Jujutsu Craftin' Addon by Eyebags v1.3 (1.21.30+ Compatibility & Major Revamps!)

Currently featuring two usable characters. Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna. My Jujutsu Craftin' not only adds their abilities but also introduces lore accurate mechanics for PvP.
Showcase Video:
Important Note:
Activate Experimental Switches BEFORE playing. This add-on uses "player.json" making compatibility with other add-ons unguaranteed. This update was made with Minecraft version 1.21.30.
[Resource Pack Settings]
Reduced Particles - Max Particles
[Behavior Pack Settings]
Zero Destruction - Max Destruction
[Select Your Character Before Starting]
These books allow you to switch characters and reset after each match. Only ONE player can be ONE character. So only one player can be Gojo per world.
[Cursed Energy]
This add-on runs on Cursed Energy similar to that of a mana system. The entire project is also designed with PvP in mind. More combat mechanics in the later part of this page.
[Ryomen Sukuna Skillset]
Sukuna's default slash attack. An invisible slash attack that cuts through physical targets and the surrounding environment. A mid-ranged AOE projectile attack that deals burst damage. Low Cursed Energy cost and Low Cooldown.
Sukuna's second slash attack type. It's an attack that adjusts itself depending on the targets toughness in order to cut them down in one fell swoop. Enhances your melee attacks for 6 seconds. Cursed Energy cost depends on how strong the target hit is and how many are present. (ex. Zombies cost less to one-shot than Wardens.) It also has a lengthy cooldown.
Cleave [Spiderweb]
An alternate version of Cleave that destroys the ground beneath you and deals damage to surrounding opponents within range.
Sneak while using the Cleave item to trigger Cleave [Spiderweb]
[Divine Flames]
A mid-ranged projectile attack that explodes upon impact or expiration. Medium Cursed Energy cost and a Long cooldown.
[Domain Amplification]
You can temporarily disabled your Cursed Technique in order to use Domain Amplification. It allows you to coat yourself in your own Domain and be able to punch through Gojo's Infinity barrier (eventually). Activate this, throw hands and once Infinity breaks, turn it off.
[Sukuna's Domain Expansion]
[Malevolent Shrine]
A demonic shrine that uses both [Cleave] and [Dismantle] to shred through the environment and everything alive inside of the range. It's a barrierless domain which means targets caught can escape....assuming they survive the constant slash attacks.
[Enhanced Divine Flames]
Upon the casting of Malevolent Shrine, Sukuna unlocks an enhanced version of [Divine Flames]. It flies faster, bigger explosion, shorter cooldown and longer range.
[Satoru Gojo Skillset]
[Six Eyes]
An ability passed down the Gojo Clan. Essentially allows you to optimize your Cursed Energy usage giving you a massive discount. It gives you Night Vision and Blindness Immunity. Without activating it, using the rest of the abilities will be next to impossible.
(It stops everything before reaching Gojo)
Infinity is the neutral form of Gojo's [Limitless] Cursed Technique. It has the power to divide the distance between external threats and Gojo making him literally untouchable. Provides Damage Immunity, Low Cursed Energy Cost and Low Cooldown.
[Lapse Blue]
A blue orb that creates negative space forcing reality to correct itself by filling up that negative space pulling everything nearby towards itself. AOE Stun Attack that deals Medium DPS. Medium Cursed Energy cost and Medium Cooldown.
This ability has a Second Phase, sneaking while holding the skill item teleports Gojo towards the location of the orb.
[Reversal Red]
The opposite of Lapse Blue's attraction effect, Reversal Red has a strong repulsion effect that launches all nearby targets away. Mid-ranged projectile attack that deals Medium to High amounts of DPS. Medium Cursed Energy cost with a Long cooldown. This ability has a Second Phase that can be triggered when you sneak while it's flying and you're holding the Reversal Red Item.
[Hollow Purple]
A combination of Lapse Blue which attracts and Reversal Red which repels. Purple is a highly destructive attack that can be launched towards its target from a long distance. It destroys all structures it comes into contact with and deals High amounts of Burst Damage. High Cursed Energy cost and a Long cooldown.
[Gojo's Domain Expansion]
[Unlimited Void]
A domain that traps targets inside a barrier while flooding their minds with infinite amounts of information endlessly rendering them immobile and unable to do anything. The effect is so potent, even being exposed to it for a split second is enough to stun most targets. It also boosts Gojo's strength when inside the Domain.
[Other Cursed Techniques]
[Reverse Cursed Technique]
Cursed Energy is naturally a negative energy, multiplying it with itself creates a positive energy which heals the user. Leaving this ability active will eat away at your Cursed Energy so... be mindful of it.
[Simple Domain]
A defensive technique that allows the caster to be immune to an enemy domains' effects. Only activate it once inside an enemy domain. Be sure to activate it before an enemy domain opens juuust to be safe (Looking at you Unlimited Void).
[Combat Mechanics]
[Domain Clashes]
When two or more sorcerers open domains of equal refinement (Both are as strong as each other), a Domain Clash happens preventing any domain from opening. A clash ends when either sorcerer takes too much damage. This add-on only registers melee (Hands) attacks as valid damaging attacks. So get ready to throw hands!
[Domain Fatigue]
Casting your Domain Expansion adds fatigue to yourself. Too much fatigue will disable your ability to open your domain. Getting stuck inside an enemy domain also adds fatigue to yourself. The fatigue disappears overtime.
[High Jump]
Holding sneak increases your jump power. The longer you hold sneak, the higher you jump.
Holding sneak longer than 1 second and then jumping allows you to leap forward.
[Combat Animations]
Each character has their own unique combat animation. Just for fun.
Social Media Links:
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Click me to join the Discord and get sneak peaks!
- Do not republish this addon as your own or modify its contents without my consent.
- If you want to use this addon in other works, including, but not limited to videos and maps, please give credit to he creator (me)
- As said in rule 2, when giving credit, please link to this MODBAY page and not the direct Mediafire link. Thanks.
- THIS ADDON IS MODBAY SPECIFIC, no other sites can distribute it unless I upload it myself.
Updated on October 05
Jujutsu Craftin' v1.3 Changelog:
- Compatibility Patch for MC 1.21.30+
- New Resource Pack and Behavior Pack Settings (Particles & Destruction Settings)
- New Character Selection Menu (replaces old book system)
- New Domain Clash Indicator
- New [Enhanced Divine Flames] Mechanic
>You only gain access to this more powerful Divine Flames after opening Malevolent Shrine - Revamped Cleave (Now a skill that enhances Basic Attack)
>After activating the technique, your melee attacks are now enhanced with the effects of [Cleave] allowing you to one shot almost anything you hit unless they use RCT or are durable enough to withstand the attack. The attack itself still adjusts depending on the opponent, stronger opponents use more [Cursed Energy] to strike down - Revamped Six Eyes (Better optimization and Cursed Energy Management)
>[Six Eyes] now allow you to use techniques with lower CE requirements. In the previous versions, with or without [Six Eyes] you would need 1500 points of CE to use [Hollow Purple], in v1.3 players granted [Six Eyes] can now use [Hollow Purple] even if they only have 710 points of CE >The ability also reduces skill cooldowns by up to 1.5 seconds
- Domain Fatigue is revealed to all players.
>When a sorcerer that is fatigued tries to cast their domain again the chat now informs all players about it letting them know that this sorcerer cannot cast their Domain for a while. :D - Domain Amplification Adjustment
>You can now immediately disable DA after casting it to feint your opponents BUT you cannot cast it again until the cooldown is up. The cooldown has also been reduced from 25s to 20s - Both Characters' damage resistance has been reduced
- [Lapse Blue] radius reduced from 14m to 13m
- Sukuna [Cursed Energy] Usage reduced
- Infinity Durability reduced to 15 from 20 (It takes 15 punches from Domain Amplification to break)
Bug Fixes:
- Domain Expansion cutscenes no longer reduce [Simple Domain] durability
- Skill Cooldowns are now visible on your hotbar
- [Hollow Purple] is now casted 2 blocks in front of you instead of on your current location
- Fixed a Bug where attacks other than melee punches allow the caster to win Domain Clashes
- Reversal Red explosion still breaks blocks even after the Add-On is set to Zero Destruction
Jujutsu Craftin' v1.2 Changelog:
- New [Leap] Ability (Better movement during combat)
- New Cleave [Spiderweb] Technique
- New Malevolent Shrine Slash Particles
- New Malevolent Shrine SFX
- Extended Malevolent Shrine Cutscene
- New Divine Flames Explosion Particles
- New Reversal Red Particles
- Reversal Red Second Phase Added (Sneak to Immediately Detonate the Ability)
- Gojo Technique Cast SFX (For Blue and Red)
- Changed the high jump feature second phase to a forward [Leap]
- Renamed the “Fire Ability” to [Divine Flames]
- Reduced [Divine Flames] speed from 3 to 1.7 (Lore accurate)
- Limited Divine Flames’ range, it will explode early if the target is too far.
- Increased Cleave’s AOE range from 2 blocks to 2.6 blocks
- Decreased required melee hits with Domain Amplification to break Infinity from 25 melee hits to 20
- After Infinity breaks, the cooldown now takes 18 seconds instead of 15 to be able to reactivate the technique
- Reversal Red Explosion Power increased from 6 to 7
- Increased Reversal Red speed from 0.65 to 0.8
- Decreased Reversal Red detonation timer from 3 seconds to 2.8 seconds
- Decreased Reversal Red cooldown from 23 seconds to 21
- Increased Lapse Blue active time from 5.1 seconds to 5.3 seconds
- Increased Lapse Blue speed from 1 to 1.3
- Decreased Lapse Blue Cooldown from 24 seconds to 23
- Six Eye Users now use even less CE from Gojo’s techniques
- Dismantle can now cut through entities and blocks without stopping
- Increased Dismantle CE cost from 350 points to 460 points
Bug Fixes:
- Gojo players being unable to use New [Leap] ability
- Fixed (some) Book Errors
- Cleared (some) Content Log Errors