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Mobify Eggs
Mobify Eggs replaces the boring, plain spawn egg textures with realistic mob textures. Each spawn egg now looks like the mob it spawns, making them easier to identify and use.

Fancy Nature
The Fancy Nature Pack enhances Minecraftโs default nature, giving it a more aesthetic and refined look.

Pressure Plates+
Pressure Plates+ enhances Minecraft with six creative pressure plate designs, including log textures, stripped logs, and custom styles like curved and square plates. Customize easily with subpacks!

Fancy Crops
This resource pack improves the default crops and adds new texture variations to make them look more natural. It also retextures seeds and the hay bale block, enhancing their overall appearance.

Wheat Enhanced
The Wheat Enhanced pack transforms Minecraft's plain, ordinary wheat into a visually appealing and vibrant design.

Player Health Indicator
This pack displays players hearts above their heads, making it easy to see how much health they have! It will help you a lot during PvP! :)

Clear Backdrop
This pack removes the dark background opacity from interfaces like crafting tables, anvils, and inventory, offering a fully transparent view for a clear look at your surroundings.

GUI Overhaul
This pack overhauls the Minecraft GUI by enhancing the container interfaces, making them transparent and visually appealing with a more stylish and fancy design.

Better GUI
This resource pack replaces buttons, graphical interfaces, and menu interfaces with a darker version.