Sabiour profile avatarSabiour
When I’ll it be updated
No avatar imageSpaceDev1
I'm gonna test the mod and see if it works...
No avatar imageSpaceDev1
I haven't downloaded this but this is so goofy and scary. Definitely adding this to my little modpack (to play with my friend)
No avatar imageDeeharmonic
Works great in 1.20.12 thank you!
Microwave profile avatarMicrowave
I plan to add more Mutants in, yes
No avatar imagegatcha
Seus addons são ótimos, se eu tivesse uma série de Mcpe eu usaria todos!
No avatar imagegatcha
na próxima update seria legal um triturador de carne( Pra poder fazer Linguiça-almôndegas e etc) kkkk
No avatar imagegatcha
Do goblins have their own buildings? or work as Mobs, it would be nice to have a village for them. or a kingdom, I'll download it to have a look
Bushy profile avatarBushy
I Didn't get a Button A or a greeting from Professor Oak, and i don't have /give @s button_a command please help
No avatar imagedawill
Thanks for updating this; it now works flawlessly for 1.20.10. Huge kudos for the quickness too!
alvinhanu15 profile avataralvinhanu15
bro, ur discord link expired pls fix it
No avatar imageAdrian
I'll be updating it for 1.20.10
No avatar imagedawill
Doesn't work on 1.20.10