is now set to 18 instead of a randomized number of 18 or 15
- Added damage drop off
[Double Barrel]
- Added damage drop off
- Increased light level when exploding in a 3x3 area
- Increased accuracy when scoped
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (4th generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (more accurate)
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Decreased rate of fire
- Increased recoil in standing & moving stances dramatically
- Price increase 250 mileage -> 320 mileage
- AK-47 & AKM HQ recoils are now based on their regular counterpart, but with a 20% decrease
- Bat Grenade (slightly)
- Shotguns (rate of fire consistency, bullet placement not resetting)
- Re-wrote all items so they can appear in-game
- Mentions of R870 and Insulator in game files
- Fire damage listed as negative in Blade Runebreaker (Laptop)
- Range listed for Taser Knife (Laptop)
- Scout Red Edition not showing up after selecting a skin for any weapon
- A handful of weapons that shoot ghost bullets
- M1911 bullet size
- Living Death perk not dropping grenade
- Fixed all items
- Bat Grenade's puppets not having an explosion particle
- Throw delay with Trinity Grenade's stun variant
- Movement speed with some weapons
- MK23 accuracy in the later stages
- Particle offset for shotguns
- XD-M Elite ammo going over 14 when reloading
- Revised sway values for AWM attachment: Silencer (ID: 100010)
- Balisong Old Edition doing more damage than intended because of the player's natural damage buff
- AK-47 HQ's reduced recoil only affected standing stance, while other stances like moving or sneaking were unchanged, giving the weapon an unnatural & bad feel
- AKM HQ recoil oversight
===>> Matt's Butterfly Knife <<===
===>> Matt's Kukri Knife <<===
===>> Matt's Seal Knife <<===
- Typing "r" or "reload" in chat will make your gun reload
- All can now perform humiliation kills
- All have a draw timer
- All melees attack cooldown timers can be seen
- All or most melees now have a stab or slash function!
- Added sounds for all
- Added DeadZone kill fx icons
- Added Melee section for purchase & reading
- Added image watermark to celebrate 5th anniversary!
[HQ] - DLC (re-download the pack)
- Changed animations for:
- AK-47 (draw, reload)
- AK-60 (draw, reload)
- You don't have to sneaking in order for the reload sequence to start
- Remade the entire code
- Removed critial hits from most melees
- Changed identifier name!
- Changed particles for Blade Runebreaker
- Added sparticles to tactical knife projectile when hitting walls or ground
- Increased sound volume for Blade Runebreaker
- Added sounds to tactical knife projectile when hitting walls or ground
- Baseball Bat "bonk" sound can be heard by everyone, not just the target who was hit
- Removed blade outline from Machete
- Changed pack icon
- All Tactical Knife skins now has their own actionbar instead of a popup
- Lowered drop rate of Tomahawk from 40% to 10%
- Changed Decoy & Dao grenades to New Classic
- Adjusted recoil for A mode
[Brass Knuckles]
- Increased knockback given to targets
- Increased damage to 24
- Adjusted cooldown to 24 ticks (1.2 seconds)
- Added damage delay of 10 ticks (0.5 seconds after hitting)
- Adjusted cooldown to 35 ticks (1.75 seconds)
- Added damage delay of 20 ticks (1 second after hitting)
- Attacks in a diagonal line
- Decreased damage to 25
- Adjusted cooldown to 10 ticks (0.5 seconds)
[Nata Knife]
- Increased draw time from 0.7 seconds to 1.05 seconds
- Increased durability from 250 to 1000
- Added a very small diagonal line for splash attacks when using slash attack
- Increased stab damage to 76
- Increased durability from 250 to 400
- Added damage delay of 5 ticks (0.25 second after hitting)
- Increased knockback given to targets
- Added damage delay of 10 ticks (0.5 second after hitting)
[Serpent Blade]
- Decreased damage to 15
- Decreased damage to 27
- Attacks in a diagonal line
- Charge attack now has stages with each stage ramping up damage
[Dragon Knife]
- Added dragon breath ability
[Baseball Bat]
- Increased knockback power
- Added small cooldown and damage delay
[Tactical Knife]
- Decreased slash cooldown to 0.5 seconds
- Increased slash damage to 25
- Increased projectile damage to 43
- Increased ammo to 25
[Nata Knife HQ] - redownload DLC
- Increased draw time from 0.7 seconds to 1.05 seconds
- Increased durability from 250 to 1000
- Added slash attack animations
- Added a very small diagonal line for splash attacks when using slash attack
- Increased stab damage to 76
[Bowie Knife]
- Increased durability from 250 to 600
- Can deal splash damage
- Increased durability from 250 to 700
- Guitar and Nightstick now have their signature diagonal line attacks!
- Sound ranges in L4D & CSO2 DLCs (re-download the packs)
- Particles for Stun Rifle & Taser Knife
- Freeze Grenade explosion
- Serpent Blade not in /function getmelee
- Scoping is now more consistent with M200
- Cold Steel Knife
- Hammer
- Warhammer Storm Giant
- Pipe Wrench [CSO2 DLC]
- Seal Knife HQ [HQ DLC]
- M249
- SG550
- Coca Cola Grenade
- Text inconsistency in: Weapons Tab, Pistols, Buy checkouts
- Updated pages for: AN-94, R8 Revolver, P99, Five-SeveN, MK23, P228
- Changed particles for Ghost & Smoke grenades
[HQ - DLC]
- Updated textures for all rifles (no need to re-download dlc)
- Travel animation no longer moves the position of the grenade, just rotates it
- Changed sound for Bizon
- Decreased sound volume for Nata Knife's draw
- Increased airborne accuracy
- Nata Knife HQ [DLC] attack animation not being in sync
- Removed debug from Seal Knife
- Jiangshi changing color upon death
- MR6 not being re-fillable
- AK-47 Red Edition HQ resetting accuracy on the final stage
- Five-SeveN not being able to shoot in the last 2 stages whilst sneaking
- Smoke grenade not being cleared by explosives properly
- Fixed ammo not loading into the world
- Throwing the Explosive Grenade whilst sneaking will give it less velocity, making you throw it less further
[Ursus Knife]
- Slightly scaled smaller
- Nata Knife HQ icon
- Changed particles for Explosive Grenade
[Holy Grenade]
- Added physics to the pin when dropped, and fixed shadow issue
- Removed two of the menu musics when loading in, did you even know this was a thing?
- OICW's grenade functions
- Dragon Knife movement
- MR6 [DLC]
- ! ** Salamander ** !
- Poison Launcher
- Finished adding "special wobbly recoil?" to Galil in every stance
- Added a death message when dying from Taser Knife's Venom Blast ability
- Seal & Ursus knives are now under construction, they may be buggy
- Melee skins now reset through stonecutter or holding a vanilla variant
- You can also reset melee skins by the command to obtain them, and putting number 0
- Updated pages for Galil, M16A1
[Pumpkin Grenade]
- Projectile slightly smaller
- Renamed to Thompson Chicago
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Increased damage to 14
- Increased weight
- Decreased overall accuracy
- Movement accuracy slightly better than standing
[Weapon Ranges]
- Galil, P90, M16A1, and Thompson range is now 128 blocks
[Weapon RoF]
- Swapped rate of fire of Thompson and P90
- Nata Knife (draw mechanic)
- P90, Thompson, M16A1 (bullet disappearance)
- M1911 (legacy codes, rate of fire consistency)
- HQ weapons draw sound not stopping when deselecting item in draw state (re-download the DLC)
- Not being able to achieve humiliation kills: Nata Knife
- Actionbar bug with M1911 Vulcanus
- Nata Knife HQ [DLC]
- M1911 Cartel (Java)
- M1911 Service Sidearm (Java)
- Nata Knife HQ Korea (Daffa)
- Added "special wobbly recoil?" to Galil when standing
- HQ
- Firing animations will progressively be more aggressive the longer you shoot the weapon
- AK-47 Red Edition HQ now obtainable through injection
- AK-47 60R sights texture has been re-made
- Returned old pack icon for main addon
- Updated pages for AK-47, AK-74U, M14, AK-12, Glock, P228, AKM, AS Val, Ethereal, USP, AK-60
[HQ] - DLC
- Decreased fire rate across the board
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Damage is now set to 28 instead of a randomized number of 28 or 30
- Adjusted burst recoil
- Removed bullet offset
- Removed and placed HQ guns into the new DLC
- AKM, AS Val (bullet disappearance)
- USP & variants (legacy codes, rate of fire consistency)
- Galil, Fiveseven, HQ (bullet placement not resetting)
- DLC and Nexon tokens saying that they've been introduced in this update
- Widowmaker [DLC] still having a red icon indicating it has been changed (re-download the DLC)
- AKM HQ infinite rage cooldown
- LR-300 has tp recoil and the Mk18 does not
- USP will shoot but the bullet doesn't come out
- Movement bug for USP & variants
- AK-60's recoil being less when moving or being airborne
- Ammo re-fill when spawning into the world
- AK-60 HQ [DLC]
- AK-60 HQ Red (Daffa)
- AK-60 HQ Classic (Daffa)
- Added spread smoke sound to Toxic Grenade
- Added impact sounds for Explosive, Flashbang, Decoy, Toxic, Firebomb
- Added animations when thrown for for Molotov, Decoy, M67, Firebomb, Flashbang, Explosive, Smoke, Toxic, Firebomb, Holy
- Added pull mechanic, you can "cook" the grenade for 0.5 sec and throw it anytime you're ready for: Flashbang, Decoy, Toxic, Water Balloon, Firebomb, Molotov, Holy
- Added fire particles to Molotov
- The following grenades are 3D in hand: Explosive, Flashbang, Decoy, Smoke, Toxic, Water Balloon, Firebomb, Molotov, Holy
- Added an animation when sneaking
- Changed the texture of bullet tracer, Molotov, Decoy, M67, Firebomb, Flashbang, Explosive Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Toxic Grenade, pins
- HQ weapons now have 3D icons
- Updated models for Molotov, Decoy, M67, Firebomb, Flashbang, Explosive Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Toxic Grenade, pins
- Changed particles for RPG-7, Firebomb, Molotov, Holy Grenade, Water Balloon, MGL Venom
- Smoke particles of Smoke, Toxic and Pumpkin grenades had their offset adjusted
- Changed sounds for Molotov throw and impact
- Updated pages for Glock, AK-74u, AK-47, M14, AK-12, P228
- Now dies in water
[Holy Grenade]
- Now dies in water
- Decreased range to 70 blocks
[Water Balloon]
- Can distinguish Molotov (if thrown in the correct place, which is in the middle)
- Decreased accuracy of burst
- Slightly increased accuracy of full auto when in air
[Toxic Grenade]
- Decreased time from 25s to 10s
- Decreased timer of some effects
[Tear Gas]
- Increased time from 1.9s to 3.0s
- Decreased timer of some effects
- Removed smoke particles from M67 and Firebomb when flying
- Removed camera ui on Tear Gas
- Removed enchantment glint from HQ weapons
- Bullet disappearance: AK-47, M14, AK-12
- Adjusted particle placement for TF2 DLC
- Fixed bullet animations
- Fixed some text inconsistencies in the laptop
- Fixed movement bug for P228
- Fixed a very small recoil rounding error on AK-12's last rage stage when sneaking
- Fixed a bug where holy grenade would fall down when it explodes, and lights up the soul blocks on fire
- Fixed a shooting bug with FAMAS
- AK47 Red Edition HQ
- All 3D in hand!
- All 3D in hand!
- Changed the texture of M200
- Changed the texture of M16A1
- Changed the texture of Maxim-9 slightly
- Items that are affected by a change in an update are now highlighted in a red box instead of an enchantment glint
- Removed enchantment glints on weapons that had it on the texture itself
[Ray Gun]
- Returned old tracer
- Can give grenade ammo when disassembling
[Widowmaker] - DLC
- Will take iron nuggets only if you have the weapon in hand, and re-made the code
[Battle Edition]
- Guns will jam even when in the gun has 0 reserve ammo left, but you can reload them to unjam
- Changed particles for Fire Bomb
- Left gun will send the ejects to the left side
- Changed icon
- Mobs no longer drop briefcases
- Briefcases now drop mileage instead of parts
- Stun Rifle
- MK18
- M16A1
- HK416
- AK12
- M4A1
- SG552
- Groza
- StG44
- Browning
- M1 Garand
- IMI Galil
- AK47
- AK74U
- G11
- M16A4
- AN94
- XM1014
- M3
- M1897
- Striker
- Jackhammer
- Brecci
- MG42
- Ultimax
- Negev
- P90
- MP40
- K1A
- MP5
- MAC10
- Bizon
- MP7A1
- Uzi
- UMP45
- Scout
- Blaser R93
- G3SG1
- Hecate
- M95
- M107
- Mosin
- Savery
- All DLCs except Old
- All guns have the option to give ammo
- "Custom" weapons that don't deem themselves to be as an Edition, (such as Beretta Gunslinger, AK-47 HQ, SL8 Custom, AK60, etc) will give 15 mileage instead of 10
- Shooting whilst moving and sneaking will now only count as moving
- Decreased overall accuracy
- Drastically reduced the recoil, but drastically increased the recoil time
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Decreased overall recoil
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Fixed recoil being less when moving or being airborne
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Drastically reduced the recoil, but drastically increased the recoil time
- Range is now 128 blocks
- Dramatically decreased health for: Vex, Pillager, Vindicator, Illager and Ravager
- Increased weapon sound range across the board
- Briefcase random parts
- Gun parts
- Crafting for M14 and Black Dragon Cannon
- Water Element
- Destroyer (mob)
- PSG-1, MG42 (bullet disappearance)
- Widowmaker [DLC] (ammo)
- All DLC except Old (bullet disappearance, remade the code again)
- FAMAS (burst/reload function)
- Adjusted particle placement for TF2 DLC
- Fixed laptop not having a hover-over
- Fixed bullet being invisible for PPSH [DLC]
- Fixed sound for Desert Rifle [DLC]
- Fixed K7 shooting [DLC]
- Fixed movement bug for Maxim and Ultimax
- Fixed spawning with FAMAS
- Fixed ammo fill for MK16 [DLC], Anaconda, Ethereal
- Fixed MK18 shooting
- Fixed AK-47 Red Edition giving you 2 ammo options when disassembling it
- Fixed a bug where shooting whilst moving and sneaking resulted in nothing firing
- DLC and Nexon tokens
- AK-47 HQ
- When sneaking, damage you recieve from bullets will be slightly increased
- Added hover-over text for all guns
- Removed gun grades in item name
- Real bullet ejections for pistols
- Thermite
- Hecate
- Destroyer
- Tactical Awareness Grenade
- MK16
- Ethereal
- Anaconda
- MG42
- Thermite [BREW ONLY]
- Anaconda
- Thermite
- Hecate
- Tactical Awareness Grenade
- MG42
- Re-shuffled the rates for Rifles
- Added Ethereal
- Items that are affected by a change in an update are now highlighted in the inventory for that particular update, this will continue from now on
[Explosive Grenade]
- Added pull mechanic, you can "cook" the grenade for 0.5 sec and throw it anytime you're ready
- Nata Knife and Black Dragon Cannon textures have been re-made to match the one in CSO
- Machete texture have been re-made to mach the one in CSCZ
- Edited the sound of M4A1 Silenced
- LR-300 skins now has their own actionbar instead of a popup
- Changed grade to Rare
- Can now be found in Rare decoders only, with a much lower chance than before
[Battle Edition]
- Guns will no longer jam when in the gun has 0 reserve ammo left
- Changed particles for Trintity Grenade (flame), Water Balloon, Holy Grenade
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Added jump-boost effect
- Backpack (mojang reverted the code)
- Bowie's custom hold animation
- UI Title rescaled
- Fixed crash bug with Water Elemental
- Fixed fire damage with Water Elemental
- Fixed explosive grenade not firing
- Fixed Widowmaker not appearing in TF2 DLC
- Fixed Welrod not ejecting anything
- Fixed Jiangshi Red eyes not glowing in the dark
- Fixed LR-300 and MK18 1st stage whilst sneaking recoil value being way too low
- DLC pack versions between resource and behavior now match eachother
- Fixed misspelling with "saftey"
- Fixed Negev & Ultimax-100 not resetting rage bar when reloading
- Fixed Battle Glock in Auto mode not shooting whilst standing in the last rage sqaure
- Fixed Trintity Grenade (flame) exploding on impact
- Hecate
- Destroyer
- Thermite
- Tactical Awareness Grenade
- MK16 [CSO2 DLC]
- Ethereal
- Anaconda
- MG42 (might get nerfed)
- Old Guns [DLC] and AWM ammo counters will change colour depending on how much ammo you have left
- Added "sway" bar on AWM for the attachments ID 10001 - 10010
[Mobs - Jiangshi]
- Changed all particle placements on AWM
[AWM] - [CSO2 DLC] (re-download the DLC)
- ID 10010 now have the correct value for intensity sway when scoping with the gun
- Fixed scoping stuttering for the IDs above
- Huntsman texture have been re-made to match the one in CS2
- Slightly changed Ray Gun's particle
- All AWM skins now has their own action bar instead of a popup
- Removed all ammo counter files of DLC weapons and instead placed them in their respective DLCs
- Old Guns [DLC] bullets are capped at 70 blocks (bullet disappearance)
- Removed some L4D files in the Old DLC resource pack
- Fixed Tempest Old Edition infinite ammo
- Fixed all DLC movement bug (awm attachment scopes over ID 10010 are untouched, as they need an update for their own)
- Fixed a sway issue with most of AWM attachments, I put "OR" instead of "AND"
- Fixed an issue where if you swap AWMs with different scope levels, they will not reset the level and instead have the level that was higher
- Fixed scoping issue with AWM attachment ID 10010
- Fixed a bug with C4
- P90 Old Edition
- Added Grey Destroyer
- Added a hover-over text for the StG-44 regarding it's enhancement information (ignore it tho)
- Added a hover-over text for the Glock, variants and other guns regarding their information (ignore it tho), also removed the Grade
- Added screen effects for Flashbang, removed blindness effect (white)
- Added screen effects for Tear Gas and Freeze Grenade (light blue)
- Added screen effects for Night Vision (green)
- Added Bowie Knife animation placement
- HK416, M4A1, Negev, M200, Bubble Gun, P90, AWP, Tempest, SVD, Welrod, G3SG1, King Cobra, Glock, MK18, Blaser ammo counter(s) will change colour depending on how much ammo you have left
- Gave Electro Coin Cake, M24, Ghost, Firebomb, Explosive, M67, Flash, Chain, Samsung J7, Freeze, Toxic, M107, Pipe [DLC], Smoke, RPG-7, M79, MGL, MGL Venom, OICW, Bunker Buster, Dao, Landmine, Claymore, Trintity, BDC Chimera, Void Avenger, C4, Ray Gun new particles!
- Replaced bullet holes particles! (Scout and Honeybadger have "unique" ones)
- AK-12 no longer stops shooting in creative mode after you shot 30 rounds
- Some grenades have a glow effect when exploding
- Explosions particle now reflect how strong the explosion was
- Explosions can now take out smoke grenades for 2.5 or 3 seconds, similar to Counter-Strike 2
- M3 range is now based on blocks (32, to be exact) instead of seconds
- New crafting: tokens
- Added rocket-jumping!
- Updated player.json to 1.18.20!
- Chain Grenade is now 3D in hand
- Added throwing sounds to some grenades
- Coin Bomb's explosion is now gamerule driven, you can turn the explosion grief on or off
- NEW: Chain Grenade travel-in-air animations!
Increased base blood particles count, and increased blood particles in general when you take higher damage in stages of 10/20/30/40/50/60
- Re-added "Battle" Edition!
- Added jamming to battle edition
- Re-added hitmarkers for skins and whatnot
- Added randomness to pistol ejection casings
- C4 now has beeping sounds that beep faster when it's going to explode, along particle effects
[Crafting] - Pistols are experimental
- Automag
- Dual Berettas
- Deagle
- FiveSeven
- Glock
- Luger
- M1911
- Mauser
- P228
- R8
- Welrod
[DTK Support]
- Glock
- Blaser
- MK18
- M4A1
- G3SG1
- Ray Gun
- King Cobra
- Welrod
- Negev
- Tempest
- P90
- Bubble Gun
- M200
- Added UI for every kill, and it's different for players and mobs
- Added CSS/Quake kill sounds as an option!
- Added CSO2 hitmarker sounds as an option!
- You can now de-activate and re-activate Living Death perk
- Added announcers option - you can edit sounds, colors of hitmarkers, disable/enable, etc!
- You can now see if a weapon has an edition or variant ingame
[Survival Update]
- ** Added Structures! **
- Added laptop to access the buy station
- Added Medical Table
[Points Shop]
- Added ammo page
- Added shelter page
- Re-shuffled the rates for Pistols
- Added King Cobra, MK23 and Deagle CSOGS
- Added RR Assault Rifles
- Seal Knife
- Added USAS-12
- [Mobs - Jiangshi]
- Jiangshis no longer hurt eachother
- You can now obtain hitmarkers and kills from Jiangshi's before you couldn't do that, at the cost of a slightly buggy "hurt" animation that he will play but it's quite rare
- Defusal works a little differently, you'll have to sneak near it to defuse. Shooting, jumping, going further or unsneaking will cancel the defuse process
- Kit or no kit will still work as intended, but if you decide to switch to your kit in the middle of the defuse it will cancel it and have a little delay until you can start defusing again
- Cancelling defuse will also give you a little delay until you can start defusing again
- Can no longer move whilst defusing
- Chain Grenade model has been changed!
- Changed bullet models for M1897
- All Negev skins now has their own actionbar instead of a popup
- Decreased muzzle flash effect
- Changed muzzle flash particle texture
- Chain Grenade textures has been changed!
- Adjusted taser knife's venom explosion brightness
- Improved blood particles slightly
- Violin, MGL, MP7A1, MAC-10 and M79(s) textures have been re-made to match the one in CSO
- Striker texture has been re-made to match the one in CSO2
- Bowie and Ursus textures have been re-made to match the one in CS2
- Welrod & M1897 textures have been re-made
[Decoy Grenade]
- Timer will start only when the grenade is on ground
- Bow and arrows compatibility
- Will now only work and count kills for players, for mobs it won't count kills but will still tell you that you've gained a kill
- Changed "Megakill" sound to "Excellent"
- Kill sounds are now only for 1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,25 kills
- Changed hitmarkers
[Seal Knife]
- Added swing animation
[Dragon Knife]
- No longer spawns dragon upon user death
- Removed cooldown bar
[Laptop, last change is for the Phone]
- Updated Automag, Glock, HK416, M4A1, King Cobra, M79, AK-12, Maxim-9, F2000, AS Val, Honeybadger, Violin, AK-60, Ray Gun descriptions
- Updated stats UI for every pistol that has the CS Adjustment
- Changed or shortened some pistol names
- Changed namespace so it gets removed from every player's inventory, and it's no longer stuck in your last hotbar
[Smoke Grenade]
- Added pull mechanic, you can "cook" the grenade for 0.5 sec and throw it anytime you're ready
[Chain Grenade]
- Added pull mechanic, you can "cook" the grenade for 0.5 sec and throw it anytime you're ready
- If cooked for too long, it will explode on you!
- Changed text in ammo counter to "Mk18 Mod 1"
[AWM] - [CSO2 DLC] (re-download the DLC)
- IDs 10005, 10006, 10007, 10008 10009 now have the correct value for intensity sway when scoping with the gun
- Fixed scoping stuttering for the IDs above
[Survival Update]
- Improved bastion loot
- Mileage and Bingo cards can be found in fishing
- Decreased the drop-rate for AR briefcase
- Removed Lightning Rod item from Groza crafting recipe
- Phone is now a personal item that you can use to edit announcer options. It can be obtained by typing "options" in the chat. The laptop, which is the new "phone", can be found in the new structures! (some of them)
[Point Shop]
- Drastically increased price for Decoders except Rare
- Combat Knife no longer craftable
[Mobs - Water Element]
- Will no longer always drop guns
[Cake Grenade]
- Decreased time to explode by 0.5 seconds
[Coin Bomb]
- Decreased range (not really? It's the correct one from the start)
- Increased explosion timer to 45 seconds
[Trintity Grenade]
- Increased stun range by 1 block
[Decoy Grenade]
- Removed meme or unreleased gun sounds
- Adjusted times between sounds
- Can sometimes distract hostile mobs now
[Smoke Grenade]
- Decreased time from 18 seconds to 15 seconds
- Will only activate if it's on the ground, and there's a 1.5 seconds delay after
- Increased velocity
[Bat Grenade]
- Bats are immune to explosive attacks, meaning they can't kill eachother and you can't kill them by using grenades
- Decreased bats explosive power
- Increased bats speed
[Electro Grenade]
- Dramatically increased damage
- Adjusted camerashake
[Flashbang Grenade]
- Time to explode decreased from 2 seconds to 1.4 seconds
- Anyone in range of 5 blocks of the explosion will have sounds stopped for 3 seconds, use this to your advantage
- Increased velocity
- Increased base damage from 13 to 24
- Increased gold variant base damage from 15 to 26
- Added damage drop-off
- Added damage drop-off
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- No longer needs to press for every shot
- Bullet accuracy has been re-vamped
- Removed Burst item and recoil
- Adjusted rate of fire
- Reduced Red Edition damage
[Black Dragon Cannon]
- Increased range and velocity for Chimera version
- Bullets accuracy no longer rely on difficulty (oversight)
[Blaser R93 Tactical]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased scoping range
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- No longer has different velocity values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Added drawing
- Changed scope
[Void Avenger]
- Adjusted recoil
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased scoping range
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- No longer has different velocity or damage values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Added drawing
- Decreased weight
[Bubble Gun]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Fixed bullet position
- Increased scoping range
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- No longer has different velocity values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Increased scoping range
- No longer has different velocity values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Decreased red edition damage
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- No longer has different velocity values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Increased silencer damage
- Increased silencer recoil
- Increased reload time
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- No longer has different velocity values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- No longer has same recoil values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy has been re-vamped
- Decreased moving accuracy
- Increased accuracy when scoping
- Increased damage slightly
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- No longer has different damage values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Reduced velocity by half
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- No longer has different velocity values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Fixed not being able to shoot whilst sneaking or jumping
[Bunker Buster]
- Increased explosion damage
- Increased explosion damage
[Baseball Bat]
- Decreased damage
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased scoping range
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
[King Cobra]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased scoping range
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Decreased rate of fire
- Increased damage
- Increased rate of fire for Gold Edition by 0.1
[Ray Gun]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Reduced accuracy
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
[Mobs - Destroyer]
- Decreased spawn rate
- Decreased herd size
- Will no longer always drop redstone, and the quantity of the drop is less and rarer
- Now able to drop iron ingots
- Can now be damaged in water or rain
[Mobs - Jiangshi]
- Can now drop XP and the following items: seal knife, nata knife, zombie grenades, nexon token, jiangshi hat, gaslightoline adrenaline
- Has a chance to berserk at players whilst chasing them
- Has a chance to throw NEW zombie grenades at players!
- Improved knockback resistance when using the stiffen/berserk ability
- Adjusted healing mechanic - he won't heal as quickly now
- Adjusted health that I won't bother to explain to you because Matt did it in a weird way bless him tho
- No longer deal double damage to him
- Reduced arrow damage
- Dramatically increased health for: Vex, Pillager, Vindicator, Illager and Ravager
- Updated /function help
- Adjusted R8 particle placements
- Added changelog file in behavior pack
- Converted all .wav files to .ogg
- Glock (a file that gives you infinite tags)
- Announcers
- Coin Grenade, USP, P228, Mauser, P99, Glock, Luger, R8, Automag, Maxim, Welrod, Deagle, Dual Deagle, King Cobra, XD-M, Dual Berettas, Ray Gun, M1911, FiveSeven, Makarov, MK23 (bullet disappearance)
- Fixed all ARs movement
- Fixed Living Death perk
- Fixed Death Note perk
- Fixed pillager, magma cube and vindicator kills
- Fixed Groza not having an option to give you mileage when disassembling it
- Fixed RPG-7 sight-in mechanic
- Fixed Baseball Bat crafting
- Fixed Ghost Grenade inconsistent damage
- Fixed Negev still replacing blocks when it shouldn't whilst firing
- Fixed a recoil bug with the Negev whilst moving
- Fixed keepinventory bug
- Fixed bullet disappearance for guns that got it, apparently it doesn't work lmfao (I will make a whole update just for this later on)
- Fixed Pipe Bomb dropping a grenade pin when thrown (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed Jingy Trophy placement
- Explosive Barrel
- Gas Tank
- Box
- USAS-12
- USP Battle Edition
- MP5 Battle Edition
- Glock Battle Edition
- Classic and New Classic tokens
- Zombie Grenade (Red & Green variants)
- Pumpkin Grenade
- Jiangshi Hat
- Laptop
- Fixed MK18 High Tech not being able to be obtained and gave it a grade
- Fixed Melee skins!
- Ultimax, Galil, M107, Mosin, Five-SeveN, SR-3M, F2000, Scout, AK-47, UMP-45, USP, MK23, M1911, P99, Automag R8, Deagle, Mauser C96 and ACR ammo counters will change colour depending on how much ammo you have left
- Added teleport recoil for Groza
- Re-added Destroyer
[Crafting Support]
- Negev
- Ultimax
[DTK Support]
- TRG-42
- Mosin
- PSG-1
- AK-47
- MK23
- UMP-45
- Automag
- Desert Eagle
- Stun Rifle
- R8
- Void Avenger
- M79
- SR-3M
- P228
- Five-SeveN
- M16A1
- Galil
- M107
- F2000
- Ultimax
- Added zoom sound to all snipers that were adjusted below
- Added shooting animations for: UMP-45, MP5 and Maxim-9
- All guns who had their rate of fire reduced as a test from the last patch has been given their same rate of fire back
- Added 9 new sounds for zombie spawn (jiangshi)
- Added sounds and actionbars for defusing a C4
- New GUI
- Dark mode
- Added points shop
- Added storage tab
- Added perks shop
[AWM] - [CSO2 DLC] (re-download the DLC)
- Draw sound will no longer play to other players, but will still scare mobs nearby if the gun is drawing
- IDs 10001, 10002, 10004 and 10004 now have the correct value for intensity sway when scoping with the gun
- Fixed scoping stuttering for the IDs above
- Changed text in ammo counter to "Mk23 OHWS"
- All F2000, Scout, UMP-45, MP5, Stun Rifle and P228 skins now has their own actionbar instead of a popup
[Stun Rifle]
- Changed the stun rifle electric attack, read below
- Added 3 different draw sounds and idle sounds
- Electric attack is based off the sound the idle sounds, if the sound is strong, that means the attack will last longer and if the sound is weak, the attack will last shorter
- Added a charging mechanic for the feature before
- It's now multiplayer compatible! meaning, 2 stun rifle users can stun eachother at the same time! unlike before, they would stun everything except themselves
[Taser Knife]
- Added "show" bar
[Skull Axe]
- Improved hit-reg
- No longer hits if swapped
- Decreased range
[Void Avenger]
- It's now multiplayer compatible! meaning, 2 void avenger users can stun and attack eachother at the same time! unlike before, they would stun and attack everything except themselves
- Ammo counter will show you how many shots you need to shoot until you get the blachole bullet
- Blackhole bullet now has a model and a texture, and travels with black trails
- Will no longer kill items or armor stands
- Updated blue and orange electro particles
[Survival Update]
- All normal mobs, or mobs who are not "bosses" or "hard to kill", will drop part boxes and their mileage drop-rate has been halved
- Jiangshi will no longer drop Unique or Epic decoders, but Advanced and Rare instead, and the quantity of Decoders dropped has been decreased
- Water elemental, Ravager and Warden will no longer drop Decoders, they drop guns from any of the 5 Decoders instead with the same chances
- Mobs from the raids will no longer drop a significant amount of Decoders, and now they only drop 1-2 MAX, the chances of a drop is slightly lowered
- Random parts' briefcase replaced by AR parts briefcase in villages
- Announcers will no longer play sounds if you reached the last kill
- Supply boxes will no longer reset your reserve ammo if it's above it's original number, and lowered their spawn rate
- Lowered Mileage Box spawn rate, and they can spawn on any block
- Updated M79 description
- Updated P228 description
- Updated Void Avenger description
- Increased prices of most weapons by 2x - 3x
- Nightstick and Pipebomb require a netherite scrap instead of ingot [L4D DLC]
- Magnum Pistol and P220 require 2 nether ingots instead of a netherite block [L4D DLC]
- Pills are now craftable [L4D DLC]
- Bat requires birch logs instead of bone blocks to craft
- Added new crafting options for blueprints (dyes)
[Survival Update]
- Parts and Ammos are stackable to 64
- Buffed some chests loot
- Rifles need level 15 instead of 35 to be unlocked
- Blueprints are disassembled for 3 mileages instead of 10
- Increased Void Avenger drop chance from 10% to 50%
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Removed 1 rage square
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Decreased rate of fire
- Increased scoping range
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (very accurate)
- No longer has different velocity values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Added drawing
[Mosin Nagant]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased scoping range
- Bullet accuracy has been re-vamped
- No longer has different velocity values in other stances like moving and jumping, etc
- Added drawing
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased rate of fire
- Increased scoping range
- Bullet accuracy has been re-vamped
- Added drawing
- Increased rate of fire
- After firing, you will scope-in faster
- Air and Moving recoil does not increase in intensity, instead, the intensity is static and only the time increases
[ACR] - [CSO2 DLC] (re-download the DLC)
- Increased rate of fire (fires every 0.088 seconds)
[Desert Eagle]
- Increased time to start reloading time from 0.2 to 0.5
[Dual Berettas]
- Increased time to start reloading time from 0.2 to 0.7
[Stun Rifle]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased rate of fire
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Added drawing
- Increased range of electric attacks
[Void Avenger]
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Void bullet can now be shot even you're in water
- Added drawing
- Blackhole bullet has low velocity and will explode after 2 seconds and turn into the blackhole itself, and if it touches the ground it will immediately explode too
- You can shoot normal bullets instead of just affecting everything around you, which was kind of awkward?
- Reverted changes to the knockback strength
[Taser Knife]
- Added drawing
- Added new sounds
- Can charge the stun rifle 2x if the player has it in the inventory!
- Updated cooldown mechanics
- Added humiliation kills
- Re-added Venom Blast ability!
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- If you shoot too quickly, later shots will be worse
- Increased scoping range
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Removed 1 rage stage
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Increased rate of fire in semi mode
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- You can no longer shoot faster when sneaking and un-sneaking quickly
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Increased damage from 15/17 to 23
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased rate of fire (fires every 0.1 seconds)
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
[Samsung J7 Grenade]
- Increased "nuke" explosion chance
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased rate of fire
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased rate of fire
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Gave it the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased rate of fire
- Bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Decreased damage overall, but decreased it even more when jumping
[Grappling Hook]
- Can be enchanted more
- Can be repaired by string
- Can be enchanted (vest)
- Can be repaired by string (most)
[Blade Runebreaker]
- Charge attack will deal fire damage
[Mobs - Ghost Pet]
- Can now be damaged by projectiles and fire
[Mobs - Water Element]
- Bullet can no longer bypass walls
- Bullet is now inaccurate
- Can no longer break fire blocks
- No longer fire immune
- Increased damage from fire, explosion and freeze grenade attacks
- All attacks deal 1 damage, you need to fight it with explosions or fire
- Decreased bullet hitbox
[Mobs - Jiangshi]
- Added red variant, has 5% chance of spawning instead of a blue variant (deals more damage, has more health is faster, basically double stats)
- Removed mining fatigue effect
- Disabled skins to look for a workaround for ID skins method
- Crowbar can break normal coal ore and stone blocks
- Tomahawk can mine copper ore
- All melees below can be enchanted and break wood & cobweb faster, adjusted their durability numbers
- All melees will lose durability except Runebreaker and Skull Axe
- Decreased Bowie and Huntsman knife damage and increased Combat knife damage
- Mosin Nagant, MGL & MGL Venom, M3, KSG-12, M1897, SPAS-12, Winchester, Striker, XM1014 (stop reload function)
- USP, ACR (cooling function)
- MK23 (old file that gives you infinite tags)
- Void Avenger, Stun Rifle (overall functions)
- M16A1 (bullet disappearance)
- Fixed TRG-42, XM2010, UMP-45, Mauser C96, Automag and Uzi reload
- Fixed Deagle CSOGS texture placement
- Fixed Desert Eagle Red Edition & CSOGS Edition reloads
- Fixed MK23 silenced reload
- Fixed RPG-7 reload out of sync
- Fixed Samsung J7 Grenade saying "1" when exploding sometimes
- Fixed Groza - "3D" skin actionbar logic
- Fixed infinite ammo for ACR silenced - [CSO2 DLC] (re-download the DLC)
- Made the scoping-in function more accurate for guns that scoped out if they fired
- Fixed rage points for the Groza
- Fixed SR-3M texture
- Fixed Widowmaker not loading in the world with ammo - [TF2 DLC] (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed M95 and XM2010 scopes not appearing if you selected a specific attachment for the AWM
- Updated Ray Gun's description
- Fixed ACR accuracy not resetting - [CSO2 DLC] (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed M16A4 grip not being able to be disassembled
- Fixed AK-74U not resetting rage after reloading
- Fixed M16A1 sometimes firing in auto mode whilst the gun is in semi mode
- Fixed village shepherd and weaponsmith loot
- Fixed MP-40 not being able to be re-filled
- Fixed gas mask, vest, parachute, night vision, etc not taking damage
- Fixed AK-47 Red Edition infinite ammo
- Fixed movement glitch in V1.19.60 kinda, I'll fix it for other guns later (MOJANG FUCK YOU!!!!!!!)
- Fixed fall damage multiplier
- Backpack
- Briefcase AR parts
- Ripper
- Last Stand Chainsaw
- Golden briefcase
- Mileage & Point coupons
- M1911 Vulcanus (Pulse)
- AWP 3D (Mecha)
- Shotgun pellets now matter; all of them will deal divided damage (ONLY TO PLAYERS FOR NOW)
- Some guns muzzle flash particles has been "fixed" (play max fov)
- M16A4, Kriss, Jackhammer, Maxim, 205 Brecci, AS Val, Honeybadger, AK-12, MGL, Power Falcon, and RPG-7 ammo counters will change colour depending on how much ammo you have left
- Rate of fire for automatic some ARs and SMGs has been drastically reduced as a test (excluding those who have received a rate of fire change below)
- Gave the XD-M & Honeybadger a different smoke particle
- Added damage drop off for some guns
[Crafting Support]
- Adrenaline
- Defuser
- Firebomb
- Flashbang
- Freeze
- Heart
- Peace
- Toxic
- Electro
- Tear Gas Grenade
- Gas Mask
- Vest
- Balisong
- Baseball Bat
- Bowie
- Brass Knuckles
- Huntsman Knife
- Combat Knife
- Crowbar
- Skeleton Knife
- Karambit
- Machete
- ARX-160
- AK-47
- AN-94
- AK-74U
- Galil
- ARX-160
- G11 is
- Garand
- Groza
- HK416
- M16A1
- M16A4
- M4A1
- MK18
- Browning
- SG552
- StG-44
[DTK Support]
- Negev
- Jackhammer
- SPAS-12
- Benelli M3
- M1897
- XM1014
- Brecci
- Winchester
- AK-12
- Striker
- Dual Beretta
- Honeybadger
- M1911
- Scout
- Automag
- Mauser C96
- P99
- M16A4
- RPG-7
- AS Val
- MP5
- AK-47
- AK-74u
- Maxim
- Kriss Vector
- Power Falcon
- Groza
[Survival Update]
- Added ammos for each category to fill up reserve ammo, ammos can be dropped by ranged mobs such as skeletons, piglins, pillagers, illagers, and other ways you will discover whilst playing
- You can now fish "parts" to craft your weapons
- Some guns are now labeled as "rare", and can now be found in structures
- You can barter with piglins for golden guns, rare guns, ammo, and mileage
- Part Briefcases can now be found in village chests
- Enhancers can now be found in village chests
- Added Bingo (phone)
- Added Buy station (phone)
- You can now "disassemble" ANY item for mileage using the stonecutter - useful for spare guns and removing skins
- Cat gifts has a chance at giving you mileage
- When using the adrenaline shot, you will be able to reload the L4D weapons much quicker and you will not have any melee fatigue for a certain amount of time (10 seconds for normal, 45 seconds for gaslightoline)
- Added shooting animations for AK-74U, ARX, Val, AUG, Browning, F2000, FAMAS, HK416, Honeybadger, OICW, MK18, SG552, STG44 and Stun Rifle
- Re-added "You got it!" announcer when you kill someone with a grenade
- Added "hit" text to semi-replace the hitmarker because I cannot add the hitmarker to guns that allow skins
- Added "kill" text, appears each time after "Out of this world!" kill announcement
- Vanilla hostile mobs are now supported with the guns!
- 1 player sleep
- Enhancing will now have a chance to fail, this change is only applied to the STG-44 as a test
- Enhancing texts and sounds has been changed
- Added Enchanted/Gaslightoline Damage and Recoil item enhancers, they have a 100% success rate and will never fail
[Viewmodel (hands)]
- Hands are now fixed for all skins, please tell me in the feedback if it's fixed for your skins, if all of you say it's fixed everything, then I *hopefully* will re-animate the hands to resemble the vanilla ones since I can't actually delete those hands no matter how much I try
- MK23 - "Veld" now has it's own actionbar instead of a popup
- Added a custom sound for AK-47 - "Cheeki Breeki" and "Vulcan"
- All AK-12 skins now has their own actionbar instead of a popup
- All Honeybadger skins now has their own actionbar instead of a popup
- P220 and Magnum Pistol are more expensive
- [Textures/Models]
- Mauser C96 texture has been re-made to match the one in CSO
- HK416 texture has been re-made to match the one in CSO
- OICW texture has been re-made to match the one in CSO
- RPG-7 sights texture has been re-made
- Tear Gas's pin has been increased in size
- Bat Grenade's pin has been decreased in size
- Increased mileage box contrast texture
- Ray Gun's bullet is now a particle
- Significantly decreased the horde spawn rate again, and they can only spawn on grass blocks and can no longer spawn underground (re-download the DLC)
- Blueprints can now be stacked up to 64
- Bullets will disappear/die if they are 100 blocks away from a player (AK-12, AK-47, Power Falcon, AK-74u, AKM, Kriss, Brecci, RPG, Automag, AK-60, AN-94, ARX-160, AWP, MK18, all DLC weapons)
- Supply Box spawnrate decreased to 1%, can only spawn on grass
- Mileage Box spawnrate decreased to 1%, can only spawn on grass
- Hostile mobs have a chance to drop mileage upon death
- Increase Mileage Box's mileage drop
- Lifted the ammo bar so it doesn't block your hearts
- Ghost pets no longer sink in water
- Ghost pets will be attacked by hostile mobs
- Supply Boxes no longer require you to be in survival mode or require the difficulty to be above peaceful mode, and they will now heal you
- If you cancel a reload you won't be given your gun back, if you lose it that's on you
- Organised some stuff like Decoders to lineup next to eachother
- Changed "gun:pistol" to "gun:scout_pistol" (re-download the DLC)
- Reverted experimental changes that was given to the explosive grenade
- Renamed "M3" to "Benelli M3"
- Renamed "Glock Auto" to "Glock Semi"
- Added Landmines, Jetpack, Truck and Claymore to decoders
- Decoders will no longer need a 2nd entity to drop the items, and they no longer play a death sound or emit any death smoke
- Decoders will now drop a bingo card alongside the weapon
- Revamped all drop rates of items, and can now be checked by sneaking and eating/using the decoder
- You can get an Epic or Transcendent grade weapon in the Unique Decoder (%5 chance)
- Ultimax: Edited the ultimax's ending sound
- Maxim-9: Changed sounds of Maxim-9, sounds will change when you have 5 bullets left, and it will change once again when you fire your last bullet
- Decreased bullet eject sounds
- Changed the texts in the get[x] functions
- Portals can now rotate and look at you
- Portals can be killed by interacting with them using a barrier
[Mobs - Jiangshi]
- Jiangshi's behaviors and animation controllers has been remade by matt, and he's better and more vicious than ever!
- 500 HP, 12 damage
- There's a chance to become "stiffen" at low health, ignoring any damage for 5 seconds and becoming faster
- If not hit for a while, jiangshi will start healing up every 1.5 seconds
- Animations are smoother than before
- Added new sounds
- Will drop TWO of either the following: Unique, Common or Epic decoders, and Mileage, Bingo cards or the Jingy trophy, amounts of things dropped can vary each time
- Spawns in L4D DLC hordes if the difficulty is normal or hard (night only), and spawns normally like minecraft hostiles
[Mobs - Water Element]
- Increased health from 200 to 800
- Increased death damage from 20 to 50
- Increased rate of fire
- Moves faster in water or whilst swimming
- Attacks hostile mobs if they attack it
- Decreased water projectile damage from 19/18 to 10
- Increased water projectile velocity and hitbox
[Survival Update]
- Decoders can no longer be bought and are now dropped by/found in: jiangshi, evoker, vindicator, ravager, water element, raid win, and desert pyramids
- Shotguns will break armors faster
- Increased Magma Cube's health and damage
- Increased Slime's health and damage
- Reduced fall damage multiplier (1.80 -> 1.20)
- If the player is shooting, jumping and running at the same time, the game will now think you're shooting airborne at all times and won't think you've landed on ground
[Brass Knuckles]
- Slightly increased the poison effect time given from a Brass Knuckle attack
[ACR] (re-download the DLC)
- Gave the ACR the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Silenced ACR is now more accurate
- Both silenced and unsilenced versions of the ACR will share the same accuracy whilst airborne
- Gave the Jackhammer the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Jackhammer's pellet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Jackhammer's rate of fire has been increased
- Jackhammer now shoots 6 pellets instead of 9
- Jackhammer's range is slightly reduced
- If you shoot too quickly, later shots will be worse
- Gave the SPAS-12 the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- SPAS-12's pellet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- SPAS-12's is now pump-action and the rate of fire is decreased by 0.1 seconds, and if you shoot too quickly, later shots will be worse
- SPAS-12 now shoots 9 pellets instead of 12
- SPAS-12 damage increased from 36 to 42
[Benelli M3]
- Gave the M3 the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- M3's pellet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- M3 now shoots 8 pellets instead of 10
- M3 damage decreased from 50 to 40
- If you shoot too quickly, later shots will be worse
- Gave the KSG the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- KSG damage decreased from 45 to 38
- Golden KSG damage decreased from 60 to 45
- Rate of fire is increased by 0.1 seconds
- Fixed recoil being less when moving, sneaking or being airborne
- Gave the M1897 the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- M1897 damage increased from 40 to 50
- M1897 now only shoots 20 pellets instead of (dunno, its probably between 8-12 but I'm not gonna spread misinformation)
- All pellets will now be shot at one go instead of gradually
- Gave the XM1014 the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- XM1014's pellet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- XM1014 now shoots 6 pellets instead of 10
- If you shoot too quickly, later shots will be worse
- Red XM1014 damage decreased from 50 to 35
- Gave the Brecci the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Brecci will no longer give the user more range when aiming down sight
- Brecci's pellet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Reload time increased by 0.4 seconds
- You can no longer shoot faster when sneaking and un-sneaking quickly
- Gave the Winchester the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Winchester's pellet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- Winchester now shoots 8 pellets instead of 12
- Rate of fire is decreased by 0.25 seconds (?)
- Gave the Striker the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Striker's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (inaccurate in later rounds)
- Rate of fire is increased by 0.3 seconds (?)
- Striker will deal less damage at longer ranges
- Increased range significantly
- Striker damage decreased from 45 to 30
[Force A Nature]
- Increased bullet velocity from 8 to 12 power value
- Bullet no longer loses velocity speed whilst travelling
- Bullet no longer has gravity
- Force A Nature damage increased from 8/10 to 37
- Increased bullet velocity from 8 to 13 power value
- Bullet no longer loses velocity speed whilst travelling
- Bullet no longer has gravity
- Widowmaker damage increased from 9/4 to 40
- P228 will deal less damage at longer ranges when sneaking
[Pipe Bomb] (re-download the DLC)
- Increased explosion damage by 2x (!)
[Trinity Grenade]
- Increased explosion damage of the flame variant slightly
- Gunslinger will deal real damage instead of fatal poison effect (10 damage)
[Void Avenger]
- Void Avenger will deal real damage instead of wither effect (15 damage)
- Black hole lasts 6 seconds instead of 2 seconds
- Black hole explosion damage increased
- Black hole damage increased from 3 to 14
- Black hole will now violently suck you in (or even out!)
[Dual Beretta]
- Dual Beretta's rate of fire has been drastically increased
- Overall recoil is much worse
- Gun cools down a little faster
- Revamped accuracy; in some places it's more accurate than before, and in some places it's more inaccurate than before
- Gave the Honeybadger the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Removed 1 rage square
- Honeybadger's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (reduced accuracy because wtf was that??)
- Honeybadger's inaccuracy values now go up in a fixed number rather than random numbers that I typed
- Bullets can no longer knockback entities
- Honeybadger will deal less damage at longer ranges
- Gave the M1911 the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- M1911 will deal less damage at longer ranges
- M1911's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (much more accurate and reliable)
- Gave the Scout the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Scout will deal less damage at longer ranges
- Rate of fire is increased by 0.15 seconds
- Increased scoping range
- Scout's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (very inaccurate)
- Gave the Automag the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Automag's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (insanely accurate)
- Increased Unsilenced damage from 18 to 24
- Increased Silenced damage from 18 to 21
[Mauser C96]
- Gave the Mauser C96 the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Mauser C96's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (very accurate, low recoil and very fast)
[Skorpion vz] (re-download the DLC)
- Reduced recoil
- Adjusted accuracy so your bullets doesn't have a "pattern" that goes to the right-top or left-top
- Decreased recoil significantly but the airborne recoil is the same
- Recoil stays on your screen longer
- Increased Auto damage from 16 to 20
- Increased Semi damage from 18/19 to 22
- Gave the M16A4 the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- M16A4's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (much more pleasant than before, questionable accuracy)
- Decreased firerate delay from 0.5 to 0.35
- Gave the RPG-7 the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Rate of fire is increased by 0.4 seconds
- Increased scoping range
- RPG's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (rocket goes up now unless aimed)
- RPG'S rocket Will explode after 3 seconds if it doesn't hit anything
- Gave the MGL the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
[MGL Venom]
- Gave the MGL Venom the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Bullet will no longer go through entities, if it hits them then the green clouds will appear
- Green clouds damage has been increased
[Black Dragon Cannon]
- Gave the BDC the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Note: they might be a disappointment right now and it's because their enhancing method is not the same as the other weapons, I will change this in V3.2 so don't worry
- Gave all grenades the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and throw!)
- Gave the AK-12 the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- AK-12 inaccuracy and recoil values now go up in a fixed number rather than random numbers that I typed (only moving and air recoil values go up in a fixed number value)
- AK-12's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (reduced overall accuracy)
- Increased rate of fire (fires every 0.099 seconds)
- Gave the Maxim the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased rate of fire has been increased
- Increased damage from 10 to 13
- You can now aim down sights
- Increased bullet velocity for the Gold version
[Kriss Vector]
- Gave the Kriss the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased rate of fire has been increased
- No longer has different velocity values when sneaking
- Kriss' bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped (virtually no recoil and no muzzle climb, but the catch is that it's more inaccurate)
- Gave the Groza the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased rate of fire (fires every 0.1 seconds)
- Groza's bullet accuracy and recoil has been re-vamped
- No longer produces lightning
- Increased rate of fire (fires every 0.1 seconds)
- Increased rate of fire (fires every 0.071 seconds)
- Decreased recoil significantly
[Magnum Pistol] (re-download the DLC)
- Increased recoil significantly
[Bunker Buster LTD]
- Added a 3-minute cooldown after firing
- Explosion that breaks blocks is now based on world gamerule options
[Power Falcon]
- Gave the Power Falcon the Counter-Strike adjustment (3rd generation, ability to run and gun!)
- Increased scoping range
- Can now penetrate any surface from any range, infinitely
- Added tracers
- Added a 2nd zoom if you hit whilst aiming
- Added scoping sounds
[Taser Knife]
- Doubled damage and time of the wither effect
- Increased rate of fire (fires every 0.3 seconds)
- Decreased recoil significantly
[Samsung J7]
- There's a good chance of a bigger explosion that deals deadly damage (similar to that of a Bunker Buster LTD) to happen that also leaves a large smoke particle after
- Slight modifications to its gravity and velocity values
- Will deal +4 damage if it hits an entity
- Will deal +4 damage if it hits an entity
- Added particles upon exploding
[Bat Grenade]
- Bats will now attack hostile mobs
[Coin Grenade]
- Increased duration from 1.1 seconds to 3.5 seconds
[Survival Update]
- Removed all magazines
- Removed SL8 achievement
- Removed Chain Grenade statue
- Temporarily removed Red Jiangshi
- Fixed G3SG1 sound being louder than usual
- First shot of the silenced ACR will go where you're looking, not above it
- Fixed Striker not ejecting shells
- Fixed an issue where you can't /summon the horde (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed clicking sound for USP and MK23
- Fixed Dual Beretta not having a firing value for the left gun when sneaking
- Fixed Dual Beretta's placement
- Fixed Old Glock and Old Deagle actionbar disappearing when you shot the last shot remaining (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed M16A4 shooting 3 bursts if it had 1 or 2 bullets left
- Fixed MGL Venom's bullet not having a white particle trail
- Fixed Spyglass animation in third person
- Fixed Magnum Pistol reloading ratio bar (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed a reloading bug with the ACR that filled the player a full rage bar when it's supposed to clear the rage bar (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed AWM not starting with ammo when you load into the world (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed AWM BMG attachment reload (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed AWM attachments not being able to be obtained with IDs (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed Old SCAR-L having infinite ammo after reloading (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed Desert Eagles (all editions) not resetting rage counter after reloading
- Fixed Dual Beretta not showing "NO AMMO" when you have no ammo left
- Fixed Dual Beretta being able to shoot whilst reloading
- Fixed Deagle CSOGS Edition not having enchantment glint
- Fixed first shot of XD not having gravity
- Fixed AK-12, M3, SPAS-12, P220, Magnum Pistol, Desert Rifle, Scout, Scorpion Evo, Honeybadger, M16A4, K7, XD-M, Maxim-9, MK23, USP, AK-74u, Kriss Vector, ACR, Jackhammer, Ultimax, Automag, MK18, LR-300, AK-47, Striker, M1911, Dual Berettas, AS Val, AKM, Mauser C96, UMP-45, MP5, R8, Negev, Deagle, KSG-12, Winchester, P99, XM1014, accuracy and recoil sometimes mixing together with other stances when they shouldn't (in air, sneaking, unsneaking, etc) - these guns should feel better in hand
- Fixed Scorpion Evo having the same draw sound as Skorpion Vz61
- Fixed missing grenade pin texture
- Fixed a bug with the tear gas that made it so you need to HIT your target for them to be affected by the cloud
- Fixed a bug with the tear gas leaving effect particles when exploding
- Fixed samsung j7 grenade not removing grenades after you've thrown one
- Fixed kick gun not kicking people (nice try mojang)
- Fixed a bug with the molotov dummy not being able to "float", so it can clear the fire afterwards if it was placed in an awkward spot
- Fixed mob spawn eggs and gave them their own distinctive colours
- Fixed Portal 1 not being able to be spawned by eggs
- Fixed player not having extra +1 melee damage
- Fixed Ultimax-100 reloading ratio bar
- Fixed Firebomb not leaving fire behind upon exploding
- Fixed player not having triple hearts if making a world and later adding the addon to it (you may need to die for this to take effect)
- Fixed Portal 2 not having a full circle texture
- Fixed ACR Silenced sharing the same icon as the unsilenced one (re-download the DLC)
- Fixed Water Element not exploding upon death
- Fixed AKM reload
- Fixed M107 reload
- Fixed Ultimax-100 reload
- Fixed Water Element explosion name
- M14 EBR - might nerf accuracy and recoil so use it lol
- Double Barrel Shotgun
- Silenced SMG [DLC]
- PPSh-41 [DLC]
- Dual Kriss Vector
- Dual Desert Eagles
- Decoy Grenade
- Gaslightoline Adrenaline Syringe
- Briefcase
- Bingo card
- Buy Station Phone
- Rare Decoder
- Jingy trophy (placeholder texture to resemble the ghost pet)
- Grapple Hook (codes are made by boi)
- Mask
- Boots
- Groza 3D (Pulse)