Insta Farm Addon V6.2 | Create automatic farms with blocks | Compatible with 1.20.70

This is an addon that adds blocks to generate automatic farms and redstone mechanisms in a short time. This addon has its own crafting table. Currently, there are more than 40 automatic farms.
Insta Farm Addon helps players who have no knowledge of Redstone to create redstone farms and mechanisms with just blocks and a tool. Create farms of peaceful, hostile mobs or crop farms with just one click.
All blocks have their own crafting recipe, some work only in the Nether or End dimensions.
You can support me by subscribing to my YouTube channel: EndXenoc MCPE
All blocks are now in creative inventory.
New Crafting Table
Its only function is to delimit the area where the farm will be generated.
It is used to mark the area where the farm is generated, it requires the marker block.
It is used to build the farm, you just have to interact with the farm blocks.
List of Farms:
Crop Farms
New Tool Added:
Destroy any block with the Nether Star Pickaxe.
Block Farms
You have to build this farm in front of the magma cube spawner.
Mob Farms
There should be no villages or beds or workstations near the farm. If it doesn't work, make sure the villagers are close to their work station.
You have to build this farm here, it doesn't work elsewhere.
Mega Farms
Outdated farms. Don't work in Minecraft 1.19/1.20/1.20.70
If you share the addon in any social network you must leave credits and the link of this ModBay page. Do not leave direct links.
Thank you so much to Pineapple for creating the Chinese translation.
Updated on April 13
New update! New blocks added and fixed bugs! Updated for 1.20.70+
List of added blocks:
- Shulker shell farm.
- Creeper farm and mega creeper farm.
- Froglight Farm.
- Added automatic oven and more mechanisms.
- Witch farm
- Enderman farm
- Sheep farm
- Pig farm
- Cow farm
All blocks were modified to be compatible with 1.20.70