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Actual Guns CSO V3.1.47: Best Dual Pistol In Bedrock
"Actual Guns" is the first add-on to introduce custom guns into Minecraft Bedrock Edition, hence the name!
Forsaken Odyssey (v1.17.10)
Discover and explore the world of wilderness and abandonment. Rebuild the ruins with new building blocks. And meet the new creatures to
8Crafter's Debug Sticks, Chat Ranks, Custom UI, and JavaScript Commands/Script REPL, and Server Utilities v1.32.0 (1.21.60 UPDATE!)
This add-on does pretty much everything. It adds the debug stick, chat ranks, custom UIs, custom commands, WorldEdit, and a lot more. It
Guns Armor & Tools Compatible Addon | Military Equipment Weapon Pack (Survival Friendly) No Player.JSON
Welcome to Military Equipment giving a more ultimate weapon set for gun addons, survival worlds and custom maps by adding a vast array of
More Swords Tools & Weapons! Elemental Weaponry V2 (Survival Compatible!) | NO Player.JSON!
Welcome to Elemental Weaponry this weapons addon adds 14 new elemental weapons to your Minecraft survival worlds.