Welcome to ModBay

Today, ModBay has opened its doors. Just like you, we're fond of Minecraft. If you're a gamer, here you can find interesting content for yourself. If you're a creator of add-ons, maps, textures, or if you just like to post various articles, we'll create favorable conditions for you.
What can you begin with?
Like any other portal, we have rules for both ordinary users and authors. We also advise you to read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. It'll help you understand how we collect and process your personal data.
How can you publish your content?
To do this, you need to create a personal account on our website. On the How to Submit Minecraft content to ModBay page, we've presented a detailed guide on adding content to the website.
What's all this for?
For a very long time, we were looking for a platform that would be good enough for us. Of course, there are lots of wonderful websites and applications, but many of them have various shortcomings.
So we decided to join our efforts and create our own portal, where we could develop various functions in the way we like.
What's next?
We have an extensive To-do list that includes various features and functions that we want to implement in the near future. We're going to gradually improve the functionality of our website, taking our users opinions into account.