Meet more than 12 new mobs in your world! ⚠️Warning: the addon is still under development!⚠️
This bird likes to eat and hunt arthropods. He is peaceful but he will fight back when attacked. This bird can be tamed with spider eye and bred with pumpkin seeds. Spawns in plains and taiga.
Real Camel
This is the bigger and stronger version, bigger but slower and has two humps but is different from its smaller relative. It will fight back, is very strong and doesn't live in villages. They like potatoes bred. He hates pillagers because his species was hunted by them in the past. Lives in desert biomes.
Updated on June 22
- Alligators can now be bred with beef.
- Reworked the mobs that didn't have animations.
- Chameleon desert variation.
- New two mobs: Turkey and Real Camel.
(Some things will be buggy because they are done in addons maker)