From The Forest

From The Forest adds a new entity that will lurk, stalk and hunt players when they venture into forest biomes. Be warned, not everything could be as it seems...
Upon first playing the addon in a fresh world, you will not notice anything happening right away. This is because events will only begin to happen when the world is at least 60 minutes old, or after 3 in-game days. If your world is already 3 in-game days old, then you will start noticing events right away.
When players are in forest biomes, "The Shifter" will lurk and hunt when the time is right, while using other tricks to catch players when they least expect it.
The Shifter will spawn mostly during the night but can occasionally spawn during the day depending on different circumstances.
The addon is still in its early stages, the designs, sounds, and features may not be final.
The add-on also comes with 3 settings to choose from:
Normal Setting:
- default attack damage
- default health
- default spawn rate
Hard Setting:
- increased attack damage
- increased health
- increased spawn rate
Nightmare Setting:
- further increased attack damage from Hard Setting
- further increased health from Hard Setting
- further increased spawn rate from Hard Setting
- events will happen immediately when applying to a fresh world (no 3 in-game day or 60 minute wait)
- commonly spawns during the day
- spawns in any biome
Updated on July 15
- updated shifter texture
- updated scare texture
- removed audio queues
- lowered the chance of the shifter spawning as a seeker variant (has white eyes)
- added 6 new sounds
- added new name options for specific events
- added a subpack that allows to enable or disable fog when a shifter is nearby
- added a new event
- added several mobs as possible event choices
- the shifter can now climb when within a certain radius of a player
- slightly edited shifter texture