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Novelty API

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Novelty is a small addon that adds an additional equipment slot to the player. It adds 24 new slots, including a hat, face, necklace, 2 bracelets, 2 hands, 2 feet, a belt, a back, a spellbook, 2 charms, and 10 trinkets. This addon doesn't add any accessories; it is intended to be used by other addons.


If you want to add your items to be compatible with the accessories slot, you have two options to make your own compatibility by using tags and commands or scriptings with an additional library.

Option 1: using custom tags

You can add those tags to your custom items:

"novelty:is_hat": Add item can be eqipped at hat slot,
"novelty:is_belt": Add item can be eqipped at belt slot,
"novelty:is_face": Add item can be eqipped at face slot,
"novelty:is_hand": Add item can be eqipped at hand slot,
"novelty:is_bracelet": Add item can be eqipped at bracelet slot,
"novelty:is_trinket": Add item can be eqipped at trinket slot,
"novelty:is_back": Add item can be eqipped at back slot,
"novelty:is_neckless": Add item can be eqipped at neckless slot,
"novelty:is_foot": Add item can be eqipped at foot slot,
"novelty:is_spellbook": Add item can be eqipped at spellbook slot,
"novelty:is_charm": Add item can be eqipped at charm slot

Player has equipped accessories slot will have tag "novelty:<item identifier>" example code:


"format_version": "1.20.80", 
"minecraft:item": { 
  "description": { 
    "identifier": "example:item_hat", 
    "menu_category": {
      "category": "equipment"
  "components": {
    "minecraft:icon": "brush",
    "minecraft:tags": {
    "tags": [
    "minecraft:max_stack_size": 1

And the command sample uses a tag selector:

execute at @a[tag=novelty:example:item_hat] run effect @s levitation

Option 2: using custom library scripting

Using a scripting library can allow you to define vanilla items to the accessories slot. By using scripting, you can also interact with the item, like seeing dynamic properties, durability, and also replacing the item. You can copy the library inside the script behavior pack at path "scripts/lib/NoveltyManager.js". Here is some little documentation:

Interface AccessoriesSlot:
  Hat: "Hat"
  Belt: "Belt"
  Face: "Face"
  Hand: "Hand"
  Bracelet: "Bracelet"
  Trinket: "Trinket"
  Back: "Back"
  Neckless: "Neckless"
  Foot: "Foot"
  Spellbook: "Spellbook"
  Charm: "Charm"
Class NoveltyManager:
  static registerAccessoriesItem(identifier, slot): return void
    identifier: string, eg: "minecraft:apple"
    slot: Interface AccessoriesSlot, eg: AccessoriesSlot.Hat

  static registerAccessoriesItemFromTag(tag, slot): return void
    tag: string, eg: "minecraft:is_sword"
	slot: Interface AccessoriesSlot, eg: AccessoriesSlot.Hat

  static getAccessories(player, slot, index = -1): return ItemStack | [ItemStack] | undefined
    player: Class Player
    slot: Interface AccessoriesSlot, eg: AccessoriesSlot.Hat
    index: int, eg: 1
    (index is suppose to select the index of the item, like hands with index 0 is left and 1 is right, also with trinket slot can select from 0 - 9, based on total amount of the slot. index -1 is mean to all of the items using array)

  static getAccessoriesSlot(player, slot, index = -1): return ContainerSlot | [ContainerSlot] | undefined
    player: Class Player
    slot: Interface AccessoriesSlot, eg: AccessoriesSlot.Hat
    index: int, eg: 1
    (index is suppose to select the index of the item, like hands with index 0 is left and 1 is right, also with trinket slot can select from 0 - 9, based on total amount of the slot. index -1 is mean to all of the items using array)
  static getAllAccessories(player): return [ItemStack]
    player: Class Player

  static getAllAccessoriesSlot(player): return [ContainerSlot]
	  player: Class Player

  static setItem(player, slot, itemStack): return void
    player: Class Player
    slot: Interface AccessoriesSlot, eg: AccessoriesSlot.Hat
    itemStack: Class ItemStack

Example code:

import { NoveltyManager, AccessoriesSlot } from "./lib/NoveltyManager"; 
import { system, world } from "@minecraft/server";

NoveltyManager.registerAccessoriesItem("minecraft:apple", AccessoriesSlot.Face);

  for(let playerData of world.getPlayers()){
	  let face = NoveltyManager.getAccessoriesSlot(playerData, AccessoriesSlot.Face);
	  if(face != undefined && face.typeId == "minecraft:apple"){
	    playerData.runCommand("say using apple")
}, 5);

If you want to make it simple I recommend using option 1 but if you using more complex I recommend using option 2.


Novelty API: Screenshot

Updated on February 05

  • Fixed when the item menu won't be back when inventory cleared
  • Renamed "Neckless" to "Necklace" tag now using "novelty:is_necklace" that before is "novelty:is_neckless" but "novelty:is_neckless" still can be used for defining as a necklace
Download links
Novelty Behavior v1.1.mcpack
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40