Vampire Craft - Thirst for blood! (v4.7.1)

Have you ever wanted to be a vampire? Now you can! The Vampire Craft addon is inspired by a famous java mod with the same theme. In it it is possible to transform into a vampire, drink blood, unlock various abilities, among other things. Only ours allows all this with the possibility of becoming a werewolf.
Vampire Craft - Vampires, Werewolves and Hunters
With this addon it is now possible to become the strongest being in all of Minecraft. So try what, in the opinion of many, is the best vampire and werewolf addon for Minecraft Bedrock.
The addon has unique mechanics to transform the experience of playing Minecraft like drinking blood... Unique mechanics for vampires, where he must drink blood to not end up dying of thirst.
Read more about this mechanic on our official wiki: https://wiki.sunrise-studio.site/addons/vampire-craft/features/#drink-blood
It is possible to transform into a vampire or werewolf using your fangs, which are dropped when you kill one of them... Wait 300 seconds and the transformation will be complete. After having already become a vampire or werewolf, it is possible to unlock skills at the blood altar and use them using the item that appears in the player's inventory at the end of the transformation.
See more about becoming a vampire: https://wiki.sunrise-studio.site/addons/vampire-craft/features/#become-a-vampire
See more about becoming a werewolf: https://wiki.sunrise-studio.site/addons/vampire-craft/features/#become-a-werewolf
See more about unlocking and using skills: https://wiki.sunrise-studio.site/addons/vampire-craft/features/#unlock-new-abilities
Black Forest
The black forest, is the new biome that the addon addon, in it at night has a great incidence of monsters and structure. A dangerous place, but with rewards that are worth the risk.
To answer questions, suggestions, problems or anything else, get in touch via the official Sunrise Studios Discord!
Mention @pedro_denovo and we will help you! 👍
Read more about Vampire Craft on the official addon wiki page: https://wiki.sunrise-studio.site/addons/vampire-craft/
Thanks to nextplumestudio for the Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese translations.
Updated on February 10
- It is necessary to activate the option for the addon to work.
- Hunter trainer added.
- Hunter missions added. (IN BETA)
- The hunter's skill level now deals extra damage based on the status level.
- Change to a hunter skin.
- Fixed the vampire eye remaining in the inventory after using the cure.
- Fixed the werewolf player not leveling up.
- The mana option has been removed until the next update.
- It is necessary to activate the option for the addon to work.
- It is now possible to become a hunter.
- Cooldown system for Skills.
- New model for the werewolf.
- Sun and moon eclipse armor added.
- Improved the player's werewolf model.
- Improved compatibility with Custom Form UI.
- Changes to werewolf animations.
- New werewolf animations.
- Script update.
- Structure loot is now randomized.
- The speed of the addon entities has been corrected.
- The chance of monsters/hunters spawning has been reduced by 50%.
- Functions have been moved and renamed.
- Fixed constant smoke during transformations.
- Fixed vampires and werewolves not attacking the player in certain situations.
- Fixed mobs attacking their own type.
- Fixed blocks with “?” in the “Hunter's house” structure.
- Fixed coffin collision block being collectible.
- Fixed the problem of filling the blood altar with any item.
- Fixed eye color changing item getting stuck in inventory.
- Fixed the eye color changing item not being replaced by the bat one.
- Fixed translation error “chat.redmoon_Event”.
- The moon is red again.
- Added new structure, “Small Cemetery" (preview of next update).
- Changes to structure generation.
- The structures have been added again.
- The “Hunter Camp” structure now spawns hunters periodically. (If it is damaged, it may stop spawning hunters)
- Code update and optimization.
- The blood altar now works as a single block.
- The coffins now have a collision height of 2.
- The blood altar and meat grinder can now be used by holding down the interaction button. (No more need to click repeatedly)
- Fixed vampire eye customization items getting stuck in inventory.
- Fixed empty bottles not appearing and items not being spent when using the blood altar.
- Fixed a vampire tooth disappearing when a third party starts transforming into a vampire.
- Corrections to the PT-BR translation.
- The werewolf can also use the coffin to sleep in.
- It is now possible to sleep in the coffin without holding any items.
- Added texture variations for the hunter. (The hunter's strength depends on the variation)
- Fixed the hunter becoming invisible.
- (Correction) It is now possible to plant garlic normally.
- Fixed the “recharge altar” not working.
- Fixed the vampire's blood bar when dying.
- Fixed addon translation. (PT-BR only)
- Fixed the possibility of planting garlic. (Only works in Preview/beta)
- Added the "change stone" - it allows the vampire to change the location of the eye on the skin.
- Added new translations and color changes to the names of some items.
- The script code has been compiled.
- Meat grinder added: Allows you to turn 4 meats into a full bottle of blood.
- 2 new blocks have been added.
- Added a new particle.
- The option to become a hunter has been temporarily removed.
- Vampires don't starve.
- It is no longer possible to suck (blood) iron golem.
- Some skill icons have been corrected.
- The flight api has been added directly to Vampire Craft.
- Added commands as function "god mod". (/function/god_mod/...)
- Added animations to some skills.
- Added new particles.
- Added some sound effects for skills and actions.
- The "Bat Servants" skill now summons two bats that collect blood from nearby animals, but the skill costs blood.
- The "teleport" skill has had its maximum range increased to 60 blocks.
- Some skills have been reworked and are now passive.
- A new skill selection screen has been added.
- The tutorial book screen has been improved.
- The skill item is invisible in the hand.
- Night vision is reapplied faster when changing skills.
- The "Absorption" skill is more expensive to unlock.
- Blood particles have been updated.
- Correction to the skills "Cold touch", "More damage" and others.
- Correction to Vampire Sword and Werewolf Claw not spending.
- Fix for drinking blood directly from a mob not topping up the blood bar.
- Fixed player dying and blood bar not recharging.
- Correction to the text of the teleport skill.
- The minimum version of Minecraft to play has been raised to 1.21.0.
- New transformation particles have been added. (When you become a bat and a werewolf)
- The new flight system has been added.
- Turning on the Education Edition is now optional if you want to fly like the creative.
- It is necessary to add the "New Fly System API" addon to the Vampire Craft, (It already comes in the same .mcaddon as the Vampire Craft)
- It is now possible to use the skill item in the air. [Fix]
- Creepers no longer attack with the "undetectable" skill. [Fix]
- Monsters no longer attack vampire and werewolf players. [Fix]
- The minimum version to use the addon has been raised to 1.20.70.
- Armor is now compatible with werewolves.
- Coffin update.
- Correction to the Spanish translation of the blood altar.
- Correction to the “Bat Servants” skill.
- Correction to armor being visible when transforming into a bat.
- Correction to the player's werewolf transformation model.
- Correction to the milk de-transforming the vampire/werewolf/hunter player. (Now it only stops the transformation)
- New coffins added.
- Added method for the player to stop being a hunter. (Drink the philosopher's water)
- Changes to the HUD.
- Portuguese and Spanish translation updated.
- Vampire thirst decreases faster.
- Garlic can be found in many places around the world.
- Hunters appear more at night and less during the day.
- Removed the "Dodge" skill.
- Corrected skill icons.
- Correction to vampire player not burning during the day.
- Correction to vampire, werewolf and hunter transformations.
- Correction to the garlic syringe craft.
- Updated recipes to be compatible with "Blocked recipes".
- Minor changes to the werewolf model and texture.
- Correction of the bugged model in the player's werewolf transformation.
- Correction to vampire healing and werewolf healing.
- Changes from main.js to o.js to try and throw off Windows Defender.
- Vampire players can now moderate other human players.
- Decreased lag.
- Some blocks have been added to the creative.
- Correction to the reload altar.
- Correction to the eclipse ingot craft.
- The links in the description have been fixed.
- All missing items have been re-added.
- The addon biome has been temporarily removed.
- Fixed the werewolf transformation covering the screen.
- Correction to the werewolf paw.
- When the vampire dies, the bloodlust is reset.
- Change to the interface.
- Fixed not being able to drink the blood bottles.
- When the non-vampire player drinks blood, he becomes nauseous or poisoned.
- Added Vampire Sword.
- Added Werewolf Claws.
- Added the Recharging Altar.
- The Eclipse Ingot has been added: It can be made by mixing a sun stone ingot and a moonstone ingot.
- Moonstone Ore and Sunstone Ore now appear in the mountains. (Above layer 127)