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System Wyverns V2.1.8

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This addon adds a wide variety of wyverns that will appear in your survival world. These are hostile and you can tame them when they are babies. They have 3 types of attacks that will be explained later.

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  • You can use it with almost any addon, as this addon DOES NOT USE PLAYER.JSON, so it will be compatible with almost any addon, and you can easily put it at the end if you want.

Experimental Options👾

  • Does not require any experimental options!

Update V2.0

New Items

Wyvern Horns are a new item that you can obtain when killing wyverns, you can use them to craft armor and weapons.

Wyvern Horns

Wyvern Below Scale is an item that you can obtain by killing wyverns, you can use it to craft new armor with incredible models!

Wyvern Below Scale

New Weapons

The Wyvern Sword is a powerful new weapon that you can craft using the new items added by the add-on and using the crafting tables.

Wyvern Sword Recipe

Wyvern Sword Recipe

The Wyvern Skeleton Sword is a powerful new weapon that you can craft using the new items added by the add-on, and using the crafting tables, you must use the Wyvern Bones to obtain this item.

Skeleton Wyvern Sword

Skeleton Wyvern Sword Recipe

The Wyvern Skeleton Hoe is a powerful new weapon that you can craft using the new items added by the add-on, and using the crafting tables, you must use the Wyvern Bones to obtain this item.

Skeleton Wyvern Hoe

Skeleton Wyvern Hoe Recipe

New Armor Models

New models and textures for wyvern armor, and as a bonus, the new wyvern armor that will be crafted with wyvern bones!!

New Armor Models: Screenshot 1

New Armor Models: Screenshot 2

All the new armor crafting instructions are found in the vanilla Minecraft crafting table recipe book.

Wyvern Bones Helmet Recipe

Update V1.9.8


  • Flight bug arranged with the Wither Wyvens.
  • The gamerule setcommandfeedback command in loop.
  • The loot of chests in the Wyverns structures was improved.

Update V1.9.5


  • Improved wyvern structures.
  • Wyvern structure spawn rate increased.
  • New biomes added to wyvern spawn rate.

Update V1.9!!!

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed wyverns flying with walking animation.
  • Fixed text when riding wyverns.
  • Fixed bug of not being able to heal your wyverns with golden apple when they die.
  • Fixed bug with dead wyverns floating in the sky.
  • Added a new item to tame wyverns.
  • Added a mount for wyverns.
  • Added new animations for the wyvern.
  • Now when riding the wyverns, it will automatically put you in 3rd person.
  • Removed the use of experimental options.

Now in this version the mount for wyverns was added, you can do it in the following way, the normal mount will no longer be used as in previous versions. A new item called wyvern bone was also added that you can obtain from the skeleton wyverns that are found throughout the world. You must use that new item to be able to craft the new wyvern mount.

Mount System

Wyvern Saddle Recipe

A new item was also added that will help you tame your wyverns, it is crafted as follows.

Wyvern Meat Recipe


Now the wyverns will have a new animation when approaching.


Now when mounting a wyvern, it will automatically go into 3rd person.

Update V1.8!!!


Text is added to see the duration it takes for the wyvern egg to hatch, if you break it, the time is reset.


Improved static, sitting and walking animations were added, and the animation bug was also fixed when the wyvern was flying, in the same way a new animation was added which will be the death one.

Now if your tamed wyvern dies, you can revive it with golden apples.

Update V1.7!!!

New Fly System

In this new version of the adodn, a new way to fly with the wyverns has just been added, previously you had to jump and look up to fly, now all you have to do is jump 2 times for the wyvern to start flying, a way easier to make wyverns fly

Wyvern Bone Tools

By using the wyvern bones that you can obtain by searching for wyvern skeletons lying around the world, you will be able to craft new tools much better than any other vanilla item in the game, with a lot of durability and damage.

Wyvern Sword Recipe

All Wyvern Tools

Skeleton Wyvern

In this update, you can find wyvern skeletons lying around the world as decorations, and you can also obtain an interesting loot of their bodies that will be used for crafting later.

Skeleton Wyvern: Screenshot

Other Changes
  • The message that appeared in the chat every time a Wyvern structure appeared was removed.
  • The number of scales you can get from killing a wyvern has been lowered to a maximum of 3 and a minimum of 1.
  • The flight system for the wyverns was changed and given a more functional one.
  • Added new tools made from wyvern bones
  • Wyvern bones were made useful.
  • Added a wyvern skeleton that will appear throughout the world as a decoration and way to obtain wyvern bones.

Update V1.6!!!

Wyvern Structures

In this version, I was in charge of eliminating the natural generation of wyverns, which were quite unstable, and I decided to create structures that will appear throughout the world. The biomes will remain, but now the wyverns will only appear in these structures.

Wyvern Structure: Screenshot

This is just an example, the materials vary depending on the wyvern and the biome, the ender wyvern will only appear in the end dimension along with its structure.

Update V1.5!!!

Wyvern Daggers

Added 3 daggers from different wyverns, the poison one, the wither one, and the ice one, each one does a total of 6 damage on hit and has a durability of 700.

To create these items, you will need to obtain wyvern fangs, whether poison, wither, or ice. You have a 60% chance of obtaining a fang by killing a wyvern, and if you are lucky, you can get up to 2.

Ice Wyvern Dagger Recipe

Poison Wyvern Dagger Recipe

Wither Wyvern Dagger Recipe

Ice Wyvern Dagger

It will give the slownesss effect to all mobs that are hit with this dagger.

Poison Wyvern Dagger

It will give the poisoneffect to all mobs that are hit with this dagger.

Wither Wyvern Dagger

It will give the wither effect to all mobs that are hit with this dagger.

Ender Wyvern Loot

When you kill an ender wyvern starting from this version 1.5, you will be able to obtain the ender wyvern eyes. You will have a 40% chance of obtaining 1 of its eyes.

Ender Wyvern Eye

When you have a certain amount of these eyes, you can create the Ender Wyvern Wand that will allow you to launch projectiles that, upon impact, will launch the ender dragon's roar effect through the area.

Ender Wyvern Wand Recipe

To launch a projectile using the Ender Wyvern Wand, you have to right click if you are on a PC, hold down the screen on a mobile and on consoles, you must press the button you use to interact with the crafting table. When using the wand, you will have a cooldown of 3 seconds to use it again, and a total of 300 uses before it breaks.

Fire Essence

You can obtain the fire essence when you manage to kill a fire wyvern, it has a 60% chance of obtaining 1 to 2 fire essences.

Fire Essence

You can eat this item and it will give you the effect of fire resistance level 5 for 1 min and 30 secs.

Other Changes

The textures of the wyverns were improved, and 3 heads were added to the wither wyvern model. The textures of the armor and eggs were also adapted to the new textures.

New Wyvern Model

The function of breaking the wyvern eggs was added once you have placed it, you just have to hit it and it will break and you can place it somewhere else.

Update V1.4!!!

Armor for Wyverns

Armor was added for the wyverns. Once you have a sized wyvern, you can add armor that you can craft at the crafting table. You have leather, gold, iron, diamond, and netherite armor. Of course, it depends on the mineral, but the protection will be better.

Armor for Wyverns

To add this armor to your wyverns, as I said before, you must already have one tamed. After crafting the armor for wyverns, you just have to approach your wyvern and right click on the wyvern with the item in your hand. On PC, and cell phones, a button will appear to add the armor, and on consoles, you must press the button to interact while having the item in your hand.

Update V1.3!!!

Wyvern Player Armor

In this version of the addon, wyvern armor was added for players, they have protection equal to that of diamond armor but with much more durability than this, you can craft it at the crafting table with a new item also added in this version.

Wyvern Player Armor

Wyvern Armor on Player: Screenshot

As I said before, these armors are craftable with the wyvern scales that you will obtain by killing the wyverns, they have an 80% chance of being obtained. You can obtain 0 to 2 wyvern scales by killing one, and when you have enough, you can craft the armor on the crafting table. There are a total of 6 types of scales for the different types of armor.

Wyvern Helmet Recipe

Wyvern Chestplate Recipe

Wyvern Leggings Recipe

Wyvern Boots Recipe

Update V1.2!!!

Wyverns Shoot System

In this version of the addon, the function of firing projectiles was added when riding your wyvern. To perform this action, you only have to right click on the window, and it will launch a projectile. If you are on a cell phone, you will get a button to perform this action. In the case of consoles, you must press the button with which you interact with the crafting table.

Update V1.1!!!

Wyvern Eggs

In this version of the addon, wyvern eggs were added. You can obtain them when you kill the wyverns, you have a 35% chance of obtaining one. Once you get one of the wyvern eggs, you have to place it on the ground and wait 10 minutes for it to hatch.

Wyverns Eggs: Screenshot

It is likely that after 5 minutes it will start to shake, this happens since it would take little time for it to come out, once the baby wyvern comes out you can tame it with beef.


Wyvern Types

The addon has 6 types of wyverns that I will explain later, each one spawns in different places and situations, some have characteristics that distinguish them, they contain similar behavior.

Ender Wyvern

The ender wyvern will appear in the savanna biome, and only during the night can this wyvern launch a projectile capable of producing the same effect as the ender dragon. By launching its dragon breath, you can obtain its eyes to make interesting crafts.

Ender Wyvern

Fire Wyvern

The fire wyvern will appear in the extreme hills biome, whether at night or day. This wyvern is very dangerous since it can launch a projectile capable of causing an explosion and filling with fire on the target that is unfortunate enough to receive such an attack. You can get interesting loot if you manage to kill him.

Fire Wyvern

Ground Wyvern

The ground wyvern will appear in the desert biome either at night or during the day. This wyvern fires a much more powerful projectile than the other wyverns. It may not have any side effects, but that does not make it less powerful. Be careful with its attack. at a distance because you can die from one hit.

Ground Wyvern

Ice Wyvern

The ice wyvern will appear in the ice biome either at night or during the day. This wyvern is quite dangerous, especially if you want to escape from it. If it manages to hit you directly with its ranged attack, you will receive the slowing effect, which will make it very Your escape from him will be complicated, he is very lethal in fights for this reason.

Ice Wyvern

Poison Wyvern

The poisonous wyvern appears in swamp biomes, it is one of the most dangerous, especially due to its poisonous projectiles capable of poisoning anyone near it when they hit. If you already have to worry about this wyvern not touching you, it's even worse to have to worry about it. for the poisoning it causes.

Poison Wyvern

Wither Wyvern

The wither wyvern appears in the plain biome at night, it is quite similar to the poison wyvern since the effect it causes is very similar, so it is also one of the most dangerous, and adding its intimidating appearance to having 3 heads makes it a very dangerous opponent to fight.

Wither Wyvern

Wyvern Attack System

The attack behavior of the wyverns is quite similar to each other, it is important that you know a little more about these dangerous creatures that will appear in your world when you add this addon. If you plan to fight with these beasts, you have to take the following into account:

Melee Attack

When the fight begins, the wyvern will most likely be in melee attack mode. It is a mode in which the wyvern will attack with the grips it has in its hands to produce the most damage possible. It has a damage of 4. hearts if you receive it directly without any protection.

Wyvern Melee Attack

Ranged Attack

This attack is based on launching a projectile with a secondary effect depending on the type of wyvern, it can be poison, slowness, fire, etc. This mode is activated only if the player the wyvern is fighting moves far enough away for the wyvern to resort to this attack, which would usually be 8 blocks away at least.

Wyvern Ranged Attack

Fly Attack

This attack is based on going up through the skies and coming down from time to time to deal a hard blow to the player he is fighting, normally, he resorts to this attack only if he starts taking a lot of hits in his melee attack mode, so that the wyvern makes the decision to change strategy to gain aerial advantage.

Wyvern Fly Attack

Wyvern Tamed

To tame a baby wyvern, you will only need beef, and feeding it has a 10% chance of taming it. Once you do that, there are 2 options: wait for it to grow or continue feeding it meat so it grows faster.


Once you have tamed it, you can put a mount on it to control it.

You can also make him sit down if you crouch down and interact with him, so that he doesn't follow you everywhere and doesn't bother you on your adventure when you don't need him.

Updated on February 21

  • Compatible with current versions
Changelog for February 19 / Old Update
  • Compatible with current versions
Changelog for January 29 / Old Update
  • Experimental game text removed from manifest.
  • Wyvern build spawn rate lowered.
Changelog for January 14 / Old Update
  • Compatibility with current versions.
  • New items.
  • New armor models.
  • Bug fixes.
  • New weapons.
  • New armor.
Changelog for September 24 / Old Update
  • Experimental game usage message removed from manifest.
  • Compatibility with 1.21.20/1.21.21.
Changelog for September 17 / Old Update
  • Flight bug arranged with the Wither Wyvens.
  • The gamerule setcommandfeedback command in loop.
  • The loot of chests in the Wyverns structures was improved.
Changelog for July 30 / Old Update
  • Improved wyvern structures.
  • Wyvern structure spawn rate increased.
  • New biomes added to wyvern spawn rate.
Changelog for July 28 / Old Update

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed wyverns flying with walking animation.
  • Fixed text when riding wyverns.
  • Fixed bug of not being able to heal your wyverns with golden apple when they die.
  • Fixed bug with dead wyverns floating in the sky.
  • Added a new item to tame wyverns.
  • Added a mount for wyverns.
  • Added new animations for the wyvern.
  • Now when riding the wyverns, it will automatically put you in 3rd person.
  • Removed the use of experimental options.
Changelog for July 06 / Old Update
  • Fixed the bug with immortal wyverns when giving the final blow.
Changelog for June 07 / Old Update
  • Now the 1.20.80 is the minimum supported version.
Changelog for May 17 / Old Update
  • Added New Fly System.
  • Added Wyvern Bone Tools.
  • Added Skeleton Wyvern.
  • The message that appeared in the chat every time a Wyvern structure appeared was removed.
  • The number of scales you can get from killing a wyvern has been lowered to a maximum of 3 and a minimum of 1.
  • The flight system for the wyverns was changed and given a more functional one.
  • Added new tools made from wyvern bones.
  • Wyvern bones were made useful.
  • Added a wyvern skeleton that will appear throughout the world as a decoration and way to obtain wyvern bones.
Download links
System Wyverns [BP] V2.1.8
System Wyverns [RP] V2.1.8
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40
6 184
  1. No avatar image alexx Guest
    el cuero se cambia por un item raro..
  2. No avatar image FartJesusIII Guest
    good mods plz expand
  3. No avatar image annuan
    Dear author, I hope these excellent modules are updated to fit 1.21.40 +
  4. No avatar image pablo valdez Guest
    Me gustaría que el dragón montado haga su ataque y no que todos disparen fuego
    1. No avatar image yisus Guest
      Bro si te regeneran los dragones en tu mundo? Tengo la 1.21 de MC, que versión del mod te instalaste?
  5. i downloaded the newest version but no new stuff no bone tools nothing and flying doesn't work i just fall slowly
  6. Cool"‼️