Biome Variants for More Creatures

Welcome to another Bedrock Port that I've created! 'Biome Variants for More Creatures' is a Java Edition pack made by Xadirius, which I've now ported to Bedrock Edition. This pack introduces biome-specific textures for certain mobs, variants will spawn randomly rather than being tied to specific biomes.
Available Mob Variants:
- Creeper - 8 variants
- Evoker - 3 variants
- Pillager - 3 variants
- Vindicator - 3 variants
- Ravager - 3 variants
- Witch - 3 variants
- Iron Golem - 18 variants
- Blaze - 2 variants
- Piglin - 5 variants
- Zombie Piglin - 2 variants
- Skeleton - 6 variants
- Wither Skeleton - 2 variants
- Slime - 5 variants
- Spider - 5 variants
- Zombie - 6 variants
- Ghast - removed
Some In-Game Screenshots:
NOTE: Copyright does not apply to bedrock porting. We, the bedrock porters, put in the effort to make a Java Edition resource pack or mod available for Bedrock Edition players to enjoy and keeping the credits for the owner at the same time.
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