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Mo'Dungeons is an add-on that adds new dungeons into the game, it will be a growing mod overtime and will feature new weapons, armor, entities and of course dungeons.

Click to skip info and go to structures or click to go to the download section.

Table of Contents

Make sure to have all Experiments enabled.

Mo'Dungeons activate

Each item is viewable in the crafting menu in survival and has each recipe prepared for you, so you do not need to manually put in each item.

To acquire any of the items in the add-on, simply type in chat while cheats are enabled "/give @s mc:" and then each item in the mod will appear for you to acquire or look for them in the creative menu

I hope you enjoy this update while I prepare for a stable version of the mod which will be coming in the future, I hope you all have fun and enjoy the new tools/armor/dungeons/mobs!

Mo'Dungeons logo

Mo'Dungeons is a growing mod that currently features multiple new dungeons and one new boss. (tested platforms: Windows 10)

I have released a brand new version of Mo'Dungeons as of the 23rd October 2022. All the old content is included but with new up-to date dungeons and structures to encounter!

This wouldn't be possible without the dedication of the development team!

Thankyou Difis, Hanif, Izumi and Oz for helping with this project!

Structures with the Mo'Dungeons Addon


Mud House


Sky Fort


Ruined Portal


Large Ship


Mage Tower




Ruined Shrine


Vine Tower


Sky Temple


Sakura Island


Skeleton Head Dungeon


PurPur Fort


Crystal Shrine


Desert Fort


City Builder


Slime Dungeon


Underground Hall Dungeon


Natural Foliage




New Leaves


New Planks blocks

Logs and Stripped Logs

Logs and Stripped Logs

Sakura Tree and Sapling

Sakura Tree

Sakura Sapling

Rainbow Tree and Sapling

Rainbow Tree

Rainbow Sapling

Ebony Tree and Sapling

Ebony Tree

Ebony Sapling

New Entities



Can be found in a mage tower.

Mage entity

He trades rare and precious goods from the add-on!

Trading with Mage


  • Health: 18
  • Damage: 6
  • Can be found in the wilds
  • He likes to hide in the ground and doesn't like being pestered by pesky players!
  • Drops:
    • Mandragora Roots

Mandragora entity

Tree Ent

  • Can be found in forests
  • He can trade multiple nature themed items that are hard to get
  • His list includes Large Ferns, double tall grass, spore blossoms, wither roses, hanging roots, moss blocks, Sakura Saplings, Rainbow Saplings and finally Ebony Saplings!
  • He will accept Mandragora roots for his items, refer to the Mandragora entity for more details

Tree Ent entity


  • The Orc spawns in forest Biomes
  • He is a natural enemy of all living things
  • He currently has no use, but in the next update he will be a way to acquire special items from the Tree Ent (Grass swords, weaponry etc)

Orc entity

Dwarf Trader


The Dwarf Trader spawns in some structures and underground.

Dwarf Trader entity

You can trade with him to get Dwarven Tools and Dwarven Forge.

Trading with Dwarf Trader

Skeleton Warrior


The Skeleton Warrior spawns in some structures and underground.

  • Health: 18
  • Damage: 6
  • Drops: XP

Skeleton Warrior entity

Snow Zombie


Spawns in frozen biomes.

  • Health: 20
  • Damage: 3 + Slowness effect
  • Drops: same as a Normal Zombie

Snow Zombie entity



Spawns on the Sakura Islands

  • Health: 12
  • Passive mob
  • Rideable

Pegasus entity



Spawns underground and in various structures.

  • Health: 12
  • Passive mob
  • Drops: XP

Moth entity




Guardian Boss (Heavily alpha but does provide 100 - 300 EXP and a Guardian Gem Stone when killed)

  • Health: 1200
  • Damage: 12
  • Drops:
    • 100 - 300 XP
    • Guardian Gem Stone

Guardian boss

How to summon the boss?

To summon him you will need a Uncharged Guardian Summoning Scroll and a Arcane Enchanter block.

Uncharged Guardian Summoning Scroll and a Arcane Enchanter block

Craft this Guardian Summoning Scroll Charged and use it anywhere you want to summon a boss

Guardian Summoning Scroll Charged recipe

New Items

Guardian Gem Stone


Guardian Gem Stone

Can be acquired from killing the guardian boss or trading with the mage entity.

Uncharged Guardian Summoning Scroll


Uncharged Guardian Summoning Scroll

This is acquired from the mage entity and is needed with the Guardian Gem stone to make the charged Summoning Scroll.

Guardian Summoning Scroll Charged


Guardian Summoning Scroll Charged

This can be acquired by putting a guardian gem stone and an uncharged guardian scroll into an Arcane Enchanter and can be used to summon the new Guardian boss!

Lightning Staff and Necromancers Staff of undead Living


Lightning Staff and Necromancers Staff of undead Living

Lightning staff can be acquired from the mage entity and shoots lightning from the sky at hostile mobs within a 20 block radius; it has a cooldown of 2 minutes. It can be acquired from the Mage Entity.

The Necromancer Staff of Undead Living can also be acquired from the mage entity and summons 3 Zombies and 2 skeletons to fight for you in battle, it has a cooldown of 3 minutes and the summoned mobs die after 1 minute! It can be acquired from the Mage Entity.

Dwarven Items, Armor and blocks


Dwarven Items, Armor and blocks

The tools can be acquired by crafting them in a dwarven forge or trading for them from a dwarf trader. The Armor can only be acquired by crafting it in a dwarven forge with dwarven ingots, which can be obtained by smelting iron ingots in any type of furnace to make refined iron ingots which can then be used with a dwarven hammer at a dwarven forge to make dwarven ingots. (!!!dwarven hammer can only be acquired first time by trading for it from the dwarf trader, same with the dwarven forge!!!)

Armor Stats

Max durability: 1561.

  • Rubedite Helmet
    • Protection: 4
  • Rubedite Chestplate
    • Protection: 9
  • Rubedite Leggings
    • Protection: 7
  • Rubedite Boots
    • Protection: 4
Tools Stats

Max durability: 1421.

  • Rubedite Sword
    • Damage: 7
  • Rubedite Axe
    • Damage: 6
  • Rubedite Pickaxe
    • Damage: 5
    • Mining speed: 13
  • Rubedite Shovel
    • Damage: 4
    • Durability: 1421
  • Rubedite Battleaxe
    • Damage: 9

Frost Battlemage Armor

Frost Battlemage Armor set

Frost Battlemage Armor is the strongest form of Armor you can acquire (as of V0.6.5) and is acquired from the mage entity, but in future updates this will change!

It is planned to have special effects when the whole set is worn, this however is not implemented yet.

Armor Stats

Max durability: 1561.

  • Battlemage Frost Helmet
    • Protection: 7
  • Battlemage Frost Chestplate
    • Protection: 12
  • Battlemage Frost Leggings
    • Protection: 10
  • Battlemage Frost Boots
    • Protection: 8

Bone Armor

Bone Armor set

Bone armor can be acquired by crafting it with; you guessed it; bones. It is a weaker form of armor than Leather but it can be a nice addition to a collector of armor sets to put on display and maybe in the future it can be placed on a magical companion; you'll just have to wait and see! To craft this armor simple go to a crafting table and you should see the recipes for the armor.

Armor Stats

Max durability: 1561.

  • Rubedite Helmet
    • Protection: 3
  • Rubedite Chestplate
    • Protection: 5
  • Rubedite Leggings
    • Protection: 3
  • Rubedite Boots
    • Protection: 2

Rubedite Armor and Tools

Rubedite Armor and Tools set

Rubedite armor, one of the older variants of armor released in one of the older updates. It is a basic armor type providing decent protection and can be acquired by smelting Rubedite ore found from mining in a furnace and using the ingots to make the armor. The tools are also the same process. (Go to a crafting table and you will see the recipes)

Armor Stats

Max durability: 1561.

  • Rubedite Helmet
    • Protection: 4
  • Rubedite Chestplate
    • Protection: 9
  • Rubedite Leggings
    • Protection: 7
  • Rubedite Boots
    • Protection: 4
Tools Stats

Max durability: 1421.

  • Rubedite Sword
    • Damage: 7
  • Rubedite Axe
    • Damage: 6
  • Rubedite Pickaxe
    • Damage: 5
    • Mining speed: 13
  • Rubedite Shovel
    • Damage: 4
    • Durability: 1421
  • Rubedite Battleaxe
    • Damage: 9

Soul Armor and Tools

Soul Armor and Tools set

Soul armor, another older variant of armor released in an older update. It provides decent protection, better than rubedite and can be acquired by smelting Soul ore found from mining in a furnace and using the ingots to make the armor. The tools are also the same process. (Go to a crafting table and you will see the recipes).

Armor Stats

Max durability: 1561.

  • Soul Helmet
    • Protection: 4
  • Soul Chestplate
    • Protection: 9
  • Soul Leggings
    • Protection: 7
  • Soul Boots
    • Protection: 4
Tools Stats

Max durability: 1421.

  • Soul Sword
    • Damage: 7
  • Soul Axe
    • Damage: 6
  • Soul Pickaxe
    • Damage: 5
    • Mining speed: 13
  • Soul Shovel
    • Damage: 4
    • Durability: 1421
  • Soul Battleaxe
    • Damage: 9

Battle Axes


Battle Axes from Addon

Their are 6 different variants of Battle Axes. We have starting from Weakest to Strongest.

  1. Gold Battle Axe
  2. Iron Battle Axe
  3. Diamond Battle Axe
  4. Rubedite Battle Axe
  5. Soul Battle Axe
  6. Netherite Battle Axe

They can be crafted at a crafting table, simple open the menu and you shall see their recipes.

Battle Axes recipes

New Ores

Soul Ore


Rubedite Ore


Unique Blocks

Dwarven Forge


Dwarven Forge block

Dwarven Forge (Can be used to make Dwarven items without trading for them at a highly reduced cost, can only be acquired from Dwarven Traders in the wild!)

Arcane Enchanter


Can be acquired from crystal shrines or traded from a Mage entity.

Arcane Enchanter block

It is used to make boss scrolls.

Boss Scroll recipe

Social Information


Machine Builders Youtube

Lighty's Youtube

(My Twitter / Lighty)


(Difis Twitter)


(Hanif Twitter)


(Izumi Twitter)


Come join our Discord Server!


We have launched our new Discord server! It is still being worked on, however you can come here to report bugs, talk with members of the development team and give feedback/ideas for future builds! The link to the server is below, Patreon members get special roles included!

(If you're a Patreon supporter then contact me on Discord and I'll arrange you Patreon benefits for in the server!)

Discord Link to Server



(free access) Follow the link, go to Linkvertise and complete the tasks assigned by clicking on free access, once done it should take you to media fire where you can download the add-on! (Make sure once you have done the tasks to click the free access button again to go to media fire)

(supporter access) Follow the link to our Patreon and pay for whatever tier you desire, you will be able to skip any ads and will gain access to an early build of the random dungeon generation with the lowest supporter tier! (Random Dungeon gen is not currently out on Patreon, you have been warned!)

Download links
modungeons.mcaddon[mcaddon, 8.92 Mb] / Downloads: 7
Link to Addons page on our Website (Free Access)
Link to Patreon page on our website. (Supporter Access)
Discord server
Supported versions
1.19.0 1.18.10 1.18.0 1.17.30 1.16
2 307
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