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Insane Buffed Mobs (HELL NIGHT UPDATE) (Not Experimental) [HARD]

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Insane Buffed Mobs is an addon that adds special abilities to creatures in the game. These abilities are also applied to creatures from other addons. So far, we have 25 different skills and buffs.

** Common **

Common Loot Bag:

  • Strength Buff
  • Speed Buff
  • Invisibility Buff
  • Health Buff
  • Resistance Buff
  • Conduit Buff
  • Absorption Buff

** Advanced **

All creatures with advanced buffs also receive an extra resistance buff.

  • Rare Loot Bag

Flame Buff:

  • Resistance effect and fire resistance.
  • Every time he hits an enemy, he also throws fire.

Poison Buff:

  • Poison effect when hitting enemies.

Ice Buff:

  • Slowness effect when hitting enemies.

Spider Buff:

  • When the mob is attacked, it has a 50% chance of placing a web in the enemy's position.

Wither Buff:

  • Wither effect when hitting enemies.

Weakness Buff:

  • Weakness effect when hitting enemies.

Warden Buff:

  • Every time the entity is attacked, it causes darkness effect.

Ender Buff:

  • When the mob is hit, it teleports.

Knockback Buff:

  • Cause knockback on the attacker.

Lightning Bolt Buff:

  • Throws lightning at enemies.

Shulker Buff:

  • Levitation effect on enemies.

Explosion Buff:

  • When the entity receives a hit, it causes an explosion.


  • Epic Loot Bag:

Golden King Buff:

  • Full Gold Armor
  • Lots of Effects

Iron King Buff:

  • Full Iron Armor
  • Lots of Effects

Iron Knight Buff:

  • Iron Sword & Chestplate
  • Speed Effect
  • Resistance

Diamond Knight Buff:

  • Diamond Sword & Chestplate
  • Speed Effect
  • Resistance

Addon Images

Insane Buffed Mobs: Screenshot 1

Insane Buffed Mobs: Screenshot 2

Insane Buffed Mobs: Screenshot 3

Insane Buffed Mobs: Screenshot 4

Insane Buffed Mobs: Screenshot 5

Insane Buffed Mobs: Screenshot 6

Insane Buffed Mobs: Screenshot 7

Insane Buffed Mobs: Screenshot 8

Insane Buffed Mobs: Screenshot 9

Buffs are applied to all creatures with health equal to or greater than 15. This filter is made to prevent peaceful and easy-to-kill mobs from receiving buffs. The chance of a creature spawning with a buff is 10%.


Hell Night: Screenshot

In hell night, in addition to mobs with buffs, all monsters in the game, without exception, become stronger; therefore, it is necessary for the player to have advanced protective equipment.

In addition to the strength buff, this night there will also be a greater chance of other mobs spawning with other types of buffs, normally this chance would be 10%, but on hell night this chance is increased to 50%.

In addition to all this, whenever a monster is spawned, there will be a 25% chance of spawning a phantom that may also have special buffs.

Hell Night is coming!

Whenever there is hell night, it will notify all players in advance.

Hell night has a 20% chance of occurring naturally, if you don't have good enough equipment to face it, make sure you have a bed on days when there will be hell night.

If you face the hell night, you will get a lot of loot bags, so it is recommended if you have good equipment.

Showcase Videos

Updated on October 29


  • Particles that indicate buffs are in smaller numbers to avoid lag on weak devices. they are also less frequent. 
  • The player will no longer have a flickering screen when Hell Night occurs, to avoid discomfort in some people. 
  • All Buffs now work in a more interesting way that makes skills compatible with all types of creatures, including those that throw projectiles. That is, now if a skeleton is the fire buff, when it hits an arrow on the player it will cause fire. 
  • Modified  hell night and all features related to it
  • the addon has been completely remade without using experimental features.
  • some buffs have been modified
  • Special buffs now also spawn red particles
  • Fixed an issue that caused an absurd amount of Phantoms to spawn during Hell Night, now always having a 30% chance to spawn only one at a time. 
Changelog for July 30 / Old Update
  • Added Hell Night
Download links
Download Addon
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80
2 709
  1. I love this addon, very hard to play with, but i suggest some ideas:
    1. Improve the loot and adjust the quanty of items that gives every bag, i dont find useful the normal and rare bags, i feel that its just garbaje loot and unnessesary, but the epic its pretty good but kinda messy stuff.
    2. Make when hell moon rises, u cant skip it unless something needed for it, and i suggest make it happen from 20% to 8% - 12% but much harder.
    3. Add new event, like the hellmoon, something like nightmare event, here is my idea: adding blindess with slowness effect to you once you go to a random sleeping, summoning vex or phantom to attack u or any other mob with some buffs (like a bad lucky block event)
    4. Add more buffs and more chances to face a buffed mob on night, like some of down the comments are good enough.
    Great addon
  2. No avatar image galacticamc Guest
    May I ask, does this use player.json?
  3. Shield Bash Use your shield to bash enemies.

    Guardian's Laser Eye

    Shoot multi-colored fireworks at enemies.

    Leaps at targets from a distance.

    Use your feet to stomp on the ground, causing stalagmites to form on the ground, causing area damage. The stalagmite will disappear by itself in 5 seconds.

    Suicide bomber: Hold TNT and run at the target and explode.

    ice walker Stepping on water turns into ice.

    Frostbite: Spews ice vapor that damages and slows.

    double jump

    Climb the wall and crawl through 1 block. Climb and move along the wall.
    1. Blayy profile avatar Blayy Author
      thanks for the suggestion :)
  4. Buff ideas and additional abilities
    Goat charges

    Jump Slam Jumps into the air and slams into the ground (AOE).

    Shoot 4 Wither Skulls.

    Shoots a Shulker bullet.

    Shoot 4 fireballs

    Summons evocation fang around like an evoker.

    Evasion: Can dodge melee and ranged attacks.

    Roll towards the target or away from the target.

    Shield: Use your shield to block attacks, but if hit by an ax it will go on a 5 second cooldown.

    Drink healing potion

    The sound wave attack is similar to a sonic boom but is white and does less damage.

    Quick Strike: Use your weapon to strike the enemy in rapid succession