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Authentic Dynamic Light

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This is a simple and powerful addon that adds dynamic light for all blocks and items, even with custom light blocks.

Why should I use this add-on? Great question. It's because this add-on is fully customizable. Other developers can add their compatibility with this add-on with a simple scripting technique. So, in the future, it should be compatible with a bunch of add-ons (I hope so). 


  • Dynamic Light
  • Offhand item (right click on air while holding an item)
  • Documentation


This addon is compatible with Novelty Addon. By using lanterns in a belt or charm slot, it will emit light without holding the items in both hands.

Lantern in Belt Charm Slot


You can copy the scripting library from this addon in the folder "scripts/lib/DynamicLightLib.js", the example of code:

import { DynamicLightLoader } from "./lib/DynamicLightLib.js";
DynamicLightLoader.addItemLight("minecraft:brush", 14);
DynamicLightLoader.addEntityLight("minecraft:cow", 11);
DynamicLightLoader.addEntityEventLight("minecraft:entity_spawned", 15, 100);

You can also use tag format to add custom dynamic light items. format tag you need is like:

dynamic_light:<light level 1-16>

As an example:

  "format_version": "1.20.80",
  "minecraft:item": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "example:custom_light_item"
    "components": {
      "minecraft:icon": "brush",
      "minecraft:tags": {
        "tags": [
      "minecraft:max_stack_size": 1


Authentic Dynamic Light: Screenshot 1

Authentic Dynamic Light: Screenshot 2

Authentic Dynamic Light: Screenshot 3

Updated on February 27

  • Fixed entity won't emit light when holding light items.
  • Fixed when cannot use consumable items instead are swapping into offhand items.
  • Added addEntityTagLight function to identify tag for emitting light entity.
Download links
Authentic Dynamic Light v1.2
Supported versions
1 comment
  1. rioazof profile avatar rioazof
    can you change the off hand just like Dynamic Lightning?