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More Armor Weapons Tools and Swords Items Mod! โ€“ ๐— ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ณ๐˜ ๐—™๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ณ๐˜† ๐—ฅ๐—ฒ๐˜„๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ [v1.0.1] [New Mods New Addons Update!] โ€Žโ€Ž[Compatible with any Addon!]

Thumbnail: More Armor Weapons Tools and Swords Items Mod! โ€“ ๐— ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ณ๐˜ ๐—™๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ณ๐˜† ๐—ฅ๐—ฒ๐˜„๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ [v1.0.1] [New Mods New Addons Update!] โ€Žโ€Ž[Compatible with any Addon!] Go to files

A new mod with many ARMOR, WEAPONS, TOOLS, SWORDS, and ITEMS each with COOL ABILITIES! With new addon weapons: BOWS, SCYTHES, GREATSWORDS, STAFFS, MORNINGSTARS, WHIPS, BATTLEAXES, HAMMERS, SPEARS, and DAGGERS, fight new and intriguing mobs like the Reaper Skeleton! Use the special armor to create your adventures and surprise your friends with new and unique combat!
Download the Minecraft Fortify Reworked addon update!

Minecraft Fortify Reworked Logo


โ€ข The Fortify v1.0.0 update only works on Minecraft versions 1.21.0+ and higher!
โ€ข This addon does NOT use player.json!

Required World Experiments:

โ€ข Turn OFF "Holiday Creator Features" (addon won't work with this on!)
โ€ข Turn on "Custom biomes"
โ€ข Turn on "Beta APIs"

Required Experiments for Minecraft Fortify Addon

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๐Ÿ“ฆ Minecraft Fortify Reworked Download! ๐Ÿ“ฆ

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Watch this guide for the new MC Fortify Reworked Update!
(Link to YT Video)

The content in this addon took more than a year to create! Please subscribe if you enjoy more cool features like this!

โญ This is a combination of all my armor & tools addons! โญ

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๐Ÿ“ฆ Minecraft Fortify Reworked Download! ๐Ÿ“ฆ

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This Addon Includes:


Nexus Armor, Tools & Bow Addon:

Nexus Armor, Tools & Bow Addon

๐ŸŸข Nexus YT Video & Info! ๐ŸŸข

This video explains the equipment's abilities!
(Link to YT Video)

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Nexus Armor, Tools & Bow in the Inventory

Enjoy the Nexus armor & tools addon!

|------ How to craft Nexus Items! ------|

How to craft Nexus Items:

Mixed Saplings and Lapis Lazuli

How to craft Nexus items:

1. Craft Mixed Saplings

Mixed Saplings Recipe

2. Brew Nexus Slates

Nexus Slates Recipe 1

Nexus Slates Recipe 2

3. Combine the materials in a crafting table

Nexus Sword Recipe

|------ All Nexus Items Recipes! ------|

All Nexus Items Recipes:

Mixed Saplings

Mixed Saplings Recipe

Nexus Plates

Nexus Slates Recipe 1

Nexus Slates Recipe 2

Nexus Armor Recipes:

Nexus Helmet

Nexus Helmet Recipe

Nexus Chestplate

Nexus Chestplate Recipe

Nexus Leggings

Nexus Leggings Recipe

Nexus Boots

Nexus Boots Recipe

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

Nexus Bow

Nexus Bow Recipe

Nexus Sword

Nexus Sword Recipe

Nexus Pickaxe

Nexus Pickaxe Recipe

Nexus Axe

Nexus Axe Recipe

Nexus Shovel

Nexus Shovel Recipe

Nexus Hoe

Nexus Hoe Recipe

|------ Nexus Armor Stats and Abilities! ------|

Nexus Armor Stats and Abilities:

**A full set of Nexus armor is required to activate the Nexus armor's special abilities**

1. When worn, Nexus Projectiles will spawn every 1.5 seconds, with a max of 7 projectiles

Nexus Armor Special Ability 1

2. Crouching will lower the projectiles into a defensive stance, dealing 5 projectile damage each

Nexus Armor Special Ability 2

3. When shooting an enemy with a Nexus Bow, currently available Nexus Projectiles will attack the target, dealing 1.5 TRUE damage each
(goes through all protection & effects)

Nexus Armor Special Ability 3

Nexus Helmet: 3 bars of protection, 254 durability when equipped
In comparison, Diamond Helmet has: 3 bars of protection, 363 durability when equipped

Nexus Helmet

Nexus Chestplate: 7 bars of protection, 370 durability when equipped
Diamond Chestplate: 8 bars of protection, 528 durability when equipped

Nexus Chestplate

Nexus Leggings: 5 bars of protection, 347 durability when equipped
Diamond Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 495 durability when equipped

Nexus Leggings

Nexus Boots: 3 bars of protection, 300 durability when equipped
Diamond Boots: 3 bars of protection, 429 durability when equipped

Nexus Boots

|------ Nexus Tools Stats! ------|

Nexus Tools Stats:

Nexus Sword: 8 damage, 780 durability, 15 speed
Diamond Sword: 7 damage, 1561 durability, 15 speed

Nexus Sword

Nexus Pickaxe: 5 damage, 780 durability, 10 speed
Diamond Pickaxe: 5 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Nexus Pickaxe

Nexus Axe: 7 damage, 780 durability, 10 speed
Diamond Axe: 6 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Nexus Axe

Nexus Shovel: 4 damage, 780 durability, 10 speed
Diamond Shovel: 4 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Nexus Shovel

Nexus Hoe: 5 damage, 780 durability, 10 speed
Diamond Hoe: 5 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Nexus Hoe

|------ Nexus Bow Weapons Stats and Abilities! ------|

Nexus Bow Weapons Stats:

Nexus Bow

Nexus Bow:
780 durability, Does not break any blocks

Normal Hit (Same as a normal bow):
โ€“ 1-12 projectile damage, depending on bow charge

*Power enchantment now works on the Nexus bow!*

Homing Strike (Armor-linked Ability):
โ€“ Will only occur if Nexus projectiles are spawned in with the full Nexus armor set
โ€“ Deals 1.5 damage each
(increases with Ability Damage enchantment)

Nexus Bow

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Nexus Armor and Bow (with active ability)

Equipped Nexus Armor and Bow (with active ability)

Equipped Nexus Armor and Tools

Equipped Nexus Armor and Tools

Reaper Armor, Tools & Scythes Addon:

Reaper Armor, Tools & Scythes Addon

๐Ÿ”ด Reaper YT Video & Info! ๐Ÿ”ด

This cinematic video shows some of the equipment's abilities!
(Link to YT Video)

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Reaper Armor, Tools & Scythes in the Inventory

Enjoy the Reaper Armor & Tools Addon!

|------ How to craft Reaper Items! ------|

Soul Fragment and Reaper Essence

How to craft reaper stuff:

1. Get soul fragments from Reaper Skeletons

2. Craft Reaper Essences

Reaper Essence Recipe

3. Craft Reaper Smithing Templates

Reaper Smithing Template Recipe

4. Combine the materials in a crafting table

Reaper Scythe Recipe

*Enchantments are not kept when upgrading*

|------ Reaper Skeleton Spawn Rules! ------|

Reaper Skeleton Spawn Rules:

*Reaper Skeletons can only be found in soul sand valleys in groups of 3 - 4*

Reaper Skeletons in Soul Sand Valleys

Reaper Skeleton Stats:

Reaper Skeleton: 13 Damage, 35 Health, Fast

Special Abilities:

โ€“ Can crouch under 2 & 1.5 block gaps

Reaper Skeleton Ability 1

โ€“ Cannot be damaged by projectiles

Reaper Skeleton Ability 2

โ€“ When slain, gives other reaper skeletons in a 20-block radius strength, speed, and regen
โ€“ Will not be slowed by Soul Sand

Spawn Animation:

Reaper Skeleton Spawn Animation

Loot Drops:

โ€“ 0-1 Soul Soil
โ€“ 0-2 Bones

โ€“ 1-2 Soul fragments (used to craft Reaper Essence)
*Learn more about Reaper Essence in the tab below!*

|------ Reaper Items Recipes! ------|

Reaper Items Recipes:

Soul Fragment

Soul Fragment: Dropped by Reaper Skeletons (1-2 drops)
*Learn more about Reaper Skeletons in the tab above!*

Soul Fragment --> Reaper Essence

Reaper Essence Recipe

Reaper Armor Recipes:

*Enchantments are not kept when upgrading*

Reaper Helmet

Reaper Helmet Recipe

Reaper Chestplate

Reaper Chestplate Recipe

Reaper Leggings

Reaper Leggings Recipe

Reaper Boots

Reaper Boots Recipe

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

Diamond Scythe

Diamond Scythe Recipe

Netherite Scythe

Netherite Scythe Recipe

Reaper Scythe

Reaper Scythe Recipe

Reaper Sword

Reaper Sword Recipe

Reaper Pickaxe

Reaper Pickaxe Recipe

Reaper Axe

Reaper Axe Recipe

Reaper Shovel

Reaper Shovel Recipe

Reaper Hoe

Reaper Hoe Recipe

*Enchantments are not kept when upgrading*

|------ Reaper Armor Stats and Abilities! ------|

Reaper Armor Stats and Abilities:

**A full set of Reaper Armor is required to activate the Reaper armor's special abilities**

1. When worn, you will be unable to move for 4 seconds, then everyone around you will be knocked back, dealing 0 damage

Reaper Armor Ability 1

2. When looking at an enemy's face/head, they will be inflicted with fear (Only applies to players & monsters)

โ€“ The fear effect temporarily lowers vision, applies weakness, and slowness (depending on the level of fear)

โ€“ Fear level increases every second you look at the enemy and decreases when you aren't looking at them

Level 1: Weakness 1

Level 2: Slowness 1, red fog that impedes vision, and attackable by the scythe ability

Level 3: Wearer gets speed 2

Level 4: Weakness 2

Reaper Armor Ability 2

Reaper Helmet: 5 bars of protection, 326 durability when equipped
In comparison, Netherite Helmet has: 3 bars of protection, 407 durability when equipped

Reaper Helmet

Reaper Chestplate: 11 bars of protection, 474 durability when equipped
Netherite Chestplate: 8 bars of protection, 592 durability when equipped

Reaper Chestplate

Reaper Leggings: 7 bars of protection, 444 durability when equipped
Netherite Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 555 durability when equipped

Reaper Leggings

Reaper Boots: 4 bars of protection, 385 durability when equipped
Netherite Boots: 3 bars of protection, 481 durability when equipped

Reaper Boots

|------ Reaper Tools Stats! ------|

Reaper Tools Stats:

Reaper Sword: 10 damage, 1625 durability, 15 speed
Netherite Sword: 8 damage, 2031 durability, 15 speed

Reaper Sword

Reaper Pickaxe: 8 damage, 1625 durability, 10 speed
Netherite Pickaxe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Reaper Pickaxe

Reaper Axe: 9 damage, 1625 durability, 10 speed
Netherite Axe: 7 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Reaper Axe

Reaper Shovel: 7 damage, 1625 durability, 10 speed
Netherite Shovel: 5 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Reaper Shovel

Reaper Hoe: 8 damage, 1625 durability, 10 speed
Netherite Hoe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Reaper Hoe

|------ Scythe Weapons Stats and Abilities! ------|

Scythe Weapons Stats:

(Watch this video to see how the Scythes work!)

Scythe Ability 1

โ€“ The ability deals damage equal to a percentage of the target's current HP

Scythe Ability 2

โ€“ The normal attack marks the target with fear for 10 seconds
โ€“ It also pulls the target toward you

Diamond Scythe

Diamond Scythe: 1561 durability, breaks cobwebs and bamboo

Normal Attack (Left Click - Scythe):
โ€“ 9 attack damage
โ€“ Slower Attack Speed
โ€“ Marks the target with fear for 10 seconds
โ€“ Pulls the target towards you

Reap (Right Click & Hold - Scythe):
โ€“ Can only be used if there is a marked target in a 30-block radius
โ€“ Deals damage equal to 20% of the target's current HP
โ€“ uses 5 durability (only when there is a target)
โ€“ 1.0 second charge, 7.0 second cooldown

Netherite Scythe

Netherite Scythe: 2031 durability, breaks cobwebs and bamboo

Normal Attack (Left Click - Scythe):
โ€“ 10 attack damage
โ€“ Slower Attack Speed
โ€“ Marks the target with fear for 10 seconds
โ€“ Pulls the target towards you

Reap (Right Click & Hold - Scythe):
โ€“ Can only be used if there is a marked target in a 30-block radius
โ€“ Deals damage equal to 24% of the target's current HP
โ€“ uses 5 durability (only when there is a target)
โ€“ 1.0 second charge, 7.0 second cooldown

Reaper Scythe

Reaper Scythe: 1625 durability, breaks cobwebs and bamboo

Normal Attack (Left Click - Scythe):
โ€“ 12 attack damage
โ€“ Slower Attack Speed
โ€“ Marks the target with fear for 10 seconds
โ€“ Pulls the target towards you

Reap (Right Click & Hold - Scythe):
โ€“ Can only be used if there is a marked target in a 30-block radius
โ€“ Deals damage equal to 30% of the target's current HP
โ€“ uses 5 durability (only when there is a target)
โ€“ 1.0 second charge, 7.0 second cooldown

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Reaper Weapons: Scythe & Sword

Equipped Reaper Weapons: Scythe & Sword

Armor & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Reaper Armor

Equipped Reaper Armor

Equipped Reaper Armor & Weapons: (Diamond Scythe and Netherite Scythe)

Equipped Reaper Armor & Weapons: (Diamond Scythe and Netherite Scythe)

Equipped Reaper Armor & Tools: (Pickaxe and Axe)

Equipped Reaper Armor & Tools: (Pickaxe and Axe)

Equipped Reaper Armor & Tools: (Shovel and Hoe)

Equipped Reaper Armor & Tools: (Shovel and Hoe)

Aetherite Armor, Tools & Greatswords Addon:

Aetherite Armor, Tools & Greatswords Addon

๐ŸŸข Aetherite YT Video & Info! ๐ŸŸข

This cinematic video shows a battle using Aetherite equipment!
(Link to YT Video)

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Aetherite Armor, Tools & Greatswords in the Inventory

Enjoy the Aetherite Armor & Tools addon!

|------ Aetherium Ore Spawn Rules! ------|

Aetherium Ore Spawn Rules:

*Aetherium ore can only be found below y=0 under water blocks!*

Aetherium Ore

Aetherium Ore: Screenshot 1

Aetherium Ore: Screenshot 2

|------ Aetherite Items Recipes! ------|

How to make Aetherite Ingots:

Aetherium Crystal --> Aetherite Ingot (in a lava cauldron)

How to make Aetherite Ingots

Or you could directly craft it in the Crafting Table!

Aetherite Ingot Recipe

*Crafting refunds the cauldron and an empty bucket*

Armor Recipes:

*Enchantments are not kept when upgrading*

Aetherite Helmet

Aetherite Helmet Recipe

Aetherite Chestplate

Aetherite Chestplate Recipe

Aetherite Leggings

Aetherite Leggings Recipe

Aetherite Boots

Aetherite Boots Recipe

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

Emerald Greatsword

Emerald Greatsword Recipe

Aetherite Greatsword

Aetherite Greatsword Recipe

Aetherite Sword

Aetherite Sword Recipe

Aetherite Pickaxe

Aetherite Pickaxe Recipe

Aetherite Axe

Aetherite Axe Recipe

Aetherite Shovel

Aetherite Shovel Recipe

Aetherite Hoe

Aetherite Hoe Recipe

*Enchantments are not kept when upgrading*

|------ Aetherite Armor Stats! ------|

Aetherite Armor Stats and Abilities:

**A full set of Aetherite armor is required to activate the Aetherite armor's special abilities**

1. Gives you Regeneration 1!
โ€“ The regeneration does not wear off until you unequip a piece of armor!

Aetherite Armor Abilities

2. You get 4 extra hearts!

3. Gives players and allied mobs (such as wolves and copper golems) within 20 blocks of you Regeneration 1!

Aetherite (Aetherium) Helmet: 4 bars of protection, 407 durability when equipped
In comparison, Netherite Helmet has: 3 bars of protection, 407 durability when equipped

Aetherite Helmet

Aetherite (Aetherium) Chestplate: 9 bars of protection, 592 durability when equipped
Netherite Chestplate: 8 bars of protection, 592 durability when equipped

Aetherite Chestplate

Aetherite (Aetherium) Leggings: 7 bars of protection, 555 durability when equipped
Netherite Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 555 durability when equipped

Aetherite Leggings

Aetherite (Aetherium) Boots: 3 bars of protection, 481 durability when equipped
Netherite Boots: 63 bars of protection, 481 durability when equipped

Aetherite Boots

|------ Aetherite Tools Stats! ------|

Aetherite Tools Stats:

Aetherite (Aetherium) Sword: 8 damage, 1929 durability, 15 speed
Netherite Sword: 8 damage, 2031 durability, 15 speed

Aetherite Sword

Aetherite (Aetherium) Pickaxe: 6 damage, 1929 durability, 10 speed
Netherite Pickaxe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Aetherite Pickaxe

Aetherite (Aetherium) Axe: 7 damage, 1929 durability, 10 speed
Netherite Axe: 7 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Aetherite Axe

Aetherite (Aetherium) Shovel: 5 damage, 1929 durability, 10 speed
Netherite Shovel: 5 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Aetherite Shovel

Aetherite (Aetherium) Hoe: 6 damage, 1929 durability, 10 speed
Netherite Hoe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Aetherite Hoe

|------ Greatsword Weapons Stats! ------|

Greatsword Weapons Stats:

Emerald Greatsword

Emerald Greatsword: 936 durability, breaks cobwebs and bamboo

Emerald Great sword (Left Click - Great sword):
โ€“ 5 attack damage (area attack up to 4 enemies)
โ€“ uses 1 durability for each mob hit
โ€“ durability only goes down if it hits something
โ€“ 0.0 second charge, 0.5 second cooldown

Aetherite Greatsword

Aetherite Greatsword: 1929 durability, breaks cobwebs and bamboo

Aetherite Great sword (Left Click - Great sword):
โ€“ 6 attack damage (area attack up to 4 enemies)
โ€“ uses 1 durability for each mob hit
โ€“ durability only goes down if it hits something
โ€“ 0.0 second charge, 0.5 second cooldown

Aetherite Greatsword Ability

โ€“ The greatsword has a range of 4 blocks

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Tools & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Aetherite Weapons: Great Sword & Sword

Equipped Aetherite Weapons: Great Sword & Sword

Equipped Aetherite Tools: Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Aetherite Tools: Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Aetherite Tools: Shovel & Hoe

Equipped Aetherite Tools: Shovel & Hoe

Armor & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Aetherite Armor

Equipped Aetherite Armor

Equipped Aetherite Armor & Weapon: Emerald Great Sword

Equipped Aetherite Armor & Weapon: Emerald Great Sword

Equipped Aetherite Armor & Weapon: Aetherite Great Sword

Equipped Aetherite Armor & Weapon: Aetherite Great Sword

Equipped Aetherite Armor, Tools & Weapons: (Axe and Sword)

Equipped Aetherite Armor, Tools & Weapons: (Axe and Sword)

Equipped Aetherite Armor, Tools & Weapons: (Shovel and Pickaxe)

Equipped Aetherite Armor, Tools & Weapons: (Shovel and Pickaxe)

Equipped Aetherite Armor, Tools & Weapons: (Shovel and Hoe)

Equipped Aetherite Armor, Tools & Weapons: (Shovel and Hoe)

Warden Armor, Tools & Staff Addon:

Warden Armor, Tools & Staff Addon

๐Ÿ”ต Warden YT Video & Info! ๐Ÿ”ต

โ€“โ€“ Preview of the Warden Armor โ€“โ€“

Preview of the Warden Armor

โ€“ The armor can see mobs through walls! โ€“

Here's a funny sketch I made to introduce the Warden Armor and Echo Tools!

(Watch it if you want to)

Watch this video for more details about the Warden Armor and Echo Tools addon!

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Warden Armor, Tools & Staff in the Inventory

Enjoy the Warden armor & tools addon!

|------ New Warden Loot! ------|

New Warden Loot:

*The looting enchantment does not help drop more items*

Warden Heart: 100% drop rate, qty. 1

Warden Heart

Warden Tendrils: 100% drop rate, qty. 2

Warden Tendrils

|------ New Repairs! ------|

Warden Armor & Echo Tool Repairs:

*All Warden armor, Echo tools, and the Echo staff will be repairable with the Warden Heart, Warden Tendrils, and Echo Shards with an anvil*

Warden Heart: Repairs 100% durability

Repairing Warden Chestplate with Warden Heart

Echo Shards: Repairs 33% durability

Repairing Echo Staff with Echo Shards

Warden Tendrils: Repairs 33% durability

Repairing Echo Sword with Warden Tendrils

Same Item: Repairs 12% + other item's durability

Repairing Warden Axe with the Same Item

|------ Warden Armor Stats! ------|

Warden Armor Stats:

**A full set of Warden armor is required to activate the Warden armor's special abilities**

1. Applies the darkness effect for 10 seconds right after a full set of Warden Armor is equipped

Warden Armor Ability 1

2. Gain permanent Night Vision and Darkness & Blindness resistance

Warden Armor Ability 2

3. Gain a unique mob tracking ability:

โ€“ mobs within a radius of 25 blocks are pinged by an echo for 5 seconds.

**Does not track players**

โ€“ The echo can be seen through walls!

Warden Armor Ability 3

Warden Helmet: 5 bars of protection, 495 durability when equipped
In comparison, Netherite Helmet has: 3 bars of protection, 407 durability when equipped

Warden Helmet

Warden Chestplate: 11 bars of protection, 720 durability when equipped
Netherite Chestplate: 8 bars of protection, 592 durability when equipped

Warden Chestplate

Warden Leggings: 8 bars of protection, 675 durability when equipped
Netherite Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 555 durability when equipped

Warden Leggings

Warden Boots: 4 bars of protection, 585 durability when equipped
Netherite Boots: 3 bars of protection, 481 durability when equipped

Warden Boots

|------ Echo Weapons & Tools Stats! ------|

Echo Tools Stats:

Echo Sword: 8 damage, 3122 durability, 15 speed
Netherite Sword: 8 damage, 2031 durability, 15 speed

Warden Sword

Echo Pickaxe: 6 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Pickaxe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Warden Pickaxe

Echo Axe: 7 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Axe: 7 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Warden Axe

Echo Shovel: 5 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Shovel: 5 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Warden Shovel

Echo Hoe: 6 damage, 3122 durability, 9 speed
Netherite Hoe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Warden Hoe

|------ Echo Staff Weapon Stats! ------|

Echo Staff Weapon Stats:

Echo Staff

Echo Staff:

3122 durability, Does not break any blocks

Normal hit (Left Click - Staff):
+0 damage (same as fist)

Cast (Right Click - Staff):
โ€“ 6 attack damage to mobs
โ€“ uses 1 durability per hit
โ€“ 0.64 second charge, 3 second duration, 10 second cooldown
โ€“ Range of 10 blocks, the chance of hitting an enemy decreases the further away they are

Close ----------> Far

Echo Staff Ability 1

Echo Staff Ability 2

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Tools & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Weapons: Echo Staff & Sword

Equipped Weapons: Echo Staff & Sword

Equipped Tools: Echo Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Echo Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Echo Shovel & Hoe

Equipped Tools: Echo Shovel & Hoe

Armor & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Warden Armor

Equipped Warden Armor

Equipped Warden Armor, Tools & Weapons (Echo Sword)

Equipped Warden Armor, Tools & Weapons (Echo Sword)

Equipped Warden Armor, Tools & Weapons (Echo Staff and Echo Pickaxe)

Equipped Warden Armor, Tools & Weapons (Echo Staff and Echo Pickaxe)

|------ Armor & Tools Recipes! ------|

Armor Recipes:

Warden Helmet

Warden Helmet Recipe

Warden Chestplate

Warden Chestplate Recipe

Warden Leggings

Warden Leggings Recipe

Warden Boots

Warden Boots Recipe

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

Echo Staff

Echo Staff Recipe

Echo Sword

Echo Sword Recipe

Echo Pickaxe

Echo Pickaxe Recipe

Echo Axe

Echo Axe Recipe

Echo Shovel

Echo Shovel Recipe

Echo Hoe

Echo Hoe Recipe

Phantom Armor, Tools & Whip Addon:

Phantom Armor, Tools & Whip Addon

โšช๏ธ Phantom YT Video & Info! โšช๏ธ

โ€“โ€“ Preview of the Phantom Armor โ€“โ€“

Preview of the Phantom Armor

โ€“ The armor makes you completely invisible! โ€“

This cinematic video shows a great way to use the Phantom armor!

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Phantom Armor, Tools & Whip in the Inventory

Enjoy the Phantom armor & Phantom/bone tools addon!

(Technically, the tools are made of bones though)

|------ Phantom Items Recipes! ------|

How to craft Phantom Cloth:

Phantom Cloth

Phantom Cloth Recipe

Armor Recipes:

Phantom Hood

Phantom Hood Recipe

Phantom Cloak

Phantom Cloak Recipe

Phantom Leggings

Phantom Leggings Recipe

Phantom Boots

Phantom Boots Recipe

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

Phantom Whip

Phantom Whip Recipe

Phantom Sword

Phantom Sword Recipe

Phantom Pickaxe

Phantom Pickaxe Recipe

Phantom Axe

Phantom Axe Recipe

Phantom Shovel

Phantom Shovel Recipe

Phantom Hoe

Phantom Hoe Recipe

|------ New Repairs! ------|

Phantom Armor & Tool Repairs:

*All Phantom armor, Phantom tools, and the Phantom Whip will be repairable with Phantom Cloth, Phantom Membranes, and Bones with an anvil*

Phantom Cloth: Repairs 100% durability

Repairing Phantom Cloak with Phantom Cloth

Phantom Membranes: Repairs 33% durability

Repairing Phantom Whip with Phantom Membranes

Bones: Repairs 12.5% durability

Repairing Phantom Sword with Bones

Same Item: Repairs 12% + other item's durability

Repairing Phantom Pickaxe with the Same Item

|------ Phantom Armor Stats! ------|

Phantom Armor Stats and Abilities:

**A full set of Phantom armor is required to activate the Phantom armor's special abilities**

1. Makes both you and the armor invisible!

โ€“ The invisibility wears off after a few seconds of running.
(Walk or crouch to stay invisible)

*The invisibility effect icon flashes when your invisibility is about to wear out*
*Does not make weapons invisible*

Phantom Armor Ability 1

2. Gain the ability to activate the slow-falling effect by crouching in mid-air!

Phantom Armor Ability 2

Phantom Hood: 2 bars of protection, 182 durability when equipped
In comparison, Iron Helmet has: 2 bars of protection, 165 durability when equipped

Phantom Hood

Phantom Cloak: 4 bars of protection, 264 durability when equipped
Iron Chestplate: 6 bars of protection, 240 durability when equipped

Phantom Cloak

Phantom Leggings: 3 bars of protection, 248 durability when equipped
Iron Leggings: 5 bars of protection, 225 durability when equipped

Phantom Leggings

Phantom Boots: 1 bars of protection, 215 durability when equipped
Iron Boots:2 bars of protection, 195 durability when equipped

Phantom Boots

|------ Phantom / Bone Tools Stats! ------|

Phantom Tools / Bone Tools Stats:

Phantom Sword: 9 damage, 112 durability, 20 speed
Iron Sword: 6 damage, 250 durability, 15 speed

Phantom Sword

Phantom Pickaxe: 3 damage, 780 durability, 11 speed (Breaks the same blocks as an iron pickaxe)
Iron Pickaxe: 4 damage, 250 durability, 6 speed

Phantom Pickaxe

Phantom Axe: 4 damage, 780 durability, 11 speed
Iron Axe: 5 damage, 250 durability, 6 speed

Phantom Axe

Phantom Shovel: 2 damage, 780 durability, 11 speed
Iron Shovel: 3 damage, 250 durability, 6 speed

Phantom Shovel

Phantom Hoe: 3 damage, 780 durability, 11 speed
Iron Hoe: 4 damage, 250 durability, 6 speed

Phantom Hoe

|------ Phantom Whip Weapon Stats! ------|

Phantom Whip Weapon Stats:

Phantom Whip

Phantom Whip: 780 durability, does not break any blocks

Normal hit (Left Click - Whip): 2 attack damage

Whip (Right Click - Whip):
โ€“ 7 attack damage (single target)
โ€“ uses 1 durability
โ€“ 0.75 second charge, 1.04 second cooldown

Phantom Whip Ability

โ€“ The whip knocks mobs back a few blocks and has a range of 10 blocks

โ€“ Able to destroy projectiles (snowballs, arrows, potions, etc.)

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Tools 3D Models:

Equipped Weapons: Phantom Whip & Sword

Equipped Weapons: Phantom Whip & Sword

Equipped Tools: Phantom Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Phantom Axe & Pickaxe

Armor 3D Models:

Equipped Phantom Armor

Equipped Phantom Armor

Equipped Phantom Armor, Tools & Weapons (Phantom Sword)

Equipped Phantom Armor, Tools & Weapons (Phantom Sword)

Full set of Phantom Armor, Tools & Weapons (Phantom Whip)

Full set of Phantom Armor, Tools & Weapons (Phantom Whip)

Glowing Obsidian Armor, Tools & Battleaxe Addon:

Glowing Obsidian Armor, Tools & Battleaxe Addon

๐ŸŸฃ Glowing Obsidian YT Video & Info! ๐ŸŸฃ

I made a cinematic video for the origins of Glowing Obsidian Armor & Tools! Check it out if you want to!

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Glowing Obsidian Armor, Tools & Battleaxe in the Inventory

Enjoy the Glowing Obsidian armor & tools addon!

|------ How to Craft Glowing Obsidian Shards & Blocks! ------|

How to craft Glowing Obsidian Shards and Blocks:

Glowing Obsidian Shards Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Shards

Glowing Obsidian Block Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Block

|------ Glowing Obsidian Armor Stats! ------|

Armor Stats:

Glowing Obsidian Helmet

Glowing Obsidian Helmet: 3 bars of protection, 345 durability when equipped

In comparison, Diamond Helmet has: 3 bars of protection, 363 durability when equipped

Glowing Obsidian Chestplate

Glowing Obsidian Chestplate: 6 bars of protection, 502 durability when equipped

Diamond Chestplate: 8 bars of protection, 528 durability when equipped

Glowing Obsidian Leggings

Glowing Obsidian Leggings: 5 bars of protection, 470 durability when equipped

Diamond Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 495 durability when equipped

Glowing Obsidian Boots

Glowing Obsidian Boots: 3 bars of protection, 408 durability when equipped

Diamond Boots: 3 bars of protection, 429 durability when equipped

*A full set of armor equipped is required to activate the armor's special ability*

Glowing Obsidian Armor Ability 1

1. Monsters within 10 blocks of you (green circle) will activate the ability

2. Players within 5 blocks of you (blue circle) will get the strength 1 effect

Glowing Obsidian Armor Ability 2

3. The more mobs in your range, the longer the strength will last (stacks up to 5 monsters)

|------ Glowing Obsidian Weapons & Tools Stats! ------|

Tools & Weapons Stats:

Glowing Obsidian Sword

Glowing Obsidian Sword: 7 damage, 1795 durability, 15 speed

Diamond Sword: 7 damage, 1561 durability, 15 speed

Glowing Obsidian Pickaxe

Glowing Obsidian Pickaxe: 5 damage, 1795 durability, 9 speed

Diamond Pickaxe: 5 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Glowing Obsidian Axe

Glowing Obsidian Axe: 6 damage, 1795 durability, 9 speed

Diamond Axe: 6 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Glowing Obsidian Shovel

Glowing Obsidian Shovel: 4 damage, 1795 durability, 9 speed

Diamond Shovel: 4 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Glowing Obsidian Hoe

Glowing Obsidian Hoe: 5 damage, 1795 durability, 9 speed

Diamond Hoe: 5 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

|------ Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe Weapon Stats! ------|

Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe Weapon Stats:

Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe

Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe: 1795 durability, 9 speed (breaks cobweb and bamboo)

Normal hit (Left Click - Battleaxe): 6 damage

Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe Ability

Cleave (Right Click - Battleaxe): 14 damage, uses 1 durability for each mob damaged, 1.8 second charge, 5 second cooldown

The battleaxe has an attack radius of 4.5 blocks

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Tools & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Weapons: Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe & Sword

Equipped Weapons: Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe & Sword

Equipped Tools: Glowing Obsidian Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Glowing Obsidian Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Glowing Obsidian Shovel & Hoe

Equipped Tools: Glowing Obsidian Shovel & Hoe

Armor & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Glowing Obsidian Armor

Equipped Glowing Obsidian Armor

Equipped Glowing Obsidian Armor, Tools & Weapons (Sword and Pickaxe)

Equipped Glowing Obsidian Armor, Tools & Weapons (Sword and Pickaxe)

Equipped Glowing Obsidian Armor, Tools & Weapons (Battleaxe and Axe)

Equipped Glowing Obsidian Armor, Tools & Weapons (Battleaxe and Axe)

Equipped Glowing Obsidian Armor, Tools & Weapons (Hoe and Shovel)

Equipped Glowing Obsidian Armor, Tools & Weapons (Hoe and Shovel)

|------ Armor & Tools Recipes! ------|

Armor Recipes:

Glowing Obsidian Helmet Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Helmet

Glowing Obsidian Chestplate Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Chestplate

Glowing Obsidian Leggings Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Leggings

Glowing Obsidian Boots Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Boots

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe

Glowing Obsidian Sword Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Sword

Glowing Obsidian Pickaxe Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Pickaxe

Glowing Obsidian Axe Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Axe

Glowing Obsidian Shovel Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Shovel

Glowing Obsidian Hoe Recipe

Glowing Obsidian Hoe

Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Morningstars Addon:

Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Morningstars Addon

โšซ๏ธ Gilded Netherite YT Video & Info! โšซ๏ธ

If you want the details of the original Gilded Netherite Armor & Tools, you can watch this video!

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Morningstars in the Inventory

Enjoy the Gilded Netherite armor & tools addon!

|------ How to craft Gilded Netherite Items! ------|

Melted Gilded Blackstone and Gilded Blackstone Ingot

How to craft gilded netherite stuff:

1. Burn Gilded Blackstone in a furnace or blast furnace

Melted Gilded Blackstone Recipe

2. Craft Gilded Blackstone Ingots

Gilded Blackstone Ingot Recipe

3. Craft Gilded Netherite Smithing Templates

Gilded Netherite Smithing Template Recipe

4. Combine the materials in a crafting table

Gilded Netherite Morningstar Recipe

|------ Gilded Netherite Armor Stats! ------|

Armor stats:

(1 or more pieces of armor makes piglins ignore you)

(Full set of armor gives you 2 extra hearts)

Gilded Netherite Helmet: 6 bars of protection, 543 durability

In comparison, Netherite Helmet has: 3 bars of protection, 407 durability

Gilded Netherite Helmet

Gilded Netherite Chestplate: 12 bars of protection, 789 durability

Netherite Chestplate: 8 bars of protection, 592 durability

Gilded Netherite Chestplate

Gilded Netherite Leggings: 9 bars of protection, 740 durability

Netherite Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 555 durability

Gilded Netherite Leggings

Gilded Netherite Boots: 5 bars of protection, 641 durability

Netherite Boots: 3 bars of protection, 481 durability

Gilded Netherite Boots

|------ Gilded Netherite Weapons & Tools Stats! ------|

Weapons & Tools stats:

Gilded Netherite Sword: 9 damage, 2539 durability, 15 speed

Netherite Sword: 8 damage, 2031 durability, 15 speed

Gilded Netherite Sword

Gilded Netherite Pickaxe: 7 damage, 2539 durability, 10 speed

Netherite Pickaxe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Gilded Netherite Pickaxe

Gilded Netherite Axe: 8 damage, 2539 durability, 10 speed

Netherite Axe: 7 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Gilded Netherite Axe

Gilded Netherite Shovel: 6 damage, 2539 durability, 10 speed

Netherite Shovel: 5 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Gilded Netherite Shovel

Gilded Netherite Hoe: 7 damage, 2539 durability, 10 speed

Netherite Hoe: 6 damage, 2031 durability, 9 speed

Gilded Netherite Hoe

|------ Gilded Netherite Morningstars Weapon Stats! ------|

Weapons & Tools Weapon stats:

Diamond Morningstar, Netherite Morningstar and Gilded Netherite Morningstar

Gilded Netherite Morningstar: 2539 durability, 10 speed (breaks cobweb and bamboo)

Netherite Morningstar: 2031 durability, 9 speed (breaks cobweb and bamboo)

Diamond Morningstar: 1561 durability, 8 speed (breaks cobweb and bamboo)

Morningstar Ability 1

Normal Attack (Left Click - Morningstar):

Gilded Netherite Morningstar: 7 dmg + 45 durability damage
Netherite Morningstar: 6 dmg + 40 durability damage
Diamond Morningstar: 5 dmg + 35 durability damage

Morningstar Ability 2

Bash (Right Click & Hold - Morningstar):

โ€“ 0.6 second charge

Gilded Netherite Morningstar: 7 dmg + 1.5 secs ability stun
Netherite Morningstar: 6 dmg + 1.25 secs ability stun
Diamond Morningstar: 5 dmg + 1 sec ability stun

|------ Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Tools & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Weapons: Gilded Netherite Morningstar & Sword

Equipped Weapons: Gilded Netherite Morningstar & Sword

Equipped Tools: Gilded Netherite Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Gilded Netherite Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Gilded Netherite Shovel & Hoe

Equipped Tools: Gilded Netherite Shovel & Hoe

Armor & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Axe & Sword)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Axe and Sword)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Shovel & Pickaxe)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Shovel & Pickaxe)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Hoe & Hoe)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Hoe & Hoe)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Gilded Netherite Morningstar)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Gilded Netherite Morningstar)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Netherite Morningstar)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Netherite Morningstar)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Diamond Morningstar)

Equipped Gilded Netherite Armor, Tools & Weapons (Diamond Morningstar)

|------ Gilded Netherite Armor & Tools Recipes! ------|

Armor Recipes:

*Enchantments are not kept when upgrading*

Gilded Netherite Helmet

Gilded Netherite Helmet Recipe

Gilded Netherite Chestplate

Gilded Netherite Chestplate Recipe

Gilded Netherite Leggings

Gilded Netherite Leggings Recipe

Gilded Netherite Boots

Gilded Netherite Boots Recipe

*Enchantments are not kept when upgrading*

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

Diamond Morningstar (Weapons)

Diamond Morningstar Recipe

Netherite Morningstar

Netherite Morningstar Recipe

Gilded Netherite Morningstar

Gilded Netherite Morningstar

Gilded Netherite Sword

Gilded Netherite Sword Recipe

Gilded Netherite Pickaxe (Tools)

Gilded Netherite Pickaxe Recipe

Gilded Netherite Axe

Gilded Netherite Axe Recipe

Gilded Netherite Shovel

Gilded Netherite Shovel Recipe

Gilded Netherite Hoe

Gilded Netherite Hoe Recipe

*Enchantments are not kept when upgrading*

Copper Armor, Tools & Hammers Addon:

Copper Armor, Tools & Hammers Addon

๐ŸŸก Copper YT Video & Info! ๐ŸŸก

If you want to know the basics of Copper Armor & Tools, you can check this video out!

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Copper Armor, Tools & Hammers in the Inventory

Enjoy the Copper armor & tools addon!

|------ Copper Armor, Weapons & Tools Stats! (Stage 1) ------|

Normal copper armor stats:

**Oxidation occurs naturally when players equip and hold copper armor and tools**

Copper Helmet: 2 bars of protection, 120 durability when equipped
In comparison, Iron Helmet has: 2 bars of protection, 165 durability when equipped

Copper Helmet

Copper Chestplate: 5 bars of protection, 175 durability when equipped
Iron Chestplate: 6 bars of protection, 240 durability when equipped

Copper Chestplate

Copper Leggings: 4 bars of protection, 160 durability when equipped
Iron Leggings: 5 bars of protection, 225 durability when equipped

Copper Leggings

Copper Boots: 1 bar of protection, 140 durability when equipped
Iron Boots: 2 bars of protection, 195 durability when equipped

Copper Boots

Copper Sword: 6 damage, 190 durability, 10 speed
Iron Sword: 6 damage, 250 durability, 6 speed

Copper Sword

Copper Pickaxe: 4 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed
Iron Pickaxe: 4 damage, 250 durability, 6 speed

Copper Pickaxe

Copper Axe: 5 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed
Iron Axe: 5 damage, 250 durability, 6 speed

Copper Axe

Copper Shovel: 3 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed
Iron Shovel: 3 damage, 250 durability, 6 speed

Copper Shovel

Copper Hoe: 4 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed
Iron Hoe: 4 damage, 250 durability, 6 speed

Copper Hoe

|------ Exposed Copper Armor, Weapons & Tools Stats! (Stage 2) ------|

Exposed armor stats:

**Oxidation occurs naturally when players equip and hold copper armor and tools**

Exposed Copper Helmet: 2 bars of protection, 100 durability when equipped
In comparison, Copper Helmet has: 2 bars of protection, 120 durability when equipped

Exposed Copper Helmet

Exposed Copper Chestplate: 5 bars of protection, 146 durability when equipped
Copper Chestplate: 5 bars of protection, 175 durability when equipped

Exposed Copper Chestplate

Exposed Copper Leggings: 4 bars of protection, 134 durability when equipped
Copper Leggings: 4 bars of protection, 160 durability when equipped

Exposed Copper Leggings

Exposed Copper Boots: 1 bar of protection, 117 durability when equipped
Copper Boots: 1 bar of protection, 140 durability when equipped

Exposed Copper Boots

Exposed Copper Sword: 6 damage, 159 durability, 10 speed
Copper Sword: 6 damage, 190 durability, 10 speed

Exposed Copper Sword

Exposed Copper Pickaxe: 4 damage, 159 durability, 5 speed
Copper Pickaxe: 4 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Exposed Copper Pickaxe

Exposed Copper Axe: 5 damage, 159 durability, 5 speed
Copper Axe: 5 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Exposed Copper Axe

Exposed Copper Shovel: 3 damage, 159 durability, 5 speed
Copper Shovel: 3 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Exposed Copper Shovel

Exposed Copper Hoe: 4 damage, 159 durability, 5 speed
Copper Hoe: 4 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Exposed Copper Hoe

|------ Weathered Copper Armor, Weapons & Tools Stats! (Stage 3) ------|

Weathered armor stats:

**Oxidation occurs naturally when players equip and hold copper armor and tools**

Weathered Copper Helmet: 3 bars of protection, 80 durability when equipped
In comparison, Copper Helmet has: 2 bars of protection, 120 durability when equipped

Weathered Copper Helmet

Weathered Copper Chestplate: 5 bars of protection, 117 durability when equipped
Copper Chestplate: 5 bars of protection, 175 durability when equipped

Weathered Copper Chestplate

Weathered Copper Leggings: 4 bars of protection, 107 durability when equipped
Copper Leggings: 4 bars of protection, 160 durability when equipped

Weathered Copper Leggings

Weathered Copper Boots: 2 bar of protection, 94 durability when equipped
Copper Boots: 1 bar of protection, 140 durability when equipped

Weathered Copper Boots

Weathered Copper Sword: 6 damage, 127 durability, 11 speed
Copper Sword: 6 damage, 190 durability, 10 speed

Weathered Copper Sword

Weathered Copper Pickaxe: 4 damage, 127 durability, 6 speed
Copper Pickaxe: 4 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Weathered Copper Pickaxe

Weathered Copper Axe: 5 damage, 127 durability, 6 speed
Copper Axe: 5 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Weathered Copper Axe

Weathered Copper Shovel: 3 damage, 127 durability, 6 speed
Copper Shovel: 3 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Weathered Copper Shovel

Weathered Copper Hoe: 4 damage, 127 durability, 6 speed
Copper Hoe: 4 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Weathered Copper Hoe

|------ Oxidized Copper Armor, Weapons & Tools Stats! (Stage 4) ------|

Oxidized armor stats:

**Oxidation occurs naturally when players equip and hold copper armor and tools**

Oxidized Copper Helmet: 3 bars of protection, 60 durability when equipped
In comparison, Copper Helmet has: 2 bars of protection, 120 durability when equipped

Oxidized Copper Helmet

Oxidized Copper Chestplate: 6 bars of protection, 88 durability when equipped
Copper Chestplate: 5 bars of protection, 175 durability when equipped

Oxidized Copper Chestplate

Oxidized Copper Leggings: 5 bars of protection, 80 durability when equipped
Copper Leggings: 4 bars of protection, 160 durability when equipped

Oxidized Copper Leggings

Oxidized Copper Boots: 2 bar of protection, 70 durability when equipped
Copper Boots: 1 bar of protection, 140 durability when equipped

Oxidized Copper Boots

Oxidized Copper Sword: 7 damage, 95 durability, 11 speed
Copper Sword: 6 damage, 190 durability, 10 speed

Oxidized Copper Sword

Oxidized Copper Pickaxe: 5 damage, 95 durability, 6 speed
Copper Pickaxe: 4 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Oxidized Copper Pickaxe

Oxidized Copper Axe: 6 damage, 95 durability, 6 speed
Copper Axe: 5 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Oxidized Copper Axe

Oxidized Copper Shovel: 4 damage, 95 durability, 6 speed
Copper Shovel: 3 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Oxidized Copper Shovel

Oxidized Copper Hoe: 5 damage, 95 durability, 6 speed
Copper Hoe: 4 damage, 190 durability, 5 speed

Oxidized Copper Hoe

|------ Copper Hammers Weapon Stats! ------|

Copper Hammers Weapon stats:

The hammers have an attack radius of 4.5 blocks & knock back enemies

Copper Hammer Ability

Copper Hammer:
190 durability, Does not break any blocks

Normal hit (Left Click - Hammer):
5 damage

Smash (Right Click - Hammer):
โ€“ Deals 5 area damage
โ€“ uses 1 durability for each mob hit
โ€“ 1 second charge, 1.15 second cooldown
The hammer has an attack radius of 4.5 blocks

Copper Hammer

Exposed Copper Hammer:
159 durability, Does not break any blocks

Normal hit (Left Click - Hammer):
5 damage

Smash (Right Click - Hammer):
โ€“ Deals 5 area damage
โ€“ uses 1 durability for each mob hit
โ€“ 1 second charge, 1.15 second cooldown
The hammer has an attack radius of 4.5 blocks

Exposed Copper Hammer

Weathered Copper Hammer:
127 durability, Does not break any blocks

Normal hit (Left Click - Hammer):
6 damage

Smash (Right Click - Hammer):
โ€“ Deals 5 area damage
โ€“ uses 1 durability for each mob hit
โ€“ 1 second charge, 1.15 second cooldown
The hammer has an attack radius of 4.5 blocks

Weathered Copper Hammer

Oxidized Copper Hammer:
95 durability, Does not break any blocks

Normal hit (Left Click - Hammer):
6 damage

Smash (Right Click - Hammer):
โ€“ Deals 6 area damage
โ€“ uses 1 durability for each mob hit
โ€“ 1 second charge, 1.15 second cooldown
The hammer has an attack radius of 4.5 blocks

Oxidized Copper Hammer

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Tool & Weapon 3D Models:

Equipped Weapon: Normal Copper Hammer

Equipped Weapon: Normal Copper Hammer

Equipped Tool: Exposed Copper Pickaxe

Equipped Tool: Exposed Copper Pickaxe

Equipped Tool: Weathered Copper Shovel

Equipped Tool: Weathered Copper Shovel

Equipped Tool: Oxidized Copper Hoe

Equipped Tool: Oxidized Copper Hoe

Armor 3D Models:

Equipped Normal Copper Armor

Equipped Normal Copper Armor

Equipped Exposed Copper Armor

Equipped Exposed Copper Armor

Equipped Weathered Copper Armor

Equipped Weathered Copper Armor

Equipped Oxidized Copper Armor

Equipped Oxidized Copper Armor

Equipped Normal Copper Armor, Tools & Weapons (Sword and Pickaxe)

Equipped Normal Copper Armor, Tools & Weapons (Sword and Pickaxe)

Equipped Exposed Copper Armor, Tools & Weapons (Hammer and Axe)

Equipped Exposed Copper Armor, Tools & Weapons (Hammer and Axe)

Equipped Weathered Copper Armor, Tools & Weapons (Shovel and Hoe)

Equipped Weathered Copper Armor, Tools & Weapons (Shovel and Hoe)

Equipped Oxidized Copper Armor, Tools & Weapons (Hammer and Pickaxe)

Equipped Oxidized Copper Armor, Tools & Weapons (Hammer and Pickaxe)

|------ Armor & Tools Recipes! ------|

Armor Recipes:

They have the same recipes as vanilla equipment

*Exposed, weathered, and oxidized armor & tools cannot be crafted. They can only be obtained through wearing the equipment*

copper helmet

Copper Helmet Recipe

copper chestplate

Copper Chestplate Recipe

copper leggings

Copper Leggings Recipe

copper boots

Copper Boots Recipe

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

copper sword

Copper Sword Recipe

copper pickaxe

Copper Pickaxe Recipe

copper shovel

Copper Shovel Recipe

copper axe

Copper Axe Recipe

copper hoe

Copper Hoe Recipe

copper hammer

Copper Hammer Recipe

|------ Waxing Equipment Recipes! ------|

Waxing Equipment Recipes:

All copper items can be waxed using Honeycomb

*Enchantments are not kept when waxing items*

Copper Sword Waxing Recipe

Weathered Copper Chestplate Waxing Recipe

Amethyst Armor, Tools & Spear Addon:

Amethyst Armor, Tools & Spear Addon

๐ŸŸฃ Amethyst YT Video & Info! ๐ŸŸฃ

If you want the details for the original Amethyst Armor & Tools, you can watch this!

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Amethyst Armor, Tools & Spear in the Inventory

Enjoy the Amethyst armor & tools addon!

|------ Amethyst Armor Stats! ------|

Armor stats:

Amethyst Helmet: 3 bars of protection, 203 durability
In comparison, Diamond Helmet has: 3 bars of protection, 363 durability

Amethyst Helmet

Amethyst Chestplate: 7 bars of protection, 295 durability
Diamond Chestplate: 8 bars of protection, 528 durability

Amethyst Chestplate

Amethyst Leggings: 5 bars of protection, 276 durability
Diamond Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 495 durability

Amethyst Leggings

Amethyst Boots: 3 bars of protection, 240 durability
Diamond Boots: 3 bars of protection, 429 durability

Amethyst Boots

|------ Amethyst Weapons & Tools Stats! ------|

Tools & Weapons stats:

Amethyst Sword: 7 damage, 500 durability, 20 speed
Diamond Sword: 7 damage, 1561 durability, 15 speed

Amethyst Sword

Amethyst Pickaxe: 5 damage, 500 durability, 12 speed
Diamond Pickaxe: 5 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Amethyst Pickaxe

Amethyst Axe: 6 damage, 500 durability, 12 speed
Diamond Axe: 6 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Amethyst Axe

Amethyst Shovel: 4 damage, 500 durability, 12 speed
Diamond Shovel: 4 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Amethyst Shovel

Amethyst Hoe: 5 damage, 500 durability, 12 speed
Diamond Hoe: 5 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Amethyst Hoe

|------ Amethyst Spear Weapon Stats! ------|

Amethyst Spear Weapon stats:

Amethyst Spear: 500 durability, 12 speed (breaks cobweb and bamboo)

Amethyst Spear

Normal hit (Left Click - Spear):
4 damage

Stab (Right Click - Spear):
โ€“ Deals 20 strikethrough damage
โ€“ uses 4 durability for each mob hit
โ€“ 0.65 second charge, 3 second cooldown

Amethyst Spear Ability 1

The spear has a range of 5 blocks

Amethyst Spear Ability 2

The spear has a strikethrough ability (the spear can damage multiple enemies in a line)

Amethyst Spear Ability 3

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Tools & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Weapons: Amethyst Spear & Sword

Equipped Weapons: Amethyst Spear & Sword

Equipped Tools: Amethyst Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Amethyst Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Amethyst Shovel & Hoe

Equipped Tools: Amethyst Shovel & Hoe

Armor & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Amethyst Armor

Equipped Amethyst Armor

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Sword)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Sword)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Pickaxe)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Pickaxe)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Axe)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Axe)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Shovel)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Shovel)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Hoe)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Hoe)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Spear)

Equipped Amethyst Armor, Tools & Weapons (Amethyst Spear)

|------ Armor & Tools Recipes! ------|

Armor Recipes:

Amethyst Helmet

Amethyst Helmet Recipe

Amethyst Chestplate

Amethyst Chestplate Recipe

Amethyst Leggings

Amethyst Leggings Recipe

Amethyst Boots

Amethyst Boots Recipe

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

Amethyst Spear

Amethyst Spear Recipe

Amethyst Sword

Amethyst Sword Recipe

Amethyst Pickaxe

Amethyst Pickaxe Recipe

Amethyst Axe

Amethyst Axe Recipe

Amethyst Shovel

Amethyst Shovel Recipe

Amethyst Hoe

Amethyst Hoe Recipe

Emerald Armor, Tools & Dagger Addon:

Emerald Armor, Tools & Dagger Addon

๐ŸŸข Emerald YT Video & Info! ๐ŸŸข

If you want the details of the original Emerald addon, you can watch this video!

Where to find the armor / tools / weapons / items:

Emerald Armor, Tools & Dagger in the Inventory

Enjoy the Emerald armor & tools addon!

|------ Emerald Armor Stats! ------|

Armor stats:

Emerald Helmet

Emerald Helmet: 3 bars of protection, 272 durability

In comparison, Diamond Helmet has: 3 bars of protection, 363 durability

Emerald Chestplate

Emerald Chestplate: 7 bars of protection, 386 durability

Diamond Chestplate: 8 bars of protection, 528 durability

Emerald Leggings

Emerald Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 371 durability

Diamond Leggings: 6 bars of protection, 485 durability

Emerald Boots

Emerald Boots: 3 bars of protection, 322 durability

Diamond Boots: 3 bars of protection, 428 durability

|------ Emerald Weapons & Tools Stats! ------|

Weapon stats:

Emerald Sword

Emerald Sword: 7 damage, 836 durability, 15 speed

Diamond Sword: 7 damage, 1561 durability, 15 speed

Emerald Pickaxe

Emerald Pickaxe: 5 damage, 836 durability, 7 speed

Diamond Pickaxe: 5 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Emerald Axe

Emerald Axe: 6 damage, 836 durability, 7 speed

Diamond Axe: 6 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Emerald Shovel

Emerald Shovel: 4 damage, 836 durability, 7 speed

Diamond Shovel: 4 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

Emerald Hoe

Emerald Hoe: 5 damage, 836 durability, 7 speed

Diamond Hoe: 5 damage, 1561 durability, 8 speed

|------ Emerald Dagger Weapon Stats! ------|

Emerald Dagger Weapon stats:

Emerald Dagger

Emerald Dagger: 468 durability, 12 speed (breaks cobweb and bamboo)
(Can deal a maximum of 10 dmg!)

Normal hit (Left Click - Dagger):
4 base damage + 3 fatal poison damage over 2 seconds

Emerald Dagger Ability 1

Shank (Critical Hit - Dagger):
4 base damage + 6 fatal poison damage over 4 seconds

Emerald Dagger Ability 2

|------ Armor, Tools & Weapons 3D Models! ------|

Tools & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Weapons: Emerald Dagger & Sword

Equipped Weapons: Emerald Dagger & Sword

Equipped Tools: Emerald Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Emerald Axe & Pickaxe

Equipped Tools: Emerald Shovel & Hoe

Equipped Tools: Emerald Shovel & Hoe

Armor & Weapons 3D Models:

Equipped Emerald Armor

Equipped Emerald Armor

Equipped Emerald Armor, Tools & Weapons (Axe and Sword)

Equipped Emerald Armor, Tools & Weapons (Axe and Sword)

Equipped Emerald Armor, Tools & Weapons (Shovel and Pickaxe)

Equipped Emerald Armor, Tools & Weapons (Shovel and Pickaxe)

Equipped Emerald Armor, Tools & Weapons (Dagger and Hoe)

Equipped Emerald Armor, Tools & Weapons (Dagger and Hoe)

|------ Armor & Tools Recipes! ------|

Armor Recipes:

Emerald Helmet

Emerald Helmet Recipe

Emerald Chestplate

Emerald Chestplate Recipe

Emerald Leggings

Emerald Leggings Recipe

Emerald Boots

Emerald Boots Recipe

Tools & Weapons Recipes:

Emerald Sword

Emerald Sword Recipe

Emerald Pickaxe

Emerald Pickaxe Recipe

Emerald Axe

Emerald Axe Recipe

Emerald Shovel

Emerald Shovel Recipe

Emerald Hoe

Emerald Hoe Recipe

Emerald Dagger

Emerald Dagger Recipe

New Smithing Templates:

New Smithing Templates

*Use these new templates to create netherite tier and higher equipment!*

๐ŸŸฉ Aetherite Template! ๐ŸŸฉ

Aetherite Template:

*Aetherite Templates can be found in any village chest with a 20% chance!*

Aetherite Template in the Chest: Screenshot 1

Aetherite Template in the Chest: Screenshot 2

*You can also duplicate them using emeralds and deepslate!*

Aetherite Template Duplicate Recipe

๐ŸŸจ Gilded Netherite Template! ๐ŸŸจ

Gilded Netherite Template:

*Gilded Netherite Templates can only be crafted โ€“ using a Netherite Template, Blackstone, and Gold Block!*

Gilded Netherite Template Recipe

๐ŸŸฅ Reaper Template! ๐ŸŸฅ

Reaper Template:

*Gilded Netherite Templates can only be crafted โ€“ using a Netherite Template, Nether Brick, and Nether Wart!*

Reaper Template Recipe

โ—โ— All New Recipe Format! โ—โ—

All New Recipe Format:

*All Aetherite, Gilded Netherite, and Reaper Equipment recipes can only be crafted in the Crafting Table as of 1.20.13!*
(Only Diamond --> Netherite upgrades in Smithing Table)

Aetherite Axe Recipe

Aetherite equipment:

Gilded Netherite Sword Recipe

Gilded Netherite equipment:

Reaper Scythe Recipe

Reaper equipment:

Gilded Blackstone Ingot Recipe

Gilded Blackstone Ingot (Replaces Gilded Netherite Ingot):

Reaper Essence Recipe

Reaper Essence:

Netherite Morningstar Recipe

Smithing Table Recipes (only for Netherite Morningstar and Scythe):

New Ability Damage Enchantment:

Ability Damage Enchanted Books

๐Ÿ“™ Ability Damage Enchantment Rules! ๐Ÿ“™

Ability Damage Enchantment Rules:

Enchanted Book: Ability Damage I

Enchanted Book: Ability Damage I

Enchanted Book: Ability Damage II

Enchanted Book: Ability Damage II

Enchanted Book: Ability Damage III

Enchanted Book: Ability Damage III

*The enchantment can only be enchanted on special weapons!*
(oxidized hammers, spears, daggers, whips, battleaxes, staffs, greatswords, morningstars, etc.)

*The enchantment books can be found in loot chests and villager trades!*
*The enchantment cannot be gotten from the enchantment table!*

Ability Damage Enchantment in Stronghold Library chest

Ability Damage Enchantment in Stronghold Library chest

Ability Damage Enchantment in Ancient City chest

Ability Damage Enchantment in Ancient City chest

Ability Damage Enchantment on Copper Hammer in Weapon Smith villager trade

Ability Damage Enchantment on Copper Hammer in Weapon Smith villager trade

Ability Damage Enchantment on Enchanted Book in Librarian villager trade

Ability Damage Enchantment on Enchanted Book in Librarian villager trade

List of where you can find the enchantment:

1. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in abandoned mineshafts (enchanted book)

2. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in ancient cities (enchanted book)

3. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in desert pyramids (enchanted book)

4. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in jungle temples (enchanted book)

5. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in monster spawner rooms (enchanted book)

6. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in pillager outposts (enchanted book)

7. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in simple dungeons (enchanted book)

8. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold corridors (enchanted book)

9. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold crossings (enchanted book)

10. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in stronghold libraries (enchanted book)

11. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in big underwater ruins (enchanted book)

12. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in woodland mansions (enchanted book)

13. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in librarian villager trades (enchanted book)

14. Ability Damage Enchantments I, II, & III in weapon smith trades (on special weapons)

|------ Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage I Enchantment) ------|

Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage I Enchantment):

Enchanted Oxidized Copper Hammer (Ability Damage Enchant I): 7 ability damage (+1 from original weapon)

Enchanted Oxidized Copper Hammer

Enchanted Amethyst Spear (Ability Damage Enchant I): 22 ability damage (+2 from original weapon)

Enchanted Amethyst Spear

Enchanted Emerald Dagger (Ability Damage Enchant I): 7 critical damage (+1 CA)

Enchanted Emerald Dagger

Enchanted Phantom Whip (Ability Damage Enchant I): 8 ability damage (+1)

Enchanted Phantom Whip

Enchanted Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe (Ability Damage Enchant I): 16 ability damage (+2)

Enchanted Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe

Enchanted Nexus Bow (Ability Damage Enchant I): 1.6 ability damage (+0.1)

Enchanted Nexus Bow

Enchanted Echo Staff (Ability Damage Enchant I): 8 ability damage (+1)

Enchanted Echo Staff

Enchanted Emerald Greatsword (Ability Damage Enchant I): 6 ability damage (+1)

Enchanted Emerald Greatsword

Enchanted Aetherite Greatsword (Ability Damage Enchant I): 7 ability damage (+1)

Enchanted Aetherite Greatsword

Enchanted Diamond Morningstar (Ability Damage Enchant I): 40 ability damage (+5)

Enchanted Diamond Morningstar

Enchanted Netherite Morningstar (Ability Damage Enchant I): 47 ability damage (+5)

Enchanted Netherite Morningstar

Enchanted Gilded Netherite Morningstar (Ability Damage Enchant I): 55 ability damage (+5)

Enchanted Gilded Netherite Morningstar

Enchanted Diamond Scythe (Ability Damage Enchant I): 24 ability damage percent (+4)

Enchanted Diamond Scythe

Enchanted Netherite Scythe (Ability Damage Enchant I): 27 ability damage percent (+3)

Enchanted Netherite Scythe

Enchanted Reaper Scythe (Ability Damage Enchant I): 33 ability damage percent (+3)

Enchanted Reaper Scythe

|------ Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage II Enchantment) ------|

Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage II Enchantment):

Enchanted Oxidized Copper Hammer (Ability Damage Enchant II): 8 ability damage (+2 from original weapon)

Enchanted Oxidized Copper Hammer

Enchanted Amethyst Spear (Ability Damage Enchant II): 24 ability damage (+4 from original weapon)

Enchanted Amethyst Spear

Enchanted Emerald Dagger (Ability Damage Enchant II): 4 normal & 7 critical damage (+1 NA, +1 CA)

Enchanted Emerald Dagger

Enchanted Phantom Whip (Ability Damage Enchant II): 9 ability damage (+2)

Enchanted Phantom Whip

Enchanted Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe (Ability Damage Enchant II): 18 ability damage (+4)

Enchanted Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe

Enchanted Nexus Bow (Ability Damage Enchant II): 1.8 ability damage (+0.3)

Enchanted Nexus Bow

Enchanted Echo Staff (Ability Damage Enchant II): 9 ability damage (+2)

Enchanted Echo Staff

Enchanted Emerald Greatsword (Ability Damage Enchant II): 7 ability damage (+2)

Enchanted Emerald Greatsword

Enchanted Aetherite Greatsword (Ability Damage Enchant II): 8 ability damage (+2)

Enchanted Aetherite Greatsword

Enchanted Diamond Morningstar (Ability Damage Enchant II): 45 ability damage (+10)

Enchanted Diamond Morningstar

Enchanted Netherite Morningstar (Ability Damage Enchant II): 52 ability damage (+10)

Enchanted Netherite Morningstar

Enchanted Gilded Netherite Morningstar (Ability Damage Enchant II): 60 ability damage (+10)

Enchanted Gilded Netherite Morningstar

Enchanted Diamond Scythe (Ability Damage Enchant II): 27 ability damage percent (+7)

Enchanted Diamond Scythe

Enchanted Netherite Scythe (Ability Damage Enchant II): 30 ability damage percent (+6)

Enchanted Netherite Scythe

Enchanted Reaper Scythe (Ability Damage Enchant II): 36 ability damage percent (+6)

Enchanted Reaper Scythe

|------ Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage III Enchantment) ------|

Special Weapons with Enchantment Stats! (Ability Damage III Enchantment):

Enchanted Oxidized Copper Hammer (Ability Damage Enchant III): 9 ability damage (+3 from original weapon)

Enchanted Oxidized Copper Hammer

Enchanted Amethyst Spear (Ability Damage Enchant III): 26 ability damage (+6 from original weapon)

Enchanted Amethyst Spear

Enchanted Emerald Dagger (Ability Damage Enchant III): 4 normal & 8 critical damage (+1 NA, +2 CA)

Enchanted Emerald Dagger

Enchanted Phantom Whip (Ability Damage Enchant III): 10 ability damage (+3)

Enchanted Phantom Whip

Enchanted Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe (Ability Damage Enchant III): 20 ability damage (+6)

Enchanted Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe

Enchanted Nexus Bow (Ability Damage Enchant III): 2.0 ability damage (+0.5)

Enchanted Nexus Bow

Enchanted Echo Staff (Ability Damage Enchant III): 10 ability damage (+3)

Enchanted Echo Staff

Enchanted Emerald Greatsword (Ability Damage Enchant III): 8 ability damage (+3)

Enchanted Emerald Greatsword

Enchanted Aetherite Greatsword (Ability Damage Enchant III): 9 ability damage (+3)

Enchanted Aetherite Greatsword

Enchanted Diamond Morningstar (Ability Damage Enchant III): 50 ability damage (+15)

Enchanted Diamond Morningstar

Enchanted Netherite Morningstar (Ability Damage Enchant III): 57 ability damage (+15)

Enchanted Netherite Morningstar

Enchanted Gilded Netherite Morningstar (Ability Damage Enchant III): 65 ability damage (+15)

Enchanted Gilded Netherite Morningstar

Enchanted Diamond Scythe (Ability Damage Enchant III): 30 ability damage percent (+10)

Enchanted Diamond Scythe

Enchanted Netherite Scythe (Ability Damage Enchant III): 33 ability damage percent (+9)

Enchanted Netherite Scythe

Enchanted Reaper Scythe (Ability Damage Enchant III): 40 ability damage percent (+10)

Enchanted Reaper Scythe


Minecraft Fortify Tips:

๐Ÿ“œ |------ Lore! ------|

Within the ancient Tungar Cliffs lies the remains of one of the largest forges ever created. The ancient builders once gathered here to buy, sell, and admire the strongest armor and tools the forge had to offer. Ran by the best blacksmiths in their world, there were no materials that couldnโ€™t be found here.

Copper armor and toolsโ 
were mass produced during times of war because of their strength and relatively cheap cost. The ancient builders would leave full sets of copper equipment on armor stands, making them more protective with oxidation.

Amethyst armor and tools
were one of the hardest sets to produce. After many failed attempts at creating amethyst equipment, the ancient builders found a delicate balance between efficiency and durability. Although the armor and tools may be very brittle, their high efficiency and damage greatly outweigh the disadvantages.

Emerald armor and tools
were rarely used, mostly because of the importance of emeralds in the ancient economy. People wearing and using emerald equipment would do so to flaunt their wealth to their peers and usually had political influence. However, the commoners often found it arrogant and wasteful.

Phantom armor and tools
were considered the pinnacle of technology during the reign of the ancient builders. The ability to be invisible when moving at walking speed changed the balance of power within the kingdoms of ancient builders.

Glowing Obsidian armor and tools
were treasured for their appearance, as their glow easily attracted newcomers. Traders were always gathered around a Glowing Obsidian armor display when an auction was announced. Of course, its ability to create light was also very beneficial to cave explorers and miners. Unfortunately, many overlooked the armorโ€™s strength buff because of its captivating glow.

Warden armor and tools
were created using the magical abilities of the Warden's tendrils and heart. Anyone who dared to equip the Warden armor was instantly overwhelmed by its power. Once the person adjusted to their new senses, they could periodically sense mobs through walls and were immune to any type of blindness.

Gilded Netherite armor and tools
were the first to be created with an alloy. Netherite was one of the toughest natural elements that could be refined and crafted into armor and tools, but the blacksmiths of the forge tried to infuse it with the gilded blackstone from Nether Bastions. The result was astonishing, leading to armor with full knockback resistance and tools that seemed to never break.

Aetherite armor and tools
were used by early civilizations because they existed in the overworld. Aetheritte equipment was crucial in gaining an advantage on the battlefield. The greatswords were able to dominate the battlefield with their swift area attacks, and the aetherite armor granted the wearer an immense amount of extra hearts. But the aetherite equipment was soon approaching extinction because of how rare and exhausting it was to try and find these precious aetherium ores.

Reaper armor and tools
were unheard of โ€“ because nobody thought it was possible to acquire the Reaper's power. Nearly every ancient builder has heard of the Reaper's tale: Once a servant of the Wither, it plotted to overthrow the tyrant's iron rule over the Nether. With the help of the ancient builders, the Reaper prepared an attack on the Wither's fortress... but nobody could predict what happened next. With just a simple glance at the soldiers, each and every one of them was paralyzed with fear. The Reaper harnessed the souls of these soldiers, creating an army of its own. Needless to say, nobody dared to get anywhere near the Reaper's territory.

๐Ÿ“ข |------ Future Updates! ------|

**Ideas listed here may or may not be added to the actual addon**

Here is a chart for all of the armor and tools that are planned for release!

Future Update Ideas

โœง โœง โœง

|โ€“โ€“ Explanation of the Chart โ€“โ€“|

โ€“ Circle = Passive โ€“


โ€“ Square = Defense โ€“


โ€“ Star = Agility โ€“


โ€“ Normal armors (leather to diamond) โ€“

Normal Armors

โ€“ Special armors โ€“

Special Armors

โ€“ Alloy armors (Netherite Tier and higher) โ€“

Alloy Armors

โœง โœง โœง


โญ Enjoy the addon! โญ

Here is the trailer for the release of Minecraft Fortify!

(Link to YT Video)

The content in this addon took more than a year to create! Please subscribe if you enjoy more cool features like this!

Minecraft Fortify Reworked Logo

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๐Ÿ“ฆ Minecraft Fortify Reworked Download! ๐Ÿ“ฆ

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t17x (MCPEDL Creator) โ€“ New 1.21.0 Scripts!
Wrint (Discord) โ€“ Nexus Armor Armor Textures and Ideas!
Kaito3020 โ€“ Warden Armor Ideas!
My Supporters โ€“ Suggestions!

If you make a video on this addon, make sure to include a link to THIS MODBAY PAGE and that only!

(weeweejuice, weewee juice, wee wee juice, redstoneweewee, more tools, more armor, more equipment, more enchants, gilded netherite, emerald, glowing obsidian, copper golem, warden, echo, phantom, invisible, bone, aether, aetherium, aetherite, scythe, reaper, nexus, smithing templates, new, more)

Updated on August 16

v1.0.1 MC Fortify Reworked Mod Changes:

  1. Added the new Fortify Reworked v1.0.1 for MC versions 1.21.20+ support
  2. Modified scripts to fix Nether Portal and End Portal issues
  3. Modified download links for greater version clarity
  4. Modified MCPEDL page description and title
v1.0.0 / August 14 / Old Update

v1.0.0 MC Fortify Reworked Mod Changes:

  1. Reworked the entire addon by reworking preexisting item functions to scripting APIs:
    • Format version upgrade for every item, 1.19.70 >>> 1.20.80 (v1.0.0 will only work above 1.21.0)
    • Reworked all equipment abilities into scripting files and functions for organization and optimization purposes
    • Heavily reduced lag by lowering the number of entities and commands used
    • All custom sounds are now played directionally and dynamically
    • Durability damage now decreases dynamically, based on how many entities were hit
  2. Important addon changes:
    1. Durability damage now decreases dynamically, based on how many entities were hit
    2. The Maces have been reworked:
      • Name changed from Mace >>> Morningstar
      • Players can convert the old maces to morningstars in the crafting table
      • Left-click ability now does armor AND weapon durability damage to its target:
        • The durability damage is spread evenly between all equipment.
        • (Ex. 7 durability damage to 5 equipment pieces)
        • Diamond Morningstar โ€“ 35 durability damage in total
        • Netherite Morningstar โ€“ 40 durability damage in total
        • Gilded Netherite Morningstar โ€“ 45 durability damage in total
      • Right-click ability now stuns the target:
        1. Takes 0.6 seconds to charge the attack
        2. Hitting a target would disallow their use of weapon abilities
        3. Diamond Morningstar โ€“ 1 second of stun
        4. Netherite Morningstar โ€“ 1.25 seconds of stun
        5. Gilded Netherite Morningstar โ€“ 1.5 seconds of stun
      • Both attacks also deal normal attack damage as well
    3. The Echo Staff has been tweaked:
      • Ability will now target all passive, neutral, and hostile mobs in range
      • Echo staff ability damage type changed from sonic boom >>> normal attack
      • Echo staff ability damage has been decreased by 1
      • Echo staff ability damage no longer goes through armor
      • Echo staff ability knockback has been increased
    4. Copper hammer ability attack no longer hits blocks down/breaks blocks
    5. All copper equipment can now be enchanted
    6. Phantom armor will now go invisible even without the full set, as long as the player is invisible
    7. Glowing Obsidian Armor set ability has been slightly tweaked:
      • Ability now gives strength every 1.5 seconds, scaling dynamically with the number of nearby enemies
      • Light emission now works underwater as well
    8. Nexus armor projectiles no longer tilt from the playerโ€™s head movement
    9. Warden armorโ€™s mob tracking ability now emits sounds dynamically, based on the mobโ€™s location
    10. Aetherite armorโ€™s overheal has been converted from absorption 2 >>> health boost 2
    11. Gilded Netherite armor changes:
      • Ability has been changed from health boost 1 >>> resistance 1
      • Knockback resistance works once again
    12. Reaper armor & scythe changes:
      • Initial activation duration has been reduced from 4 seconds >>> 2 seconds
      • Initial activation knockback has been increased
      • Hitting the enemy with a scythe or applying fear for 2 or more seconds will make the enemy targetable by the scythe's ability
      • (As long as an entity has an aura particle around them, they can be targeted by the scytheโ€™s ability)
  3. Pvp gamerule changes:
    • When pvp is off, all weapons will no longer damage players
    • When pvp is on, armor abilities that apply effects to allies will not work on players
  4. All armor abilities now work in survival and creative
  5. Most weapons now have first-person animations:
    • Copper Hammer's first-person animation added
    • Amethyst Spear's first-person animation added
    • Glowing Obsidian Battleaxe's first-person animation added
    • Echo Staffโ€™s first-person animation added
    • All Morningstarโ€™s first-person animation added
  6. All weapon abilities will now display a custom message upon killing a player
  7. Important bug fixes:
    • Entering nether portals and end portals no longer break the game
    • First-person animations of all items have been fixed
    • Greatswords no longer have zero attack cooldown when enchanted with sharpness
    • Efficiency now works on Fortifyโ€™s custom blocks
  8. Item description icons have been updated to reflect the new changes
  9. All item recipes will now have the recipe unlock feature
  10. Aetherium Ore will now also drop xp upon destruction
  11. Modified ModBay page to add new information on the update
Download links
๐Ÿ“ฆ ๐— ๐—– ๐—™๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ณ๐˜† ๐—ฅ๐—ฒ๐˜„๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐——๐—ผ๐˜„๐—ป๐—น๐—ผ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ ๐˜ƒ๐Ÿญ.๐Ÿฌ.๐Ÿญ!! ๐Ÿ“ฆ
๐Ÿ”ด ๐—ฆ๐˜‚๐—ฏ๐˜€๐—ฐ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ผ ๐—บ๐˜† ๐—ฌ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ง๐˜‚๐—ฏ๐—ฒ ๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—น! ๐Ÿ”ด
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Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
10 714
  1. I really like this addon, not just adds new armors but also improve them adding abilities to them, i havent seen this feature in no other addons! Great work!!!
  2. No avatar image Sna1l
    The link doesnโ€™t work
  3. El link estรก caรญdo