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The Better Seas Mammals Addon

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Our first release will contain some epic dolphin species, ranging from big orca's to small porpoise's! Those have extremely detailed models and textures by my friend Dinoking2021 and Advanced animations and AI by DolphinMasterMB (me)! They do spawn naturally in your Minecraft world based on ocean conditions! Those cetaceans are super interactive and will both react to the player and, literally, everything in their environment! They are highly animated and have random behaviors based on actual dolphin mentality! You could say there is a dolphins spirit living in the code! Just kidding! Have a look at this beautiful selection of ocean stars!

The Better Seas Mammals: Screenshot 1

The Better Seas Mammals: Screenshot 2

The Better Seas Mammals: Screenshot 3

NEW Super Detailed Video Showcase by SmithyMC

NEW Dolphin Petting Tutorial

NEW Dolphin Training Tutorials by the Developer


The beginning [Dolphins]:

Our first release will contain some epic dolphin species, ranging from big orca's to small porpoise's! Those have extremely detailed models and textures by my friend Dinoking2021 and Advanced animations and AI by DolphinMasterMB(me)! They do spawn naturally in your Minecraft world based on ocean conditions! Those cetaceans are super interactive and will both react to the player and, literally, everything in their environment! They are highly animated and have random behaviors based on actual dolphin mentality! You could say there is a dolphins spirit living in the code! Just kidding! Have a look at this beautiful selection of ocean stars!

The Cetacean Stars of the beginning:

Commerson Dolphin

River Dolphin

Harbour Porpoise

Dall's Porpoise

Dolphin Variant

Stripped Dolphin



Gray Dolphin

Australian Snubfin Dolphin

Common Dolphin

Pilot Whale

Beluga Whale

Melon Headed Whale

Dolphins Variants and Player

We are expanding our addon with both wave 2 and wave 3 animals in this update:

The big audition [Whales]:

  • We add 5 beautiful whales of different sizes with this update!
  • Those whales have very gentle movement and atmospheric sounds!
  • There are many details hidden in their behavior system!
  • They live in different oceans across your Minecraft world!
  • They are nice and peaceful, but they don't appreciate predators like orca's hunting their calves!

Are you in for a nice whale watch tour?

The Stars of The big Audition:

Sperm Whale

Humpback Whale

Fin Whale

Baird's Beaked Whale

Bowhead Whale

Whale Variants and Player

The great additions [Semi Aquatics]:

Multiple cool semiaquatic animals join our addon with this update! Ranging from tiny sea otters to big fat sea elephants! These creatures, of course, have detailed models and animations thanks to our new designers! They have many interactions with both the player other animals and their environment! Some are friendly, others are dangerous! Every animal needs a different approach strategy because their reactions are unique and unpredictable! Are you going to discover this new additional animals in your Minecraft world?

The Stars of The Great Additions:

Spotted Seal

California Sea Lion

Southern Elephant Seal

Sea Otter (variant 1)

Pacific Walrus


Harbor Seal

Fur Seal

Sea Otter (variant 2)


Semi Aquatic Mobs Variants and Player

  • Warm Ocean = wo
  • Cold Ocean = co
  • Frozen Oceans = fo
  • Rivers = r
  • Beaches = b
  • Stone Beaches = sb
  • Swamps = sw
  • Mangrove Swamps = m

Wave 1:

  • Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin //// wo
  • Common Dolphin //// wo
  • Commerson's Dolphin //// wo
  • Bottlenose Dolphin //// wo, co
  • Striped Dolphin //// wo
  • Boto River Dolphin //// r, sw, m
  • Australian Snubfin Dolphin //// wo
  • Orca / Killer Whale //// co, fo
  • Melon-Headed Whale //// co
  • Pilot Whale //// co
  • Beluga Whale //// co, fo
  • Narwhal //// fo
  • Dall’s Porpoise //// co
  • Harbour Porpoise //// wo, co

Wave 2:

  • Bairds Beaked Whale //// co
  • Humpback Whale //// co, wo
  • Bowhead Whale //// co, fo
  • Fin Whale //// co
  • Sperm Whale //// co

Wave 3 OR 4:

  • Sea Otter //// b, co, wo
  • Southern Elephant Seal //// fo, sb, co
  • Spotted Seal //// sb, fo, co
  • Harbor Seal //// sb, fo, co
  • Pacific Walrus //// sb, fo, co
  • California Sealion //// b, wo, co
  • Dugong //// co
  • Giant River Otter //// r
  • Capybara //// r, sw, m
  • Fur Seal //// sb, co

Nile Hippo / Common Hippo //// Being prepared for wave 4

/ = models done // = texture or animations done three /// = texture and animation done //// = coded and finished

For more information about the dolphin behaviors, check out the Dolphin Trainer Addon or watch nice tutorial videos on YouTube!

Please delete the older version, before installing the new one! Versions don't stack!


Thanks to our great new model designers:

Miguel made:

  • Baird's Beaked Whale
  • Giant River Otter
  • Fur Seal
  • Spotted Seal
  • Harbor Seal
  • Capybara

Lucasgh made:

  • California Sea Lion
  • Pacific Walrus
  • Southern Elephant Seal
  • Dugong

Both made:

  • Sea Otter

My friend Dinoking2021 made the epic models and detailed textures and some nice animations!

Check out his YouTube channel as well for nice videos about modeling!

Visit my YouTube channel (DolphinMasterMB) for convenient tutorials about my content and many previews of new features getting announced: https://youtube.com/@DolphinMasterMB

Updated on August 23

  • The addon is tested and confirmed to work with Minecraft version 1.21.21!
Changelog for July 09 / Old Update
  • I reworked the dolphins! Making them how they were before Microsoft/Mojang ruined them! Maybe even better!
  • I added many missing features back to all animals! There are a lot!
  • Dolphins now behave normally on land again! There's even an interaction for doing an amazing slideout behavior!
  • I reworked the positioning of the animals! You could effectively pet dolphins once again!
  • I added the more complex behaviors back for all animals!
  • I made everything extremely dynamic!
  • I added a super detailed new showcase video by SmithyMC!
  • I did a lot of bug fixes as well!
  • I'm still working on making the addon even better!
  • Added some Super convenient Dolphin Training tutorials by the developer!

Please leave some suggestions if you like! I will do my best to maybe even add something new if possible! I will try to make this addon very cool!

Cheers! ; )

Download links
The Better Seas Mammals Addon[zip, 5.96 Mb] / Downloads: 6
The Better Seas Mammals Addon[mcaddon, 5.96 Mb] / Downloads: 15
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
6 886
  1. No avatar image the cave rizz Guest
    Capybara Is so cute
  2. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
    Epic! Thank you very much Admin D for your great help! Cheers!πŸ¬πŸ‹πŸ¦­πŸ₯³πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ™πŸ˜β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘πŸ˜‰
  3. Wow, very easy to download unlike mcpedl great addon. I remember the first version still
    1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
      Cool right!πŸ¬πŸ¦­πŸ‹πŸ‘πŸ˜‰
    2. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
      This Better Seas Mammals version is actually better than on mcpedl! I might also update it on there!
  4. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
    Hi Admin D, Why did you leave the petting tutorial video out of the page update?! I swear I added it to the page update though! I'm kinda sad it got removed! I sworn it was even in the changelog!
    1. D profile avatar D
      Hi! I think it was our editor's mistake or a bug in the system. The video has been returned, you can update the post and indicate what was in the list of changes again, or write in comments. Sorry! πŸ˜“
      1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
        No problem! Thanks for helping me solve the issue! πŸ‘πŸ˜‰