New Adventure Plus - Addon!

This addon tries to update every part of the game. During your survival, you will find new mobs, new food, new structures, and new biomes.
The updates of this addon are based on vanilla concerts and fans and authors' own ideas.
Throughout your survival, you will be able to find new items or find uses for old ones, mainly by learning new crafts on the workbench or finding hints on what can be smelted into a new item.
Use these: #NewAdventurePlus, #Endermare so that I can find your reviews :)
Added A Chest With Things
/structure load _all_items_ ~ ~ ~
There are a lot of things from the addon in the chest.
A version of the phantoms from Ender's world. The texture of the mob is based on the texture from snapshot 18w07a.
They appear in Ender's world.
They often become messengers of death. Thanks to their large number, they often enrage or lead to death.
To survive, create a bow, armor and arrows.
In ender world, you can often find their nests, endermare do not care about their offspring...
So far, it only knows how to open doors.
It spawns in deep water caves.
Dangerous for miners who do not expect his vile, deadly tongue. ⛏
It is an analog of a creature from Minecon (Mob A).
This copper creature does not like silverfish, gradually oxidizes and can even open iron doors. Lost on the 2021 ballot.
Crafted on a workbench from a block of copper, a lightning rod, and a pumpkin.
Appears in lush caves, afraid of monsters.
Wears unique armor, new blocks also fall out of it.
So far, it only knows how to open doors.
Dwells in the world and is in search of goals, and I wonder how much it hurts not to get peace after one's death.
How long have you not cleaned your equipment?
It's a Bird... It's a Plane... IT'S FIREFLY!!!
Once I saw them in a cave sitting on a monstrous pile of bones and wondered what mysteries their little red eyes penetrated. Maybe they have cheese. Dangerous if there are many of them.
There are black, grey and white. Whites can be tamed with cheese.
Big bird.
A huge fish that sits on the bottom and eats the remains and tadpoles.
Wanders in ancient subterranean lakes.
Beach crabs appear in oceans and throw a claw with meat. With a claw with meat, you can cook and feed tired sailors.
A beach crab can carry a nautilus shell on its back.
Propagated by seagrass, dried kelp and tropical fish. (Suggested by: BigGuy_with_a_big_fish).
There is also Mushroom Crab, we assume that this mob began to eat mushrooms, as a result of which it became a mushroom carrier.
Propagated by seagrass and red mushrooms. (They have become completely herbivorous).
Strong will protect his relatives and spawn in the forest.
Thanks to Sakeoo and mePleer for the texture.
Found in the Deep Ender World, it appears very, very rarely, is very dangerous and has a trophy...
I wonder if there are creatures with such strong layers of skin growth...
Found in the Nether, in the Warped Forest! Appears very rarely and has a trophy. Created based on a myth that originated in Minecraft 1.8...
It spawns in deep caves.
It hurts you to attack. (Wither effect)
At death, a special eye drops.
It is based on his version of the survival test from 2009.
Added a new version of the phantoms, the red phantoms! From the concepts shown by Mojang.
It appears at night, even if you were asleep.
He can destroy a sheep farm if you are a careless player. 👁
An interesting bird with a large beak was discovered in the jungle; it is shy but easily trusts humans and is tamed after feeding with seeds.
Runs around in wooded areas, wags its tongue, and can be propagated by red berries.
Grimstone Caves:
These caves contain very cold rock and salt veins.
Sands of the End:
Interesting edible plants grow there and the soil can be melted into glass.
Taiga Ruins:
In these ruins you can dig up ancient blocks that would serve as excellent decoration for a museum.
Add spoiler content here
Sometimes you can find coins in these wells, but I don't think they were thrown there with the intention of ever returning as the old belief goes.
You can also find buckets there that were most likely used to get water.
Hunger item acquired in the creative. /gamemode survival, and you get a hunger after eating the item.
Added support for textyre pack 'lNan2uu Visual Spawn Egg'
Added support for ''Vanilla RTX'
All blocks are covered!
Author: Depth Guardian
Sponsored by: DaxThePumpkin
Translated by: Legendary Creeper
Helped with the addon: ananasbedrock59
Suggested function: BigGuy_with_a_big_fish
Helped with the armor fix: Egor Frolov
Suggested crafting recipe: MystPG3D
Created structure: SpydoroCRAFT
Suggested mob: Haydencraft2008
Suggested mob: DevastatorX5Told
About the mistake: KillerTatsumi
Suggested mob: GhastlyGauntlet
Suggested mob: Crash door 207
Suggested mob: Mine Dragon
Textures: FixEnd zPRO
Lots of ideas: Du duf du
Lots of ideas: AREAN
Translated: LineXic
Coding: TwoT2T
Updated on March 05
- Added support for RTX and RenderDragon modes (not all)
- Fixed translate Old Dagger for ru_RU (thanks DualMQ)
- Palm trees no longer spawn in cold biomes
- Fixed loot blocks (Web block and Grave)
- Update textures: Chorus Berries
- Update structure: Mesa Well
- Added new block: Firewood
- Added Chorus on a Skewer
- Added End Grass
- Added Watchling
- Updated Rascal
- Added bugs
- Fix bugs
- Added support for RTX and RenderDragon modes (not all)
- Update pumpkin farms structure
- Update desert ruins structure
- The armor is back in place
- Added grimstone caves
- Added pale pumpkin
- Added craft saddle
- Added killer rabbit
- Added grimstone
- Added bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for RTX and RenderDragon modes (not all
- Update textures of Raw dodo and Cooking dodo
- Added and updated structures in the taiga
- Fixed Warden Chestplate (thanks MVDPS)
- Some block sounds were changed
- Updated Cutlass textures
- Added Horror Bundle
- Added Potato Chips
- Added Old Bundle
- Added White Rat
- Added bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for RTX and RenderDragon modes (not all)
- Added Viking Helmet with copper horns
- Updated armor item textures
- Updated Dent texture
- Added More Firewood
- Added Apple Blocks
- Added Copper Horn
- Added Choco Cake
- Added Old Dagger
- Added Hedgehog
- Added Misiurka
- Added bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for RTX and RenderDragon modes (not all)
- Updated spawns of Monster Depths and Salmon Skeleton
- Decayed Prisoner are making noises now
- Monster Depths are making noises now
- Fixed the mining speed of some blocks
- Updated texture of Copper Headband
- Updated texture of Monster Depths
- Added Firewood Spruce
- Updated texture of coins
- Added Potion Factory
- Added Broken Pot
- Added bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug due to which the redstone silverfish did not wander aimlessly
- Added Firefly
- Added Rat
- Added bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Salt can be eaten, but it will have the effect of starvation
- Update model and texture viking helmet
- Viking helmet craft updated
- Added smooth stone
- Sugar can be eaten
- Added bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Golems summon textures updated
- Added Chinese language
- Added gold golem
- Added bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Updated "not a ship anymore"
- Updated blaze crown texture
- Added ruby ore generation
- Updated ruby ore texture
- Added mini coin block
- Added gold crown
- Added gold hook
- Added witch hat
- Added bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Updated red phantom texture and model
- Added golden spawners
- Added new coin blocks
- Added pirate skeletons
- Added new cutlass
- Added ruby block
- Added ruby ore
- Added rascal
- Icon updated
- Added bugs
- Added ruby
- Fixed bugs
- Item hunger look consistent with its properties
- Blocks that should be on fire are now on fire
- Copper golem now opens iron doors
- Updated catfish texture and model
- Added craft experience bottle
- Catfish to eat tadpole
- Added Tuff Golem
- Added bugs
- Added soul
- Fixed bugs