Project: Cenozoian

This addon was all made by @coresoft66. This is the first public Beta. Contain 4 creatures from the Cenozoic: the Parachetarium, the Barinasuchus, the Megatherium and its variant, the Eremotherium.
The first mob is Paracetharium
Paraceratherium can be climbed after taming it with golden carrots, carrots and baked potatoes. Don't get too close to the walking parace, spawn in the savanna.
The second mob is Barinasuchus
Barinasuchus sheds its skin every few minutes, can be crafted into fast shoes and drops its teeth, which can be crafted as spears. It spawns in swamps and mangroves.
The third and fourth mobs are Megatherium and Eremotherium
Megatherium and Eremotherium can be tamed with beetrots and will protect you from Hostile mobs that attack you and spawn in savannas and forests.
If you find any bugs or want to add suggestions, you could join the Discord server!
I got permission to post from @coresoft66!