Explosive Blocks | 1.21.60+

Looking to pull off some pranks? Explosive Blocks is the perfect addon to surprise and troll your friends in Minecraft. It introduces a variety of sneaky traps to keep them alert.
- Explosive Blocks 💣: They look harmless... until they're not.
- Spikes ⚔️: Perfect for setting up hidden traps and xp farms.
- Bamboo Traps 🎍: Discreet and dangerous — a sneaky surprise in any base.
- Copper Fans 🌬️: Blow your friends away... literally.
Changelog Explosive Blocks v1.2.5:
- Compatible with version 1.21.60+
- The creative inventory was organized.
- Now the items of poppy mine and the explosive cake are linked with the block.
- Fixed the item visual of the chest bomb.
Video Update
Copper Fan
This block moves entities in a range of 5 blocks while it is on. Can be placed in all directions. It can only be activated with redstone from the back. To craft it, you must first craft the copper blades.
Copper Fan Blades
Necessary to craft the copper fan.
Remote Mine Controller
The Remote Mine Controller will help you to explode blocks remotely.
To register mines, you need to interact with the Remote Mine Controller on a block that explodes when you step on it. If the block explodes when you interact with it, simply sneak away while interacting with the block.
To open the list of registered mines, sneak and use the remote mine controller.
Reforced Chest
This chest will protect all your items as long as it is closed. When you place the chest, you will be the owner as long as you are nearby when you place it.
The chest can only be opened and broken by the owner. If the owner opens the chest, anyone can access the inventory while it is open.
If the chest breaks, it will release all the items it has.
If for some reason you have problems removing chests, you should do the following: Add the tag “CanBreakReforcedChest”. The player who has this tag and is an operator will be able to break any chest. The command is as follows: “tag @s add CanBreakReforcedChest”. If you want to remove the tag, just type: "tag @s remove CanBreakReforcedChest".
Bamboo Trap
As it is made of bamboo, it can support only light materials such as Grass, Dirt, Sand, and Gravel.
To camouflage the grass, you need fern (see the video below to understand).
Grass is perfectly camouflaged in the plains biome.
(You should not use texture packs that change the color of the grass or shaders)
Bamboo Spikes
These new spikes are the weakest.
Damage per second: 1
Destroy time: 1 Seconds
Flint Spikes
These new spikes are better than bamboo.
Damage per second: 2
Destroy time: 3 Seconds
Copper Spikes
These new spikes are better than flint.
Damage per second: 3
Destroy time: 5 Seconds
Iron Spikes
These new spikes are better than flint.
Damage per second: 4
Destroy time: 5 Seconds
Gold Spikes
These spikes are better than iron.
Damage per second: 5
Destroy time: 6 Seconds
Diamond Spikes
As you can see the diamond nuggets were added to make these spikes possible, it is one of the strongest.
Damage per second: 6
Destroy time: 8 Seconds
Netherite Spikes
These are the most deadly spikes, they take a long time to break and do a lot of damage.
Damage per second: 8
Destroy time: 10 Seconds
Grass Mines
This mine now has two variants (for now).
The Forest variant and the Plains variant.
As its name mentions, they perfectly camouflage in these biomes.
(You should not use texture packs that change the color of the grass or shaders)
Plains and Forest
When you craft normally, the grass mine will give you the plains variant, but if you are in survival, you can choose which variant you want in the recipe book.
Chest Bomb
This new mine is very dangerous, you can still differentiate it from a normal chest as it has a red border like the trapped chest.
Note: It only explodes if you interact.
(It is crafted with a trapped chest)
Bear Trap
This is a new trap that you can use to protect your house from hostile mobs, your friends and hunt animals.
Note: You need to activate the trap once someone falls.
Poison Bear Trap
This is a new trap that you can use to protect your house from hostile mobs or your friends and hunt animals.
(poisons you)
Note: You need to activate the trap once someone falls.
Target Mine
This mine only explode when throwing projectiles (arrow or trident).
On Step Mines
These mines are perfectly camouflaged, be careful where you step.
Note: You can explode it with a projectile (arrows, items, trident thrown from above). It will explode if you break it.
On Interact Mines
These mines are also camouflaged very well.
Note: You can't explode it with a projectile, it explodes when interacting with it (you can step on it). This one will explode if you break it.
On Break Mines
These mines are perfectly camouflaged, they only explode if you break them.
You cannot distribute the download of this addon via Mediafire. You need to put the link to this ModBay / MCPEDL page! :)
Updated on February 24
Changelog Explosive Blocks v1.2.5:
- Compatible with version 1.21.60+
- The creative inventory was organized.
- Now the items of poppy mine and the explosive cake are linked with the block.
- Fixed the item visual of the chest bomb.
Updated 1.21.50+ (v1.2.4)
- Added a new block, the copper fan. This block moves entities in a range of 5 blocks while it is on. Can be placed in all directions. It can only be activated with redstone from behind. To craft it, you must first craft the copper blades.
- Improved the interaction system of the bamboo traps, now it should be more easy to place them.
- The bamboo trap slows down everyone who passes over it, this allows them to fall easily.
- The bamboo trap can now be broken faster with any axe or sword.
- Now when camouflaging the bamboo trap, it will make the sound of the respective block used.
- Now you can remove the bamboo trap camouflage by interacting with an empty hand and crouching.
- Added 4 blocks to the bamboo trap camouflage system: Mud, Red Sand, moss block, pale moss block.
- Added string to the bamboo trap recipe.
- Now when crafting the bamboo trap, you will receive 3 instead of 1.
- Changed the bamboo spikes recipe. In addition, now each recipe gives 2 instead of 1.
- Changed the texture of the base of the bamboo spikes.
- Changed the whole texture of the flint spikes.
- Now when crafting flint spikes, you will get 2 instead of 1.
- Changed the flint spikes recipe.
- Spikes can now be broken using any pickaxe in a more efficient way.
- Now all spikes are craftable independently, i.e., they don't need the previous level (except the netherite one).
- Changed the collision box of the spikes.
- Fixed a bug that permanently disabled movement when falling into the poisoned bear trap.
- Fixed a bug that permanently disabled movement when you fell into a bear trap and it was destroyed by an explosion.
- Removed the stripped bamboo item.